Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 29

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Selena's train pulled out of the station right on time at 6:36 allaying any worries she would miss her 9:30 start time at Wall Street Global. Her goodbye with Joe was still tearful, although they said goodbye so many times in the past half day. Once on the train she had the days Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Plus, she had Joe go over everything he had done the day before with hopes it might give her insight on anything discussed at WSG. She was still a bit nervous that she might miss Joseph at Penn Station, although Joe said it would be impossible. She looked like she was packed for a move, rather than 3 weeks, with Joe's bag with her as well. This way if there were things she had forgotten, Joe could add them on his trip. The roadster was small enough, without adding his bag to everything else. The issue of how to get everything home at the end of her internship was left open, with the possibility of her parents training to the city for a day to see her office on the last day, and leaving with the bags. It was not a big worry at this point. The roadster was the best idea for parking in the city, as Joe always left it with Joseph who could park it with his own car at his 2 space flat. Joseph was a true friend, although always well compensated. Joseph remained professional with Joe while at work, despite their history of friendship and partying together.

When the train arrived at Penn Station she let the hurrying commuters go ahead while she watched her two large bags in the front compartment. The conductor was finding her a porter, and true to his word he stuck his head inside the car and motioned her forward. When she got to him in the line of people still getting bags and getting off, he held the line to allow the porter on and take her bags. Armed with a handful of $10 bills, she slipped him one and followed the porter off the train. As she and porter neared the gate entrance to the main terminal, she saw Joseph with a hand drawn sign reading SC Johnson. Neither of them needed the sign as he recognized her right away. She extended her hand to shake, but he took it and kissed it and welcomed her to New York.

"Joseph that sign should have read Essy Johnson, not SC." She giggled. "Joe has little nicknames for me."

"Miss Hanson, that was how Mr. Johnson wanted it, for whatever reason." He said turning the sign over, reading "Ms. S Hanson" on the other side.

"We have a car waiting outside." Joseph said as he took her arm and pointed the porter in the right direction.

Outside a large black Lincoln waited with driver, who recognized Joseph and got out to get the bags from the porter and put them in the trunk. Selena broke her hold of Joseph and handed the porter 2 $10 bills and thanked him.

"If you come here often enough, he'll dump bags off his cart to help you again." Joseph laughed as they got into the car.

"Joe coached me a little on how to get extra help without having to act like a damsel in distress. She assured him.

"Miss Hanson, we'll drop you at your office and I will take your bags to the room. Here is your key. As soon as you know what time you want the driver to call for you call this number and enter 62-2774 at the prompt. Leave your message and he will pick you where he leaves you. If you have not called by 3:00 pm it will be assumed you have other transport back to the hotel. You are all checked in at the hotel and those pass cards will let you in. The room number is in the separate envelope."

"Please Joseph, call me Selena, there is no need to be formal." She said as she nodded to instructions.

Joseph reached and pushed a button to roll up the partition window between them and the driver.

"Whenever I'm working I will always refer to you and Joe formally, as I do all the guests under my care. When we gather socially we can become first name friends. If I can while the partition is up,... Please come to my home for dinner tonight with my wife and I. Afterwards she can show you places to shop within walking distance of the hotel, plus I can show where Joe's car will be should you ever need it once he's here. This is no big fancy dinner tonight, just a chance to meet my wife. You will find that Joe and I are good friends. I've known him longer than I've known my wife, and she is very anxious to meet the woman who finally got Joe's heart. I don't live far from the hotel. I have a nice spot. I can probably retire on what I can lease it for. My family's had it for a long time."

When Joseph finished his quick spiel he rolled the window back down as they neared her office. When they got to the office front, he jumped out to walk her to the door.

Under his breath he said, "My wife and I will both call for you for dinner. I will have to be out of uniform then. I'll call the room around 6 p.m. We will have you home by 8 p.m., I promise."

She nodded and as Joseph turned to go to the car she tapped him on the shoulder to slip him 2 $10 bills.

"I'll give these to the driver for you; Mr. Johnson takes care of me." He said with a smile and a wink.

Selena took her briefcase and made a deep breath and turned the handle to go into the offices of Wall Street Global.

"Good Morning you must be Ms. Hanson. My name is Deneigh; I'm the administrative assistant for the office. Welcome to WSG. To get off on the right foot, I am not a receptionist, but act more a Welcome Wagon. Everyone I let in that door is expected and no one is admitted without an appointment. If someone calls for an appointment, they speak with a service down the block to arrange it. My main duty is press releases and policy. I also type and process letters in the name of WSG. Each member of The Five, and probably you as well, will have your own secretary from a pool shared by another Wall Street firm. Mr. Curran will explain all of that to you. When he comes in you will shadow him today. Tomorrow they meet most of the morning and you will sit in with them. Wednesday, unless the market does something crazy, they all plan to sit and spend the day with you. After that it is all up to you and how fast you learn. Mr. Curran says he could take the rest of the summer off after you get here. He likes you a lot. I probably shouldn't have said that, but he doesn't show much emotion normally, but he brightens right up when they talk about you. Speaking of him, here he is now... Good Morning Mr. Curran!"

"Good Morning Deneigh, and Good Morning and Welcome to you Selena Hanson!" Ross Curran said as he extended his hand to her.

"Good Morning Ross. Please excuse me if I seem nervous. I just got off the train about 40 minutes ago and..." She began.

"Oh Lord, don't worry. Come, you'll spend the day with me and we can talk and take care of any questions you have. I plan on thinking out loud all day for you. Have you worked out accommodations?" Ross said to ease her mind and make her feel welcome.

"Yes, I'm at the Four Seasons. My fiancé has an arrangement there and we used the allowance towards that. He plans to be in town with me for business and ballgames." She said proudly.

"Please make sure I meet him. I would love to speak with him, as I'm sure each of us would. Deneigh? Are you aware Ms. Hanson here is engaged to Joe Johnson, the upstate fellow who does the foreign day trading and speculation? Umm, we use him as a source of a trend at times, I'm sure you've seen his name." Ross blabbered on, excited at the new infusion of blood in the tanks thinking, while Deneigh nodded her head in assent.

"Joe would bristle at being called a day trader, or a penny stocker. He calls it trending." Selena said with a smile.

"Well, he's very good, and smart too. Let's go into my office." He said as they went through a door into the boardroom where she interviewed last time. Off of that were doors to offices and Ross Curran opened the door to his and showed Selena in.

Ross Curran's office lit up with TV screens that crawled quotes, stock news, and one station of general news. A remote on his desk controlled each set. A computer on his desk lit up as well as a small panel of lights with each of the Fives names under them. Each was lit except Ross Curran's, and he flipped a switch for that.

"It's how we know we're here." He said as all 5 lit.

Ross quickly settled in and did as he said, thought out loud, even reading his e- mail and what he thought. He would occasionally raise an eyebrow at a news story and raise the volume on that monitor, and give her his thoughts on their meaning. After about an hour he pulled a list from his pocket and fired in 3 letter stock symbols on his keyboard, getting up to the second quotes and transferring them to a graph. He constantly explained where and why each one of those stocks was important to him at the moment.

Selena was mesmerized by Ross Curran's quickness with figures and his out loud reasoning on domino effects of one price to another's. She understood most of what she saw, and that surprised her, but made her real happy.

About 1:45 his intercom buzzed and one word came across, "LUNCH".

He looked at Selena. "I HATE that, but if we're all in the office we eat lunch together. If any one of us has a luncheon meeting, we usually all go out to different places close-by. We have one rule at community lunch, NO BUSINESS TALK."

Selena had taken so much in the past 4 hours she welcomed the break as Ross opened the door to his spacious office to reveal a small spread of food on the boardroom table. Three of the other principles were already there and the last door opened and they were there as a group. Each came right over to her and greeted her enthusiastically, dropping all their "proper" calling her by first name. When Deneigh came into join them, attractive as she was, she never drew attention as the 5 men spoke with Selena, offering different tidbits about the city or questions about PolyTech. Selena was truly flattered being treated so warmly.

True to Ross Curran's word, business never came up in the short lunch break. In little more than a half hour they were all headed back into their own little lairs.

The small lunch platter of vegetables, fruit, cold cuts and bread that seemed hardly enough for 5 men was half left with everyone eating light. It was obvious that lunch together was more social than anything, and they all enjoyed talking with their new "partner".

Ross Curran settled behind his desk, taking great interest in the prices he was monitoring on his computer screen. He was about to call attention to something with her when he saw a look on her face he had to comment on.

"The cat got your tongue? You seem to have something to say." He asked.

"How did I fit in out there? I've been so worried about being a frog at a dog show and I just ate lunch with men 20 or more years older than my father and I was OK." She said bewildered.

Ross smiled at her, and for the first time spoke to her like she was his granddaughter rather than co-worker.

"You, along with each of us out there, have a gift. Each of us has a needle sharp mind. We all look at things differently than most. Our sense of deduction is, to me, our greatest gift. We never look at things at face value we look for net value. In your own life you probably have "what if" quandaries that madden you, and worry about the smallest detail of the simplest of things." He said to her, knowing by her expression he had hit a familiar chord.

"It's why we don't talk business at lunch. Now take this chair over here and look at what's developing." He said motioning her relieved mind to his desk.

Curran pointed out 3 things that he quickly tied together. The price of gold, political strife in Africa, and the yen drop versus the dollar. He picked a remote up and aimed it at the "big board" screen and scrolled quickly past a blur of numbers and stopped at one.

"Yes, they're dumping. They know something." He said as he began to point out a related quirk to Selena when his intercom buzzed.

"I think we have a situation." J Trace Fountain said. "Gold."

"I see it too, Jay. I'll ring Deneigh." Ross said as he quickly punched a different button on the phone.

"Deneigh, 5 minutes please." He said quickly as he hung up and turned to Selena.

"There you see Selena, is two minds watching different circumstances and getting a conclusion that agrees. Deneigh will arrange a meeting in 5 minutes of the group. You see each of us use some different means and barometers for watching what's going on, and we can all smell different ingredients. But if I smell hot dogs and Jay smells cigars, and you smell peanuts roasting, we can all pretty much figure there's a ballgame at Yankee Stadium. We all just found different ways of deducing it." Ross Curran explained calmly.

"Show me the quick version of how you came up with a problem." Selena asked intently, eager to see his thinking.

"Kenya's Parliament committee on constitutional reforms said on Thursday that the polls should be held under a new constitution - now that may not be ready until next year. They were supposed to have free elections this week. Why would they wait until the day before to cancel and decide NOW that the new Constitution wasn't ready? I think there's unrest with gold and its price on the European markets. With elections tomorrow some of the countries that were planning to buy heavily to back up the Euro versus their own currency, and I'm talking Japan and the yen specifically. I think, or should I say, WE think there is something else pushing the cancellation beside the constitution. Japan has some corporate agreements with contracts on gold they might lose, so they may have threatened to curtail some of the electronics trade, well, that's a guess, but something. Japans largest media chip maker suspended trading today and tomorrows a trading holiday in Japan. Make any sense to you?" Ross explained while pointing to quotes and stories that pertained to it all as he did it.

"So, now you all go out and put your dominoes on the table and click down the first one to see if they all go down?" She asked.

"Excellent way to put it! I think you get the jibe of it all. Come on, let's go out." Ross said as he held the door for her and joined the others at the board table.

Each of The Five gave their own reasons why they thought the international price of gold might slip more drastically than anticipated with the new elections, or cancellation of them. Everyone had different signs or barometers that they hadn't looked for but just showed up, red flagging gold. As each spoke Selena saw the trends and why they each looked at what they did with volatile commodities.

John Branniff made his own analysis, noting that Uganda's government says that Kenya is moving troops to the gold centers, so they may expect a work slow down, plus Somalia is being seen as a host for terrorists who might strike in Kenya, if the government seems volatile. After he finished Selena, who sat next to him at the table, seemed to think out loud moving her pencil over her legal pad of notes.

"So gold futures investors should be warned of short term fluxuations, but well financed holders might better grit their teeth and hold strong, the price will come back. Kenya is too stable and Japan is too straight up to hold the price hostage. Japanese gold is only Japanese because it washes out well with the yen. Their government can't expect that big of a profit to end up being the bad guy."

Realizing she may have spoken without solicitation she glanced up to see the five men staring at her, causing her to stand down.

"Ooops, I'm sorry, just thinking out loud. I didn't mean to derail the train of thought." She apologized, red faced.

J. Trace Fountain smiled at her and then looked to his constituents.

"No, Miss Hanson, you didn't derail the train of thought, you pulled it into the station. That's why you're here now and coming for a seat here. I couldn't have made a better recommendation myself. Any dissenters?"

"No, I think she nailed it." Charles Ford said standing and applauding her. "Willis told me a few weeks ago that he knew one of your professors at Poly who said not to be surprised when you came on board. I wasn't really skeptical before but I want you to know that you should keep studying hard, finish up and get here as soon as you can; I, for one, look forward to working with you."

"I think Charley speaks for all of us, that we are pleased with how you've worked hard and obviously dedicated yourself to this project. One day does not a success make, but you're on the right track. Here, here for today's youth! Alas, it is not all wasted." Willis Menard stated from his seat.

"Gentlemen," Ross Curran started with a big smile, "Now that you've thoroughly embarrassed the woman, not that I don't agree with you, can we make a decision of policy to get out to the investors before it's too late?"

"Jay why don't you get with Deneigh and work on wording and bounce it off us, and Deneigh, you keep a press release in mind for the morning.

Deneigh quickly huddled with J. Trace Fountain, using her notes for a quick write up as well as adding his own legalese and lawyer-speak, keeping it simple, but precise.

When they got the wording they wanted Deneigh passed it to Ross who read it and nodded and passed it down the line, ending with Selena who was totally blown away by the electricity of strategy and IQ's working in the room.

The memo to investor subscribers said that long term investors and holders of gold should not be swayed into making rash moves to further skew the price of gold, they believed it would remain stable over the long run. Those interested in making short term plays in the commodity should shy away until they thought it was at a low before the price came back. They warned that day trading in such a strong commodity worldwide as gold is a bad bet and bad for the markets.

The Five signed off on the recommendation and Deneigh rushed it to all subscribers. Within minutes The Five were back in their lairs to watch the late day price moves and news stories before the US markets closed.

Deneigh sent her press release for approval, headed "Investors group allays fears of gold price slip." When she had the 5 initials on it she was ready to release it just late enough to NOT make the afternoon papers, but to make the late business reports." It gave their subscribers enough time to move on their advice that day and the investing world a heads up for the morning openings.

By 4:15 the office began to shut down and Selena waited for a queue to leave, knowing her ride was probably in waiting.

"So, what do you think of your first day in the financial world?" Ross Curran asked as he packed up his own briefcase.

"I'm flattered by all the nice things everyone has said. I'm not sure if I deserve it all, but it makes me feel like I know I'm doing the right things." Selena said.

"You stay on the course you're on now and you should have few problems. You're thinking on the level where deduction and common sense, plus your knack for the market, are making your decisions flow. Tomorrow won't be as easy as today and we have a lot of reading for you. You'll probably spend a week of your time here reading. Each time we make a decision like we did today we file a full scenario for ourselves to review. I want you to read a pile of those and study them as you would for an exam. There won't be an exam, but whatever you use to commit things to memory would be a wise tool to use. We might go weeks without a policy statement like today's. Our Friday review writes the subscribers paper that includes today's warning, as well as reprints from Barrons, The Journal and other investment magazines. Tomorrow we all sit and talk about the cause and effect of the world markets. By Tuesday, our markets have swallowed what happened overseas last week and their first day of business. Its a little rag tag, but we bounce a lot of stuff off of each other. You'll find it interesting. Wednesday we'll all take turns talking to you about what is happening as its happening, meeting you alone or in two's depending on what the day brings. Thursday you'll be in the stacks reading and studying, and I suspect most of Friday as well. You'll be out there for the review on Friday after 2 o'clock. But come prepared for anything, that's the nice thing about the market. Have a good evening!" Ross said as he clicked his door shut behind him as they both walked out together.

"Have a great evening Deneigh." Ross said as he filed past her, Selena just behind him smiled and nodded.

Outside a black Lincoln waited and as soon as Selena came out the door, the driver got out and held the door for Selena, embarrassing her in front of Ross Curran.

As they parted, he looked back at her with a grin. "If you were my fiancé I'd spoil you too."

Selena said nothing on the short ride to the hotel, noting how far the walk would be and how to get there. As they pulled into the promenade at the Four Seasons, Joseph was there waiting for her, getting the door.

"Good Afternoon Miss Hanson, welcome home. You're all checked into your room and your bags are there waiting for you. Let me escort you up." Joseph said.

"Good afternoon Joseph. Thank you, I would appreciate that." She replied.

Once they got to the room, Joseph stepped in offering to move the bags for her.

After the door closed Joseph dropped the formalities.

"How was the first day Selena? Joe called to check and see if everything went OK. He didn't want me to tell you, but I thought it would look funny if he didn't. Please dress casual for dinner tonight. My wife and I will meet you out front on the bench at 5:45. It's a 10-minute walk to the flat. Don't worry it's a safe walk in Manhattan. After we eat, my wife, Shanna, will drive you home the long way to show you shopping that's an easy walk from the hotel. The stores are open until 9 o'clock and quite busy at night, as are the streets. For people who work and live here, it's there only time to shop. If you buy too much to carry, call my pager and I'll be sure you are picked up."

"Oh Joseph you are too, too much. You didn't need to do all of this for me. I appreciate it beyond any thanks I could offer." She said as he moved the cases to the bed for easy opening, stowing and hanging. She went to hand him a tip again and once again he waved his hand.

"Not necessary, Joe takes care of me. See you at 5:45 outside. I can't come in without the uniform and see a guest so be sure you come out."

Promptly at 5:45 Selena met Joseph and his wife outside and despite the fact she barely knew them, it was obvious Joe had become a special friend over the years and they got along quite well. As promised, dinner was simple and just a chance to get to know her better. Joseph explained his relationship with Joe and getting around the discomfort of being his "aide de comfort". On the public floors of the hotel, no one would know they were friends and Joseph had to have it that way to keep his job.

Joseph's wife, Shanna taking her on a quick car trip past the hotel and to the major shopping available in walking distance, topped off the evening. Shortly after 8 she was on her way up to her room to call Joe.

When he did call she bubbled for 10 minutes about her work day, and how sweet and what a help Joseph was. She wanted to fill more details of her day but she caught herself yawning and Joe noticed it as well.

"Listen, I have an early day tomorrow, your Mom is getting me at 6:00 a.m., and you've had a big day. Let's cut this short and get some sleep. We can catch up tomorrow night and Wednesday." Joe proposed to her.

"As much as I'd like to sit and talk, I am tired. Plus, I got my period today. Good luck with your tests tomorrow. I love you!" She said as she signed off.

In 15 minutes she was asleep.

Tuesday morning was a bright sunny day and when Selena opened the curtains she couldn't help but smile, looking up what she could see of Park Avenue. She knew the walk to work would be easy and pleasant as she knew more of the lay of the area.

Back at home Joe was on the way to his tests with Selena's mother. Betty Hanson was sitting in her car when Joe came out of the side door beside the garage entrance. Having only seen her in the past as June Cleaver, housewife, he was surprised to see her in jeans and a tank top. It was a chilly morning as she also wore a knee length sweater type of affair that tied at the waist. Selena's lineage was obvious seeing Betty this way.

They made small talk all the way to the doctors. She had brought him a coffee but he had to fast for 12 hours before the tests and scans so he had to turn it down, but noted how thoughtful she was.

She pulled into the cul de sac entrance and dropped him off, saying she was going to breakfast but would be sure to be there when he finished. Joe had told her he expected to be ready by early afternoon.

After a battery of tests and scans where he was injected with dyes and made to drink chalky potions he was walked out to the waiting area by a nurse.

Betty rushed up to meet them and take his hand.

"He's a little woozy, but not too bad. He's just had something to relax him. He shouldn't be alone for the next few hours, but after that he should just get a good nights sleep and he'll be fine in the morning. Try to get him to eat something and drink plenty of fluids, but no alcohol." The nurse told Mrs. Hanson as they walked Joe to the car.

"Here's the number at the nurses station if he has a problem, but he should be fine." The nurse said as she closed the door on the car.

Joe swore he was fine on the ride home, but was asleep when Betty pulled into Joe's drive. She was able to wake him and helped him inside, needing his keys and direction to get in. It was her first time inside and was a little surprised about the elevator, although she had heard about it.

Joe insisted he was fine, but here was a definite far away look in his eye.

Once Joe was situated in the living room he admitted he was little out of it, but was hungry. Betty suggested a sandwich and Joe concurred, telling her there were cold cuts in the bar fridge and bread in the kitchen.

As she walked away Joe thought he was dreaming. There, in tight jeans was Selena's round ass disappearing into the kitchen and when she came out, there was Selena's round full breasts, bobbing as she walked to the bar fridge and bent over to get out the cold cuts. She easily found the cutting board on the bar under the glass and put together a ham and cheese sandwich for Joe. He was mesmerized, as he had never seen Betty in this light, dressed like this. If this was to be Selena at age 40, he was certain to be a busy man. Joe wondered if under Scotts "rule" at the house she had to have the June Cleaver look. Certainly she was a shapely beautiful woman who had no reason to hide her shape. In the back of Joe's mind he wondered if Scott was taking care of business at home with this hot woman around.

As Betty walked in with his sandwich she could see his eyes looking her over and she blushed, wondering if it were her imagination. When she came back with a glass of milk for him, she knew she was not mistaken. He was staring at her.

His eyes went from her wiggle to her eyes, knowing he was caught.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Hanson, I guess I never saw how attractive you were before. You never dressed so provocative before." Joe apologized.

"That's OK Joe. I don't dress like this often. Only when I know Scott won't see me. He thinks this looks like a tramp, I like to think I feel like a woman." She blushed.

"A tramp? How could he say that? You've got it and should show it. When I was single and free I never made a habit of seeing married women, but I would have made an exception for you. My God, I feel like I'm looking at Selena in the future. Please don't take my remarks the wrong way. These drugs probably made me say things I normally wouldn't." He confessed.

"But still, you thought them, so it's the truth, but don't be embarrassed. I'm flattered. To tell YOU the truth, if you were single and free and you made a play for me, I would have done it. Scott hasn't looked at me like that in a long time." Betty said dejectedly.

Joe was hungry, tearing into his sandwich, chewing and swallowing.

"That's a shame Betty, but only you can change that. Selena's not home now. Have you ever thought of dressing like that at home, or meeting him at the door in something more provocative?"

"This is hardly something I should be talking to my future son in law about, but no, he wouldn't respond to that. Scott's strictly a bedroom lover. I guess he was repressed and that's why he was that way with Selena. She was smart enough to follow her heart though." She explained.

"Well, my last words about it are, only you can change that. You have the goods to make him want you, assuming you still love him. You're both young enough to have a full strong sex life. Don't let such an important part of your life get away. Sex is one of Gods joys that he gave us and it's the most driving force of all. Hear me now, because I would have never said it without the drugs." Joe said shaking his head at himself.

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