Copyright© 2004 by Paris Waterman
Chapter 5
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A tale of a young girl, a promising actress, who following HS graduation heads for the Big Apple, seeking fame and fortune. Unfortunately Amy falls into the hands of her "Uncle John" who leads her into sexual debauchery as well as fame and fortune. Illustrated
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Fa/Fa Teenagers Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Spanking Light Bond Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Sex Toys Squirting Voyeurism
The time flew by as John and Amy discussed her step-father from their respective viewpoints. Amy sat spellbound as John painted a picture of a man she'd never known, athletic, knowledgeable and one of the most sought after men in town by the ladies. He'd married her mother when he was twenty-one, six months after graduating from Syracuse. Amy hadn't known he'd married so young. Her mother had married at eighteen and lost her husband two weeks after Amy was born.
Her step-father had settled into the role of husband and father two years later and became a successful small town businessman. Uncle John, on the other hand, had headed for New York City after graduating college and returned only once, when Amy was about eight.
"This city has been very kind to me," he said somberly, looking at her and then refilling her wineglass.
"Oh, I hope it will be good to me too," Amy said wistfully, running her hand through her hair.
"I'm sure it will. You're beautiful, young and talented." He smiled, "The City lays at your feet awaiting your command."
Amy began giggling and couldn't stop. John saw she was getting tipsy and took her wineglass to the bar and emptied it. Eve stuck her head through the doorway to announce that dinner was almost ready and that she could hold off serving for another twenty minutes if necessary.
John thanked her and turned back to Amy who was still giggling. Behind him he heard Eve start to giggle as well. Women, he thought to himself as the doorbell rang.
"That must be Mona, I'll get it Eve." John glanced over at Amy who was struggling to compose herself just before opening the door. "You two get control of yourselves," he said and laughed aloud as he reached the door.
"Johnny!" A petite blonde screamed as he opened the door and hurled herself into his arms. Before John could react further, her legs were wrapped around his thighs revealing the tops of her stockings and her garter belt straps.
"What the..." he began, but was muffled by the blonde who was raining kisses on his face.
"Mona! Damn it! Cut that out!" he said, recovering somewhat. Amy noted there was no trace of anger in his voice. "We have company this evening. My niece..."
"Whew Johnny," she cooed as she unwound her body from his. "You are one hot stud muffin!" She rolled her eyes and for the first time took Amy in.
Amy was positive Mona had groped her uncle's groin, but couldn't bring herself to believe it.
Mona glanced around the room and smiled as Amy was rising from her chair to greet her.
"Hello! You must be the wonderful visitor Johnny's been bragging about."
She tugged her tight dress downward and made directly for Amy, then hugged her tightly to her generous bosom. As they separated, Amy noted the heavy makeup covering her face and the dramatic cleavage revealed for all to see.
"Amy," John began, "this is Mona Lott. She lives in the building."
"Just two floors down honey, I'm there for you if ya need me. Well, most of the time any ways."
Amy was startled by the woman's entrance and said, "That was a wonderful entrance Miss Lott, er, very impressive."
"Impressive? Naw..." She paused and smiled winningly at everyone. "Now these are impressive," she bellowed, hefting her Dolly Partonesque breasts up and giving them a squeeze."
"Mona..." John started to say, but Mona roared on. "These tits are real. No silicone here, baby. Feel 'em for yourself.
"Mona!" John shouted.
Eve chose that moment to peek out from the kitchen to see what was going on, and was impressed by the movie star clasping her breasts.
Amy backed away, not frightened, but in awe and did a quick study of Mona Lott. Her blonde hair was worn in a carefully crafted style, small ringlets of which framed a pretty face. She was within a few pounds of her ideal weight and had a figure that caused men to stop in their tracks and brought out the greenest of envy in women. Mona's abundant breasts dominated her figure, but when one got past them, and granted it would take a while, one discovered a pair of long, smooth and tan hued legs that stretched out from beneath that skin-tight sheath loosely called a dress.
Mona was an actress -- of sorts. She had two legitimate screen credits on her resume, but the twenty-three X-rated films that followed them was where she gained her so-called fame.
Amy had no idea of this, of course, just the fact that she was in the room with a movie star put her in awe. She took a second reading of Miss Lott and the seventeen year old was surprised to find that in the faint light of the setting sun she was able to make out the silver dollar size rings around Mona's nipples. Amy couldn't help but compare them to the smallness of her own.
Mona approached Amy again saying, "C'mere kiddo," leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss planted on Amy's soft lips was like that one would give a sister; a light peck denoting tenderness and affection. But then Mona hugged her tightly and Amy felt those gigantic breasts mashing into her own and almost panicked. Only her skill as an aspiring actress helped her from creating what she fleetingly thought would have been a "scene."
And so it was that Mona was able to kiss her again - catching Amy off guard; this time with added passion, that Amy felt the press of Mona's tongue against her lips and unconsciously opened her mouth to receive it.
Instantly regretting her mistake, Amy pulled away, but a jolt of pleasurable electricity surged through her system confusing the young girl. Adding to the confusion was the fact that Mona's hand brushed against Amy's breast through the thin material of her blouse that sent yet another rush of emotion through her. Amy felt herself beginning to blush with embarrassment. 'Or was it embarrassment, ' she wondered.
"Umm, how about a drink Mona?" John offered, trying to contain the dynamic Miss Lott.
"Great, vodka and tonic, please," she said flouncing upon the couch. Amy caught a quick view of her crotch and flushed crimson.
John prepared her drink and a period of normalcy followed. Amy asked Mona about her career, careful not to ask about any particular film, since she had no idea what film's Mona had appeared in.
"Did you find it difficult getting started in film roles, Miss Lott," Amy asked.
"No," she said, and then frowned for a moment. Another smile lit up her face and she followed with, "at least not after I brought new life to Sy Rothstein's limp dick."
"Mona!" John roared as his hand involuntarily slapped his thigh in exasperation.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, waving her hand at John. Then, turning to address Amy, she said, "But surely you've heard of the casting couch?"
"Err, yes, I have," Amy said with a small frown. "But does everyone have to do that to get a part?"
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Mona replied, ignoring Uncle John's frantic signals.
John interrupted before Mona could continue. "Eve? I think we're ready. Can you serve us now?"
"Si, Mr. Prentice. Please be seated in the dining room. I will refresh your drinks and serve the food."
"Thank you Eve," he said with even more than the usual gratitude. He guided Mona and Amy to the dining room and held their seats out for them.
The meal consisted of Veal Marsala, with a side dish of pasta and of course more wine for Amy and John and two more vodka tonics for Mona. Amy was slightly bombed, not having had the benefit of partying as some of her classmates had done and managed to understand only half of what was said as the meal progressed.
John was already kicking himself for inviting the crass actress to dinner on Amy's first night, but had wanted to impress her with a real, live actress.
Eve fluttered all around them, serving and removing dishes, replenishing drinks, as delighted as Amy to be in the presence of a genuine movie star.
As desert was being served, Amy asked the question that John had hoped she wouldn't, but knew she would. "So, Mona..." she began, speaking slowly because everything around her was hazy. "Exactly what movies have you made?"
"Glad ya asked," Mona said, her voice a little slurred after all those Vodka tonics. "I finished Big Dick Harding last week."
"Oh," Amy replied, puzzled by the strange title, the wine working to keep her mind slightly muddled. "And when will it open?"
"It opens tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Amy couldn't believe it.
Eve stood close by, entranced by this fabulous star. John remained silent, waiting for the inevitable.
"Sure. It's a video. They're all videos these days. Film takes time. Got to edit, got to have one take after another. But with video, the director can view a scene immediately. Shoot two or three versions of a scene then splice enough together for a finished product in hours."
"Oh," Amy said, speaking slowly for fear her words were beginning to slur. Television movies, right?"
"Only on pay-per-view, baby," and Mona rested her hand on Amy's thigh. "X-rated shit is what I make."
Amy's jaw fell open.
John put his hands over his eyes.
Eve squeezed her sharply conical breasts just as Mona looked directly at her and smiled.
"X-rated?" Amy gasped, squirming away from the suddenly extremely hot hand.
"Yeah," Mona said, arching her eyebrows, "not the usual T and A stuff. No, no, no."
Mona dabbed at her mouth with her napkin. "The old in and out, with close ups galore."
She followed this by opening her purse and withdrew a small mirror and turned it toward her, and touching a wandering ringlet said, "I'm known throughout the industry as the best there is at giving head, and that's a fact Jack."
Amy knew she was gawking at the actress, but couldn't do anything about it. She was stunned by this revelation.
Barely smiling, Mona took out a tube of lipstick and carefully painted her mouth. Pleased with the result, she dropped the lipstick back in her purse and as if it were the most normal thing in the world, said, "Eve?"
"Yes, madam?" Eve who was standing several feet away, preparing to serve coffee halted as she responded.
"Do you go to the movies often?"
Amy had managed to recover her wits and was about jump in and join the conversation, but John's hand lightly touched her arm signaling her not to say anything.
"Sure I do," Eve said without hesitating.
"Do you like Hector Martinez?"
A very animated Eve responded, "My God yes!" Hurriedly she placed the tray down and covered her breasts with her hands.
Amy was puzzled, never having heard of Hector Martinez, but a quick glance at her Uncle's face, tells her to remain out of the conversation.
"Have you seen him in "Man or Bull?"
"That is..." Eve faltered.
"His most recent work," Mona interrupted and finished the sentence. "It's considered to be an X-rated film because he... well, Eve... Hector exposes himself in it and... well, he's very well endowed. Do you understand what I mean?"
A confused Eve replied weakly, "Si,"
Amy had turned pale. 'Where was this going, ' she wondered and glanced at her Uncle John for reassurance. He shrugged as if to say, "I didn't know any of this before now." But a second later had a bemused smile on his face as made up his mind to go with the flow since it was too late to stop Mona now.
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