Toyland: A Zansasi Highway Adventure - Cover

Toyland: A Zansasi Highway Adventure

Copyright© 2004 by DB_Story

Chapter 7: Jeannie and Princess Jasmine

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7: Jeannie and Princess Jasmine - When you can create the perfect toy, what would you make?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Magic   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Robot   First   Sex Toys   Transformation  

"I have a request," Darci said gravely.

"Anything," I quickly answered, meaning it.

"I better tell you what it is first."

"Go ahead," I replied, catching her serious mood.

"I have a new friend I'd like you to meet," Darci told me. "She has a problem that I feel you can help out with."

"Sure," I replied. "Shall we go now?"

"It's a bit more than that," Darci continued. "I really can't go with you or be part of this. In fact, I want you to put me in the closet and turn me off until after you've met her."

"Turn you off?" I questioned, amazed at this request. Darci had most definitely not wanted to be turned off before. This was quite the opposite for her now, and told me how serious she was about this "request".

"Yes," Darci confirmed.

I looked at her closely now. Her lower lip was quivering and I could tell how much this was affecting her. It wouldn't really hurt her to be turned off for a little while, but I knew how she strongly she'd felt about it when she first became Big Darci, and had no reason to feel that had changed in any way for her.

"But why?" I asked, knowing that I was missing something major here.

"It's just... necessary," she said. "And I'll be fine. Really."

With that she looked up with a smile and I knew that somehow, everything would be okay.

I kissed her and held her tightly for several minutes, until she finally said now was the time. She pulled off her top to give me easy access to her back, which she'd been taking pains to hide in public otherwise, then walked into the closet. Once inside she reached back and pulled her hair aside, removing the last barrier and baring the only thing set her apart from any other human.

"Are you sure?" I asked one more time.


With that definite confirmation I reached over and tenderly slid her switch down until Darci froze in place. I closed the door and waited as she'd told me to do.

Soon there was a knock at my door. I opened it and the innkeeper handed me box saying only, "Darci asked me to give you this when it arrived."

He left without comment and I opened the box. Inside was an I Dream of Jeannie doll the size of Small Darci.

Jeannie I wasn't sure what this meant. Darci hadn't told me anything about what to expect, or what I was supposed to do next.

While I was trying to decide my course of action, Jeannie tilted her head to look up at me and blinked her exotic eyes. She was already switched on.

Then she crossed her arms and blinked again. The next thing I knew she was standing full-size next to me. Well, almost full-size.

While I was still trying to catch up with what had just happened she reached up and threw her arms enthusiastically around me while enthusing, "Are you going to be my new Master?"

I have to confess I was completely flummoxed. Instead of doing the obvious putting my arms around her and answering, "Of course, I will," I just stood there with my arms at my side saying nothing.

Jeannie quickly realized she wasn't getting the reaction she'd hoped for. In return I got the one reaction I had hoped not for.

When I didn't respond to her entreaty she suddenly burst into tears. A moment later she released me, crossed her arms again, blinked — and vanished.

I looked everywhere. She was nowhere in the room. Not in the box. Not under the bed. Not in the little bottle that came with her in the box. Not here at all.

I finally sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands. I knew something important had happened, yet didn't have clue as to what it was. Darci wanted me to meet Jeannie. Jeannie asked if I was going to be her new Master. Now she was gone. I wasn't looking forward to telling Darci how I had just — somehow — let her down.

"Jeannie, come back please," I said to the empty room. "Can we just talk?" I asked, not expecting anything.

But the moment I quit speaking there was a >pop<, and Jeannie appeared back in the room. I jumped off the bed in surprise.

She was dabbing her eyes and I could tell she had been crying more. I felt bad about that, even though I had not intended it and didn't even know what I'd done to cause it.

The natural thing was to put my arms around her to comfort her. She melted up against me the moment I did. I thought she was past it, but then she started sobbing hard against me. I held her tightly until it finally passed.

"I'm okay now," she finally said, looking up at me with the most amazing blue eyes. I released her while she added, "I guess I just don't take rejection well."

"Who does?" I answered rhetorically.

Jeannie composed herself for a moment, and then blew her nose daintily on the tissue she still held. Then, looking at the tissue for a moment, she blinked and it was gone. A nice trick indeed. Then she looked back up at me.

To my surprise, Jeannie was only about five feet, four inches tall, although her figure was an impressive 36-24-26, which looked even larger on her than it would have on the much taller Darci. Her breasts filled the top of her harem outfit quite nicely.

"I'm sorry for my reaction before," she said. "The transition from Small to Big thinking sometimes takes a bit of adjustment. I'm much more emotion when my mind is Small."

I nodded, believing I knew what she was talking about.

"Can we try this again?" she asked with a rueful smile.

"Yes," I said, nodding to reinforce it.

"I'm Jeannie," she offered, sticking out her hand, which I immediately took feeling maybe I could anchor her here this time by holding on to it. "I'm pleased to meet you. Darci has told me many nice things about you."

"That was kind of her," I replied, not letting go of Jeannie's hand. I found I liked holding it. "Darci hasn't told me a thing about you."

"We agreed that would be best," Jeannie replied, not seeming to want her hand back yet. "There's nothing like a first impression for properly meeting someone."

"There's nothing like that first impression," I bounced back, trying to grin as I said it.


Noting my continuing astonishment at her appearance and guessing the reason, Jeannie crossed her arms and blinked, conjuring — or maybe just fetching — herself a fetching pair of three-inch heels to replace her Sahara-style slippers. That didn't entirely alleviate my expectations for her, however.

"I can be taller, Potential Future Master," she said in such a charming way that I found myself distracted quite unexpectedly. When such a sexy and beautiful woman of any size calls you her Master, it can provide quite a jolt to you libido.

"I thought you were taller," I replied a numbly, recalling how tall her co-star had been.

"No, Future Master," she replied, giving me another jolt — and clearly knowing just what effect she was having on me! "This has always been my normal size, although I am allowed to change it. "Would you like to see me taller?"

"No!" I quickly replied. "I think it's important for me to know you as you really are before I even think about changing you."

That, by the way, is one of the wisest decisions any man can make when entering into a new relationship. Don't try to change a person you don't even know yet.

"Okay, Future Master," she chirped agreeably. "Let's get acquainted."

"I hope you can tell me what's going on," I said to this alluring, sexy lady whose hand I was now busy making my personal property. It might be working. She hadn't popped out again yet.

"I'd love to," she replied with a genuine smile this time, using her trapped hand to lead me back over to the bed to sit down. It seems she expected this would take a while.

It did.

Jeannie told me her story of how someone she didn't name had created her the same way I'd created Darci. Like that was a big revelation — that in the entire multiverse someone else could also have a fantasy this close to my own.

I have to confess that I've always had a crush on Jeannie. I mean, what red-blooded male didn't? If it hadn't been for some other crushes along the way, I might have been spending these last few weeks with my own Jeannie. Well it turns out there is an anemic male that doesn't share my crush named Ted. Or at least someone who couldn't hold onto his fantasy after he got it.

"My Master Ted grew tired of me," Jeannie said, so sadly it brought tears to my eyes as well. An unwanted toy, whether small or large, always has a story that will break your heart — if you have one to start with.

"He began to avoid me," she continued. "I could always find him, and always came when I heard my name, but didn't like that either. He finally told me to start leaving him alone until he called for me specifically. Now he never even calls."

I could understand her rejection. Like Darci, Jeannie was linked to one owner. If that owner didn't want her, she couldn't do anything about it except suffer alone.

I was also very curious about Jeannie's powers. Darci has nothing like them.

"It is part of being me," she explained. "They're not really very complicated. I can change my size, like my namesake. I can also move things from one place to another in the blink of an eye, including myself. And I can hear my Master's voice when he calls me. Nothing more."

She said it so simply, but it sounded amazing to me. Jeannie's few, simple abilities could appear quite impressive when used well. A whole world of possibilities I'd never considered when making Darci. Not that such tricks would normally be part of her makeup. And that thought brought me to the present.

"And what did Darci think I would do for you? Talk to Ted?"

"Actually," Jeannie said, "Darci felt you might agree to be my new Master."

Even though she'd already made this reference to our future relationship several times now in passing, if I could have fallen through the floor right now, I would have. This way that Jeannie was offering herself to me so matter-of-factly.

I must have swallowed when I should have breathed because I was overcome by a sudden coughing fit. Jeannie watched me calmly as I worked my way through it.

"Darci's in favor of this?" I finally managed to get out.

"Of course she is," came the calm reply. "It was her idea after we'd met and realized how much alike we were, except for our home situations. That's why she arranged for us to meet."

I thought it over. One thing about Darci is that she never lies. It's not in her makeup. I doubt it's in Jeannie's makeup either. The toymaking machine just doesn't make bent toys.

The more I though about it the more it made sense. I loved Darci, and I have no doubt of her love for me. She wouldn't do anything to knowingly harm our relationship. She may not fully understand just how complex and messed up we humans insist on making our relationships, but her intentions are always good.

Jeannie sat there quietly on the bed with her legs crossed, feet not quite reaching the floor, while I was working this out. She idly flexed an ankle as I realized I was still holding her hand.

Guiltily I let go of it, but didn't move away from her. Whereas Darci can still seldom sit quietly for any period of time because so many things are always happening around her to catch her attention, Jeannie seemed much calmer and more patient now, albeit somewhat more emotional at times.

I was right on the edge of a decision. I'd either do this, or not. At the moment I had good arguments on both sides of the equation and could go either way.

"May I offer one more thing to help you make up your mind?" Jeannie asked.

"Yes," I said, still distracted by my thoughts.

Jeannie stood up and moved away from me just enough to give her room to pull off her top. Then she leaned over and kissed me, which was easy for her while I was still sitting down.

Before I met Darci, this would have startled me so much I probably would have jumped off the bed, knocked her over in the process, and spoiled the whole moment. Now I just enjoyed her soft lips for the long kiss, and returned it with equal passion.

Jeannie eventually finished her kiss and pulled back to assess my reaction. In return I assessed her chest. Compared to Darci's impressive front, Jeannie seemed merely normal. But they were the most perfectly shaped, nicely sized, merely normal breasts one could imagine.

And either she's one of those women whose nipples are always out there, or it's drafter in this room than I realized — or something else...

Jeannie knew exactly what she was doing. She had the confidence of knowing her appeal to others. "They feel even better than they look," she said with a sly smile.

My hands didn't wait for my brain to decide what to do. Thinking too much is always a bad idea anyway when you have just received such a fine and clear invitation. I reached over and found out that, as expected, Jeannie was telling the complete truth.

Or almost the complete truth. Jeannie hadn't mentioned how good it felt to her to have them handled as well.

Soon enough we were kissing again, and then again after that. Along the way I managed to get both of us out of our clothes — or had she gotten us out of them — and I was running my hands over her compact body while trying to hold myself back enough to make my final surge even bigger.

Soon enough she opened her legs without being asked and guided me inside her before wrapping her smooth, sexy legs around me. If Darci is a tiger at making love, Jeannie is every bit her equal. And she has no fear of a man larger than herself. I matched my best performance with Darci, and Jeannie stayed with me the whole way.

Afterwards I looked at Jeannie wondering how, if she's Ted's toy, she could have just done this with me. And what did this say about Darci's loyalty? Jeannie seemed to be reading my mind, which is NOT supposed to be one of her special abilities — unless that's part of her to help her serve a Master better.

"When Ted told me to go away until he called me," she told me, "I asked him what I should do. He said to amuse myself as I wished, as long as it didn't bother him. This allowed me to make friends with Darci, and be here with you. I could never have done these things otherwise."

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