The Six Pills of Domination - Cover

The Six Pills of Domination

Copyright© 2004 by ElSol

Pill 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Pill 2 - A failed high school experiment gives a sixteen year old boy seven keys to the women around him.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Incest   Sister   MaleDom   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

The word was masturbation.

I had a fever whose heat was fueled by power. I tried to make a list of six women that I had access to and wanted.

"I COULD have them!" was the death of any attempt at systematic planning. The fantasies were too strong; too many choices. What sixteen-year old male in a high school of fifteen hundred cannot number six to six hundred women he would fuck given the opportunity?

I decided that putting together a plan was not going to work, at least not until after I lost my virginity. The initial thrill could not recede because I had done nothing except make sure the pills worked. If I went to school, the first woman I took with the pills would become an obvious choice. Getting that first time over with would dampen the expectation and afterwards I would be able to plan the other five carefully.

Monday morning, I got dressed and walked to school in a daze. I did the usual bullshitting outside with the group of guys I hung out with. It was pretty obvious I was not into it though; I was too busy scoping every girl that walked near us.

I was painfully hard.

The five-minute bell rang and everyone hurried inside. As I got caught in the crush of bodies, I noticed there were seven or eight girls in the pack at the doors.

I managed to get harder.

I sat in homeroom studying the first possibility; Tanya, the first girl I ever asked out. She had rejected me, which was not easy on my ego. She was a brunette with hints of blonde and her body was caramel. She would have been the first by hard-on default except that as I got up to go talk to her the first period bell rang.

I cursed.

I walked into my first class five minutes later.

Fate cast its vote; Maria Rosa was wearing jeans.

If I had been pinned on the question, I would have said that Maria was not very good-looking. She had medium-length stringy black hair, small breasts, and a slight acne problem.


Maria from the bottom of her small breasts to the tips of her toes was an 'Incomparable'. Among the guys at the school, it was unanimously agreed that Maria was all about ass.

My fascination with her perfectly curved bottom was an ongoing joke among our classmates. I had once asked her what she would do if I grabbed her ass. She thought about it, and said she would have to slap me. I shrugged and immediately caressed her behind. She had been stunned. Most of our friends could not stop laughing. I shrugged again saying it was worth a slap. She tapped my face playfully and said not to do it again.

The first thing I saw as I walked into first period was Maria kneeling on her chair. She was bent over the back so that she could talk to Clara and Sonia. Her beautiful behind was cocked at me. I froze in the doorway, leaned against it, put my hands over my mouth and nose, and took a deep breath.

Clara smiled and nodded her head towards me so that Maria could see my reaction. Maria looked over her shoulder. She gave me a sexually-loaded, insouciant smile that only a teenage girl or a woman with full knowledge of her sexual power can give a man on the razor's edge of control. She brightened the smile and wiggled her ass slowly from left to right, and back. She turned to Clara and Sonia, but kept her behind moving slowly. Clara and Sonia were looking over her shoulders with the laughter in their eyes.

Maria and I had a strange friendship.

We never dated because while I thought she was pretty cool, I wanted her. I never hid it, never made a nuisance out of it either, which for a high school male takes some doing. She found the attraction riveting but the overt sexuality unsafe.

At least, that is what I thought.

Our friendship revolved around proximity, and me being a sexual post to scratch up when she felt the need. The beat of the music had changed though, and the slow movement of her ass forced my dick to voice an opinion.

Maria was first.

End of discussion.

The knowledge that she was mine gave me the willpower to walk to my chair next to her, and sit down. She looked at me, gave me the same smile, and raised an eyebrow. I stared back at her. After a moment, she flushed and sat down.

Our class was an experiment to see if a large public school could offer a real pre-college prep curriculum. In that vein, the 10 people in our class had been in almost all the same classes since freshman year. It meant that I could soften Maria up for five of our seven periods. I got lucky during eighth because the large gym doors separating the male and female classes were open. The open doors were an invitation to a full court basketball game with a bleacher full of spectators. I never got along with males my age so I usually hung out with the girls from my class when given the choice. A couple of the other girls in the gym class said hello and hung out with us.

As the class ended, I got Maria alone. I asked if she wanted to come over and study that night. She declined but said since we had an exam next Monday, we could get together on Friday night. I almost questioned the whole Friday night thing, but she teased me about my habit of leaving things like studying to the last moment. Neither of us really needed to study: we were both intelligent and when all was said and done it was high school. Her tease gave me enough time to realize that Friday night was much better than Monday night for my plans. I agreed to a Friday study session.

It was the longest fucking week of my life as I waited for Maria to drop the bomb and deny me the opportunity to have sex. I was so focused on Maria and Friday night I did not think about getting some other girl alone first.

I was about ready to start kicking walls on Thursday when Cheryl came downstairs to ask if I minded if we ordered Chinese. I was in the middle of frantic masturbation session number twelve since Maria had agreed to come over so I was a bit short with Cheryl. When the food arrived, I apologized making up an excuse about not getting a good workout in my Kenpo class so I was a bit cranky. She had seen me pissed about not getting a good workout so she smiled showing me it was okay.

We had an amicable eating session.

Cheryl was a twenty-year old junior at the local college. She started working for us that summer, but looked like she would be around for a while since she planned to go to medical school near us.

The last two maids had been pretty unimpressive, mostly because I was too young to really be aware of them as females. The same could not be said about Cheryl. She had the kind of looks that pissed other women off. I knew my parents had to have a very secure relationship for my mom to bring someone like Cheryl into the house.

She was beautiful; dark-haired, still pools of blue water for eyes, bone structure that would hold beauty with age, a complexion to pay for, an inch or two taller than me, and willowy without any weakness in her stance.

Cheryl could spit with class.

She was so far beyond my teenage female-getting potential that I had known instantly that fantasies about Cheryl were not worth the frustration. It was easier to treat her like a big sister and bury any sexual thoughts about her so deep I would need an oil rig to get a hint that they existed.

I almost choked on my food as the drill struck female gold. There I was sitting across someone that if I were five years older I would be courting, and she could be mine.

I stared.

"Are you okay, David?" she asked nervously.

It was probably the first time that I had shown interest in her. I nodded, and said something about thinking of Friday night.

Bad Subject!

I saw she was getting more nervous since my eyes were still boring into her. I looked down at my food and tried to make small talk about her classes.

I got out of there as soon as I could. The realization that Cheryl could be mine too brought on masturbation session numbers thirteen and fourteen.

Afterwards, I congratulated myself on my maturity. I had wasted two good ejaculation episodes that day already so if I had done what my hormones were screaming for me to do, take Cheryl, it would have been a waste.

Relatively speaking.

The thought, just the thought, that wherever the pills lead a woman like Cheryl was on the road was enough to relax me into a smiling sleep.

Friday morning I woke up with a hard-on. Whatever else was going on, it was obvious that my dick had its plans for how the boat was going to float. I had a quick breakfast and walked to school. I was a bundle of nervous agitation as I stood outside.

The situation did not get better.

Maria snuck up behind me. She was wearing a deadly maroon mini-skirt. I took a long look at perfectly sculpted legs. We made eye contact; she smiled. She obviously had thoughts about driving me insane that day. It relaxed me. I smiled, took one long slow perusal of my favorite half of her, and leaned against the wall.

She was flushing when I made eye contact again. I started small talk about whatever it is that high school kids talk about. I made a conscious effort to relax her. I was too close to a naked Maria to risk blowing it. The rest of our classmates joined us eventually; I did my best to fade as far from Maria as possible.

The rest of the day went by slowly with every period seeing a spike in the need that kept my penis between half-hard and erection. It was a fight not to go to the bathroom and relieve some of the pressure. The reward at the end of the day was just too vivid for me to waste any opportunities.

7 hours is a FUCK-LONG time.

Before gym class, Maria took me aside and asked when I wanted her to come over. I told her I had a Tae class after school but that I would be home by 5:30 pm. She nodded, and stared at me for a second. I held my breath hoping whatever female instinct she had was not setting off alarms about me.

If I had any experience with women, I would have known running was the last thing on Maria's mind.

She shook her head and waved goodbye.

I released the air in my lungs.

Taking the Tae class was probably a mistake, but the pain from getting my ass kicked in sparring took the edge off my horniness.

Cheryl drove me home and I was quiet for the most part. I could not focus on wanting Cheryl when I was going to be having Maria. My mom had given Cheryl a second weekend in a row off. Cheryl would be driving home after she dropped me off. I had not taken her into account in my planning so was very happy for the coincidence.

As we pulled into the garage, I noticed that Maria was sitting on our front steps.

"Who's that?" Cheryl asked curiously.

"Maria. She's in most of my classes. We're going to study for an exam on Monday," I said way too quickly.

Cheryl looked at me for a moment.

"Nice skirt," she said teasingly.

There was a look in her eyes I did not recognize. I thought it would be safer if I retreated. I got out of the car as Maria walked up to it. I smiled and waved her towards the entrance to the basement. She smiled back and looked at Cheryl curiously. We walked into my living area. I threw the bag containing my sparring pads into a corner.

"I have to take a shower. Why don't you look through the stuff and see what we have to study," I said, again probably a little too quickly again.

She looked at me weirdly as if not believing I was still playing the studying card. I did not really know what else to do. The sparring had taken me down enough to know I had to play it calmly.

I made it a cold shower.

I had fantasies of walking outside in a towel, ala some movie or other. I figured if I played it off as if nothing was out of the ordinary she would get used to it. Being at the age we were at, inevitably she would tug the towel away partly to play, partly out of curiosity. If she did and I treated that as if nothing was out of the ordinary it might lead to interesting places.

I made it an even colder shower.

I had the key to getting in Maria. I did not need to play games. All I needed to do was be patient and wait for the right moment. I put on boxers and a t-shirt. Maria was lounging on the couch. I smiled at her as she did a very good job of checking me out. She smiled a wicked little smile as she pointed our history book at me.

I nodded.

I sat down at the other end of the couch. We played at studying for about fifteen minutes before we both ended up lying on our stomachs on the floor. We bullshit about our classmates.

"Do you want something to drink before we hit the books again?" I said suddenly.

"We're going to hit the books?" she asked jokingly.

"Okay, push them around and make believe we're studying some more," I replied, "How about a soda or juice?"

She nodded and sat back down on the couch. I watched as she crossed her legs. It forced the mini to rise a little higher, exposing more of her thighs.

I looked up; she was smiling at me.

I ran upstairs.

I figured on juice hiding the taste better. I had not wanted to take the chance of getting caught as I dissolved the pill so I had crushed one of them and stirred it into a small glass of juice that morning. I saran-wrapped it and put it all the way in back of the refrigerator. I grabbed the glass and the container of juice. The glass was pretty small and I did not want Maria to get suspicious. I filled up a glass of my own and carried everything downstairs.

She was reading the book. She looked up as I walked up to her. I put the stuff down on the small end table by the couch and handed her drink over. I gulped mine down and threw myself on the couch. I picked up my book and tried to make believe I was reading it.

"Are you okay?" she asked taking a large sip.

"I'm just kinda energetic," I said without thinking.

I was also very hard.

She looked at me strangely as she drank more of the juice. I spent the next few minutes trying to make it look like the history book contained every secret I could ever want to know. The sidelong glances at her probably gave away that I was up to something, but Maria was not the only one in for a surprise.

I was not looking when it hit her. I actually managed to control myself enough to do a passably good job of reading a page. I looked up to say something for her.

"Do you think we need..." I was cut off by the blank look in her eyes.

Maria, the person, was not there anymore. I coughed as I suddenly remembered to breathe.


She turned her head slowly towards me. It was the same as with Mr. Paz, a slow turn and focusing of attention on me.

I smiled.

"Are you okay, Maria?"

She nodded slowly, obviously confused. I nodded. The question was unclear. I had observed the problem, subconsciously the person under the influence of the pill knows something is wrong but cannot figure out what.

I stood up and started pacing. I have to admit that at my moment of truth I was unsure of the next step. I knew what I wanted next to be but something human feared going on. I stopped to stare at her. She was sitting quietly, her history book lying open on her lap. She really was not an attractive girl facially, and she was someone that considered me a friend.

The fear inside me, the question of whether this was right or wrong, and the fact that she had always treated me as a friend made me decide against what I was going to do to her. From the beginning, I had known what I planned to do was wrong. It took that blank look in her eyes, the knowledge that there WAS someone behind them to make me step back. I sat down on the couch and shook my head. I sighed and started cursing myself for being several kinds of stupid.

The history book fell off her lap.

For some reason, she had moved without instruction to cross her legs. It forced her mini-skirt to ride high on her right thigh. It was two inches away from showing buttock.

Two very small inches.

I sat there staring at her leg.

God, Maria had absolutely perfect legs!

During my struggle with the right and wrong of this impossibly stupid situation, my dick remained quiet. The two inches that would have exposed an ass I had been fantasizing about since my freshman year in high school forced it to voice an opinion.

More like insist on having its way actually, my dick vetoed the attempt at reason. I had already made up my mind about not fucking her, but looking at her??? What harm was there in that?

I already caught a few panty flashes in the past when she had worn this skirt. There was not a guy in my school that would not look through a hole into the girl's shower if given the chance.

A heterosexual guy anyway.

Here I was in control of a situation that was relatively close to a hole in the shower scenario.

"Stand up, Maria."

She stood right up from the sofa. Her legs were maybe a foot apart. She was looking forward with her hands at her sides.

"Take two steps forward."

I moved so that I was sitting directly behind her. She was wearing shoes with enough heel to accentuate her calves. My hands were itching, fucking itching, to run up and down her legs. I took a deep breath to regain a little control.

I had said I would not touch her, or something like that, and I would not.

The skirt was incredibly short. It probably was not but at sixteen having a perfect ass mini-skirted, only two steps from your nose, warps your perception.

"Take your skirt off."

She undid the belt buckle and pulled the belt out of the loops. She brought both of her hands to her waist and I could tell she was doing something. I saw the waist of the skirt loosen and she let the skirt go.

It dropped to the floor.

I think she stepped out of it, and kicked it aside. I am not sure though, because at time it happened I was staring at an ass that had been prominent in my fantasies for the last two and half years.

It was naked.

I sat back on the couch. I had been prepared for a lot but not...

It was everything I had imagined it to be. Smooth, tight skin. Her hips flared softly in heart-shaped curves. Her buttocks were full, the sloping curve from the small of her back to the sharp lines proclaiming the border of her buttocks and her thighs were mathematical perfection. A perfect ass that later would cost endless hours on a stair-master but for those few years in high school nature and youth conspired to give it to Maria at no cost.

It was fucking NAKED!!!

I sat up to take a closer a look. I figured I could be mistaken. She might be wearing panty hose. The closer look, unforgivingly, showed that Maria had walked onto the spider's web without silk.

I sat back confused.

She knew that the whole studying thing was a fucking joke; nobody with our brains studies in high school. You do the homework and that is it. The whole coming over to study was a front. She could not have known the depth of stupidity I was about to bring down on her, but FUCK!!!

We had been on the edge of something more that this sexual/nonsexual friendship for months. On our junior trip earlier that year, I had point blank asked her to sleep with me. She did not say yes but she said to get a couple of beers that some of the kids had snuck up and that would probably be enough of an excuse.

That was her word, 'excuse'.

All the alcohol was gone by the time it happened, but that she did want me was out in the open. After the trip, she treated it as a joke so I had not pushed but her admission lay between us.

She had probably figured we would at least hook up. There was no harm in that. Shit, a quick hook-up in high school was something to do between classes, and the on-deck circle on most dates. But there is no way; absolutely no way, she could not have figured that in the middle of a hook-up I would not go for her ass. I was willing to take a slap to put my hands on it so I would have tried the same if we were on my couch making out.

She knew my fascination with her lower body.

I would have taken the hook-up to the point where there is no doubt that even if you did go too far you are still worth another go later on. In high school, that is the normal method of stopping a session: the guy tries to go too far and she stops the whole thing.

I would have gone for her ass! The length of the mini-skirt would have guaranteed that my too far would have been under and up the skirt.

She knew me.

She and I were about my desire to be balls deep inside her. Only the belief that I would be inside her later if I did not push it now could have stopped me. Circumstances were on my side; she could not avoid me. She might not talk to me but eventually proximity would defeat her. She and I spent most of our day with the same 10 people. I was the only guy in class that talked to the girls for longer than it took to say hello or to tell a story about what they did that weekend. I would have to go very, very 'too' far before I could not work my way out of any shit-hole in a week.

She knew me. When I knew that I had made it enough fun to forgive me for going too far, I would have reached under and up the skirt and been flesh to flesh with her ass.

Where the fuck did she think it would go from there? What the fuck had she expected?

It was obvious Maria had come with an agenda of her own.

I stood up. I will not say that if she had been wearing panties it would not have gone the same way but the lack of panties made my corruption easier.

I walked around to get in front of her. She was wearing a white top that came down past her belly button. Her eyes still said Maria was not there.

David was not there either.

It had been a prevalent fantasy with Maria, and I wanted to make my first time the realization of it. I pushed my shorts over an unbelievingly hard penis and down to the ground.

Maybe I stepped out of them and kicked them aside too.

"Turn around Maria," I said harshly.

Her body obeyed my command.

"Get down on your knees, bent over onto couch."

She took a step forward and knelt down. She lowered her upper body so that her elbows were resting on the couch. Her legs were too close together. I put my foot between her knees and started pushing on one to spread her wider. I had wondered if a pill subject could take physical cues; Maria spreading her knees wider, opening her body to me answered that one.

I still did not like the angle.

"Cross your arms on the couch. Put your head down on them."

How the fuck I managed the self-control for sane instructions with Maria on her knees bending her upper body on my couch with her beautiful ass in the air, I do not know.

She put her head down. It raised the angle of her ass. I was done with instructions. I went down on my knees between her feet. I knee-walked forward until I was right up on her ass.

The conscious part of me enjoyed the sensation of the underside of my dick riding on the soft skin of Maria's ass. I reached down to grab my dick; with my other hand I reached below the curve of Maria's ass to find her pussy. I put a finger where my dick would have to go for penetration and bowed my back to get the angle right. I rubbed my dick down the crack of her ass until my dick was aligned with my finger.

I looked down.

I pushed a little bit forward so that my dick head was splitting open her pussy lips. Not many sights compare to that first time you see your dick holding open a woman's pussy lips.

I pushed forward.

I got the head of my dick inside before the tightness of her pussy stopped me. I tried to push forward but her body would not give. I pulled back slightly and pumped hard into her. My dick froze at the exact same point. I tried to butt my way deep inside her and could not. I pulled back again, and tried to stroke into her hard. Her body was not giving. It felt raspy as if I was trying to screw very soft sandpaper. With no experience to speak of, dryness had not been a consideration of mine.

I pulled out again and tried the same old, same old. I felt a slight give but again her body stopped me from moving forward.

I knew she was not a virgin having overheard a conversation I should not have, but her body was almost fighting penetration. I could force the issue but a part of me did not want to physically hurt her.

A fine line of distinction, but I was about to become a master at drawing comforting lines of distinction.

I did not know how to proceed. I was hard and wanted to be deep inside her but her body was preventing it. What I had managed felt good though, so I went with it. I pulled out of her so that only the lightest touch kept my dick pointing in the right direction, and pushed back in again. I tried to be gentler. I allowed her body to stop me where it wanted me to stop.

I hit bottom just below my dick head.

The raspy feeling kept me from ejaculating right away. It was not unpleasurable, but it was not the type of stimulation that would take me over the edge. I kept to those short strokes that allowed me inside just below my dickhead for about seven or eight strokes. The raspiness I felt as I penetrated her started to feel like wet sliding.

Maria might not be there, but her body was and it was working with me now. Her pussy had begun to lubricate. I pulled back out and tried to slam forward. I managed to get in another inch before her body refused me again.

The raspiness was back.

I held myself at the new depth.

It felt good.

I pulled back and went back to gentle short strokes. I was not really thinking of anything consciously. My body had taken over. I might not know what to do but my body seemed to have bought a clue somewhere. It took less time for the next depth. I pulled back and into her a few times when I felt her body give me another inch.

Consideration for her went out the window with that extra inch. I pulled back and stroked into her as far as her body would let me. I hit her body's limit but tightened my grip on her hips and pulled back as I drove my hips forward.

Her body relented.

I felt the raspiness again as I forced myself completely inside, but the lubrication her pussy had given the upper part of my dick seemed to be enough. I stroked my hips backwards. I pulled back on her hips as hard as I could while I drove forward with my hips. I got that last depth my body knew was there.

I held her hard against my dick. I could feel my dickhead almost vibrating inside her from the pressure I was exerting pulling her back and pushing my hips forward.

I felt incredible.

Her pussy gripped the entire length of my dick. I could feel each inch of my dick separately, especially because of the difference in lubrication, shallow and in her depth.

I pulled out slowly. I wanted to feel full penetration again. I pulled back until only the tip of my dick was holding her pussy lips open. I pushed my hips forward. Halfway, I felt her body again try to stop me, I added to the pressure and her body gave to my will. I stayed deep inside her. I had learned that her body would lubricate once I let it get used to me.

I started short strokes into her using the same depth of movement that had made her lubricate when her body only allowed my dickhead inside her.

It was too much.

My body had reached the edge, and those short strokes so much like masturbation were on the other side. I felt the orgasm coming. I pulled back as far as I could, and pushed forward again. Her pussy was still unprepared for me, but I was beyond caring. I pulled back hard one more time and drove myself into her as hard as I could. A few hard short strokes in her depth were all I needed after those two long ones.

I came for the first time inside a woman.

It was different.

How an orgasm can be different because your cock is deep in a woman was not something I thought about at that moment. It was just different. More complete, as if it was not just my dick involved in the ejaculation. I felt something inside my ass clench and release. My upper body jerked as my dick shot semen into her several times.

My entire body was involved in that first orgasm inside a woman.

For a moment, I was dizzy. I leaned into her to gain some equilibrium. It only stimulated the head of my dick. I shivered in pleasurable reaction to it. My hands were gripping her flesh tightly trying to pull her back into me, trying to pull her back so that my dick could go through her. I leaned over her, released her hips and put my hands on the couch to hold myself up. I gripped the couch cushion tightly in my hands. The orgasm had passed but the grip her pussy had on my dick was still stimulating me.

I righted myself, unable to take anymore. I pulled my hips back trying to remove my dick from inside her pussy.

It was a completely different feeling.

My semen and her body had worked to completely lubricate her.

It was a different feeling.

There was no hint of raspiness just a smooth wet glide out of her pussy. I had not begun to soften and the feeling was so new and pleasurable that I stroked back into her.

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