Velvet's Sweet Stallion - Cover

Velvet's Sweet Stallion


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - They were a family with all the power, but they always wanted more or everything. When you've done everything, you tend to go to extremes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Velda arranged the spectacle to take place in an abandoned shack located on the outskirts of Lairsville.

The contraption that would hold the horse in place had been constructed on this sight as the Madame had instructed.

The work had been carried out by one of her devoted customers who gladly assented to engineer its building. He was paid amply by the Madame out of the money that Arabella gave her. She still did not know the woman's name. Velda became curious.

She knew that she must come from somewhere in the neighboring environs. And for her to be willing to pay such a price meant she had money.

Velda carried out her part of the bargain. She had no doubt that in time she would learn the identity of the lusty woman. But for now, she humored her.

It was agreed that the both of them be alone during the event. There was to be no one present with Arabella save Madame Velda herself.

They started the proceedings by first mounting a well-hung young steed onto the instrument and strapping it in place with leather bindings.

The horse's genitals hung down into a bottom chamber that was large enough to house one person comfortably. It was fenced in with wooden boards.

There was carpet nailed to the floor so that its occupant wouldn't scrap her knees while the horse's penetration was actually performed.

Once the horse was in position, Madame Velda instructed her rich customer that it would be a good idea for the both of them to first make love.

The idea was not repellant to Arabella. Her mind had expanded greatly in this area ever since she had seriously considered fucking a horse.

No sexual action could be more perverted than that. She gladly assented to the Madame's suggestion. They hugged one another and kissed.

Their lips pressed together and their tongues darted into their mouths. They were both striped naked and their firm boobs mashed together.

The Madame squeezed Arabella's firm ass mounds and kneaded them in her hands. She split them apart to bare both of her holes to the cool wind.

When Arabella felt the cool air hit her hot holes she sighed in delight. She sucked on Velda's tongue while it probed deep into her mouth to her throat.

Her clit was tingling and her nipples began to rise up. As they embraced they inched themselves closer to the strapped horse in the center of the shack.

They got close enough so that Velda could rub Arabella's back against the side of the horse. The action inflamed her and she moaned in passion.

She clung to Velda very hard and dug their pelvises together. Both of their cunt lips parted open and started the glisten with first drops of dew.

Arabella could feel her pink hole budding open. She clutched the Madame's buttocks as she had clenched hers. She spread the cheeks and bared her asshole.

She heard the Madame sigh just as she had. The both of them were now quite passionate and eager to fuck. The horse shifted in its hold.

The Madame continued to press the inflamed woman against the horse while her tongue roved along her neck. She nuzzled her face in Arabella's tits.

Her face was flushed but when it touched the hot flesh it burned into Velda's skin. The woman was exceedingly hot. A spasm overtook her.

It wasn't one of orgasmic rapture, but merely an anticipatory thrill of the pleasure to come. Velda began to love and kiss both breasts.

She tongued along the pert aureoles and then finally took a nipple between her lips. Arabella let out a throaty grunt of obvious pleasure.

She watched the lusty Madame suck her nipple to full hardness. Then she went to the next tit and sucked that nipple to a hard erection as well.

Arabella moved her ass against the horse's hide and felt her hot cheeks being caressed by the soft hairs. Her cunt was burning, and quite red.

The Madame lifted her face off her tits and proceeded downward. She bent to her knees and Arabella sucked in air as she opened her legs wide.

Velda's tongue flicked out and lashed a wet swipe onto Arabella's throbbing clit. This caused her to moan and Velda increased her frantic flicking.

Arabella liked rubbing her back and loins against the beast's hide. She remembered how Velvet had caressed the area of the horse with her entire body.

She told the Madame to help her onto the horse's back. This way she rubbed her tits and throbbing clit along the horse's spine and aroused herself.

Velda was behind her by the horse's tail examining the gaping cunt. The woman's chunky ass mounds protruded like meaty bulbs from her flanks.

She clutched them and helped Arabella move her sensitive parts over the horse's back. She moaned softly and then cupped her tits and squeezed them.

She bulged out her hot and swollen nipples and ran them across the nape of the hairy neck. She panted in heat. Then she shook her tits on its mane.

She aroused herself in this manner while Velda had at her cunt. She continued to move her ass back and forth to rub her cut into the protruding spine.

Then she reached her face to the dripping red gash and lapped on the lips. Arabella gasped and for a moment her whole body froze in position.

Her body spasmed in a succession of convulsions as Velda kept on licking. She moved her tongue in between the lips and then twiddled her clit.

Arabella's low, deep moan of sensual excitement signalled the Madame's lips had clamped themselves around her throbbing clit. An orgasm rocked her.

She concentrated on the feeIing of the tongue flicking furiously on her redhot nub, and her shaking breasts whose cleavage straddled the hairy neck.

She tweaked her nipples hard as she came. She dug her red-painted fingernails into the tender meat and scratched their hard surfaces nearly to bleeding.

She liked the tingle of pleasure rushing through her cunt, and the tiny biting stab of her piercing nails. Both merged together making her seethe.

Pain mixed with pleasure to form a new form of sensuous fulfillment. Her sex parts were alive to any stimulation, being it pain or pleasure. They joined in her brain and inflamed her. Arabella dismounted from the steed and went inside the bottom chamber. The horsecock dangled before her eyes.

She reached a hand to it and touched it. It was as yet a dead and lifeless thing. But its enormous size was an indication of its hidden potential.

Even limp it was an inspiring sight. The knowledge that her dream was about to be real sharpened her lustful edge. She felt demonic, and hot.

She continued teasing it with the tips of her fingers. She thought she felt an inch of blood or so lurch its way into the cock. She gripped it.

The soft underbelly rested on her palms. Her fingers encircled the top of the staff. She moved her fingers like a musician over the living instrument.

She could feel the slack black foreskin beginning to tighten. She continued palming and fingering the horsecock. Her next move was to stroke its length.

She gushed with pleasure as it grew in her hand. She jerked the foreskin back and forth on the staff, feeling the shaft engorging with animal blood.

She held it in her palm and held up the tip. Her thumb ran along the puckered slit at the top. Her red thumbnail probed a little ways inside.

She balanced the cock in her hand and felt its weight. It was barely half hard and already it was as big as Frank Felton's cock, Velda had the same thought.

Arabella saw a red-tipped set of fingers reach out from in between the wooden boards and clasp the horse's balls. It began to knead and fondle them.

She pumped the cock more vigorously in her hand. She rubbed the bloating tip on her cheeks and nose. Then she took it and ran in across her lips.

She wet her lips and thereby wet the cock head. She slobbered a little and then her tongue flicked out for her first taste ever of horse meat.

The flat part of her tongue brushed against the smooth and rounded black surface and licked off some of her drool. The taste was surprisingly pleasant.

It was not as bitter as she had expected. The tainted edge it left in her mouth was more than bearable. In fact, it inflamed her all the more.

She held the staff firmly in her hand and placed the head between her lips. Her tongue curled underneath it, pressing it to the roof of her mouth.

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