Helen and I - Cover

Helen and I

Copyright© 2004 by Paris Waterman

Part 1

Erotica Sex Story: Part 1 - This is my first attempt at erotica. Strongly influenced by M1ke Hunt, I tried for a humorous story. Most readers thought I fell short. But all of them agreed on one salient point, I had written a hot, hot story. At any rate, Celeste gave me a 9 and that encouraged me to keep writing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Romantic  

1. The Meeting

Helen has been my lover for some time now. The question that continues to puzzle me is are we in love, or are we in love with lust?

We met at a neighbor's party on the Fourth of July, but another five months would pass before we became extremely interested in each other.

How shall I describe Helen for you? My first impression was of her long graceful legs and marvelous ass barely hidden behind a pair of tight denim shorts. I cajoled myself into action and was moving across the room to be closer to her when she turned to confront me. Well... déjà vu all over again! There was the face I had dreamed of since puberty.

As I recline here by the pool today, looking out at he brilliant green ocean, I recall that day to my mind's eye, and there is that face -- glasses that seemed to be slipping dangerously down her nose shielded Helen's exceedingly green eyes from mine. In terms measured as drop-dead gorgeous, she possessed a generous, but perky nose. Her face was surrounded by luxurious auburn hair, a combination that made for striking features. She wore a Tee shirt that read "Hi Sailor!"across her abundant breasts. Our eyes met, and I introduced myself and learned her name was Helen, but being overly macho that day, I'd already had a nubile blonde smile at me, I moved past her to the bar and lost the opportunity to engage her in further conversation.

I 'd better get on with this story or I'll lose those of you reading this... well, soon to be highly erotic tale.

Later, months later, I found Helen to be smooth and lustrous, both in style and form. But on that July day nothing happened beyond that casual introduction.

I do have a wife -- Maggie, whom I love very much.

Several years ago there was an accident, a terrible accident. Now Maggie remains in a coma with little hope of recovery. I managed to function, but that might be a generous description. The stress of Maggie's condition, job pressures and unpaid bills combined to wear me down to an empty shell of my earlier self. My poor performance at work was the first signal. I was in a funk of despondency and couldn't lift myself out of it. The household chores didn't get done. Dishes piled up; beds went unmade and unchanged. Worst of all, I sat by Maggie's bed in the skilled nursing home and stared off into space. I had become useless to everyone.

It was my Mother-in Law, Tess who pried me loose from my mired mind. "I'd send you to the doctor if I thought it'd help,"Tess said. "But what you really need right now is to get laid." I was jolted into reality. "What did you say? I love Maggie, and she..." "Oh shut up,"Tess growled. "I know what I'm talking about. If I thought Maggie would be offended I'd never suggest it, but it's exactly what she'd want for you." Tess went on.

"Life goes on. Find someone. Start a relationship. Get on with your life." With that said and tears rolling down her face, Tess went home and left me alone to think about it.

2. My Friend Bubba Makes An Impression

It was a frigid, bleak, December day when Helen and I met the second time. We were several minutes into a general conversation outside the local Harris Teeter with our shopping cart's head to head. I was pleased that Helen actually recalled our meeting last July. There were dark storm clouds rolling in and the turbulent winds sweeping across the parking lot forced Helen's skirt to mold itself to her body. She might as well have been nude from the waist down. I felt my cock become rigid for the first time since Maggie's accident. I remembered what Tess had told me. I looked at Helen and found her staring at the bulge in my pants. Why I said it I'll never know. But I do things like this on occasion, just on impulse. "Well, I guess you can tell that Bubba and I are glad to see you." Helen snorted twice then burst out laughing. I allowed a smug grin to cross my face. Inside I had begun to glow. I was being reborn. God, she was beautiful when she laughed. And what a laugh it was. A genuine laugh, nothing held back. (Later that night Helen told me that was the first time she had really laughed in over a year. Her divorce had caught her by surprise and left her devastated.) She smiled at me. Her smile contained hidden promise and intrigue. My cock was at full mast now. The blustering wind now turned on me, whipping my slacks around my legs making my hard-on very conspicuous to onlookers. Fortunately for me they were some distance away, too busy fighting the wind to notice my best friend Bubba's emergence. Helen, still smiling said, "Tell Bubba I'm glad to see him too." She kissed me on the lips and turned to go.

No! I thought, don't let her go!

I managed to stammer out an invitation to dinner that night. She declined, but was still smiling, when she said, "I can't do dinner, but do come over to my place about nine tonight. Here's my address and phone number." Numbly I accepted. Bubba erupted in my pants.

I managed to drive home without getting into an accident. I remember the clouds were black and threatening, and the wind buffeting the car, but my heart soared, I was above it all. And Helen was the wind beneath my wings.

3. "My God, we haven't fucked yet!"

I arrived home, took one look around and was amazed at the slovenly appearance of each room I entered. I began a non-stop cleanup campaign. Kitchen first. Strangely enough the necessary cleaning tools were readily available. (I had not used them very often following Maggie's accident.) The bedroom was torn apart and clean linen and bedding replaced skuzzy sheets and a stained blanket.

Good news! The vacuum still worked. I used it until I thought the motor would burn out. I saved the bathroom for last. As I finished cleaning it I realized it was almost 8 PM. I managed to shave without cutting my face up, showered and dressed. Giving a mental thanks to Tess for picking up my stuff at the cleaners, I stepped into a pair of dark blue corduroy slacks, pulled on a light yellow sports shirt, grabbed my Marlboro Man jacket and headed for the door. After one step outside I returned somewhat chagrined that I had to add socks and loafers to my attire.

I was flying. Fortunately, Helen lived nearby. I walked, seemingly on air, regaining consciousness in time to ring the bell to her apartment.

Helen greeted me at her door wearing a black negligee, with some sort of dark green shimmer to it as she moved. I liked it. No, that's putting it mildly, I would have liked it if she were bundled up in a Russian army overcoat. I was stunned by it! Helen acted quickly to bring me out of my stupor. She put her arms around me saying: "How are my new good friends Jim and Bubba?" And she kissed me, a long, sloppy, wet kiss.

I was rusty and actually, so was Helen. But, hey! Once you learn how to ride a bicycle...

We were grinding against each other before the kiss ended and the next one started. This one was deep, with her tongue pushing slowly into my mouth. Her breath tasted of cinnamon. There was a delightful fragrance emanating from her. I never remembered to ask what it was. What a wuss!

I remembered my manners and began to flick my tongue over and under hers. We abandoned ourselves to the kiss. I moved my hands over her firm ass and clenched her cheeks with my fingers as I crushed her pelvic area to my loins. Is there anything more sensual than a filmy negligee over a woman's body? [Answers to this purely rhetorical question may be sent to me at: the_panda@hotmail.com up until December 31, 1999.]

Our mouths never separated. Saliva began to build up. I swallowed it, and powered by a desire I had never known before, started moving my tongue at a frantic pace - in, out, over, and around. Helen matched me with her intensity. She ground her hips against my groin, Bubba tried to skewer her then and there. I broke the kiss only to move to her neck, which I started to suck and lick with the same energy I'd used with the kiss. Hickeys be damned, Helen could wear a scarf or high necked dresses for a few days. [Oh, you're thinking, he's a male chauvinist pig! I can live with that.]

I had to touch her breasts; to suck her nipples; to lick her skin everywhere. So I did. Helen began to moan, and started licking my earlobe. I shuddered in pleasure. Helen went on to bestow the world's longest lasting hickey on my neck -- I shuddered again. [How's that for justice ladies? And me giving a major speech at work the next day.]

I loved her suck.

Pinching a nipple between my thumb and forefinger with one hand, [have you ever heard that phase before?] while alternating between licking and biting the other nipple. Although already rigid, her nipples appeared to increase in size as I played on.

I looked down and observed Helen's free hand caressing herself between her legs. Her lips found their way back to my mouth and our tongues resumed wrestling. We lost our balance and fell, landing softly on a muslin colored couch. Helen, mouth still locked to mine, reached for my hand and placed it at the junction between her legs. Her panties were so wet at first I thought she'd pissed in her pants. (I really was rusty.)

Two of my fingers found their way inside her panties. Eventually, I left her mouth and breasts to concentrate on her sopping wet cunt. She rotated her hips against my fingers, indicating the place, pace and pressure she needed. I increased the tempo and she began to come. With the lower portion of her body quivering uncontrollably, Helen came a second time. Hell, maybe that was still the first one, I was not keeping track, and I had too many other things going on. I withdrew my fingers and instantly Helen got quite vocal about what she wanted me to do next. She got what she wanted as I buried my face in the thick auburn hair covering her cunt and tasted her juices for the first time.

Oh! God! The sweetness!

My tongue entered her cunt as far as it could. (Just testing, someone once called me a dipstick, and I... well, you know... )

I started licking along the folds of her labia, alternating from one side to the other, deliberately avoiding contact with her clit. Instead, I shifted position slightly and began licking her asshole, which had a rather pleasant pungent taste. (Another victory for mind over matter. Actually, Helen was dishwasher clean.) My tongue's contact caused her to heave away from me as though she'd been shocked. (Later I learned this was indeed the case.) But, her ass returned to my tongue quickly enough. When a sufficient amount of saliva was deposited, I stiffened my tongue and penetrated her asshole.

Why would I do this you ask? For the same reason Hillary (Edmund, not Clinton), climbed Mt. Everest that's why -- because it was there. This produced a sharp gasp from Helen. Moments later, she started cuming again. She began a convulsive wriggling, and my tongue was momentarily trapped in her hole. I panicked, and slapped her ass hard, causing her muscles to relax momentarily and regained the use of my tongue. My God, this woman was hot. (Does this momentary reflection mean that my mind was not totally in the gutter, but engrossed in philosophic trends of thought regarding... )

Oh, shit! We were falling!

Closely entwined, we slowly rolled off the couch and crashed into the plush, dark green carpet below. Bumpily-bump-bump! Proving once and for all that there's a time to think and a time to act. I returned to the action.

After removing her panties, I slowly inserted the moistened index finger of my left hand up to the second knuckle in her ass without any difficulty. Two fingers on my right hand returned to their earlier journey, a slow paced sliding in and out of her cunt, the entrance of which was now covered with white foam. (All this per the instructions on page 17 of the sex manual I bought at a garage sale last week.)

Helen was moaning, "Give me your cock James! Come on, fuck me!"I ignored her plea, never feeling more powerful, more in control.

"Not yet,"I growled, between licking and sucking her hardened nipple. Inspired, I lowered my head to her frothy, succulent cunt and sought out her clit. Turning my head upward, I glanced at Helen as she lay there on the carpet. The richness and intensity of her once pale complexion now splotched with crimson blushes; this, coupled with her tousled, auburn hair and lust filled, smoky green eyes was a stark contrast against the dark emerald green carpet. (I reprimanded myself, insisting that I get the hell out of English 101, and back to the good parts.) So I did.

Returning to her blood engorged clit I lightly licked it. Helen clenched the carpet, grabbing a fistful in each hand as she cried out, "That's it baby! Oh, God James! Do that... Yeessss! Oh, God! Ooooh, God!"

I had taken her clit between my teeth and very gently nipped it with my teeth. The musky odor from Helen's drizzling wet cunt was overpowering. I came up for air, then quickly lowered my face back into the wet, ferruginous colored curls comprising the hairy bush surrounding her wondrously sweet tasting cunt.

Helen screamed out in pleasure at the moment of contact when I resumed nibbling her clit. Her entire pelvic area was rotating in a circular fashion.

"Oh, oh, oh, God, oh, God, I'm gonna explode"Helen shrieked.

I thrust my tongue deep inside her, and wedged a second finger deep into her asshole, and began moving both in and out at rapid pace. (I think I could have fisted her ass at this point.)

Helen started thrusting her ass toward the ceiling. I nipped at her clit one more time, and held on slowly increasing the pressure. Helen screamed, "I'm cumming! Oh, God I'm cumming. Ohhh, please stop James! I can't take anymore!"

She seemed serious about my stopping, so moments later I released her clit, gave her ass one last frig and kissed her softly on the mouth. She tried to return the kiss, but couldn't.

"I'm dead," she said. "I can't believe how I feel. I'm in Heaven, Ohhhhh, James, I can't stop cumming!"

I held her close, alternatingly between kissing her neck, her shoulder and then her breasts. I kept my hand pressed firmly against her wet mound, which was soaked with a combination of my saliva and Helen's juices. Helen shuddered when I licked her nipple, then gasped and said: "My God, we haven't fucked yet!"

I smiled and replied, "that's all right honey. Me and Bubba can wait awhile. We have all night don't we?"

"We sure do," she sighed. That being the case, we both fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

4. "You're a genius Jim,"

I awoke at 12:15 am. Bubba had been awakened moments earlier.


I was still groggy, but my reflexes were instantly alert. Bubba was under attack. I looked downward through half opened eyes and found Helen crouched under the sheet, having placed herself between my legs, two hands holding Bubba erect. Hell, Bubba could have stood up for himself given half a chance. Helen wasn't giving an inch. Her grip was exquisitely tight. The part of Bubba not firmly grasped in her hands was in her mouth, and... "Oh, OOOOHHHH! Ahhhhh! Do thaaat again!" I shouted, coming fully awake and starting to take inventory of my body parts. Helen released her top hand from my cock to caress my balls. Simultaneously, she started to swallow Bubba. I wasn't gonna last much longer at this pace. Reluctantly, I rolled away from Helen's clutches, and mumbled: "Let's try fucking for a change."

"You're a genius Jim," Helen replied, through lipstick smeared lips. Hell, now she was stokin' my libido as well as Bubba. Next she'll be suckin' the Id out of my mind and I won't give a damn. What a girl!

She positioned herself on her back, and placed her legs on my shoulders as Bubba slid in to the hilt. Helen cried out, "Oh, boy,"and tried to touch the ceiling with her toes. We began a torrid horizontal ballet.

I could still taste and smell Helen's sweet juices encrusted in my mustache and beard from our earlier misadventures. My early morning mouth breath didn't seem as bad as usual, so I risked kissing her. ("Well, come on, reader - she didn't brush either - and fairs fair.")

Helen didn't object, in fact it was a prolonged exchange of tongues, saliva and I thought for a second, a filling she'd extracted trying to suck my tongue out of my head.

Eventually, (Okay, okay, I'm not Superman).

It didn't take long (is that better?) before I started to cum, and cum, and cum. (I do that very well, thank you very much.)

Ah, bliss. We held tight to one another for a time and I went back to sleep only to dream that my semen dried while we were cuddling together and we were now stuck together for eternity. When I later told Helen about the dream she thought it kind of romantic. Go figure!

5. Eating At The Frenchman's

We awoke within minutes of each other. It was about ten after six in the morning. Helen bounded out of bed and dashed for the shower. Feeling somewhat playful, and with the early signs of being able to do something constructive with the quasi-erection perking hither-dither, I followed. I was chagrined when Helen halted my entry into the shower.

"What's wrong," I asked.

Helen smiled, then pouted and said, "We don't have time right now. Now don't tempt me. I mean it. I've got to get dressed and out for an important interview. Besides, I don't have a thing to eat; we'll have to get breakfast at the Frenchman's."

I decided against the inane remarks that came to mind, and agreed with her. "Okay, the Frenchman's it is".

Thirty minutes later, (Yes, I was impressed with Helen's ability to make herself very presentable within a short time frame. In fact, she had to wait for me before we could leave.) we pulled into the Frenchman's for breakfast. Oddly enough, the Frenchman's was actually owned and operated by a small henna-haired French woman in her fifties named Lilly. The kitchen was run by her husband, a tall, thin Romanian, who was known to laugh and talk incessantly, while turning out the best breakfast and lunch food in town.

We went in, took a booth by a window looking out onto the intersection of Broad and 10th Street as it braced itself for the new days bustling activity, and ordered breakfast. I led off our conversation. "Helen, last night... well, last night was great."At this point, wanting to say something profoundly romantic, I could only manage to stammer, "I,... I,..." "Jim,"she was smiling at me as she said it. "I thought last night was sensational. Hopefully we'll have more nights like that; perhaps we'll even have mornings and afternoons as well. Right now I think we should tell each other a little something about ourselves. Would you like me to start it off?" And that solidified the beginning of a wonderful relationship, now well into its second year.

We saw each other often after that day, but never discussed the possibility of a future together.

My wife, Maggie's status changed for the worse during this period and we all waited for the inevitable. Tess, my mother-in-law, was very much aware of our relationship and accepted it - being very cordial on those times Helen and I met her. Tess even mentioned that I'd made a good choice and never raised the subject again. This helped me immeasurably in deflecting the guilt that surfaced in the days following Maggie's passing two weeks later.

6. Reunited

The needs of business had placed me 2000 miles away for almost three weeks. It had been three very long weeks. Minutes later I would discover that gap had seemed an eternity to Helen as well.

A fresh spring rain had moved through the area only a half-hour earlier; making the woods fragrant and washing the city clean in the dusk. I inhaled deeply of the damp evening smells as I climbed out of the Jeep Wagoneer and strode the last steps to Helen's apartment. Plum trees shaded the front of the light gray building from the rays of the setting sun. The trees still had a few of their white blossoms scattered among their new green leaves, and they reminded me of other springs when Maggie and I stood beneath a similar canopy of creamy flowers while having our picture taken. I thought, but that was then this is now, as I began striding towards Helen's lobby.

Helen was waiting for me in the courtyard on the southside of her building. She was standing barefooted on a wet rock walk where she had been watering flowers, her baggy gardening dress hanging almost to her tanned ankles. Her smile as beautiful now as it had been the first time it flashed at me. It was an easy smile, the sort of smile that made strangers instantly at ease with her, a disarming smile that told me she was not a complicated woman, a misconception I would soon learn to revise.

I took a deep breath of the heavy air, and enjoyed the familiar earthy odors of damp plants and stones. We kissed softly. I could smell the faint fragrance of a familiar, yet unrecognizable perfume. I made a mental note to learn the name for future gift purposes. (Of course I would eventually buy the wrong perfume, that's what guys do, right?)

Helen bent down and took the hem of her dress and dried her hands. Then she looked me in the eye and said: "Hello stranger." A sparkle of amusement began to pluck at her emerald eyes, "I shouldn't tell you this, but I've missed you terribly. I've managed to entertain myself in your absence though. I got so horny thinking about you and Bubba while you were gone... I went shopping and shopping... well,... I can't wait to show you my new toy collection."

She shook her head at this, seemingly delighted at the expression I now had on my face. "Ah, I see you're curious. Good. Let's go up now."

There was a long, sensuous kiss in the empty elevator. We held each other close and it felt good. It felt right. The elevator door opened and we entered Helen's apartment. The late afternoon light throwing a long, brassy streak across the dark terracotta tile at the entrance of the living room. I made myself comfortable, dropping down into a tapestry armchair.

"First off, let me get you a drink,"she said, as she kicked her shoes off and picked them up with one hand as she loosened her belt with the other. She walked through the dining room unbuttoning her dress, then back out to the stairway where she started up to her bedroom. My eyes devoured her body as she climbed the stairs. What had she said, something about a drink? I came to the conclusion I was to make myself comfortable and that included making my own drink.

Helen meanwhile, took the opportunity to bathe and wash her hair. She put on only a thin cotton sundress with yellow, red and blue tropical flowers swirling and blending into each other. She had combed out her rust colored hair, but left it wet and came down to the kitchen and poured a strong scotch and water before rejoining me in the living room. I knew she was naked under the dress from the jouncing of her breasts and way it clung to her thighs.

Sitting down on the couch, she propped her feet up on a coffee table, and hiked her dress above her knees. (Unladylike you say, well... maybe... But, I say it was by design and sexy as all get out.) Mind you, Bubba had almost wormed his way out of his zippered confinement. I could feel his one eye bulging obscenely as it thrust against the material of my slacks.

Helen took a long drink of her scotch, and noting the uprising I was trying to suppress from her, smiled lewdly. I looked away and down at my drink. The tall, sweaty glass was standing in a puddle of its own condensation, the ice having melted, leaving behind an unappealing, warm, off-color liquid.

Helen broke the silence, "I've really, really missed you. Let me show you some thing's I bought. Things to help me get by in your absence."

With that she led me over to a toy chest. Looking in, I saw it was filled with sex toys of various types. Several items I recognized - dildos and the like, but, others I had no idea about. I got my first lesson as she led me to the bed. It was new. "It's our special bed,"she whispered into my ear. I noted it had an elegant black wrought iron garden gate styling for both the headboard and footboard. The cotton sheets were striped with a fine herringbone accented in gold and black. The comforter featured a center of gold and black paisley print, with a checkered border. In this setting, the sun's last rays poured into the room like a staged spotlight, focusing upon Helen and her long auburn hair - now a glistening copper fire, as it draped down across her shoulders. Helen was a vision of unsurpassed beauty. (That's really why I recall the details about the bed. Of course I stood in front of it taking notes before I attempted to write this. I just didn't want you three women reading this to think I'm some fairy interior designer.)

And so, as I stood transfixed in her radiance, she undressed me; coaxed me into lying down on my back; and began tying my wrists to the headboard. "James,"she said serenely, "don't worry." (What me worry? Hey, I was numb, chum.) With that said, she tied my feet to the footboard. I could move, and thought that if I struggled a bit I could free myself so what the heck, let the games begin.

She reached in her toy box and withdrew a small bag. Out came a string of 5 colored beads. Helen asked if I'd done the beads before. I said no. She placed a pillow under my hips. Helen picked up a tube from the dresser, and I jumped when she applied a lubricant to my ass. Then she straddled me, inserting Bubba easily into her very warm pussy, and as we started to screw, she reached back and stuck a finger up my rectum. Moments later, Helen began working a bead in there. It hurt, but then the bead popped in. Now there was a different sensation! She distracted me by increasing her pace and shoved a second bead in. Now I'm going crazy. I'm writhing around, trying to reject the beads, and I started to moan, (I'm a natural crybaby, ask anyone who's shoved beads up my ass) but in a moment or so, I found it to be extremely pleasant)

Oh, yeah! Helen's kissing me, her tongue snaking into and around my mouth as the third bead goes in. I'm soaked with sweat and have goosebumps all over me. It's intensely erotic! The 4th and 5th beads follow. I can't describe the feeling, except to say it's wonderful. We're screwing frantically now; Helen anticipates my coming ejaculation and begins to pull the beads out. One-two-three -- I'm tossing wildly, out of control, screaming bloody murder, and I erupt in the best orgasm of my life.

"That fuck's for you James,"I hear Helen murmur softly, just before I fall asleep, warm and satisfied.

Helen woke me with a kiss about 9.

"Well," she asked, as a wry grin eased onto her face, "how did you like the beads?"

She was wearing a translucent white teddy, with frilly stuff, (lace?) running along the edges. I tried to stifle a yawn, and asked where she'd gotten the idea for the beads and other paraphernalia that I'd yet to take a close look at. "The Internet,"was all she offered in reply. With a mischievous smile she rose up from the bed and crossed the room to her PC. Moments later I was reading a story written by a clever woman named Sande called "Hot Tub Musings." It more then adequately described the events that took place earlier that evening. We sent Sande an E-mail thanking her for writing the story and telling her that we were going to try it, as well as several other things she's touched on. We were too cowardly to admit the truth, about the beads, but were convinced we'd make good on our other promises to Sande shortly.

7. The Start of A Most Interesting Evening Out

Forty-five minutes later we entered a downtown restaurant with a good piano lounge named Fuzzie's. Helen's wearing a deep green sarong and the top of a black bikini. She is definitely a knockout. There's a lot of cleavage. (I always say, if ya got 'em -- flaunt 'em.) And, just for me, she's not wearing any underwear. I can tell I'm the envy of every guy in the place, since every male and several female heads seem to have directed their attention and some conversations toward Helen. (Am I a male chauvinist, or what?) I'm watching, somewhat amused and very proud, as several wives or girlfriends start jabbing elbows into their men to recapture their attention. Mentally, I speak to all these women, telling them to remind their guys about how good Helen looked after they've gone to bed. They may revive some dormant dicks.

Oh, yes, I was enjoying myself.

We sat at the bar and ordered a Dewars scotch and water for Helen and an Absolute martini on-the-rocks with a twist of lemon for myself.

Twenty minutes later we moved to a booth in the darker recesses of the restaurant where we chose to sit side by side. Helen ordered mackerel in a marinara sauce, with zucchini and squash. When it arrived, it made for a very colorful plate. I went for a major league sized shrimp cocktail, followed by a light salad. And, of course, a second round of drinks was needed. Our waitress was a really cute blonde. I said as much to Helen. She looked at me over the rim of her glass and raised her eyebrows as if to say "Oh?" Stung, and surprised by the gesture, I attempted to justify myself. "Really, I like her, what about you?" "Let's wait and see,"she responded mysteriously, and took a lusty bite of her mackerel, pausing between chews to erotically lick some marinara sauce from her lips. Where was this leading, I wondered.

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