Bowling for Hearts - Cover

Bowling for Hearts

Copyright© 2004 by Rare Dream

Chapter 76

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 76 - Scoring off the lanes on bowling night was not what John had in mind the night he met Tamara. This is a slow romantic story that started off based on a true chance meeting. If you like a story that touches your heart and excites your mind, then come along and follow John and Tamara as their Circle of love develops.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Harem   Slow  

We had a small caravan to the hospital. I pulled up to the front to let Tamara and Lena out of the Jag. I unloaded Tamara's bag and parked the car. I parked between Sam and Susan and we walked to the front together.

Most of the admission paperwork had been prepared in advance. The admitting nurse led Tamara to an examination room. There was some triage that they had to do. The nurse told us where we could wait.

Lena snuggled up to my right in the waiting room. "I hate waiting," she said.

"You are going to have to get used to it for we will be waiting for about twenty-four hours," I replied.

Sam spoke up, "Does anyone want anything to drink?"

"I would love a Diet Coke," I said to break the ice.

Susan and Lena both asked for sodas. Sam left us to find the snack shop.

We sat quietly while Sam was gone. He returned with the drinks. It was probably another twenty minutes before the nurse came to let us know they had moved Tamara to a room for the night. She motioned for us to follow her.

Tamara was just coming out of the bathroom when we entered. She had on one of those sexy hospital gowns. Sam had waited outside so Tamara didn't try to cover up going to the bed. I whistled and said, "Nice ass!"

"Calm down, big boy. I need to keep my blood pressure down," she teased.

"So much for me keeping anything down," I replied.

That set off the women. The nurse walked in with raised eyebrows at the laughing women.

The nurse informed us that Tamara needed to get some sleep. The surgery was going to be early in the morning.

"How early?" I asked.

"We will begin prepping her about four in the morning. I have a sleeping pill for her now."

I took that as a signal for us to leave. I leaned over to Tamara and kissed her. "We'll be here in the morning. Lena and I will be staying at the hotel."

"Please don't worry about me."

Lena responded, "Like that's gonna happen. I love you Mom."

Susan also kissed Tamara on the cheek and wished her good luck.

Lena and Susan walked out. I leaned in close to Tamara and said, "I love you. I hope my mother meets you soon because I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Kegler."

"Oh, John! Are you serious?"

"Yes I am... very serious."

"That's the best thing I could hear before having this surgery."

"I'll be here when you wake up." I kissed her again and walked out.

Lena and Susan were waiting for me. They folded into my arms. Lena was crying.

Her crying triggered my emotions and my eyes began watering. Trying to get some sanity back, I suggested we get something to eat at the 66 Diner.

As we were leaving, I said we needed swing by the hotel and check in. Susan said she would take Lena to the restaurant while Sam and I went to the hotel.

When we were checking in, I made sure the other two rooms were available. They were so I went ahead and booked them. If I knew Audrey, she would be in some time that night. I know if my mom found out that I was having surgery, she would be there immediately. So I figured Tamara's parents would be there soon.

We left Sam's car at the hotel and headed to the restaurant. The girls were already seated and had their iced tea already. Susan was sitting with her back to the wall. Sam headed for the place beside her. It would give him the best view of the whole restaurant.

I slid in beside Lena. She put her arm through mine. She didn't seem like my mistress but more like my little girl. This brought back memories of her climbing in my lap that morning.

We chatted while we ate but no one brought up Tamara's surgery. Susan brought up her new SUV. She got the Dorado Gold Pearl exterior and the Ivory Leather interior. She said she didn't get the rear DVD player.

"Take it back," I said. "It's 'sooo' incomplete." Then I started laughing.

Lena wanted to split a banana split for dessert. I relented and let her have it. "I hope I have enough money to pay for the dessert."

Lena poked me in the ribs with her elbow. It was good to see her in a better mood.

Sam sat in silence. I wished he would loosen up and become more involved in the conversation. I guess he was trying to maintain his professionalism. I noticed he didn't let anything get by him.

"Lena, have you talked to Audrey today?" I asked.

"No... Mom did."

"Could you call her and tell her she has room at the hotel? And your grandparents also?"

"Sure. Why don't you let me out and I will go outside to call." I moved out of the booth to let her out.

As she left the restaurant, I nodded to Sam to follow her. I would be safe enough.

After Sam left, Susan said, "What do you want me to do while Tamara is in the hospital?"

"You can do whatever you need to. You are welcome to be at the hospital as much as you want. We have a king-size bed at the hotel so you can sleep with Lena and me if you want or I can get you your own room."

"I appreciate that but what I wanted to know was about the house."

"You have the run of the house. The guest bedroom is yours for as long as you want it. I am thinking of remodeling the house to add some bedrooms. I own the lots on both sides of my house and have been trying to figure out a way to build an addition the Homeowners' Association will approve."

"You have so many irons in the fire. How can you keep up with them all?"

"I have my trusty PDA to remind me."

"I wonder what Tamara is going through right now?" Susan asked.

"Hopefully just resting. Tamara said the doctors already had all the x-rays, blood tests, and urine tests they needed. Tonight she is just in a controlled environment for tomorrow. I suppose she is sleeping soundly."

"If your invitation to stay overnight with you and Lena is still open, I would love to accept."

"Absolutely. I doubt I'll be in much of a sexual mood tonight, though."

"Me neither... and from the way Lena was acting, she will probably just want to be held."

Lena came back in and plopped down beside me. "Audrey is almost here and my grandparents are leaving about three in the morning."

"Did you give Audrey directions to the hotel?"

"Yes, and I'm glad she will have her own room." Lena definitely had a grudge against Audrey.

"Susan will be staying with us tonight. I am assuming that is okay with you?"

"Yes... it is more than okay. Susan has been a sweetheart throughout all of this," Lena said with a smile.

"Sam, is Roy relieving you tonight?"

"No. I told him he could take the day shift tomorrow. His girlfriend has had the past few days off and he has been making up time with her. Besides, I have gotten more sleep the past week than I have in a long time."

I suggested we head to the hotel. I paid the bill and we took off. Susan followed me to the hotel. She pulled an overnight bag out of her cargo area. She must have planned to stay the night all along.

I led the way to the room. Once inside Lena suggested we go to the pool. Susan seconded the motion. I knocked on the adjoining door and Sam opened it. "We're going down to the pool, if you want to join us."

Susan and Lena both changed into conservative one-piece swimsuits. I was impressed that they were not trying to show too much skin. Lena handed me one of my swimsuits that she had packed for me.

Sam was coming out his door when we exited. We probably had an hour of daylight left. There were two couples at the pool. Sam grabbed a chaise lounge in the corner and had brought a magazine with him. He had a pair of shorts and shirt on. I assumed he was packing.

I thought back to the last hotel pool, and it brought back not-so-good memories.

Lena and Susan were in the pool in a flash. I wasn't sure I wanted to get in. I began to think about Tamara. I knew there was nothing I could do to help her but I tried to come up with something that would.

The girls climbed out of the pool and laid on the loungers beside me. The sight of their luscious legs took my mind off my worries for a few minutes.

I was back to thinking about Tamara when I noticed a fabulous pair of legs at the foot of my lounger. I looked up and it was Audrey.

"There was no answer at your room so I checked the bar and then the pool," she said.

"How was your drive? Did you have dinner?" I asked.

"It was okay. All I could think about was what Mom was going through."

I moved my legs and offered her a place to sit. She sat on the end of the lounger facing Lena.

Lena spoke up, "I'm sorry Mom didn't let you in on her illness sooner."

"How long have you known?" Audrey asked.

"Just since the weekend. She told me just before she told John. She had kept it a secret waiting for a second opinion," Lena said.

"I'm her daughter. She should have called me as soon as she even suspected," Audrey said in an angry yet hurt voice.

"She didn't want anyone to know. She hoped it was a false alarm. Then when she did get the confirmation, she was afraid she would lose John," Lena said comfortingly.

"I don't care," Audrey said and burst into tears.

Instinctively I reached for her and pulled her into my chest. I glanced at Lena and she had fire in her eyes. I looked into her eyes and mouthed, "Relax."

"I need to get wet," Lena said and jumped into the water.

"John... I don't want to lose Mom."

"I talked to the doctor and she said they probably caught it in time. It's cancer but it's Stage 1 and can be stopped with this operation."

She sat up and dried her eyes with my towel. I rose up and dove in the water. I swam up behind Lena and put my arms around her.

"What's the matter? Wasn't holding Audrey satisfying enough?"

"Now you cut that out. Your mother asked us to comfort Audrey. I have no desire to get her in bed."

"Are you telling me her body doesn't make your dick hard?"

"I'm saying I don't need nor want Audrey in that way. I have your mother, you, and Susan. I am completely satisfied with that. Besides I love you."

She spun around and threw her arms around my neck. "Do you really?"

"Yes I do. Now go over and comfort your sister. You've had more time to adjust than she has."

Lena kissed me on the mouth and swan to the side of the pool. She got out and sat next to Audrey. They were hugging almost immediately. Maybe this would bring them closer together.

Susan slipped into the water and swam to me. "You sure are smooth. It was nice to see you diffuse that situation." She moved around and began to rub my shoulders. "You sure are tense."

Sam walked over to the edge of the pool and said Dan was on the phone. I climbed out of the pool and we walked back to where he had been sitting.

"Hello, John," Dan said when I answered. "George called to tell me he couldn't get hold of Ralph. I made a few phone calls and found that Ralph was in the hospital in Phoenix."

"What happened?"

"He was attacked and beaten. He is in critical condition."

"When did this happen?"

"A neighbor found him at his home Wednesday. The neighbor told the police Ralph was supposed to have come to his place for a Fourth of July picnic. The neighbor found him about six in the afternoon."

Dan continued the story. "The police have no suspects. I talked to the detective in charge and detailed the attack on you. I told him that since Ralph had crossed McKenzie, it would give him a motive."

"This may put Phil, Blaine, and Michael in jeopardy. How is McKenzie directing this from jail?" I asked.

"I don't know but he apparently has some loyal people in his employ," Dan said.

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