Velvet's Sweet Stallion - Cover

Velvet's Sweet Stallion


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - They were a family with all the power, but they always wanted more or everything. When you've done everything, you tend to go to extremes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Arabella's blue eyes shifted in their sockets as she watched the fading rays of the sun.

She had watched her daughter make love to the beast. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

She had no idea that her eccentricity had reached such proportions. She had been riding and accidentally spotted her.

When Arabella saw Velvet her jaw dropped. For a good minute or so her jaw was agape. Drool leaked out of her lips and soiled her partly opened green blouse.

She rested her arm across her lap as she sat atop her horse and surveyed the spectacle. Her daughter's wanton lust shocked and amazed her.

To make love to a horse! My God, what had come over her? Could she be losing her mind? Or perhaps she was just a horny devil. But a horse!

The way she tenderly mouthed the enormous instrument made her mother blush. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself. How on earth had she managed it?

Arabella never in her wildest dreams would have entertained the notion to suck off a horse. That Velvet had performed the feat boggled her mind.

The thought was so alien to her normal frame of mind, that Arabella had to do two or three double-takes to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

The cock was huge. In many ways it reminded her of her husband's big wang. She thought his cock had been the largest cock that she had ever seen.

Frank's cock next to this cock was a well-developed younger brother. In no way did it match the brutal appearance of the brutish beast's.

Being a jet black color as well as huge intensified the magnificence of its form. It made it look more unreal and therefore that much more inspiring.

As Arabella watched her daughter Velvet suck heartily on the horse's mammoth member, she felt her clit begin to tingle and her juices well up.

The sensuous manner in which Velvet brazenly mashed it in between her hot tits made her mother blush with shame. Her reckless abandon was shocking.

In an instant of time Arabella's image of her offspring changed from that of a terribly prudish and lonely girl to that of a lusting whore.

She had feared that velvet's proper attitude would inhibit her in the future, and prevent her from experiencing those things a beautiful woman should.

Frank had implied that his love for Arabella died when Velvet was born for she represented his first royal link. She was a child of money.

Arabella then became a symbol of the past. Their insatiable lust had brought them together, she falling madly in love with his cock, and the die was cast.

They stayed together for they had no one else. When Frank hit it big it became necessary to put on a front of respectability, a mere put-on.

There was no love between them, just torrid sex that had become mechanical but nonetheless pleasurable. They were fucking machines, that's all.

Velvet had always been held up as a weapon against her. Frank compared the both of them and Velvet's innocence became the focal point of his life.

If he knew that his daughter was blowing a horse it would surely kill him. Arabella grinned at the idea. Felling Frank was something she had never considered.

Maybe their was a way to keep his cock yet gain the upper hand. She knew he was fucking about like a veritable satyr. The time had come to fix his wagon.

She watched Velvet drown herself in come and then led her horse approach her. By the time Arabella arrived Velvet had doused herself freely with horsescum.

She lay on the ground underneath Velvet with her legs spreadeagled and her fingers mildly strumming her angry red cunt lips and swollen clit.

A contented smile glowed on her face that was flushed red from her spasmic discharge. She was pleased with herself. One hand still held the deflating horse staff.

"What the hell is going on her you little vixen?"

Velvet bolted to her feet in a flash of an eye, her lips trembling.

"I said what the fuck is going on here, are you crazy?"

Velvet was stunned. There was absolutely nothing she could think of to say.

"I want an explanation, and right now, or I'll tan your bare hide."

Velvet could still think of nothing to say. She covered her breasts. Arabella got off her horse holding her riding crop. Her long blond hair was whisking along her face. Her beady blue eyes threw darts into Velvet's.

Velvet's eyes met her mother's glare with a willful indifference. She couldn't give a fuck what her mother thought, but prepared herself for the whipping.

"This is the most lustful act of behavior I have ever seen."

Still, Velvet said nothing. Her silence relayed her impertinence.

Arabella raised up the riding crop. In a flash it struck Velvet's flesh. The crop whipped away and left a thick red line across a tit and shoulder.

Velvet winced in pain but stood her ground. She bit her lip and stared her mother down. Arabella lowered her eyes and raised up the crop.

Another blow fell on the opposite side. Now a crisscrossing pair of welts stretched across both of Velvet's tits. Velvet did not shed one tear.

Her blatant disinterest in the lesson she was supposed to be learning incensed Arabella. Her next blow was the hardest one of all.

The length of the riding crop laid across both Velvet's tits at once and must have stung horribly. Her flesh spasmed from its painful memory.

Velvet bit her lip and groaned. That strike had hurt. Her nipples sprung to attention from the sudden arousal. The welt ran across each nipple.

"Stop, mother, I promise I will not do it again. I swear."

But the beating was too pleasurable for Arabella to stop. She enjoyed the chance to get even with her daughter for her so called perfection.

After years of having her thrown in front of her face as someone better than her, someone more worthy of Frank's regal notions, she had caught her dead to rights.

Now she could vent her frustration out on her without fear of recrimination. She dare not tell her father why she was punished. Arabella was home free.

She took her crop and laid big, heavy snapping blows upon Velvet's bare buttocks. She revelled in the sight of the cruel welts that sprung up.

The creamy white flesh of her sensitive parts were sensuously stripped with her mother's fierce lashes. After a vigorous beating, Velvet began to cry.

She sobbed heavily and fell to her knees. She hugged her mother's legs to her breast and begged her to stop the beating. Arabella was unimpressed. "I shan't stop the beating until you tell me why you did this."

To reinforce her demand, Arabella laid the crop upon Velvet's bare back. Velvet gripped her mother's legs and pulled closer to her, still sobbing.

Three hearty thwacks of the crop fell on her flesh and left ringing red welts in their wake. Finally, Velvet's spirit broke and she began to speak.

"I did it because I love Vulcan. We are lovers and always have been."

"You are in love with a horse? Why you brazen slut! I'll kill you."

"Oh no, don't beat me with that crop again, I'll die. I swear."

Arabella was livid at her daughter's lustful admission. The little tramp was obviously hypnotized by the huge size of the inhuman horsecock.

She backed away so that her strokes of the crop travelled an ample distance so that the momentum behind her blows were singularly powerful. Velvet scrunched her head and knees in the direction of her belly and tried to cover up. Her ass and back were still exposed, completely vulnerable.

Her mother's whipping left mean red tracks that seared into her and left her throbbing in pain. Her sobbing stopped and she began to scream.

Suddenly, her horse that had been tied to the neighboring tree began to kick and buck of its own accord. Arabella was so stunned she stopped her whipping.

The horse wrenched its neck arid then freed itself from the tree. It turned face forward and raised up its front legs. Then it whinnied loudly.

Arabella could see its white row of teeth for it bared them. Velvet sprung to her feet once she had discerned that Vulcan had come to her aid.

Her mother dropped the whip and backed away from the both of them. She ordered her daughter to control her steed this instant, or she would have it shot.

Velvet ran to her love and grabbed the hanging leash. At her command the stallion lowered his front legs and settled back down to normal, she stroking its hide.

Arabella let out a sigh of relief. Her senses told her what had just occurred but she was having difficulty believing it. Had the horse really assisted her?

She watched Velvet calming down the steed. Her arms encircled its neck and her tits rubbed against its mane. Her sentiment was etched on her face.

If Arabella wasn't in love with the beast she was certainly putting on a convincing show. Without saying a word she mounted her own horse and left.

"You won't have Vulcan shot, will you mother?"

Arabella left the question unanswered and kept on riding. But the incident preyed heavily on her mind for a long time to come. It haunted her.

She knew that her daughter's behavior was partly a result of her own failure as a mother. But there was something more that kept gnawing at her.

It was the fact that Arabella had become quite turned on by the lewd spectacle of Velvet mouthing horsecock. It was insane, but exceedingly lustful.

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