Bowling for Hearts - Cover

Bowling for Hearts

Copyright© 2004 by Rare Dream

Chapter 26

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Scoring off the lanes on bowling night was not what John had in mind the night he met Tamara. This is a slow romantic story that started off based on a true chance meeting. If you like a story that touches your heart and excites your mind, then come along and follow John and Tamara as their Circle of love develops.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Harem   Slow  

The hustle and bustle of the rest of the morning began. Michelle and Tamara got out of the pool and walked back towards us laughing. I wished we had more time because I was getting an extreme erection. I glanced at Michael who seemed to also be enjoying the view.

"John," Michelle said excitedly. "Tamara just told me about the weekend and I'm definitely looking forward to it. I have to leave to finish up a few things and book a flight for tomorrow."

"Don't worry about the flight; I'll have my travel agent take care of that. Her name is Sheila and she'll call you with the details. I need to talk to Tamara about how long she needs you in Albuquerque," I said.

"I still need to run," she said. Michael stood up and she hugged him and told him she would see him this weekend.

I pulled Tamara aside and asked her how long she wanted Michelle in Albuquerque. She told me until next Wednesday. Tamara then grabbed her robe and walked Michelle out.

As my call to Sheila was connecting, I asked Michael what flight he was booked on to Albuquerque and it turned out to be the same as ours.

"Hey John," she said. "How is the trip going?"

"It's almost over. I need a couple of things," I said. "First, I'm planning a party at my house on Saturday night. It will be a poolside party so dress accordingly."

"Oh, John, I hope it is just you and me," she teased.

"No sweetness, the invitation is for you and Frank and a slew of other people," I told her.

I then asked her to book a flight for Michelle Mattingly from Phoenix on that Friday to Albuquerque, and returning to Phoenix on the following Wednesday. "Book both flights to arrive mid-day. Book her a rental car with National and use my account to pay for all of it. Next, check on the status of my flight today and if Michael Rooker is not booked into first class, try to get him bumped up with Tamara and I." She said she would call me back with confirmations.

Michael heard what I was saying. He said, "John, you're just too thoughtful. Thanks!"

Tamara came walking back up. She had a big smile on her face.

"What are you grinning about?" I asked her.

"You," she said. "Michelle is on cloud nine. She has never had someone other than her family do nice things for her without there being something expected in return."

I suggested we all go get packed and get ready to head for the airport. We cleaned up and were ready to go within the hour. We ran into Michael in the lobby checking out. We convoyed to the airport and met up at the ticket counter.

Michael was bumped up to first class with us. We checked our bags and took our boarding passes to the security gates.

We had an hour before boarding so we sat in the bar. Tamara left us and went to shop for some souvenirs. Michael and I chit chatted. He told me a few war stories from his movies. I really like this guy. I felt I had a new "friend."

Tamara came back with a couple of bags containing t-shirts and knick-knacks. I guess I just never got into the souvenir kick, but it sure excited her.

They called for boarding and we loaded onto the plane. We enjoyed drinks while the balance of the plane boarded. Michael had the aisle seat across from us so I sat on the aisle seat across from him. We didn't talk much during the flight except to comment on the flight attendants.

I asked Tamara to go with Michael to the baggage pick-up while I caught the shuttle to the parking lot and drove back to pick them up.

They were chatting at the curb when I drove up. After all of the luggage was loaded, Tamara opened the back door and climbed in. I said she didn't have to get back there and Michael reiterated the same, but she insisted.

The drive to Tamara's house was uneventful. I pulled in the drive and unloaded her luggage. She invited us in and we stayed for a few minutes. I kissed her and asked her what her plans for the balance of the day were. She told me she would check on the salons and also on Lena. I told her to come over when she was ready.

Michael and I drove to my house. "Nice neighborhood," he said after we entered the gate.

I pulled into the drive and Trish's car was parked where I could open the garage and drive in. We got out and I opened the back of the Expedition. We were carrying the luggage through the gate when I heard a splash in the pool. I looked over and saw that Steph was swimming. She looked up and waved.

Michael asked, "Is that your daughter?"

"No," I replied. "That's one of my house guests, Stephanie. Her mother is around her somewhere."

"Trish!" I called out.

Steph spoke up from the pool, "She's inside. She may be taking a nap."

I led the way inside. Trish wasn't in sight. I led Michael upstairs to my son's room.

"This is my son Michael's room," I told him. "Make yourself at home. There is a private bath through that door. My room is downstairs and Trish is in the guest room across the hall. Steph is staying in my daughter's room."

"Where are your kids?" he asked.

"They live with their mother in Texas. I keep their rooms here for when they visit, which isn't often," I informed him.

As I came out in the hall, Trish was coming out of her room. She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a big hug. "Thanks for letting us stay here. Who did you bring home?"

"Michael, can you come out here for a second?" I asked.

"Trish, this is Michael. Michael... Trish." I made the introductions. They exchanged pleasantries.

"Trish, can you come downstairs with me? I need to fill you in on the coming weekend," I said.

Trish smiled. "He is always talking about cumming but he never delivers," she said to Michael as she followed me downstairs.

I grabbed my luggage and took it into my bedroom. "So where's my coffee service?" I asked teasingly. She just laughed and plopped down on the bed.

I told her that the party had grown somewhat. Besides her, Cindy, Steve and Jerry, there will be Tom, Bob, George, and Frank and their wives. Also Michael, Michelle, and Phil. There may be a few others as well. I asked what she had done so far.

She told me that she hadn't done much since she was waiting to talk to Tamara. I told her that was okay. I asked her to get a hold of my friend Dee. "She has a catering business. Tell her to plan on thirty people. We'll grill hamburgers but will probably need a second grill brought in. Get a couple of kegs. Make sure there is enough Margarita mix. Check my liquor supply and make sure there is enough tequila, Jack Daniels, and vodka." I paused after realizing I was throwing all this at her without really asking her if she would do it.

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