Only a Fantasy - Cover

Only a Fantasy

by Titmouse

Copyright© 2004 by Titmouse

Erotica Sex Story: Her fantasy not only comes true, it's more than she dreamed

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Gang Bang   .

I'd always wanted to try it, since I'd first heard about it, at least. You know, to have more than one guy at the same time. When my friend Jessie told me about it - she'd seen it in a porno film that she'd watched with her boyfriend - it sent a chill through me. It wasn't fear. It was more like... destiny.

Jessie said she couldn't imagine actually doing that. I could, although I didn't say so. But then I've always been, well, sexy.

Maybe I wasn't the first girl my age to have sex, for example, but I sure caught up later. At first, like all "good" girls, I waited. It wasn't that I was "saving myself for my husband" or anything stupid like that. It wasn't that I wasn't interested, just cautious. Girls who get started too soon, who are "easy," get a bad reputation, and it's hard to get your reputation back after you've lost it - like your cherry. I was too proud and too determined to be more than that. My mom and dad encouraged me to expect more. So I waited.

Until the summer after I graduated from high school, anyway. By that time, I knew I wasn't going to marry Doug, the boy I'd been seeing for more than a year. He was sweet and handsome and a forward on the varsity basketball team, but... Well, he wasn't a threat to take a Nobel Prize, if you know what I mean. I was going off to college, but Doug was "going to work for a year or so first." I didn't say so to him, but I knew what that meant to me. Sayonara, Dougie-Boy. No way, Jose.

So I let him. We'd been edging closer and closer to the dirty deed, anyway, and wrestling with the concept both literally and figuratively. So, one night in mid summer - not in the back of his rusty Chevy, I insisted, but at his folk's cabin near Fayette - I let him. The next week, I let him again. And every week thereafter - periods excepted - and sometimes two or three times a week, until I left for college. And several times during Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations that first year.

But, by then, I'd met other people at school and made new friends and, I'm a bit shamed to admit, had begun to feel that hometown boyfriends were pretty small town. Doug and I drifted apart, although we didn't officially break up until I didn't come home for Spring Break. I went down to Florida instead, where I got thoroughly plonked by two different boys, although not at the same time. After that, the flood gates were open.

When I went back to school, the very night that Doug and I had our last angry telephone conversation, I let a guy pick me up at the Commons and, after taking me out for a burger, slip it to me in a back corner of Shadell Park. That was my first time, but by no means my last, in the back seat of a car.

After that, I sort of went wild for a while. I didn't have a steady boyfriend for most of the next year or so. I told my folks it was because I wanted to concentrate on my studies, so they were happy. They would not have been happy to know what I was actually doing, which was letting myself get plonked by nearly every guy who caught my fancy.

I got pretty good at it, too. I learned a lot of tricks. I'd given my first blowjob before I left high school (to Doug, as it happens, to quiet his complaints in the months before I finally gave in) but I got really good at it during my wild days. At first, it was a way to keep from going farther. But then I began to like it. It was special and it was very sexy. I even began to like the taste of cum and the way it would stick in my throat for a long time afterwards.

I also discovered the pleasures of a good buttfuck. When Jessie explained to me just exactly how the girl in the porno flick had taken on the two guys at the same time, I knew I had to try it. Ass-fucking, I mean. Maybe, in the back of my mind, it was a step toward having two guys at once myself. I know I'd never really considered it before then. Mainly, though, it just sounded exciting, erotic, and downright dirty, which I found very appealing.

So, the next time I had my period, instead of blowing the guy I was with, I got him to fuck my ass. It wasn't easy that first time. God, no. I thought he was going to split me in two, and I almost made him (or tried to make him) stop. But then it finally went in. And stopped hurting. And started to feel really good. I came like crazy, which I sure didn't the first time I let Doug in the front door.

So I added that to my bag of tricks. It didn't happen as often as blowjobs, maybe, but often enough. It was always difficult, so tight and painful at first that I could hardly stand it. But that was part of the fun. That and the wonderful, overwhelming, fully possessed feeling of a stiff prick up my fundament. I always came when I got a buttful of cock. Except for one time when the guy shot off almost as soon as he got it in. I made him lick and lick and lick me as punishment. So it worked out all right.

There was never any question about whether I liked getting licked. My only hesitation was embarrassment, having a guy's face down there where he could look right at the very place I'd been taught to always cover up. But I figured that if a boy's dry, stubby finger felt good down there, his softer, wetter tongue would feel even better. And, boy, was I right!

By the time I graduated from college (BA in history, minor in government), I had been screwed in every orifice and position I knew about. I'd been screwed in dorm and hotel rooms and apartments, in cars, trucks and vans, in the woods, at the beach, in a tent, on a blanket, in a closet and even in a vacant classroom. Oh, and in the gazebo behind the Delta Gamma house one very drunk New Year's Eve. But never by more than one at a time.

The closest I came to it was in fantasy. Believe it or not, there were times I got myself off with no help from anything but my fingers. More than a few times, actually, especially on lazy Sunday mornings. And my favorite fantasy always involved two guys - sometimes real and sometimes imagined - who took me to bed and shared me, one after the other and then, slowly and languorously, together.

But I thought it would always be just a fantasy. After all, how would you ever get in a situation where it was a real possibility? And, even then, how would you ever actually get around to it?

Three years after graduation, I was working for a utility company -- I'm not going to say which one - in their government relations department. They offered and I accepted a transfer from one of the divisions in the San Juaquin valley, the heart of farm country, to a smaller division along the central coast of California. It wasn't exactly a promotion, since the pay and title were unchanged, but I would be the only assistant instead of one of a dozen. Plus, I was getting out of the heat, humidity, smog and tulle fog to one of the prettiest parts of California. I was delighted.

I finished packing on a Thursday, with the movers due the next afternoon. I didn't have a steady boyfriend at that point, nor anyone I particularly wanted to go out with, so I called up my girlfriend Sandy and we went out for dinner together. Afterward, we moved to the bar. I was a little sad. Sandy had been a good friend and was one of my few regrets about leaving.

Her new boyfriend Billy showed up about two drinks into the evening, apparently by accident. With him were three of his buddies whom I'd never met, nor had Sandy. I'll call them Manny, Moe and Jack. Like the other names in this story, they're not their real ones. You don't need to know and I don't need the grief. Anyway, they all sat down with us after we pushed a couple of tables together, and we had another round of drinks.

I swear I wasn't planning anything, not even in the remote reaches of the back of my mind. I was just having a good time and a goodbye drink with my friend and her friend and his friends. But after about an hour and a couple of drinks, Sandy whispered that she and Billy wanted to take off if that was okay with me. I said it was fine and declined her offer of a ride home. I wasn't ready to leave just yet and I was thinking about calling a taxi anyway.

So Sandy and I exchanged hugs and kisses and promised to write, and they left. Manny, Moe and Jack bought another round of drinks. Somehow, we got to talking about dancing. There was no dancing at the restaurant's bar, which we all agreed was a shame. One of them - Moe, I think - mentioned this country-western bar near the outskirts of town where the house band was really good. And so we all decided to go.

On the way, Jack asked if we could stop at his place, which he shared with Manny, so he could change out of his work clothes into something more casual. I was going to wait in the car, but they were all going in and it seemed silly to sit in the car by myself.

Five minutes later, Manny and Moe and I were drinking beers and waiting for Jack to finish changing. Manny put some music on, and I was getting into it, swaying back and forth on the stool at the counter. Manny looked at me and smiled and opened his arms.

"Come on," he said, "let's dance." I flowed off the stool and into his arms.

That was probably an invitation I should have passed on. Or not, depending on your point of view. We danced a fast jitterbug (Manny was pretty good) and a country two-step. Then a slow number came on and we danced that, too. Moe was teasing from the sidelines about being left out, so I danced with him, another slow number. About that time, Jack came out dressed in jeans and a western shirt and insisted that he get a turn.

Now I wasn't exactly falling-down drunk, but I sure wasn't sober. I finished my beer and Manny handed me another. Somehow, the lights got dimmer and the three of them were taking turns dancing with me. I decided I didn't care if we ever left.

Understand, there were no thoughts about my fantasy at this point. I remember trying to decide which of the three I liked best and concluding that, since I was leaving the next day, it didn't matter. I remember deciding that, if things went right, I might let myself be persuaded by any one of them to have a special farewell celebration. I remember deciding to have another beer.

Then, during another slow dance, Moe pulled me into a tight hug, and we were dancing as close as two bodies possibly can, his leg going between mine and rubbing against me accidentally on purpose. He leaned down and brushed his lips against my cheek and, without really thinking, I just turned my head and lifted my chin and found his mouth with my lips. Yum! Moe (I'm pretty sure it was Moe) was a good kisser.

I think I remember dimly some cheering in the background from the other two, but at the time I was pretty much focused on Moe's kiss and on his tongue, which slipped between my lips so deliciously. And on his hands, which were cupping my fanny and pulling me into him, and his strong chest, which was crushing my breasts. And on his thigh, which was pushed up between mine and snuggling right up against my pussy, which was, I confess, already damp.

Don't get the idea that I was even toying with the idea of taking on the three of them. In the first place, I wasn't thinking that clearly. All I knew was that I was really horny and pretty much convinced that somebody was going to get it tonight - and give it, too. I didn't really care who, to tell you the truth, although Moe had the inside track at the moment.

Then Jack cut in and started dancing with me.

"Hi," he said. "Remember me?"

"Sure," I giggled. "You were wearing a tie before."

"That's me," he said, squeezing me to him. "Those were my work clothes. These are my play clothes."

"What are we going to play?"

"I don't know yet. Why don't you kiss me while I think about it?"

"Well," I sighed, feigning reluctance, "I suppose."

Jack was a pretty good kisser, too. Maybe not quite as good as Moe, if you were being picky. I wasn't. Being picky.

In fact, I enjoyed Jack's kiss thoroughly, and the two or three that followed the first. I laid my head back in his encircling arm and let him go to it. My eyes were closed, my head was swimming deliciously, and my knees were a tad wobbly. I might have fallen except for his supporting embrace and the way my thighs were wrapped around his leg, which he was rubbing against me.

Then Manny took Jack's place, and he kissed me, too. He was the best kisser of all. Wow, could he kiss! Or maybe I was just in the mood. My little heart was going pitty-pat, my breath was quick and shallow, and my head was reeling like I was going to faint. And my panties were a swamp. I hate to admit it, but it's true.

What was I thinking at the time? In the first place, I wasn't thinking; I was feeling. Were alarm bells going off? Not really. First, I was pretty drunk by then, which tended to drown out any soggy old alarms. Second, the situation didn't feel threatening, not all that different from some of my wilder experiences, except that there weren't any other girls around. And third, by that point I was pretty determined to get laid. I wasn't sure how or who. So what I was actually struggling with was how to pick one of the guys without pissing off the others.

"You're so beautiful," Manny said. "You're driving me crazy. You're so hot."

"Oh, yeah?" I said. "You're not bad yourself."

Manny slid his hand up along my side and cupped my tit, masking his action from the others with our bodies. I remember looking down at his hand, watching it squeeze and knead me. It felt really good. I looked up at Manny.

"Jesus, Kay," he said, his voice hoarse. "I'm dying for you. What say I shoot the other two and drag you back to my room."

"Oh, don't do that," I laughed.

"What? Drag you back to my room?"

"No, silly," I giggled. "Shoot the other guys."

Manny looked into my eyes, his own full of longing. He was so utterly dreamy at that moment, so sexy, so perfect.

"Does that mean I can drag you back to my room, then?"

I giggled again and glanced back over my shoulder at Moe and Jack, who were sitting on the sofa pretending not to watch us.

"What about your friends?" I asked. "Won't they be jealous?"

"Fuck 'em," Manny said.

"Maybe I will," I shot back, and quickly covered my mouth in horror. How had that slipped out?

Manny laughed. "Well, me first," he said.

"You first," I agreed.

"Zowie!" he said. He stopped dancing, took my hand, and began leading me out of the living room and into the corridor that led to the bathroom and the bedrooms.

"Uh... We'll be back in a minute," he called to the other two.

There was a short, pregnant silence.

"Gonna show her your etchings?" Moe finally said.

"This is gonna cost you, Manny," Jack called. "Your rent just went up $100."

Manny and I ignored them. We were smiling at each other as we walked down the hall.

"Shit!" I heard one of them say. We both laughed at that as we slipped into Manny's bedroom and closed the door.

Neither of us was in a mood to waste time. I was hot as hell and needed no further warming. I suppose it was a combination of things - liquor, dancing close and rubbing bodies with three different guys, passionate kisses, and the fact that we had virtually announced that we were going into Manny's room to fuck. I was very conscious of the two guys out in the living room, no doubt imagining what was happening and wishing it was them instead. Rather than making me self-conscious, it was a turn-on.

As soon as the door closed, I tore my sweater over my head, exposing my bra-covered tits. I was wearing one of my favorite bras, a red, lacy number cut low to reveal the milky white tops of my breasts. Manny seemed to like it, too, since he pulled his own shirt off and crushed me to him. Then he kissed his way down my neck and onto my exposed flesh.

My arms draped loosely around his neck, I clung to Manny weakly while he fumbled at my back and released the hooks of my bra, then pulled the straps forward over my shoulders and tossed it aside. I was proud of my rose-tipped titties, which scarcely sagged when he freed them. I pulled my shoulders back and presented them to Manny as he kissed and sucked at my distended nipples.

Bending his knees and slipping an arm behind my legs, Manny lifted me effortlessly off my feet and, cradling me in his arms, carried me to his bed. I love being carried like that. It makes me feel like a little girl. But when he laid me across the bed and stretched out beside me, I started feeling like a big girl again. I reached down to his middle and stroked the lump that was stretching the front of his jeans. It felt satisfactorily large.

"Oooh," I breathed. "Is that for me?"

"Every little bit of it, girl."

"Oh, goody," I said. "Goody, goody."

Manny kissed me deeply and, at the same time, began unbuttoning my jeans. I continued to pet his penis while he did so, cupping it in my palm and squeezing. He groaned and kept unbuttoning my pants. When the last button came free, he pushed his hand into my panties and down to my pussy. His fingers traced over my eager little love bump and down to my hole, which he found wet and willing. He slid a finger up inside me.

"Ahhhh," I sighed. "Yes. Oh, god, I'm horny. Yesssss."

Manny started tugging my jeans down, and I let go of his prick to help. Pushing, pulling and wriggling, we managed to work them over my hips and down to my knees, exposing my light brown bush. Manny bent over and planted a quick kiss on my mound before continuing to strip off my pants. I kicked my sandals away, and he dragged my pants off over my feet.

"I've gotta kiss it," Manny murmured. Sliding down toward my feet, he rolled between my legs. He used his hands to press my thighs outward, and I spread them wide as he buried his face in my middle.

"Ooooh," I squealed as he plunged his tongue into my snatch, then licked upward to tease and tickle my clit with the wormy, squirmy end. "Oh, JESUS!" I moaned.

I must have been hornier than I thought. Manny's lashing tongue was sending electric shocks of passion up and down my spine. I knew instantly that I could come in moments if he kept it up.

"Ooooh, that feels so good," I whimpered. "Oh, do it, baby. Lick me. That's it. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Like that. Oooooh."

Manny attacked my pussy, grunting and gasping with the effort. He buried his tongue in my slit, rubbing his nose over my clit as he twisted his head to lick and push deeper. He slathered over my box and chewed at the lips of my cunt, then attacked my clit with his tongue again.

"Oh yes oh yes oh yes," I chanted, feeling it start to rise inside me. I was going to come already. I knew it. "Oh, god. Lick it, baby. Right there! Lick my pussyhole. That's it!"

And suddenly, it was there. It hit me like I had slammed into a wall. Everything went black for a second. My body flopped around, my arms and legs jerked out of control. Dimly, I heard someone crying, yelling, weeping. It was me.

"Oh, god, baby! Yes! I'm coming! Yes! Ahhhhh!"

Manny tore his face from my middle and climbed above me on his hands and knees, pushing my legs up and back. He grabbed his cock, guided it to my pussy, and shoved it into me in one slick, sliding, forceful thrust. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his back and squeezed him to me, trying to pull him all the way inside me.

My cunt clutched and spasmed around his cock as he ground his mound against mine, setting off new shocks and tremors. Manny began driving his prick in and out of me. I came again and then again, weeping and moaning.

I heard sounds, farther away and then closer. My eyes fluttered open. Moe and Jack were standing on either side of the bed. I gasped.

"What the... ?" Manny barked, his head whipping from side to side. "You assholes! Get out of here!"

Instead, Jack sat down. He reached up and stroked my sweaty forehead, brushing my hair back along my temples.

"Sorry," Moe said, sitting down too. "It sounded like you needed some help in here."

"Goddammit, I'm not kidding," Manny growled. "You assholes get out of here." I could feel his prick begin to wither inside me.

"Okay, okay," Jack said, patting Manny on the shoulder. "Jeez, you try to help..." He started to get up. All of a sudden, I realized I didn't want them to go. I wanted... everything.

"Wait," I said. Suddenly, it was very quiet. They all looked at me. I swallowed. "It's... okay. You don't have to leave."

"ALL RIGHT!" crowed Moe.

Manny looked at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said, looking down and blushing.

"Far out," he said. I felt his prick surge inside my pussy. He rocked in and out slightly

I was confused by my own boldness but terribly excited by it. I looked at Jack and then at Moe. They weren't looking at my face. Jack was looking at my chest, half covered by Manny's. Moe's eyes trailed down along our sides to where we were joined.

"Well, dammit," Manny said. "If you're going to join in, then do it. Get your clothes off. You're overdressed."

Moe moved first. He stood up and tore off his t-shirt. As he moved his hands to his belt, Jack stood up, too, and began undressing. I watched Jack as he hesitated, his thumbs hooked into his pants at the sides, then shucked them down, exposing his cock. It was sticking out straight from his belly. He turned and sat down, his back toward us, while he pulled off his shoes and pushed his pants off. Meanwhile, Moe had quickly shed his clothes. His prick was only half erect as he kicked his pants free from his legs and sat down on the bed.

Both of them turned almost at the same time and stretched out on their sides next to Manny and me. I put a hand on each of their chests and ran it down across their bodies, seeking and then finding their cocks. Jack's was already hard; Moe's sprang to life at my touch.

Manny pushed his prick slowly in and out of my pussy. He seemed to be hesitating, thinking. Then he pulled his hips back and slid it out of me.

"Come on," he said, scooting back and rising up onto his knees. "Roll over."

Sandwiched between them, I wriggled and twisted onto my hands and knees. Moe and Jack "helped," managing in the process to feel my legs and my tits as well as other parts of me. Moe reached up boldly between my thighs to cup my pussy, probing with his middle finger to find my slit. His finger slid up into me. I rolled my hips as he worked it around inside me.

"Ohhhhh," I couldn't help moaning.

"Look, Mikey," Moe said, grinning. "She likes it!"

I was amazed at myself, but filled with a rising eroticism that overcame any shame. I had fantasized about fucking two guys, never really expecting it to happen. Now, here I was surrounded by three naked men. What in the world was I going to do? Confronted by my fantasy, I had no idea how to proceed.

Manny took charge.

"Get in front of her, Jack," he ordered. As Jack hurried to comply, scooting up toward the head of the bed and swinging a leg on either side of me, Manny pushed at my back, urging me forward.

"Go ahead," he said. "Blow him. I know you know how. I want to see you swallow him."

Jack's cock, I realized, was a monster, one of the biggest I'd ever seen. Since I'd first glimpsed it, it had swelled up enormously. The fat, purple head, itself larger than most, seemed too small for the thick column of rigid flesh below it. Instead of tapering below the crown, it flared outward as if it had shoulders. The shaft thickened even more toward the base. I'd seen longer pricks but never one so thick and solid.

I wrapped my fingers around Jack's pole as best as I could and lowered my face to it, drooling with anticipation. Opening my mouth wide, I lapped at it several times, then pushed my lips over and around it. Jack groaned as I sucked on the head.

Meanwhile, Manny had slipped a hand between my legs. He pushed a finger up inside me and worked it around. Then he replaced it with his thumb and used his fingers to stroke and tease my clit, which was sticking out between the lips of my pussy, as hard and straining as a man's cock.

I began to bob up and down on Jack, although my mouth was stretched so wide by its girth that I could only accommodate a couple of inches. Bracing one hand against his stomach, I used the other to jack off Jack, squeezing the loose skin and sliding it up and down the straining column of bone-like flesh beneath.

Moe, meanwhile, joined in by sliding his hands all over my body, stroking my back and fanny, then slipping beneath to massage my breasts and to pinch and pull at my nipples. Manny continued to fondle my pussy for a while, using his other hand to grab a handful of hair and urge me up and down on Jack's cock. Then he slid his thumb out of my pussy and wiped it greasily over my asshole. Sliding two fingers up inside my cunny, he began to push his thumb into my back channel.

"You know what I'm going to do, don't you?" he hissed, a hint of menace in his tone. "I'm going to fuck this tight little asshole. Would you like that? Would you like it if I shoved my cock in there? Well, it doesn't matter if you like it or not, does it? I'm going to fuck your ass anyway. You think you can handle three guys? Well, you'd better get ready, because you're gonna have to take one of these cocks up your ass."

His thumb pressed deeper into my butt, working around and around, pressing against the tight ring. Meanwhile, his fingers continued to work in my pussy, occasionally slipping out to tease my love bump. I moaned around the mouthful of Jack's cock.

"You want it, don't you, you little cunt? You can't wait for it, can you? You want me to fuck your ass, don't you. You know it will hurt. But you still want it, don't you?"

It was as if he could read my mind. Yes, I wanted him to fuck my ass. And yes, I knew it would hurt, at first. But I knew how it would feel later, too. I couldn't help wiggling my ass in response to Manny's probing thumb.

"Have you got that cock wet enough yet?" Manny asked. "You better get it good and wet, because you're gonna have to take Jack's prick in your pussy. And you know it's a big one. It's gonna stretch your pussy good. Can you imagine that mouthful going in down there where I've got my fingers? That's where it's going to go. Right in there."

In truth, it was hard to imagine. My poor jaw was already aching from the strain of taking Jack's huge pole into my mouth, and surely my mouth was bigger than my tight pussy. But the thought was highly erotic. The cock in my mouth was going to go in my cunt. I slavered and sucked at Jack's prick, trying to get it ready for me.

"That's enough!" Manny barked, slapping my ass. "We wouldn't want you to make Jack come and shoot his load down your pretty little throat now, would we?"

I'm not sure Jack entirely agreed. I was working hard on him, sucking and slurping and jacking his rod into my eager mouth. Jack was bucking and straining, trying to cram more of his cock into me, and I think he would have been quite happy to shoot his load right there. But Manny was insistent.

"Come on," he said, slapping my fanny again. "That's enough. I want to see Jack fuck you. I want to see you try to get that cock in your pussy. I don't think you can. I've been in there, and I know how tight it is."

He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled back. Reluctantly, I let Jack's prick slide out of my lips, making an audible smack as it popped free.

"Slide down, Jack," Manny said. "Get under her. I want to watch her fuck herself on you."

Now that his cock was waving free, Jack was eager to put it back inside somewhere, anywhere. I was, too, although I had mixed feelings. The thought of taking that huge pole into my tight little box was scary, but it also stirred up a deep yearning that was spreading through my belly. I was glad I had got it good and wet with spit but a little sorry I had sucked it up to such massive proportions.

Keeping hold of my hair and slipping his other hand around to my chest, Manny raised me up to my knees, his hand cupping and squeezing my tit. Jack pushed his legs between mine and began shimmying and wriggling his way under me. Moe, meanwhile, was again running his hands all over my body. He took the opportunity to lean in and kiss me deeply. I met his probing tongue eagerly, licking and sucking at him. Moe's hand cupped my pussy and stroked my clit.

Then his hand moved away and I felt Jack's pole slap my stomach. Looking down, I saw it pressed up against my mound as if it grew upside down from my own belly. I would have been proud to own such a cock, but putting it up inside me was another matter.

"Jesus," I croaked. "I don't know..."

"What's the matter?" Manny asked. "Change your mind? Don't think you can take it? Oh, don't worry. You're going to take it, all right. I'll help push you down on it. We'll get it in somehow."

The thought of that massive column burrowing up into my cunny was stirring up a strange mixture of fear in my brain and passionate longing in my pussy. I couldn't help rocking my hips back and forth, running my wet gash along its length.

"Go on, get to it," Manny ordered, giving my hair a tug before releasing me and letting me fall forward onto my hands again. "No more delays. I want to see you fuck him. Go on. Do it!"

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