The Six Pills of Domination - Cover

The Six Pills of Domination

Copyright© 2004 by ElSol

Pill 4

Mind Control Sex Story: Pill 4 - A failed high school experiment gives a sixteen year old boy seven keys to the women around him.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Incest   Sister   MaleDom   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

The reality of having sex with a teacher lived up to the fantasy.

Fortunately, things got better.

It took the weekend to get over the high of being with Miss Malone, but on Monday morning, my first thought upon waking up was 'Next!'.

I stood outside the school before the first bell scanning the packs of kids searching for a girl that would jump out as my next choice. Someone put their hand on my arm and I turned to face them. Michelle was standing behind me with a wide smile on her face.

"It's next week," she said happily.

"Huh?" I answered.

"It's next week," she said. "You told me I could come over to your house, and you would play for me."

I stared at her blankly. She gave me a cute pout, and then smiled even wider.

"You're not going to back out of your promise, are you?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"This afternoon then," she said and walked by me.

She was wearing a pair of black tights that hugged her ass. I looked after her trying to clear my head.

"She's cute," Maria said standing next to me.

"Uh... yeah," I agreed.

"Can we get together this weekend?" Maria asked. "Michelle has the 'girlfriend' look in her eyes, so I might not be able to get any from you for a while."

"Any what?" I asked stupidly.

"Sex, idjit!" Maria answered with a laugh.

She walked past me and I stared at her wonderful ass too. If girls were going confuse the shit out of me, I was glad they were so much fun to look at.

I recovered some of my mental sensibilities by lunch, only to have Michelle flush them again.

Normally, I had lunch in a corner of the cafeteria with a book. It started out that way but five minutes after I claimed my usual table, Michelle sat next to me.

I looked at her curiously since the cheerleaders, especially the younger set, always sat together. The rule must have been inviolate, because seconds later the rest of Michelle's pack joined us.

Michelle introduced me to the ones I did not know. A majority of them ignored me through lunch; though, some more pointedly than others. A couple tried to get me involved in a conversation, but backed off when Michelle put a hand on me and gave them each a hard stare.

It was as blatant a claiming as I had ever seen in high school.

"Isn't this going to hurt your reputation?" I asked Michelle as lunch ended.

"No," she said blithely. "Are you afraid of the football team's reaction if we start going out?"

"We're going to start going out?" I asked curiously.

"As soon as you ask me," she said walking away.

Unbelievingly, I did not immediately ask her, but I did decide that Michelle was going get a dose of the Pill that afternoon.

Lucky for me, my instrumental music class was after my lunch period so I had an opportunity to ask Michelle to come over that afternoon.

"David," Miss Malone said as I tried to catch Michelle before she left.

"I'll be right with you, Miss Malone," I said hurriedly.

I had spent a frustrating class period comparing potential action with Michelle to what I had done with Miss Malone.

I desperately needed to solidify a meeting with Michelle.

"David!" Miss Malone repeated following me.

I caught Michelle at the door and grabbed her arm. The football wannabes turned to give me angry looks.

"Step the fuck back!" I said dangerously.

The players were too far away to notice the brewing confrontation so the wannabes had to be satisfied with flipping me off and following after their leash holders. They were only brave when there were targets around that I wanted to beat on more.

"Ouch!" Michelle said with a wickedly sinful laugh. "You must really want to talk to me."

"David," Miss Malone said from behind me. "I need to talk to you."

I turned and noticed the three of us were standing in a group by ourselves. Somehow, Michelle and I had been the last ones to leave class.

"I need to ask Michelle something, Miss Malone," I said.

"You can do that later," Miss Malone told me.

"I need to ask her now," I said with finality.

I turned to look at Michelle, who was smiling expectantly. Miss Malone put her hand on my arm, which I ignored.

"David," Miss Malone implored.

"Michelle," I said. "Can you come over to my house today? I'd like to play you that song."

"Are you asking me out?" she teased.

"David," Miss Malone said harshly.

"Miss Malone," I said turning to face her. "I'm asking out what is easily one of the cutest cheerleaders in the school. I promise that you can give me as many afternoons of detention as you want if you just let me get through this."

"So you are asking me out!" Michelle said triumphantly.

"Yeah," I said as Miss Malone tugged on my arm insistently.

"Let me think about it," Michelle said leaning against the wall. "You waited for the last minute..."

"Master!" Miss Malone said clearly.

Having graduated from the Penthouse Forum and discovered the classics, I was well read erotically. Conceptually, the idea of being called Master was exciting, but seemed a little silly because I had never heard that word said with meaning and intent.

Miss Malone meant it, and she had very serious intentions.

Michelle and I froze.

I stared at Michelle; her eyes being so wide killed any hope that I had heard incorrectly. As a unit, Michelle and I turned to look at Miss Malone. Our teacher was blushing a pale shade of crimson and biting her lip almost painfully.

"Shell," Miss Malone said seriously. "I really need to talk to David for a couple of minutes. He'll be right back."

Miss Malone grabbed my arm in both hands and yanked me back into the music room. The door closed and Michelle's face appeared at the window. She was still wide-eyed, but looked fiercely curious as Miss Malone dragged me out of hearing range.

"You can't go out with her today, David," Miss Malone said.


"Are you listening to me, David?" she asked. "It's very important that you come over to my apartment after school."


"Please, David," Miss Malone pleaded after a few seconds.


"Please, Master," she begged.

Her second use of the word shocked me out of my stupefaction.

"Why the fuck..." I started to say, but stopped when my voice cracked from the rising panic.

I put my hand over my mouth, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry, David," she said forlornly. "I didn't mean to surprise you like that, but I really have to talk to you before you do anything with Michelle."

A second wave of panic broke over me as the thought that she knew about the Pill hit me.

"Why?" I asked carefully as my lungs burned.

"I know you're going to do something to her like you did to me, Master," Miss Malone said looking at the floor.

My mother was going to kill me dead!

"Miss Malone, I can explain!"

Actually, I could not explain, but I would certainly try if she gave me the opportunity. Teenage hormones, and temporary insanity sounded like plausible defenses at the moment; somewhere, some psychologist had to think that teenage was a mental defect.

"We need to talk before you do anything to Michelle," she insisted.

For the first time, the words someone used were like single notes coming from the piano. I heard the word 'before', and understood why she had chosen it.

I stared at her for a second.

"You should have said something like 'You cannot use the Pill on Michelle'," I told her.

"Is that what it is?" she asked curiously. "A pill."

"Yes," I admitted.

My body felt numb, and my mind was still blubbering in panic but a thread of coldness I did not know I possessed was doing the talking.

"I would never think of stopping you, Master," Miss Malone told me.

"Then why do you want to talk to me first?"

"I want to make sure you use it right!" she announced.

That was the limit of what I could absorb; like a zombie, I turned and walked towards the door.

"Friday!" Miss Malone said from behind me.

"What?" I said turning to look at her.

"Don't go out with her before Friday," she told me seriously. "It'll take us that long to figure out how to do her right!"

Do her?!?

I shuddered and turned back around.

"Master?!?" Miss Malone said in a loud voice.

"Friday!" I yelled continuing to walk towards the door.

Michelle opened it as I got close and pursed her lips.

"Can I..." I started but stopped.

"You can't go out with me today?" she asked knowingly.

I put my hand up and shook my head hard.

"Can I call you Shell?" I asked her. "I noticed some of your friends call you that. I like it!"

"Sure," she said with a look in her eyes that expressed her intention to wait for me to recover from whatever Miss Malone had done to me.

"I can't meet you today, Shell," I said.

"Why?" she asked looking over my shoulder.

"I need to do something," I explained.

"Okay," she said with a very cute pout.

"Would you go out with me on Friday?" I asked her.

I could not believe that my voice was so calm. Michelle raised an eyebrow and smiled widely at me.

"Go out?" she asked. "Like on a real date."

"I've never been out on a 'real' date," I told her. "But I was thinking something like in the movies; dinner, a movie, standing on your porch hoping that you want to kiss me."

"My sister drags me to the movies every weekend, and I don't have a porch," she said.

"Dinner, and my piano," I suggested.

"Dinner, some kissing, your piano, some more kissing," she said softly. "I'd rather avoid the whole hoping to kiss part of the night."

Michelle had to be about seven years ahead of me on the boy-girl thing so I figured my best bet was to agree to anything she said.

"That sounds awesome," I replied with a happy nod.

"Cool," she said and waved shyly as she started to turn.

I reached out, grabbed her arm, and pulled her close to me. She squeaked, but did not pull away when my lips touched hers.

It was not much of a kiss, more of a caress.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked her.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Would you keep what Miss Malone said between us?" I asked carefully.

"Is that why you kissed me?" she asked.

I kissed her again.

"You said you'd rather do without the 'hoping to kiss' part," I told her after we broke apart.

"Are you going to tell me why Miss Malone said that to you?" she asked finally.

"Not yet," I answered and pulled away.

She touched my cheek and kissed me again.

"Okay," she said. "Friday!"

I watched her until she turned the corner.

"David," Miss Malone said from behind me.

I turned around and raised my hand to prevent her from saying anything else. I walked over to a desk, sat, and put my head down on my arms as my stomach heaved.

"You did very well with Michelle, Master," Miss Malone said.

"Miss Malone," I said without raising my head. "Can you please not call me that in school?"

"Yes, Sir."

I sighed and looked at her.

"You're late for your next class," she told me.

"Why are you calling me Master?" I asked her.

"You are the One!" she said fervently.

The way her mouth embraced the words as she said them flashed me back to our encounter.

I had said them; she had said them.

It was impossible; I told her to forget. I put my head on the table and tried to remember exactly what I had said at the end.

"This was a fantasy... a wonderful fantasy."

How could I have been so stupid?

Miss Malone set something on the table. I raised my head and looked at it.

An envelope.

"It has my address, and your key to my apartment," she told me.

I picked it up, and traced the key with my thumb. Standing up and walking out of the room without trembling was one of the hardest things I ever did.

Standing in front of Miss Malone's apartment door with her key in my hand was unnerving. I looked around nervously and stared at the key. I shook my head and put it back in my pocket.

I knocked on the door.

Miss Malone opened it wearing a short, bright robe. She smiled with a little wistfulness, and stood aside for me to enter. I stepped inside but halted just past the door.

Her hands touched my shoulders and I flinched.

"It's okay, David," she whispered. "You'll be more comfortable with your jacket off. We have a lot to talk about."

I let her take it off and stood still while she hung it.

"This way," she said pointing farther down the entry hall.

I walked in front of her until I reached the living room.

"Sit down, David," she told me.

Selecting her recliner, I sat down and turned to look at her. I pushed back against the chair when she knelt down almost between my legs.

"Too soon," she said almost to herself. "I'm sorry, David. I don't mean to push."

She stood up and sat down on the sofa; crossing her legs exposed a large expanse of thigh. I looked and gritted my teeth as my body remembered what it was like to be inside of her.

"Before we start," she said suddenly. "Can I ask how you dosed me with this pill of yours?"

She moved in a way that presented me with most of her hip and buttock. I adjusted my body in the chair to give my dick some room to expand.

"The soda I got for you," I responded.

"Hmmm," she said thoughtfully. "So I shouldn't drink or eat anything until you've accepted me."

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Don't worry, David," she said dismissively. "Let me ask you something else; the fantasy that I had of you during detention, it really happened, didn't it?"

"Uh," I said trying to think of a way to avoid the question. "Miss Malone, let me explain..."

She put up her hand with the palm facing me silencing me.

"I want to make one thing clear, David," she said in a very insistent voice. "I do not think you did anything wrong. To be honest, with what you did to me, I don't believe it's possible for me to think you did something wrong."

"But I don't know what I did to you!" I said with a little too much whine in my voice.

I shook my head and took a deep, controlling breath.

"Okay," I said. "I know what I did to you in the office that was sexual, but you're talking as if something else happened."

"You changed me, David," she told me. "You would have to know me much better than I've ever allowed anyone to really understand how deeply you changed me. I feel like you handed me a lottery ticket, and I got very lucky."

Her eyes were boring into me in such a way that I had to take another controlling breath to prevent myself from squirming nervously. I closed my eyes but opened them widely when my brain finally processed her words.

"You got lucky?" I asked in a voice that cracked.

"Yes, Master," she said quietly. "Now, I have to convince you that you got very lucky too."

I stood up from the chair and put it between the two of us. Miss Malone had to be fucking with me. I looked around the room, and got ready to bolt out of her apartment.

"Please, David," she said standing up.

"Miss Malone, I know what I did to you was wrong, and I'm really sorry," I told her. "But what's really going on here?"

She bit her lip and stared at me.

"I'm trying to puzzle out the full extent of what you did to me, David, and how you did it is an important part of the process," she told me. "I want to know, and I swear I will not hold any of it against you."

"Why not?"

She untied the belt of her robe, pushed it off her shoulders letting it fall at her feet, and knelt down. Her head was raised proudly as she stared me.

"I feel absolutely no shame being naked in front of you," she told me. "I want an explanation, David, because it will make it a lot easier to make you believe I WANT to be like this."

"Nobody wants to be like that," I said quietly.

"You don't know what I feel, David," she insisted. "Please, just sit down and tell me what happened. We'll work through this, I promise you."

"You want something from me," I said putting her words together. "More than just an explanation."

"Yes, I do," she admitted.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to stay like this," she told me. "But I need you in my life if I do."


"That's why I said I couldn't eat or drink anything until you accepted me," she told me. "I know you came over here intending to fix what you did to me."

I stared at her for a couple of seconds before nodding.

"I don't want that, David," she said. "I have to convince you that I really don't, and that you don't want to do it either."

"This could still be a setup," I said suspiciously.

"I'm kneeling naked in front of you, David," she said. "Do you really believe that?"

"How do I know you aren't trying to get a confession out of me?" I asked.

"You're a minor; I'm an adult," she said. "Come over here, I will happily... willingly suck and fuck you, which will make me guilty of statutory rape. If I say anything about this to anyone, I'll go to jail."

My dick jumped at her words but the voice of reason interjected. I had learned the fine art of negotiation from my mother. Her lessons kicked in with a vengeance.

"You don't want me to fix you," I said. "But you keep saying that you need to convince me that I want to leave you like this, whatever this is. What do you really want from me, Miss Malone?"

"I can't be a slave without a master," she replied understanding that with my question I was opening negotiations.

Her answer was not what I had expected.

"What did you do to me, Master?" she asked. "Please tell me everything."

I moved around the chair and sat down. Sitting back, I drummed my fingers on the arm while I stared at her.

"Don't say anything yet," I told her when she opened her mouth to speak.

Her teeth clicked together, and she nodded accepting my instruction; her immediate submission caught my attention. My problem was that my body insisted that her offered 'suck and fuck' was a good idea so we should do that first.

"Did you mean it when you said you would happily suck and fuck me?" I asked her.

"Absolutely," she said forcefully.

"We're going to do that in a little bit," I said hearing the tone in my voice that my mother used whenever she was going to brook no argument from me. "But I guess I owe you an explanation, and maybe you can help me figure out what happened to you."

She smiled encouragingly.

I told her about my 'detention' with her. She stopped me as soon as we got to the Pill to ask how I came to have possession of it. I told her about Mr. Paz and my chemistry accident. I continued with the recounting of my experience with her trying to give as much detail as possible.

"Why did you tell me it was a fantasy?" she asked when I was done.

I thought about it trying to remember what had happened.

"I wanted you to remember some part of it," I told her. "I was going to remember all of it, and it would be more real if you remembered it too, even if it was just a fantasy for you."

She nodded slowly and studied me.

"Am I the first one you used the Pill on?" she asked.

"No, I used it on myself to test it," I answered.

"Is that it?"

"And Maria," I replied.

"Tell me about both," she said.

"Isn't being on your knees for this long uncomfortable?" I asked.

"I'm kneeling in front of my Master," she replied.

I decided not to ask questions like that again until we got to her part of the explanation. I told her what I did to myself trying to discover the range of power the Pill gave me; the videotapes, instructions, and my conclusions.

"And Maria?" she asked.

I gave her all the details that I remembered about losing my virginity.

"She went to your house intending to sleep with you," she said.

I shrugged.

"You wasted a Pill on her," she concluded.

"I'm not sure of that," I replied.


"I don't think I would have been as comfortable without first having been in control of everything," I said.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she gave me a beatific smile.

"May I stand and walk around, Master?" she asked.

"Uh... yeah," I told her wondering why she was asking permission since it was her idea to kneel anyway.

"Thank you, Master."

That word was making me very uncomfortable, on the other hand having an attractive woman walk around naked was quiet nice.

"You made a mistake," she announced.

"Yeah, you remembered it!"

"No, David," she said standing between my knees. "I knew something was very different about me after I had that fantasy during your detention. It didn't make any sense though; I don't believe in love at first sight so I changed too much for something not to have been done to me."


"I was just trying to use that as an example, sweetie," she said with a smile. "I don't love you; what you did to me is far stronger than love."

"Okay," I said unsure of myself.

"Your mistake was not realizing that telling someone to 'forget everything' is a command," she explained.

I tilted my head confused.

"Think, David," she said kneeling down again. "You told Maria and Mr. Paz to forget, right?"

I nodded.

"It was a command, Master," she said leaning forward. "A command that was obeyed even after the Pill wore off."

"I don't understand."

"You're basic assumption was that everything wore off once Pill-time ended," she said. "You were right about the physical effects, but you proved that not everything went away because your instruction to forget what happened held true!"

She was confusing the shit out of me.

"Let's get to the point, Master," she said. "If the command to forget is obeyed AFTER Pill-time is over, why wouldn't some other command?"

I sat up, almost shoving my crotch into her face. She put her hands on top of my dick causing me to sit back again.

"You focused on the six hours you had control of someone during Pill-time, Master," she said stroking me. "That's where you were going to get what you wanted, but that focus distracted you and made you come to a bad conclusion!"


Her hands caressed my thighs in what was obviously an attempt to calm me.

"So what happened with you?" I asked her.

"You didn't tell me to forget," she said. "You didn't tell me to forget anything."

"But I told you to think it was all a fantasy?"

"Do you remember exactly what you said to me?"

I shrugged unsure of myself.

"Tell me everything you remember about our time together again," she encouraged. "Focus on what you said to me."

It took a few moments to organize my thoughts, and then I repeated what I remembered. She filled in some of it from her own fantasy memory, which in turn helped me remember things in greater detail.

She looked stunned when we finished, and then giggled. Miss Malone lay back on the floor, and giggled like a little girl while kicking her legs happily.

"You wonderful, wonderful boy!" she exclaimed sitting up.

Miss Malone pounced on top of me and drove her tongue into my mouth. My hands grabbed her ass and she moaned against my lips.

"Please, Master," she begged against my lips. "Fuck me!"

I almost gave in to her request, but I wanted to know what she figured out.

"Tell me what happened first!"

She gave me a peck on the lips and knelt between my legs again.

"It's all there in what you told me to do," she said. "You said, "I am the one" to me. You also said "The time to make your fantasies come true has arrived" and "Live your fantasy". Finally at the end, you said 'This was a fantasy you had while I sat in detention.'"


"You meant certain things, but you weren't clear enough so I took each one of those things to mean something completely different than you intended."

"I don't understand."

"Work backwards, David," she told me. "You said, "This was a fantasy you had while I sat in detention." What was a fantasy?"

"Everything," I said.

"But that's not what you said," she said smiling. "You let me define it, so I took it to mean that the sex was a fantasy."

"Oh, shit!"

"Before that you said, 'Live your fantasy.' and 'The time to make your fantasies come true has arrived.'" she told me. "David, you meant my fantasy of seducing a student, but that's just one fantasy and you said 'fantasies'. To live MY fantasies."

I looked at her without saying a word.

"The best though," she said ecstatic, "is that you said 'I am your fantasy... I am the one.' You made yourself my One."

"I don't understand," I told her.

"David," she said wonderingly. "You had a direct connection to my subconscious, to the deepest part of who I am. Your words were written to the person I am in my own mind, how I see myself, how I dream of being. You made yourself my ONE!"

"You're one what?" I said impatiently.

"My Perfect Master," she said breathing hard. "The one I've always dreamed of."

"I don't like the sound of that," I told her warily.

"It's my most personal fantasy, David!" she said. "But I would never do it, because I couldn't trust someone like that. I couldn't give myself that way in reality. I could never believe it!"

"So why are you calling me Master now?" I asked.

"Your little Pill circumvented all of my defenses, excuses, inhibitions, and insecurities," she explained. "You got around every reason I would ever say no, by making me BELIEVE you are the One."

"This is beginning to sound like a bad fucking movie," I said rubbing my fingers against my temple.

"David," she pleaded trying to make me understand. "Do you how many women walk around in unhappy marriages telling themselves that they're okay, that they're happy, that they're sexually satisfied, and all that other bullshit?"

"They're lying to themselves," I said.

"But what if you could make them believe the lies? In the deepest part of themselves, really believe, " she asked. "Would they be happy and sexually satisfied if they believed they were?"

"But it's a lie!"

"David, there is no doubt inside of me that you're the Master that I've been waiting for all my life," she said. "I believe that more than faithful Christians believe in God!"

"But it's not real!" I insisted.


There was panic in the way she said it, like she was fighting for her life.

"Why are you scared?" I asked her seriously.

"I knew you had done something to me even before your detention ended," she said quietly. "I saw you, and 'My Master' kept echoing in my mind. All I wanted to do was whisper that word in your ear until you acknowledged me as your slave."

"That would have freaked me the fuck out!"

"David," she said. "What I felt was impossible, but I felt it anyway! Everything you've done since you've been here feels bone-deep right to me. You've been nervous, a little scared, and sometimes forceful. That's not the way a Master would really behave, but somehow I think it's perfect for me."

"I didn't mean it," I said uselessly.

"I know, David," she told me. "I can't really explain it to you. There's a part of me still says that things shouldn't be this way, but the rest of me isn't listening anymore. It was enough to put everything together though. I kept coming to the same conclusion; you had to have done something to me. The woman I was could never have gotten to this point on her own."

She stared at me for a second.

"David, the woman I was could never have said what I am about to," she said. "Master, please let me suck your cock!"

I stood up and took a few steps away from her. My dick was trying to do my thinking for me. I needed to put space between it and Miss Malone's mouth.

"I can't leave you like this," I said.

"And that's what I'm terrified of," she answered looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"I know you brought a Pill with you," she said. "You were probably planning to slip it to me and make me forget everything this time."

I nodded slowly.

"Please don't, Master," she begged.

"Miss Malone, I can't do this to you," I said.

"I remember who I was, David," she told me intensely. "I know who I am, and I choose the person I became after you gave me that Pill."

"You choose that NOW," I said. "What if it was last week? Would you choose to be changed into this?"

"Probably not," she admitted.


"But I'm happier," she told me honestly. "This is who I've always wanted to be. You didn't tell me to become this, David. You said some ambiguous things, and my mind ran with it to give me everything I ever wanted."

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