Velvet's Sweet Stallion - Cover

Velvet's Sweet Stallion


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - They were a family with all the power, but they always wanted more or everything. When you've done everything, you tend to go to extremes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Velvet rode the daylights out of her stallion. The red sun hung in the air a long, tenuous moment.

Then it fell from the horizon and just as quickly it was night time. An eerie purple permeated the ranch.

The cool fragrance of the prairie wind filled her nostrils. Velvet nose flared up like a horse.

Her stallion was used to every maneuver his rider was able to engineer. They took to one another like they had been made especially for that purpose.

Velvet made sure that she rubbed her cunt through her pants across the top of the smooth leather saddle. She spasmed a little and rocked on her horse.

Her breaths increased in vigor and her brow beaded up with sweat. She rode faster and bent her frame onto the horse's neck. Her tits rubbed his mane.

Her tongue swiped along her wet lips at a furious pace. Like a lizard's tongue it darted in and out from between her lips. Her face was very serious.

The object of this game was to build up enough steam with her stud so that her aroused cunt could press against the saddle in a furious rhythm.

The horse's bouncing gait snapped her inner thighs against her nice saddle. She loved the saddle as much as her horse. It sent ripples of pleasure pulsing through her.

The faster her horse ran the more her crack could smack against the hard leather. Her ass mounds jutted against the saddle like two firm and meaty bulbs.

The horse stepped up his pace to a full gallop. Her ass and cunt fell down on the top of the saddle in steady thunderous snaps of the meeting of flesh and leather.

She whipped her cunt and sensitive mounds into a frenzy until her spasms increased to a steady succession that made her vibrate in seething pleasure.

She made sure she dug her cut into the of the saddle horn so as to irritate sensitive area and bring it into play. She trying desperately to come.

Velvet Felton did not know this. In her mind, she was just riding her horse and enjoying herself. But her inner parts kept on smacking against that leather.

She settle onto the saddle and pulled her horse up. The horse slowed his pace at her command. It began prancing about the corral at a comfortable speed.

Velvet directed her steed to the stables. Her crotch was wet from the cunt juice that had seeped out of her. She had nearly succumbed to a orgasm.

As it was, her hot seething spasm had already afforded her much rapture. She was pleasantly glowing as she led the horse into the barn. It went directly to the stall.

Once in the stall she dismounted and prepared to brush down her horse. This was the best part of all. She loved brushing her horse, and fondling it.

She took off her blouse and went in front of it wearing just her tight jeans. Her nice tit mounds were firm and topped with cherry-like pert nipples.

Her nipples were hard and protruding proudly from her meaty tits. She rubbed them in her hands and then brushed the hard red nubs along the horse's face.

Velvet loved to feel his felt hide on her hot tits. It always inflamed her. Sometimes the action itself made her come. Nothing else, just rubbing her tits like that.

She put the horse's nose in her cleavage and kissed it on the nose. Than she ran her tongue along the furry face and planted sweet kisses upon it.

She was working herself into that state where she lost control of herself. It was happening to her again. That feeling that she always got about now.

Sometimes she could resist it, but then sometimes it overtook her. Sometimes she could not help but think of the horse as much more than just her pet.

The horse became her lover! It was no longer and 'it', but a 'he'. He, the horse, had a name too. His name was Vulcan, and his hide was made of pure felt.

When the horse's hide was sweaty after a long workout, it glistened like a blanket made of blue velvet. She had considered calling him Blue Streak, but changed her mind.

Her Vulcan was only a beast on the surface. Velvet knew him as a person. She scared herself when she thought this way but it was nevertheless the case.

Sometimes she got so hot playing with her tits on the horse's face that her mind expanded and she thought of the horse as her one and only true love.

Her better half knew that the arrangement was impossible, that it was a beast and she was a young woman. But when she thought of the horse as Vulcan, everything changed.

He was a dream lover. The fact that he was a horse was secondary, She had never known the love of a man. So she could imagine the beast had charming characteristics.

She took up the brush and began to brush his velvety hide. She brushed around the straps of the saddle and then onto the belly. Both hands worked the brush.

Slowly she writhed her body underneath the horse. There it was, right in front of her eyes. That thing. That was the only word she could think of to call it.

Velvet's greatest unconscious desire was to touch that thing. In her dreams she always did. But those dreams had always remained buried deep inside her.

She was too young and confused to be aware of the demons that preyed in her dark spirit. But they controlled her nevertheless, even at this moment.

She had often positioned herself underneath the horse as she brushed it. She had always done so with the unconscious motive to glance at his thing.

She had seen Vulcan's cock many times before. But she had never had the nerve to touch it, except in her dreams. In her dreams, but never in real life.

She looked down at her well developed breasts. The nipples were hard and swollen. Her cunt too was throbbing hotly and the juices streamed freely out of her.

She put a finger on her hot clit and strummed it. Like a ball bearing rolling in heavy grease she dilated her cut. Her eyes were fixed on the horsecock.

This Vulcan was a devil. He was using the horse. He seduced Velvet with his big cock. How did Vulcan know that she had a weakness for big pricks?

Should she touch it? God, she wanted to so badly. Her sensitive parts were on fire. Her nipples surged with blood and her clit swelled out from the lip of her cunt.

She reached a hand up and gently touched the very tip of the thing. It felt like a piece of leather. She swore she felt it lurch a little when she touched it.

She couldn't resist taking the greater portion of it and weighing it in her hand. Her fingers pressed around it and felt its firm but spongy texture.

The more she pawed it the hotter her cunt glowed. She pushed a finger inside her gash and felt her soppy insides. Her throbbing nipples threatened to burst.

She felt the veins of the monstrous staff through their leather-like coating. The horse shifted its position a little. She felt the cock lurch in her hand.

The cock grew in size two inches. Velvet flicked her lids to make sure she wasn't seeing things. It was true. In a bat of an eye the snake had sprung to life.

She felt the blood surging into the staff with her gripping paw. As it rose up before her eyes the foreskin became taut and shiny as black leather.

The more it grew the more her eyes drank in its lewd sight. Her sordid dreams buried inside of her made themselves known to her consciousness for the first time.

She put her other hand on the cock and began to jerk it. She had to see how big it could become. Vulcan's cock had her hypnotized with its power.

A brutal instrument gave birth in her hands. The horsecock was enormous. It measured more than a foot in length, perhaps even as much as fifteen inches.

She felt it throbbing in her hands. She sighed a low-pitched moan of delight. She imagined herself kissing that thing. Her lips pursed and she bent her head.

She placed her palms directly underneath the blood gorged monster and brought it up to her lips. Then she kissed the bulbous head and right on down the staff.

At the stem the cock head poked into her fleshy tits. It burned into her bulbs and inflamed her. Her passion pulsed in her brain and she became frantic.

Now she began to lick the pole with her wet tongue. The ebony pole glistened like a big black tusk from her drool. Her hands massaged the balls.

Her nicely painted red fingernails were buried in the puckered folds of the massive black sac. She held each large nugget individually and tenderly squeezed.

She held part of the cock between her tits while she ran her tongue along the rest of it. The mammoth length of the snake had her on the brink of passion.

She was mad with lust. Vulcan was a devil and now so was she. She imagined little horns sprouting out from her forehead in between her brown hair.

She grabbed the pole one hand on top of the other. She brought it to her face and rubbed the rock hard cock head all over her pretty features.

She ran it first on her forehead and then along the trace of her closed eyelids. She felt its weight on the tip of her nose and brushed it on her cheeks.

She felt its power pulsing through her hands and burning onto her face.- She sighed passionately and kept her mouth open. She kissed the slit at the tip.

She ran her tongue inside the slit as far as it would go. A first fleck of semen dislodged from the tip and she felt it on her tongue. She tasted it.

It had a bittersweet edge to it. It had tasted sweet at the tip of her tongue and then became bitter at the back of her throat. On the whole, it wasn't bad.

She scratched the taut surface of the black foreskin with her nicely painted nails. Her lips sucked on the cock head endeavoring to withdraw more semen.

Slowly she captured the bulbous tip in between her lips. Her wet brims gripped the sharply defined ridge of the cock head. Her tongue pressed against it.

She licked the black head in her mouth. Her cheeks were drawn in allowing her to pull on the tip with some suction. She began jerking the pole.

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