Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

As 7 o'clock rolled around Joe and Selena strolled to the cul-de-sac at the front of the resort to see Pam and Dionn on a bench waiting in tight embrace. When they saw Joe and Selena they stood and smiled and came to them hugging and shaking hands.

"This has been a fun week and we're glad we had a chance to meet another couple as much in love as we are. Let's go out and celebrate each others happiness." Joe announced.

"Let the Jamaican rum flow!" Dionn said with a laugh as they began to walk down the drive to seek out a place to begin their evening.

The foursome found a steakhouse obviously fashioned after an American restaurant, with a bar and nightclub with a distinctive Jamaican flair. It was Rum Runners. They were told that if they were seated after 8 pm for dinner they would be there for the stage and floorshow that began at 9. They all agreed to stay at the one club for the night.

Over dinner they all talked of their plans for the future as couples, marriage and the possibility of becoming parents. The rum had both women looking at their men with doe eyes as they spoke of long futures together.

They had just finished their dinners when the musical and comedy troupe took the stage. They played a short set of dinner type music working up to Jamaican rhythms and American dance tunes to begin to get the crowd moving.

One thing was constant as they danced and laughed at the group and their sketches. Rum! The drinks flowed freely as the four let down their hair to enjoy the night.

As the evening wore on Selena had truly reached her limit with alcohol, but the Hurricanes just tasted too good. As long as she stayed off her feet she was functional, loud and loose lipped, but functional.

After midnight the nightclub act got bawdy and the belly laughs around the table prevailed. The front man for the musical troupe announced he needed volunteers for the next set. They asked for two American men with one of the girls from the troupe going table to table trying to talk men into going up and being part of the bit. With the women in the troupe already topless, it promised to be embarrassing, which was the idea of the whole thing. Loudly Selena and Pam beckoned the woman to their table to take their two men. Once they got them to stand up and the crowd cheered for them, it was hard for them to refuse. Joe was uncomfortable to play, but clearly he had been coerced and he wanted Selena to be happy. Dionn was quite willing. The woman told the girls that they would take the men backstage to dress them and their bit would start the next set, and they had nothing to worry about.

As the troupe went backstage to prepare for the last set, one member stayed up front and made small talk and told jokes. It created a lull for the women to talk.

"So you and Dionn are fithing, FIXING things?" Selena asked slurring her words.

"Yeah, his paranoia scared him into a different mindset about sex and scared him into thinking he could lose me. Thank God I've been drinking, or I would never talk this frankly. You're slurring your words as well haha. Today was the first time I really took the upper hand and made love to him. I rode him like a pony and wouldn't let him up." Pam said, turning red.

"Woo Hoo! Good for you. You mean he always called the shots? That's not fair at all." Selena cheered.

"Well, that one night on the beach when you saw us I tried to be the aggressor, but right away he turned it around by saying he wanted to cum in my mouth. Oops, I mean finish in my mouth. Listen to me, gutter mouth. Drunken gutter mouth. Look at me apologizing about words when you've seen me give him a blowjob." Pam drunkenly apologized.

"Do you mean you never instigated THAT before either? I know it's the 6 or 7 Hurricanes talking but, I love oral with Joe and he never has to ask me. It's making love and I love making love to him! For the record, we didn't exactly see you do it. We saw silhouettes. Nothing wrong with loving your man with a blowjob, but I don't like that word." Selena declared.

"But, you don't have him constantly begging to cum in your mouth, I bet."

Selena flushed red for the first time, her mind overcoming her alcoholic bravado, but slipped right back, almost proudly.

"No, he doesn't have to beg, I LOVE to taste him. Pam, he's probably cum in my mouth 6 or 7 times this week alone." The loose lipped Selena proclaimed, amazing herself at her boldness. ". It's sexy as hell. Just think about what you're doing. I always thought it was repulsive to even put it in my mouth, but when you think about that pretty penis and how good it feels, all velvety on your tongue, the fact he cums is that you pleased him and the taste is him and his love, plus the seed that will make your babies."

"He does take you with HIS tongue doesn't he?" The tipsy Selena bravely asked.

"Yes, it's probably my favorite because it's the only way, up until today, he ever really got me to go over the top. But, even then, most times he tries to put a finger in my other place and it hurts and it's uncomfortable. He wants to do it there." Pam said, embarrassed again.

Selena knew the drinks had made her brazen and loose-lipped now.

"Pamela dearest, roll ever and ask him to eat that little hole. It's the most delicious feeling and it relaxes and opens you up. Have a little flavored gel or lube handy and let him play gently. You may ask him to try it here eventually."

"Selena, I'm shocked! You don't... " Pam started to ask.

"Not 6 hours ago! I swear! It can be wonderful!" Selena said as she tried to clear her head, not believing the secrets she was telling.

"I can't believe your innocent little face hides such a naughty lady." Pam marveled.

"Pam, I'm not naughty, just in love with Joe and everything we do together is making love. We have no limits with each other as long as we enjoy ourselves and do it all for each other. Love is so beautiful. Now I've talked way too much. Please don't ever say anything about this to anyone, please?"

"Oh please! By morning we'll both be sober and forget most of what we said. Oh, LOOK! The boys are coming out for the show!" Pam squealed.

Joe and Dionn came out in women's bathing suits with cocoanut halves as tops with skimpy bottoms, with the two topless girls from the troupe with moustaches as they sang around the men and tried to cop a feel and pick them up.

The men were the butt of the jokes for the set, but got a huge ovation for being good sports. Ten minutes after the last set Joe and Dionn were back at the table to get their drunken future spouses.

As soon as Selena saw Joe she became embarrassed over her words to Pam. She felt she had betrayed the sanctity of the bedroom, cheapened their love. But, by morning it was just a faded memory as they lay in bed waking their last time in Jamaica.

"Whew, we sure fell asleep fast last night. I know I drank too much." Selena said as she cuddled to Joe.

"Hung over?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so. I was real loose lipped with Pam and told her some of our bedroom secrets. Don't be mad. I'm just so proud of our love, our bond. I just said too much." Selena said sheepishly.

"Oh God, Essy. We'll probably never see them again and she'll forget what you said in her state. She was tipsy and slurry as well."

"I know, but I felt like I betrayed you last night. You know if I did, it wasn't on purpose." She said leaning on her drunkenness as an excuse.

Joe hugged her tightly to his side.

"Honey, it's forgotten! Now, it's 8:45 and our plane leaves at one. The shuttle leaves at 10:30 so we better get going."

With that, the two popped out of bed to finish their packing, make breakfast shower and dress. Their preparedness for leaving was almost business-like as the two began a metamorphosis into the world of schedules and real life. It was likened to their life in that, if there was a task at hand, it was done before they found the time to relax together.

At 10 o'clock they called the desk and had a buggy come by for their things. Joe set about to tip the local staff that had been their aides' d'comfort all week. Once they finally left the cottage and walked to the main house did they wish they had time to themselves that morning.

"I miss seeing your beautiful breasts free in the day." Joe said as he walked with her arm and arm. "You're so beautiful and I'm so proud to be with you."

"They are covered now and only for your eyes." She said proudly, but added under her breath, "and your lips, tongue and teeth." She said as she giggled.

"I hope you never lose that playfulness. The sex may dry up, but the word play and teasing should always last." Joe said as he pulled her tighter to him in their stroll.

"You think the sex will dry up? Really?" She asked incredulously.

"How many days, like yesterdays marathon, do you have in your life; three or maybe four? We had 2 this week. If we were 16 I might think differently, but we're two sexually experienced people and not the kind of explorers that kids are." Joe expounded.

Selena stopped in her tracks.

"Whose sexually experienced? I was a virgin 2 years ago and I've been with you barely a year. Are you saying we've done it all and rocking in a chair is all I have to look forward to? I'm hoping I can fuck you 3 times day for the next 20 years. THEN, I MIGHT slow down."

"You don't think that you might get bored with the same thing everyday and want to make it special? Admittedly we haven't done it the same twice yet, but every woman I ever lived with got a little used to the situation and saved it for special nights or places." Joe explained.

"You better get your vitamins ready Joey, because as long as I have this fire within myself for you, you'll have to keep putting it out. Don't assume I'm everyone else. Right now my life is you, school and cumming for you and with you. School only becomes before cumming because if I do well, I'll have more time for cumming later. Don't worry I'll keep you happy and all your juices flowing." She warned.

"No, I had no doubt about that, I'm constant. Always ready and I hope your priorities never change, but what I'm saying is that if they do and we slack off the sex, it won't be because I love you any less. As we get closer and live together more it won't be as constant because we will know it's always available." Joe backpedaled.

"Joe I already have fantasies of some days getting home before you and waiting at the door with my knees on a pillow and my lips painted red. Maybe you'll roll up the garage door and see me on my hands and knees on the chaise with crotch-less underwear. Don't take me for granted Joseph. I can't imagine the day that I won't want you." She emphasized by pressing her middle to his crotch.

"I hope you're right. You know I'll never get complacent or want you any less. If we stay as active as we are now it would be great, but I've never been in a relationship that didn't slow down." Joe warned her.

"You've never been with a woman 20 years your junior who wants to catch up to you." She said with a kiss and a smirk.

They didn't say another word the rest of the walk up to the main building, but every time their eyes met she gave him a suggestive smile to show him she wasn't kidding.

All the connections to New York went off without a hitch and they were landing at Kennedy when the two of them woke up from a nap after having drinks on the plane. Selena woke first and heard the captains call for seat belts. She snuck a hand over to squeeze Joe's penis under his blanket.

"We're almost home, are you ready for me?" She whispered.

Joe popped one eye open and looked at her smiling as he flexed his penis in her hand.

"What do you think?" He smiled.

"Oh God! IT"S ALIVE!" She laughed in a whisper.

The nap on the plane refreshed Joe, as well as the fact he was going home. Being away was nice, but eating and sleeping in your own place was always comforting. He had a couple places in New York he especially liked and hoped to show Selena a great time. He knew she was nervous about her meeting with Wall Street Global, and he knew why. He wanted to broach the subject before the plane touched down.

"You know Essy, if you come clean and are upfront about me and tell them the business I'm in, tell them you've done work for me, tell them the depth of the relationship, I don't think you'll have a problem. You've proven over 3 years that you are a serious student and have jumped through every hoop they have provided to prove your commitment to your scholarship and promise of a career on their panel for policy making. I can't think of an instance where you could make a decision, or give input on a decision that would beneficially help me." Joe said, cutting right to the chase.

Selena had in her mind the thought that if she were to say whom she was in a relationship with and the business he ran, they might tell her to break those ties to keep her credibility. She felt if given an either / or situation she would lose both the career and the love of her life.

"I'm not going to say a word. After I've completed school and go to take my oath on the board I'll make the disclosures of my relationship with you and your stock company. I can't have that weighing on me right now. I know that it doesn't make a difference in my thinking and that's all that counts." She stubbornly insisted.

"So, if while you're interviewing I go to a coffee shop and meet a young lady to talk with and we go out and have a few laughs over drinks, and that's it, a few laughs, it's OK? I know it won't have an effect on my love and relationship with you, and that's all that counts." Joe said through a sigh that told her he disapproved of her decision.

Selena turned silent and looked out over the upcoming New York skyline as the plane prepared for landing. She knew he would stand with whatever she did, but also knew he had now voiced his feelings on it.

The clamor on the plane once it docked to the jet port broke the silence of the pair.

"Do you really think the Airport Holiday Inn will be convenient for getting into Manhattan? You just booked there so you could get out of town easy, right?" Selena asked, trying to break the ice.

Joe smiled widely and leaned over to kiss her.

"Do you really think I would let you lie that beautiful little ass down at a Holiday Inn? Your naivete is showing. Just when you thought you knew me, and I knew you..." Joe said smugly, hoping to make a point.

Selena knew it was precisely why she had to come completely clean to Wall Street Global, to be sure they knew who they had.

As they walked through the terminal a line of chauffeurs waited with signs bearing the names of their expected passenger.

Selena poked Joe and said, "Look, there's one for Johnson Construction, how's THAT for a coincidence?"

Joe smiled as he took out his ID and flashed it to the driver while Selena bent over in embarrassment.

He looked back at her and said, "Wow, that is a coincidence!"

"You can take the girl out of the small town, but you can't take the small town out of the girl. God, am I a dope, or what?" she said laughing and clutching to Joe's shoulder.

The driver led them to a parking area and showed them into a Town Car and then got their luggage.

Once they were situated Joe leaned up and said "Four Seasons" to the driver and they were off.

Selena was laughing at herself so hard that she hurt inside. To think of herself as so worldly and then to believe that Joe would bring her to an airport Holiday Inn let her know that she was still thinking small.

"What's so funny, you?" Joe asked as he leaned her over and kissed her hard.

"That I'm so naïve and oblivious to the obvious when I'm dealing with you. Thanks for the reality check." She said composing herself.

Two traffic jams and 35 minutes later they were zooming up the elevator at the Four Seasons to a suite Joe rented for Saturday and Sunday nights.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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