Jacob And Tiffany - Naked in School - Cover

Jacob And Tiffany - Naked in School

Copyright© 2004 by Prof Jack

Part 2A: Tuesday

Naked in School Sex Story: Part 2A: Tuesday - This is my contribution to the Naked in School universe. In it are a few trists that you might not expect. It is my first story, and it is ongoing.

Caution: This Naked in School Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First  

Chapter 19: Jacob

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 1204 EST October 27th 2006.

It was 12:04am. That is what my alarm clock said in those bright neon numbers the nearly blind could read at twenty paces. With my vision, I could not see them from further away than three feet.

These thoughts I should not have running in my head. I should be having my post midnight fantasy about now.

The noise that interrupted my sleep sounded again.

I turned over and looked. There was a new flashing light. I got up and went over to my computer and hit a couple buttons. The id for the video call was an army computer in East Jerusalem.

Suddenly I knew exactly who it should be.

"Computer, on. Screen off. This is Jacob Jehosphat Stone. Identify the sender." Meanwhile I threw on a smoking jacket over my pajamas and washed my glasses. Damn, I should have remembered the time difference. This was most likely the promised call I was waiting for. With some hair adjustments, I thought I was somewhat presentable. I sat in my favorite chair by the window. I was ready.

"This is Major Stone, United States Marine Corps, East Jerusalem security station number four."

"Screen on. Hi Dad."

"Hi Jake." His Dad was the only person in this state he permitted to call him Jake. "What's up?" I asked. Now that I knew who it was, I was not as annoyed.

"Things are heating up. I am beginning to think your mother has it easy as a fighter pilot after all. The security detail I'm part of was moved by the United Nations to East Jerusalem. It seems that after Israel was forced by the United Nations forces to start accepting the Road Map, Israel has taken a page from the Palestinian's operation manual. A bunch of Israelis trapped on this side of the boundary have formed the Sharon brigade."

"Hold on. Last time I checked, both Arafat and Sharon were charged with war crimes in an effort to let the world know that justice was not a paper tiger. It was a major good faith gesture by Arafat to do this."

"Arafat got what he wanted. An independent Palestinian state, recognized by the United States. His advisors talked him into showing, and he accepted his sentence fairly. All he asked was that he gets to go to an Arab jail. Sharon was found guilty, sentenced to the same length of time. But the Mossad rescued him, brought him back to Israel. Since then every person fighting the new Palestinian state swears allegiance to him."

"And our great nation, that protector of peace, permits this?"

"As far as I can tell, we really don't want to put more effort into it. The European Union has taken the lead and outside of the token troops they asked for, we have not pushed ourselves into the mess."

"Hmmm. The situation seems to be similar to how it was before the state of Palestine came about as far as resistance, and official denials, with unofficial support."

"True. It's things like this that has me wanting you to stay out of the military, or visiting us in the war zones. You have been sheltered from reality by your skills in science. I've always thought that you are too smart, that you retreat too easily into science rather than dealing with the real world. You are almost never seen with a girl and you don't spend time with kids your own age. I'm proud of what've you done in politics. And I will not deny that your connections in the political system are impressive, or useful, but those achievements are fit for a 30 year old. You are still a teenager. Don't tell your mother this, but I'd rather you be holding a few parties since you have the house to yourself. Parties and girls are a normal teen's life, not rewriting the bounds of science and playing politics."

I just smiled a knowing smile. I had a few surprises in store for dad.

"Enough of that. How's school going? Anything interesting?"

Now where do I begin? So many things were crammed into yesterday that I'm surprised that a school day could hold it all. And that was only the first day of the Program. The more I think about it, the more I wonder what I should expect next. And given the emotional roller coaster of yesterday, how will I handle it?

"Ok, Dad, you want me to do something different for a change, something so unlike me that you and Mom would demand proof before you believe stories about it?"

I inserted a nice dramatic pause there.

"I spent Monday naked in school."

"You didn't!"

"I did."

"You're right. I don't believe it. No way you would do such a thing if you had any choice in the matter."

"True. But I did not have a choice. You should have received the packet, as should have Mom. The old law on sexual openness and equality had been expanded 5 years ago in select districts. As the flaws of it were worked out, more districts participated. Turns out that this year, Riverpoint joined the schools doing it. There was a brochure sent out about it with an exclusion list sign up form. Apparently due to military mail issues, neither of you got it."

My dad started leafing though papers in the desk to his side. "So what happened?" "I stripped as required, walked into a hallway full of laughing students. I launched a verbal broadside and moved though the sudden silence. My partner is a girl I think is perfect for me with the exception that she is too cool for me. Or so I thought at the time. Any thoughts about the subtleties of the program were rendered unimportant by my hearing two football players plans to ravage Tiffany, my program partner. What annoyed me most of all about this was the fact they acted like her feelings, or her consent about this was meaningless. So, foolish me, I acted."

"The Debbie Kutzman incident?"

"That inspired my actions yes. But I learned from the mistakes I made that time. This time I set it up so that the players thought that they had the upper hand. Poor fools. I caused a lunchroom incident with them to insure they would play their parts in my trap. The lunchroom monitor gave me detention because I would not tell what I was up too. Then after gym I got laid because I played with the rules of the program."

"I thought you said you thought you had no chance with Tiffany."

"It wasn't Tiffany. It was a girl in the girl's showers after gym class. In health class, when we talked about first times, I bared my feelings to Tiffany. She cried. Detention had barely started when I ran out, jumped into the Flying Dutchman to rescue Tiffany. I cut it a bit closer than I would have liked, but after we reported it, they still were not punished. It seems football in this school is more important than a girl's safety."

"You're going to crucify them at the right meeting, aren't you?"


"No?" my father asked, surprised.

"No. Tiffany asked me to let her handle it. She was the one who had been attacked; I saw the fairness of letting her handle it. As we were leaving, I let her convince me to do some drag racing. Somebody issued a challenge. Tiffany convinced me to accept. A Ford versus the Flying Dutchman. Who do think won?" I gave dad a wide smile. "By the end of the day, Tiffany admitted she was falling in love with me and wanted to be my girlfriend. Though I expect that eventually this will turn out painful, I accepted."

"Well Jacob, it sounds like you had an eventful Monday. But we knew about the program. We failed to fill out the exclusion forms on purpose. You needed shocking out of your shell. It may be true that MIT is head hunting you before you've finished tenth grade, but being brilliant is not everything. You need to experience life. While you're at it, invite Tiffany over one night, but do not let your mother know that I said that."

My dad did not just say that. He just did NOT say that I should invite Tiffany over to a house that I'm living alone in.

Dad changed the subject while that was settling in. "How is the hovercraft project going?"

"Excellently. I got up yesterday way too late for the school bus, so I used it to get to school. It was useful for school travel, plus it enabled me to humor Tiffany in the race. But for some strange reason, it does not seem to be the most important thing in my life anymore."

"That shows something about Tiffany that you need to seriously consider. Exactly what, you will have to figure out for yourself."

That's a good point dad. I have a few ideas on the meaning of that, but I'll be truly certain tonight.

"How's the density drive experiment working?

I told him that I planned to test it on Sunday.

"I have to go now, give my love to your mother and brothers."

"Speaking of that, I've no news from my brothers in Afghanistan, and Mom's email said the next time she would be able to video phone me is about two am EST on Wednesday.

My dad tried to hide a look. Futile. I know when he is concerned.

I asked, "Will my first long distance journey be to Afghanistan?"

Dad tried to be soothing. He really did. "You'll probably hear from them by Friday. Bye for now. I'll call you on Thursday morning."

I tried to have faith in my father's calm. After all my brothers are Stones. We tend to turn up when least expected. "Bye Dad."

I turned off the video phone and looked at the map I had on the wall. It was a map of a very mountainous country, whose natives could be murderous. That does it. I'm going to create kinetic weapons for the Flying Dutchman by Friday at the latest.

Chapter 20: Tiffany


My phone rang.

Some of my friends have parents that wake them up. Others use alarm clocks. I need neither. Megan always calls before 7:15am. I picked up the phone. "Hello Megan."

"How did you know it was me?"

"Because nobody else has the nerve to call this house before seven thirty."

"Not even Jacob?" "Jacob does not have my phone number yet."

Megan did a credible attempt at imitating Jacob's voice. "I see."

We both laughed at that.

"Megan, he has not even asked for it. Or me for a date for that matter."

"Tiffany, we both know men can be so dense at times. How was yesterday anyway. Is all I heard true?"

"Heard?" I know the gossip net in that school was big, but this fast?

"Yes. Is it true?"

"Is what true?" "That in Ms. Q's health class he told everybody how he felt about you."

"That's true."

"And how about the story that you broke down in tears after hearing how he felt."

"Not only how he felt." Tiffany said defensively.

"Oh?" Megan asked disbelievingly.

"Ok, I'll admit it was a strong part. But also it was the fact that he was so caring, so understanding. A girl we all now knew he wanted was sitting naked in front of him, and he did not care. He spoke to my pain. He cared more about helping me though a problem even as he so clearly never expected to win me. I knew he was different, that he took pride in his being considered odd by everybody else's standards. But then I learned that he was not as bad as we all thought. He had the same feelings and concerns as we do. Unlike us, he never showed them. Jacob can be best described as a cross between Scotty and Spock."

"True. But that's not all. He's a legend of sorts. He seems to be able to pull what he needs out of his coat. He puts on a shell of uncertainty about what he is up to so that nobody knows what is going though his head. Personally I find that a but worrying."

"But Megan, we in the school made him into this living legend. Because he is so different, so smart, he had to build a facade. And that facade crumbled in health class yesterday."

"Are you saying we made him what he is?"

"Partially. He's partly to blame for his situation too. But I had an inspiration yesterday. I whispered 'Who's going to sing those songs, who's going to stand that tall, who's going the fill his boots, who's going to tell the tale of the Wabash Cannonball?' He lost it. I mean Jacob seemed the most normal I've ever seen him, ever."

"I'm surprised. But if you are going to fall in love with him, I'm glad that he does have a human side to him."

"Luckily for me, he was back to his normal self by the time school ended. Because shortly after the last bell, I was attacked by two football players."

"And then what? Tiffany, you just can't say things like that and stop. Tell me!"

"Then my new favorite madman came to my rescue with his hovercraft. He somehow blew them away, then we went to report it."

"Ten to one there were not punished."

"You'd win your bet. But only because I told Jacob to let me handle it."


"I'm not sure. All I know is I had two very powerful forces about to go head to head. Think about it, Stone versus the football program. No way those uninvolved would be kept out of it. Stone may care, but those in the football program would not. I think I thought that by doing that, I'd force the feud underground, having it stay between those players and him."

"Ok the other thing I'm wondering is if it is true that you and Jacob are officially a couple."

"That's true. We decided ourselves yesterday afternoon, and told each other our feelings directly last night."

"Now, for what everybody is dying to know. Have Tiffany and Jacob got it on yet?"

I giggled. "Not yet. Although I do have an idea as to where our first time should be." I whispered it into the phone. And nearly lost my hearing from the shrill teenage squeal on the other side of the phone.

As soon as Megan calmed down she said, "I dare you to go through with it either before school or during half time at the soccer game.

This time I laughed. "I'll let you know what happens. Remember Jacob is still new to sex. He might not have the nerve to do it there."

I could practically hear Megan's grin. "Let's just say I have faith that you can 'convince' Jacob to do anything."

I laughed, and then hung up the phone. Then I went to my closet.

The plunder of half a dozen mall trips looked back at me. And despite enough clothes in there and around my room to start a second - hand clothes shop, I had trouble selecting what to wear. I wanted to dress sexily for Jacob, to make it obvious what I wanted. Plus it should be nice, yet easy to get out of. Plus it should be something I'm not too worried about. After all, I was going to be letting it sit in a box all day with no guard. Maybe Jacob will have the answer to that problem.

What to wear, what to wear...

Clothes, at least some clothes. Mother will invent new forms of annoying and humiliating punishment if I try to leave this house naked.

Start with underwear. None. I'll be wearing less then that anyway during the school day.

Next, bottoms... how about a skirt? Excellent. Sexy yet accessible. Hmmm denims? No, jeans. A blue jean skirt. With a zipper down the rear, a full length zipper. Great.

Now for the top... oh joy. 14 tops and none of them match what I'm looking for. I looked in drawers and storage things I had not touched in months. My eyes fell on a denim top I had borrowed from Diane. Perfect. Zipper down the front, deep v-neck to start... it's just too perfect.

I called up Diane. "Hey, Diane, can I keep your top another couple days, I had it washed but now it's the only thing that will work for the outfit I want to wear today... yes I know I'll be spending the day naked, but this is for something else... I guarantee its safety. I'll ask Jacob if I can store it in his hovercraft... thanks... no I'm not going to tell you... nobody's going to know this surprise... guess all you want, I'm not telling you anything." I hung up.

My outfit was complete. Some jewelry additions, perfume and I thought I was ready.

I wonder if Jacob went though this much trouble with his scientific creations. I bet he'd think it was easier to work his density drive, whatever the hell that is, than understand girls fashions.

Speaking of Jacob, I called him up, asked him for a ride into school.

I went to the kitchen to get breakfast. Food, they keep telling me in Home Ec class is important. I got myself some cereal and milk and sat down.


Oh, great. Just what I needed. My mother wants to talk. Well, I do not want to talk to her. Whether we are moving too fast, or not, I am still mad that she insulted Jacob like that. Divorcing parents do not have the right to ruin everybody else's love life.

"You can't ignore me forever, you have to speak to me sometime."

Forever, no. But I'm sure I can try for sometime next month. You'd be surprised how stubborn I can be when you get me this pissed.

"Tiffany, be reasonable."

I responded with deafening silence.

Where was it ever written that a teenage girl ever had to be reasonable?

My mother moved directly in front of me. "I know you are upset, and about some of it I'm sorry."

Some of it?

Some of it???

"Only some of it?" I tried as hard as I could not to have my question soaking in sarcasm.

"Yes, some of it. He is after all one of my biggest foes. So I'm used to looking for things to attack in him. And he is used to dealing with my attacks. That's normal. But that insinuation didn't hurt him."


Did my mother have so little clue about men?

It would explain her imminent divorce.

"That insinuation did not hurt him. He would have been surprised had I not done it. He probably expected it to be a private accusation. He threw that statement at me, he was angry, not for me, but because by doing it in front of you, it showed that I had no faith in your ability to decide things for yourself."

I think you don't, mother.

"And do you?" I asked her.

"Do I what?" "Do you have faith in my ability to decide for myself what I want."

"There are moments, but overall, yes."

Well, well. Will wonders never cease?

"And if I truly wanted him as a boyfriend?"

"I would try to find a way to put up with it."

Change the word wonders to miracles.

Let's really push things.

"And if I seduced him?"

Tiffany's mother gave her a look, and tried not to explode. She wanted mother daughter peace, trying to keep her on her side in the divorce proceedings. "That I would not want to know about."

Chapter 21: Jacob


Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, October 27th 2006.

Sleep, a famous science fiction character once said, is for tortoises. Unfortunately, that person was an alien. I, on the other hand am human. Despite public opinion, I am human. My difference is when they call me an alien, or say I'm not normal, I thank them. Think about human behavior. Wars, violence at home and school, abuse of friend and family, petty mocking and torment of the helpless, drug and court scandals of those we are supposed to look up too, all this has me glad to be thought different.

I made breakfast. Eggos and syrup plus tea and milk. As I sat down, the phone rang.

Always my personal time is interrupted.

I looked at the phone. The caller ID said it was Tiffany. Why ever would she call me? I would have bet every dollar I spent on the Flying Dutchman that she would have realized the inevitable results of wanting to be a couple. Crush, or love, it would not be just us involved. My public reputation would see to that. Every gesture, every word, every action I do is gossiped upon. I seriously believe the British royals produce less gossip than I do.

I hit the speakerphone button. "Stone residence... Morning Tiffany, how are you? I'm doing ok too... you want a ride... sure, pick you up in 15 minutes... ok, see you then."

I finished eating quickly then put on my usual outfit. I went out to the Flying Dutchman, took off and set course for Tiffany's farmhouse.

I'm running a feud with the football players. Also I have to deal with a relationship I want, she may want, but will it survive public reaction? Come to think it, why do I care? The behavior of everybody else is comic relief to me most of the time. My concern should be that Tiffany is able to stand the public reaction. Today I think I'll let her react, face it as she wishes. After all, for all that I supposedly can do, I cannot do everything. Any partner of mine must be able to stand on her own two feet.

Chapter 22: Jacob


Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, October 27th 2006.

As the flight proceeded, I decided to put in a Meatloaf CD.

The landing went smoothly. Nobody came out waving a shotgun at me. I did not think her mother would do a thing like that, but after last night, anything was possible.

Tiffany approached from the back of the house past a stretch of the road framed by corn stalks.

Then I took a second look. And a third. The outfit she wore might have been designed to try to make her look sexy, but it was a futile attempt. She was sexy to begin with, and all the outfit could do was show it off. As far as I'm concerned, Tiffany is the sort of girl who would look sexy wearing anything. But to be my girl, looks are not enough. Personality is most of the needed material, but also personal strength. She has got to run the gambit of the high school gossips.

I really hope she is strong enough to be my girl.

Tiffany hopped aboard. "Let's go. We don't want to be late."

Late? Not in this craft.

I nodded.

As she put her book bag down, she said "Trust me, you want to hurry."

I had a better sense of time then most clocks. School did not start till 8:30am. We had plenty of time. I was just about to point this out when I remembered something I had seen other men in relationships do. They humored their woman, even when there was no reason to do so. "Ok, Tiffany." I pulled up the GPS and the mapping program. Shortly afterwards I had the craft moving down the back roads at a decent clip.

"How's your family doing?"


"You going to introduce me sometime?"


"Why not?"

"Because they are not here. To be accurate, they are not even in North America. Mom is on a carrier in the Arabian Sea, Dad is in East Jerusalem and my two older brothers are in Afghanistan." I looked at the console for the density drive for a moment. "Tell you what. If things work as I expect they should, after I test the density drive, we'll go visiting. I'll introduce you around."

Tiffany nodded. She had more pieces to a puzzle. He lives alone, living in his self - imposed shell. He only did school stuff and worked on his craft.

As we reached the school, I noticed some new signs. It seems the school has given the Program participants parking spots right outside the school. I guess they noticed it was getting very cold.

Then Tiffany drove all concerns about the weather and parking clear out of my head.

She came over and dropped her coat.

I could see she was surprised briefly that the ship was so well heated. Well, I never did tell her how cold sensitive I was. And surely she noticed that I had my coat hanging on a hook by the door. I bent to pick up her coat so I could hang it up as well.

She put her hand on my shoulder. "Forget about the coat." She maneuvered me so that I was looking into her eyes, standing about a foot in front of her. "You want to kiss me, don't you?" she asked, sexily.

Do you have to ask such an obvious question?

Then I looked at her outfit. I mean I saw it earlier, noticed the materials, patterns, colors, my usual 'scan' of anything that passes by my eyes. But now I took a really good look. Her outfit screamed 'innocent country girl', but the way it hugged her body shouted 'I'm a party girl'. It hugged her curves so perfectly. The skirt was just enough below her ass that she could wear it, and high enough that if she bent over, all would be revealed. Her top had a neckline that went as far as it could while still hiding something. I may not be that experienced at reading women's outfits, but if I had to guess, that outfit screamed 'sex'. And that zipper went from the neckline to the waist too.

Not even I can resist a hint from a girl in that outfit. I said the natural response. "Tiffany, I really want to kiss you." I really meant it, too.

"Then go ahead."

I looked at her just a second longer, then accepted the fact that the local cop for Murphy's Laws had decided to go on a donut break.

I kissed her. It started slow and tentative, but before I could help it, I was kissing her hard. I pulled her to me and held her tight.

She opened her mouth to me while grinding herself against me.

Our kiss ended. I didn't want it to. I really never wanted to stop kissing Tiffany. Unfortunately I still needed to breathe.

Then she started the next kiss, moving her hands up and down my back, squeezing my ass as she continued to grind herself into me. It was as if she was trying to flatten her decent sized breasts by crushing them against me. She stopped the second kiss to tell me the zipper in the back of her skirt was not there for decoration.

The Meatloaf CD started to play Paradise by the Dashboard Lights.

Ok universe, I'm getting the hint here.

I unzipped her skirt, and she stopped her grinding just long enough to let the skirt fall to the floor. Before she went back to grinding, I indicated my pants. "We'll both be more comfortable without these."

She took off my boots and slid down my pants, then pulled them off. Then Tiffany practically ripped my underwear to shreds. "Please, please can I have it?"

Her pleading tone was cause for interesting speculation... later. Right now there was only one thing I wanted to do. Or should I say the only thing I wanted to concentrate on was doing Tiffany.

"Go ahead."

She shucked of her top, and I removed the rest of my clothes.

She lay down on the floor, and then I got on top of her. I think the position was called a '69'. I was not going to ask just then. Instead I fingered her as she started to suck my cock.

I started with one finger, moving slowly.

She was sucking me, rather nicely. She tried to grind her body against my finger.

I kept it up, keeping my finger motions rather slow, before putting in a second finger and speeding things up. But only just a little bit.

Tiffany was moaning a bit now. She was sucking harder, trying to get it all in her mouth, almost as if she was sucking a milkshake. The last few drops of the milkshake that is. The pressure was building.

A few minutes later, I upped the finger count to four. I started to match the finger speed to her sucking speed.

She caught on quickly. She sucked harder. Her moaning increased.

My resistance went quickly. I came in her mouth.

She drank it all. Then she sucked me again. She kept grinding her pussy against my fingers.

I fingered her off fast. By now I knew what she really wanted. And I wanted it too.

She came screaming. As soon as she could speak again she begged, "Put it in, Jacob please put it in now."

Like I wanted to do anything else.

I climbed on top of her and rubbed her pussy slowly and teasingly with my cock. Her pussy was wet. My cock slipped in a little.

"Yes... give it to me... please give it to me now!"

I tried to fuck her slowly. I wanted to make the moment last as long as I could.

I tried.

Instead she put her legs around me, and rolled us over. "I want it all, now. I need you to fuck my brains out. To hell with it" At that point she started riding me hard, moaning, "Yes, oh yes... I love this so much. More... give me more..."

I reached up, squeezed her nipples.

Tiffany went wild. Her orgasmic screams should have broken every window in the hovercraft.

Chapter 23: Tiffany


Tuesday morning

That was just too good. If Jacob is that good during his second fuck, how good will he be after we fuck a few more times?

One thing is for sure. If for no other reason, I've got to keep him around for that.

Did I just think that?

Who would have thought I'd be thinking such thoughts last week?

Now all I have to do is get him past this bit of shyness he has left. I know he can take charge of things. The question is, how to give him the confidence to be certain our relationship will last?

I put on my skirt and my jacket. Then I helped Jacob get dressed.

As we went to the school entrance we were supposed to do our stripping at, I saw a large crowd waiting.

Oh great, there was Kevin and Fred standing there. They had a bunch of football players there. They all had lust driven looks on their face.

I went from feeling heavenly to feeling like I had gone to hell.

Jacob put his arm around me, somewhat protectively. "The rules be damned. I am going to refuse any supposedly reasonable requests concerning Tiffany from certain people. They know who they are."

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