The Six Pills of Domination - Cover

The Six Pills of Domination

Copyright© 2004 by ElSol

Pill 6

Mind Control Sex Story: Pill 6 - A failed high school experiment gives a sixteen year old boy seven keys to the women around him.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Incest   Sister   MaleDom   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

I held the door open for Miss Malone, Samantha, and Michelle to march into the office shared by the girls' Physical Education instructors.

"Elizabeth?" I heard Miss Stone, the cheerleading coach, say.

I walked in, locked the door, and took a moment to study Jacqueline Stone.

"Samantha, Michelle?" Miss Stone continued querying the women that stood around her desk.

"Sit," I ordered.

Miss Malone sat in the chair in front of Miss Stone's desk while the sisters took over the couch in the corner of the room. I bit the inside of my lip when Miss Stone's eyes focused on me. She had not questioned the women's obedience, which surprised me.

She sat down and stared at me.

I nodded with respect for her control before stepping over to the water cooler. I took a cup and approached her desk. After setting the cup down, I shook the small perfume bottle in my hand and poured the contents into the cup.

"What's that?" Miss Stone asked when I leaned against the wall directly opposite her desk.

"The Kool-Aid," I replied.

"And you expect me to drink it," she stated.

I nodded slowly. Miss Stone looked at Miss Malone nervously before asking her next question.

"Why would I do that?"

"Not the question that I was expecting," I admitted. "Not yet anyway."

"Why would I do that?" she repeated.

"You had a night of passionate indiscretion two weekends ago," I said. "Too much wine will do that to a woman, or so I hear."

Her eyes widened, but she managed not to look at Miss Malone again.

"Is that what Elizabeth is doing here?" she asked quietly.

"She was the one you were indiscrete with," I reminded her.

Silence stretched out for a minute as Miss Stone strained to get a couple of moves ahead of me.

"You have pictures of Elizabeth and me?" she asked.

"That's rather gothic," I said smirking. "Blackmail?"

"Why else would Elizabeth be here?" Miss Stone asked with anger slipping into her voice.

"Interesting," I said and pointed towards the sisters on the couch. "How do you explain those two?"

"You must have pictures of them too," Miss Stone said confidently. "Samantha would never go out with a boy like you."

"I told you, David," Miss Malone said relaxing in her chair. "Guilt displacement."

"I read the articles you gave me," I responded. "This doesn't seem like that."

"It's not my fault if you make me," Miss Malone said with a shrug. "It might not be the exact psychological term for that thought process, but Jacqueline will joyfully place the guilt of what she's going to do solidly on your shoulders."

"What am I going to do?" Miss Stone asked.

"First you're going to drink," I said looking at the cup.

"So you do have pictures," she said.

"Why would I need pictures if I have Miss Malone?" I asked her.

Her eyes snapped to the other woman in confusion.

"YOU told him?" Miss Stone asked her.

Miss Malone shook her head with a predatory smile. Miss Stone frowned trying to think her way through the problem.

"I didn't have to tell him, Jacqueline," Miss Malone replied. "He already knew."


"David told me to seduce you," Miss Malone said. "Actually, let you seduce me is more accurate."

Miss Stone became rigid in the chair as her eyes tried to bore into Miss Malone's head.

"I hope you're not expecting an apology," Miss Malone said clearly. "I have to do what my Master tells me."

Miss Stone's eyes rotated slowly towards me.

"So you see, blackmailing you is pointless when I was the one that arranged your night with my Slave," I said patiently.

Miss Stone looked at the cup in front of her.

"She would tell everyone if you ordered her to," Miss Stone said without looking at me.

"I don't want to force you to drink it, Jacqueline," I said. "I want you to choose to drink it."

"What's it going to do?" she asked.

"Make you mine."

"No!" she said meeting my eyes with strength.

"Strip, Samantha," I said.

Miss Stone's eyes moved automatically to watch as the girl stood up and nonchalantly took her clothing off before sitting back down. Miss Stone drank in naked body of the cheerleading team captain.

"It makes a difference when it's in your office, rather than the showers or the locker room, doesn't it?" Miss Malone asked. "More intimate."

Miss Stone did not notice her own nod.

"Are they your slaves too?" Miss Stone asked meeting my eyes.

"Michelle is, Samantha's my girlfriend," I said shrugging. "I don't understand the difference since Samantha is quicker to obey me."

"I'm allowed to whine when you do something like picking Elizabeth to fuck the cheerleading team coach instead of me," Samantha offered.

Miss Stone took in a harsh breath.

"Damn it, David!" Samantha said stomping her foot on the couch in frustration. "It was my idea to use Miss Stone to get to the rest of the team. You owe me!"

I understood Samantha's frustration; Jacqueline Stone was the entire first page on the list of teachers that male students wanted to fuck. The pictures circulating of her in a fitness competition placed Jacqueline far and above any other teacher on our fuckable scale.

Short with auburn hair and green eyes; Miss Stone's uniform of a tight t-shirt and skirt-shorts made male students pray the divider between the boys and girls' sides of the gym was pulled back so we could feast on our dicks' favorite teacher. Had I been less opportunistically sixteen-years old about the females I Pilled, Miss Stone would have already become acquainted with its effects.

Samantha and Miss Stone stared at each other in a way that I was sure would set the air between them ablaze at any second. Michelle decided to light the spark.

She reached between her sister's legs and dipped a finger in the moistness. She walked to Miss Stone and held her finger in front of her nose. Her victim's nostrils flared as a smell I had become very familiar with struck her.

Michelle traced Miss Stone's lips gently before returning to her chair.

"You can lick it off," I told Miss Stone when she pressed her lips together to prevent that action.

She resisted for another ten seconds before caving in.

"They're yours," Miss Stone said staring at the ceiling.

"Completely," I answered. "Do you need a more graphic demonstration of that fact?"

Miss Stone flinched but could not stop herself from looking at me hungrily.

"You have to drink for that, Miss Stone," I said smiling.

"That's it, isn't it?" she asked. "I'll choose to drink it to get one of the girls."

"I'm more generous than that," I said. "You'll choose to drink to get all of the girls."

"I was the first taste of what David can give you if you choose to be his," Miss Malone said.

"Take your clothes off, Michelle," I said.

Miss Stone did not attempt to struggle against her desire to watch. Michelle added to the strip by leaning down to give her sister a long kiss before she sat down again.

"Breathe, Jacqueline," I instructed.

Her hands trembled as she unconsciously reached for the cup.

"I told you so," Samantha crowed triumphantly from her seat. "She wants us as badly as you do, David."

"More, Samantha," Miss Malone said. "To David, the cheerleading team is a desire of his teenage ego; Jacqueline wants each girl individually and in a very personal way."

Jacqueline's eyes widened impossibly as she looked at me.

"You're not very obedient," I said to her. "I told you to breathe."

"Is that what you want?" Miss Stone asked. "Obedience."

"If all I wanted was obedience, Jacqueline, I would have said 'Bend over the table and you can have Samantha when I'm done with you, '" I pointed out.

She caught the movement, but everyone in the room knew what she had been about to do.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed looking at Samantha. "Is there anybody in the school that wouldn't do anything to fuck you?"

"The gay boys... and the REALLY straight girls," she replied. "Are you really going to let me play with Miss Stone after you're done with her?"

"On that very couch, Samantha," I said.

Jacqueline swallowed, but refused to say anything.

"Did you know that there are rumors about you being a lesbian?" I asked her.

"There's a lot of rumors about me," she replied.

"Yeah," I said. "My favorite is the one where an 'unnamed' student fucked you bent over that very desk. Did you ever do that?"

"No," she said slowly.

"You're going to," I assured her. "Bend over that desk, let me pull those shorts down... I hope you're wearing a thong... and then we're going to live that little rumor so I can smile every time one of my classmates whispers it around me."

"No," she said in a trembling voice.

The glance at Samantha gave her away.

"You're going to do it, Jackie," Samantha told her. "David wants the whole cheerleading team riding his cock, and you're the best way of getting that. Every cheerleader with a brain knows you'd fuck any of us in a heartbeat."

Jacqueline sat back and looked at me, amazed.

"Miss Malone," I said.

"Michelle, give your sister an orgasm with your tongue," Miss Malone ordered.

Michelle pushed Samantha on to her back and dove between her legs. She clamped down on her sister's clit making Samantha arch her back violently.

"Oh shit!" Samantha hissed.

"It's going to be a big one," Miss Malone said clinically. "It was cruel not to let her cum for a couple of days."

"I wanted her primed for this," I said over Samantha's gasps.

Michelle's grasp around her thighs prevented Samantha from falling off the couch as she convulsed under the strength of her orgasm.

"You, I want bent over that desk willingly," I told Jacqueline. "The cheerleading team I just want, and they're yours when I'm not around. Take it or leave it."

"Bend over or leave it," Miss Malone corrected.

The silence stretched out interminably.

"Who would you want first?" I asked Jacqueline out of curiosity.

"Heather," she answered somnolently.

"Very nice choice," I said with approval. "I get her first but when I'm done..."

"Why do you get her first?" Miss Stone challenged.

I stared at her until she looked away.

"I get every one of them first, Jacqueline, so that you'll remember who is in charge," I said.

"Your Kool-Aid is going to make them yours," she said.

"Yes," Miss Malone replied. "It's also going to ensure that unless he says so, you keep your hands and tongue off of them."

Miss Stone bit her lip unsurely.

"Is it that hard, Jacqueline?" Miss Malone asked.

"It's not," Samantha said getting up from the couch.

She walked over to Jacqueline and stretched out her hand. Jacqueline looked at it before reaching out as if it were a lifeline.

"It's very easy," Samantha said guiding her coach into a standing position and moving around behind her.

"Put one hand here," Samantha said, "and the other here."

Jacqueline did as my girlfriend instructed.

"She's all yours, David," Samantha said turning Jacqueline's face towards her.

Samantha placed a gentle kiss on her coach's lips before returning to her sister's waiting arms.

"Are you?" I asked Jacqueline.

"Samantha, Michelle, Heather, Melanie, Charlene," Miss Stone whispered.

She watched as I took my clothes off.

"Have you imagined Samantha and Michelle having sex?" I asked walking behind her.

Miss Malone climbed onto the desk. She put her hands on top of Miss Stone's.

"Would you like to see Samantha licking Michelle now, or a repeat of what just happened?" I asked Jacqueline.

Her ass tightened and relaxed.

"69!" Miss Malone said against Jacqueline's lips. "Just like she and I did for so long that night."

I put my hand on the small of Jacqueline's back to push her shirt up. Her skin was tight over the muscled body of a fitness competitor. My fingers felt the muscles tense when Miss Malone kissed her.

"Girls," I said. "69, please."

Jacqueline broke the kiss to look towards the girls as they positioned themselves on the couch. I moved my hand down and under her skirt-shorts. She got up on her toes when I palmed an ass cheek.

Miss Malone was a step ahead of me and undid Jacqueline's shorts. The cloth piece that made up the skirt portion wrapped around my hand. I pushed it past my hand and took a step back.

"Take them off," I said.

Miss Malone did something in front of Jacqueline's body then put her hands on the woman's hips. She pushed the shorts down as far as she could, which was far enough that the shorts slipped to the floor.

Jacqueline wore a black thong.

Michelle swallowed a scream bringing Jacqueline back to her toes. Samantha's orgasm seconds later was a nice accompaniment to my fingers dancing on Miss Stone's ass.

"I'm not a lesbian, David," Jacqueline said suddenly.

"I didn't believe any of the rumors," I whispered into her ear. "Even when my Slave told me how good your tongue felt on her clit."

Jacqueline pressed her ass against my dick.

Michelle and Samantha got up from the couch to bracket their cheerleading coach. Each put a hand on Jacqueline's waist and grabbed her panties. I stepped back so that they could do the honors.

Miss Malone grabbed two handfuls of Jacqueline's hair and pulled her into a deep kiss. Michelle grabbed my dick while Samantha spread Jacqueline ass cheeks.

I let Michelle's hand guide me into contact. My dick penetrated slowly into Jacqueline but her body wanted more, faster. She pushed back, driving me into her depths.

Michelle, Samantha, and Miss Malone traded Jacqueline's lips between them as I stroked in and out.

"Oh God!" she gasped when the women gave her a second to breath. "Fuck! Jesus! Harder!"

Miss Malone got out the way so that I could flatten Jacqueline's upper body on the desk. I pumped into her hard and Jacqueline pushed back trying to get me deeper inside with each stroke.

I grabbed her hips, pulled back, and slammed in making her scream. I lost control of the motion of my hips powering in and out of her to reach my orgasm.

My dick hardened and her pussy clamped down in reaction. She gasped and arched from the table. I came, feeling her pussy release and grasp me again when the pleasure came to her also.

"Take a drink," I said putting the cup to her lips when we recovered.

She stared at me as she emptied the contents of the cup.

I was sitting on the couch with Miss Malone between my legs. She had finished cleaning me off, but had no intention of moving. Samantha and Michelle were providing Jacqueline with the same service.

They finished and stepped back from their coach. Jacqueline sat on at her chair, looked at the cup, and finally at me.

"When is it going to take effect?" she asked.

I stared at her.

"You already gave it to me," she said sitting back and relaxing.

Miss Malone got up and sat next to me. Her hand drifted to my dick.

"You only had one glass of wine at my apartment," Miss Malone told her. "With the Pill, we didn't need you to drink more than that."

"I think I knew," Jacqueline said unsurprised. "So what was this about, David?"

"I'm not the one that got a warm feeling in their belly at the thought of making certain rumors true," I told her. "The part where I had to be in complete control surprised me, though by now it really shouldn't."

She nodded slowly.

"Why do you need me?" she asked. "Samantha can get you access to the cheerleaders."

"I don't need you," I replied. "I want you. Part of the cheerleader thing is definitely their coach, plus it'll be easier for you to Pill them. No cheerleader will question Miss Jacqueline Stone wanting to spend a half-hour alone with them."

Her head went back as the trigger Miss Malone had set went off. She flushed as her mind was given access to Samantha's plan for bringing her cheering teammates to my heel.

"Heather first!" Jacqueline intoned.

"It worked," Miss Malone said nodding.

"I'm your net," Jacqueline whispered looking at me.

"You are in a unique position, even after the cheerleading team is mine," I said smiling. "High School girls gym teacher, not to mention all those women at your fitness competitions."

Jacqueline's breath caught as she realized that I could make other fantasies come true.

"Cum, Jacqueline, cum!" I ordered.

She slid off the chair as her mind bade her body obey my words.

"Hey, she does that harder than I do!" Samantha protested loudly after Jacqueline stopped convulsing.

"I think I set her sensitivity too high," Miss Malone sighed apologetically.

"Do that to me!" Samantha said leaning towards her.

"Actually, I believe it has to do with imagination," I said thoughtfully.

"What?" Miss Malone asked.

I walked over to the couch and began dressing.

"Jacqueline has more experience than Samantha," I said. "If you're setting me as the best they can imagine, then what they feel is completely based on how good their imagination is. More experience, better imagination."

"Oh!" Miss Malone said biting her lip.

"An interesting problem for you to solve, Slave," I told her after I finished dressing.

I walked over to Jacqueline and crouched down. Her eyes were still unfocussed from the wave of orgasms that were the best she could imagine.

"Take Samantha and Michelle home," I said.

She turned towards me with mounting interest.

"They're yours for tonight," I said reaching down to touch her lip. "Don't keep me waiting for Heather though."

Miss Malone followed me out of the office.

Heather's first, which would have made me avoid her had she not removed any barrier herself.

Jacqueline found my reaction to Heather's fantasy life amusing; so did every other woman in my life. Heather wanted to be forced; she was waiting for someone to MAKE himself her first.

It explained her reputation as the school tease.

"I shouldn't be here," Heather said softly.

She finished her cursory study of my room and turned towards me. I studied her pretty, round face and long brown hair.

"Samantha wouldn't like me being in her boyfriend's room," she whispered backing up against the bed.

"Samantha wouldn't like you going out with me," I pointed out. "But you did it anyway."

"You asked me," she said avoiding my eyes.

"Heather, could you please take your clothes off?" I asked.

Her breath caught.

"I'm not going to do that, David," she said finally.

"So it's not just about me asking you," I said leaning against my door.

I turned and made a show of locking it before looking at her again.

"I'd like to leave now," she said but did not move.

"Why did you go out with me?" I asked ignoring her words. "Your reputation and social life aren't going to survive if Samantha finds out."

"Why did you ask me?" she asked sliding to the left.

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