Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 30

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

"Hello? Daddy?"

"Selena! Is there something wrong?" Scott Hanson asked in a worried tone, knowing it odd she call him at work, and from New York City.

"That's what I want to ask you, if there's anything wrong." She said back inquisitively.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I spoke with Mommy last night and I'm so psychologist, but I can tell something is wrong. She sounds very depressed. I got real bad vibes from her Daddy. Do you notice anything when you talk to her?" She wondered.

Nnnn No, I don't think so." He hedged.

"Daddy when was the last time you talked with her, and I don't mean to ask her when dinner was, when your coffee would be ready. I mean talk!" Selena said trying to pin him down.

"Oh,... I guess a few days." He admitted.

"DADDY!" she whined. "I don't think she believes you love her anymore. She acts like she's real neglected. I see signs that I know are not good."

"How can you say that? We hardly ever fight."

"If you don't talk, you can't fight Daddy!"

"When was the last time you took her out? I think when she took Joe to the Doctors yesterday it was the first time she had been out in a week. She let Joe off and went to breakfast by herself. Then she went back and sat in the waiting room for 3 hours and then went back to our house and sat with him for another 4 hours, reading and watching him sleep! When she left she thanked Joe for the nice day!" She challenged him. "Wow, isn't that an exciting life."

"We kind of live separate lives sometimes, I guess. But I didn't think anything was wrong." Scott whined to his daughter.

"Daddy, don't get mad, but when was the last time you and Mommy made love, and I mean good dirty sex, wearing each other out." She asked boldly.

"Selena Hanson where do you get the audacity to ask such a question? It's none of your damn business! And what makes you think your mother would like something like that!" He scolded her.

"It IS my business when it's my mother, and my parents marriage that is going stale, when it should be hot as anything now that I'm not around. You guys should be naked in the house half the time. Don't you know Mommy is a fox! I pray to God I look like that at her age. And if you haven't noticed, I'M A WOMAN and I KNOW what a woman would like!!" She fought back.

"You don't understand what happens after you turn forty Selena." Scott said turning know-it-all.

"Daddy, I'll make love to my forty year old 3 times tonight after not seeing him for 3 days, and if I want to go a fourth, he might be up to that. Don't give me the over forty horseshit. You're lazy and taking her for granted and if you say you love her you'll fix that right away!" Selena bit back.

"I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT... " He started to lose his temper saying, before she interrupted him.

"She wore tight jeans and a tank top to go with Joe. Joe said every man who saw her took a second look and she ate it up. Joe had never seen her dress like that and said told her how fabulous she looked, that she had really taken care of herself. DADDY, she blushed and giggled when he said that. She is in need of serious attention. Now tell me, has anything happened between the two of you?"

She demanded.

There was a long pause on the phone before he answered.

"No, I guess I just got lazy, thinking that after you left, there's nothing else."

"Is that what all your badgering me about Joe has been? Is that what all the boring neglect of Mommy has been? Don't be a fool Daddy. At forty it's far from OVER! You two are home, all alone, at night and can be newly weds again. Get to know each other again if it's been that long. I'm not going to sit idly by while my parents' marriage and relationship disintegrates before my eyes. Do you know how easy Mommy could find a suitor if that was what she wanted to do? God Daddy, LOOK at her! Get her out of those old dresses she wears around the house. Let her show herself off for you. She's aching for attention Daddy. I just KNOW IT. All the signs are there." She lectured.

"I can't believe my daughter is telling me this." Scott said under his breath.

"Better me than a marriage counselor or divorce lawyer, don't you think?

Now I have to get to work, but I want you to think about what I've said here. Don't think of it as your daughter telling you, think of it as someone who loves both of you very, very much and doesn't want to see anything happen to either of you." Selena finished the conversation.

"Did your Mother put you up to this?" He asked boldly.

"No Daddy, I took what Joe told me yesterday and what I heard her in her voice and the things she said last night and put two and two together." She said to a long silent pause.

After 30 or so seconds Scott said 3 words. "New Years Eve after the ball dropped and we drank champagne."

"What?" Selena asked confused and then it hit her. "The last time you guys... Um. Daddy, you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm running late now, but please think about this. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you Daddy."

After she hung up she almost wanted to get sick, thinking about what she had to speak to her father about, but she was glad she did. Right now, more than ever, she wished Joe were here to make love to her. Besides the embarrassment, the conversation made her warm. Making love right now would be so reaffirming to her about love saving all. No wonder her mother felt so frustrated, and she wondered how many times she was tempted to go out during the day. She felt sure she had woken her Dad up to what was wrong with them both.

Selena rushed to the elevator and began to make her way out of the hotel when Joseph stopped her.

"Ms. Hanson, if you have to be to work by 9:00 a.m. you're going to be late. Let me get you a lift."

"No, Joseph, I can make it, please." She said rushing by him.

He followed her quickly outside. "Ms. Hanson, please!" He shouted.

Selena started across the street and looked at her watch. She stopped and turned back to Joseph. "Shit, Joseph! You're right!" She shouted.

Joseph ran to the Four Season Shuttle bus and opened the front door for her.

She climbed in quickly and Joseph went around and quickly started the van. He eased into traffic and drove the 5 blocks missing each light.

"Thank you Joseph. Joe is coming today; we'll have to bring you and your wife to dinner some night. You are a savior. Thanks." She said as she hopped out and went up the steps of the brownstone front of WSG. She opened the door as Deneigh let her in.

"Good morning Deneigh. I'll bet I'm the last one here, right?" She said breathlessly.

"Yes, but you're on time, don't worry." Deneigh said with a nodding smile.

"Oh, do any of them have lunch appointments?" She asked.

"Yes, Mr. Ford has a luncheon at Columbia. He's leaving at 11:45 and is supposed to return at 1:15. They'll all probably break then." She answered.

"Good, then Joe Johnson will call for me around noon, OK?" She said as she opened the door to the boardroom and slipped in.

Once inside she greeted the men as Ross Curran came out of his office. He sat down and passed out agendas.

"Ms. Hanson today we have our regular reviews of the weeks business. We break on the hour for 10 minutes to check our sources. Please watch and make notes and reserve any comments. Let us go about our regular business and you will participate next week. We will break for lunch for 75 minutes so Mr. Ford can attend a luncheon at Columbia, one of our multi-user clients. At one o'clock we'll re-check our sources and all meet here at 1:15.

Looking down at his agenda he looked up saying," Mr. Branniff, I believe you lead off."

As John Branniff began his view and outlook Selena took notes looking forward to the first break so she could leave Joe a message at the hotel.

At 5 minutes to noon Joe Johnson walked up the steps of the brownstone front of WSG. He was wearing exactly what Selena told Deneigh he would be and she let him in.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Johnson. I've written your name in some of our reports so now I have a face to put with the name. Ms. Hanson should be out in a moment." Deneigh said as she paged Selena.

A few moments later the big door swung open and Selena came out and slipped right into his arms and kissed him deeply. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her tightly as Deneigh tried to avert her eyes to the display of affection.

"Good afternoon!" She said as she broke the kiss and they went out the door with big smiles.

Once in the street she fell into his arms again.

"Oh, I missed you so much and you look sooooo delicious in that outfit." Joe said as his arms went around her.

"I don't feel very delicious with my period, I'll warn you, but I want you so bad right now I'm tempted to go back to the hotel for a quickie." She said breathlessly.

"Whoa baby! I wasn't gone for a month, just a few days!"

"I'm sorry Joe. I had "the talk" with my Dad this morning and just thinking of them in love and not expressing it, and hopefully taking the hint from me and doing something about it, got me all warm. Thinking of my Mom jerking off to you keeps running through my head too. Something about my mother wanting my man is a turn on."

"Lord, you are a kink sometimes." Joe said shaking his head as he opened the door to the roadster for her.

Selena got in and waited for him to slide in the other side.

"A kink? Me?... Well, maybe!" she said as she leaned over and just hugged his arm.

"Do you really want to know what your kinky fiancé has been thinking?" she asked softly, in a definitely serious tone.

Without waiting for his answer she cuddled in more to his arm and side and slid a hand to his stomach to tell him.

"Even with my period I want you. I want you inside me, in my little bottom. Not naughty sex though. Slow and sexy, laying together, spooning, skin-to-skin. I've thought about that all morning. Softly moaning and feeling every inch of you while you kiss and feel all of me. If it hurts a bit, it will be good hurt. I just want you that way. Is that kinky?" She asked in her smokiest voice.

"No that's not kinky, just sexy as hell. God, I love you and you've given me a big problem when I want to stand up." He said as he reached and adjusted his package.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could relieve that right away too. Let's go to lunch somewhere that I can look in your eyes while we sit. We can make love with our eyes." She said dreamily as Joe started the car.

He pulled into the busy Manhattan traffic and turned at the first corner and went a half block to a small café with outdoor tables as well as places inside. A valet took the car as Joe pulled up and they rushed in past a small line for tables. He apparently had phoned ahead and they knew him as the hostess saw him and took 2 menus motioning them to follow. She sat them outside under the awning, close to the building. It was outside, but private. In the "Borough of Tips", Manhattan you rarely had to wait if you greased the right palm. Joe slipped her a rolled bill as she summoned a waitress to their table.

"Why is it that I think you've slept with every woman in New York? She knew you and smiled that smile. I know you know her." Selena said with a pout.

"But you are the only woman I'll ever make love to again and forever. I like to think she envies you." Joe said through a wry grin.

"She should!" Selena said with a small kick under the table to Joe. "She's never had you the way I'm going to have you has she?"

"That would be kissing and telling. I love you forever Essy. Come on, let's talk about US!" Joe said, uncomfortable that she had brought up the subject.

He reached across the table and intertwined fingers to hold her hands on the table.

He lowered his voice so only she could hear. "Why do you always use "little bottom" now, instead of "little hiney" when you talk about doing that?"

She pouted heavily and looked up at him then away. "You always make fun of me, that's why."

"Oh, I don't make fun. I think it's cute." Joe chided.

"The words or "it" itself?" She pouted, now teasing him.

"Both. If every woman in this city lined up on the Avenue of Americas and bared her hiney to choose the perfect one, you win hands down." He said grinning.

"You're just buttering me up." She said, aloof.

"I'll be doing that later too." He teased back.

The waitress coming to the table interrupted their teasing repartee.

"Good afternoon. Do we have to go back to work? The front menu is all quick selections and the menu on the back is prepared and cooked to order."

"I have to go back to work in a bit, unfortunately. I'll have the small chef's salad, with the house." Selena said as she looked to Joe.

"I'll have the large chef's, with the house dressing as well." Joe said.

The waitress smirked a bit and asked, "Drinks?"

Selena perked up and said, "Please, a glass of spring water with lemon slice. Oh, and if you touch my husbands foot with yours one more time there will be an ugly scene here."

The waitress flushed red and looked at Joe, and then Selena, and retreated quickly.

Joe was afraid to look at Selena for a moment, but gave in.

"How many women have you fucked in this restaurant? Why would you bring me here? That little slut was rubbing her foot on your shoe or ankle like I couldn't figure out what was happening. I was happy to see you tried to move it." Selena implored Joe, distraught.

"This is a place I know Essy. Yes, I've been with some of the women here, but you know where my heart is." He apologized.

"From now on, introduce me to women you know and let them know you're out of circulation. I trust you, but I don't trust them. Plus, I don't want them to think I'm your latest one night stand." She said, willing to forget the incident.

Selena quickly got back into her sexy mood and lunch ended up being the tease and promise she intend it to be. Joe suggested they walk the short block to her office and he would come get his car from the valet afterward and bring it to Joseph's garage for safekeeping. At the door to WSG he hugged and kissed her and held the door for her.

"I'll walk you home later. What time do you finish?" He asked.

"Usually by 4:30. I love you!" She said as the door closed.

Once Selena got her mind back on work she made quick notes on the 1 p.m. numbers from Wall Street and checked a closing number from Japan to barometer a thought she had. When the others came out to the boardroom Ross Curran asked if anyone saw anything noteworthy and everyone checked off. Selena however spoke up.

"Mr. Curran, gentlemen? I know I'm supposed to reserve comments on the weeks review, but may I show you something I saw in the 1 o'clock numbers?"

She proceeded to point out dips in a few key stocks of stateside chipmakers. Not entirely odd as they readied to preview new product for the Holiday season. But she saw a spike from Japan in a new tech chip. She wondered if there was correlation. "If I owned any of those stateside chipmakers, I would buy what I could at this lower price, because I bet some others are panicking out; selling. I think something is going on here."

Mr.'s Menard and Ford looked at each other while Mr. Fountain picked up a phone and called someone. Ross Curran went into his office for a moment to check his screens. Mr. Branniff went over to Selena and asked for her notes and figures.

"It's speculation, but it's good speculation." Mr. Branniff said to her and others.

Ross Curran came out of his office. "Do we send a rush to on-line monitors on this. If she has something, it will happen today, if it hasn't already."

It was a great example of the volatility and swiftness of the market. They sent the online rush to those subscribers who monitored them 24-7. Within 2 hours the 2 stateside chipmakers spiked and suspended trading for major announcements after hours. There were major technologies trade offs and new tech chip trade offs with international marketing mergers announced after the close. The rush WSG had sent made some of the components of the deal worry about insider trading suspicions, so they suspended trading until everything was official. Selena made big points with her cohorts and felt even more a part of the team.

While Joe waited on the other side of the door, The Five, plus one, sat in the boardroom to hear the after hours statements and announcements. By the time they left it was after 5 o'clock and Selena hoped he had remained patient.

When she opened the door he was there with a notepad and the days Journal.

"Sorry to be so late, but a lot went down today." She said, relieved to be out.

"Mmmm, chipmakers!" Joe said, knowing what had happened.

He slid an arm around her and walked her to the door. They waved goodbye and headed up the street, arm and arm.

She looked up at him leaning in as close as she could without tripping him up.

"I still want you that bad." She smiled and teased as he grinned back.

"Take me up and make us one. I can't wait to feel you everywhere." She sighed as Joe felt himself stirring.

She didn't know what made her want to be ravished and loved so hard right now; why her loins and body ached so for Joe. Was it the talk she had with her father? Was it the fact her Mother had wanted Joe? Was it the thought of her parents making love once again with the passion that produced her? Despite the discomfort of her period, even the walking was turning her on, her panties now making contact with her excited mound, despite the telltale string that showed from it.

They strolled through the lobby of the Four Seasons unnoticed and onto the elevator. As soon as the door closed they locked lips and faces together. The passion dance had begun. Their faces were so wild at each other their teeth clicked a few times as they struggled to become one. Joe's hands held the balls of her buttocks and her pulled her up tight to him, squeezing and kneading. As she held Joe's face to hers with fingers intertwined behind his head the tone rang for their floor and they stopped to wait for the door to open. They rushed to their room and slid quickly inside.

Selena unbuttoned his shirt and slid her fingers in and around his back, hugging his chest, inhaling deeply.

"Oh Joe, take me to the bed." She said as she pulled on him.

They went arm and arm to the bed and she began to unbutton her dress, as she thought of her period.

"Let me go to the bathroom, I have to take care of the curse. Get undressed for me?" She said impatiently.

Why she picked her heaviest flow day to get so horny was beyond her, but she had to live with it. A bidet in the room would be so nice right now, but she made do with what was available, quickly washing her private areas to be fresh for Joe.

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