Poor Little Rich Girls - Cover

Poor Little Rich Girls

Copyright© 2004 by Mary-Marguerite

Chapter 1: To the Dogs

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1: To the Dogs - two sisters from the upper crust part of life learn alot about themselfs and the men they meet and they learn some valuible information.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

A loud crash echoing through the empty house broke the wonderful spell.

"My god, what was that," Sue exclaimed. "Are mommy and daddy back already?"

Together they jumped out of bed and threw their robes over their bare, save undies, bodies.

"Maybe we should call the police?" Alice asked before they had reached the stairs as the crashing and banging continued.

"No, Oscar would have barked if someone had come in. Even mommy or daddy, for that matter. It must be the dogs."

They found Oscar chasing Julie, the pointer, wildly around the house knocking things over as they went.

"You creep. Stop that, Oscar," Alice yelled as she grabbed his collar. Unfortunately, Oscar was stronger than Alice and Alice was unwillingly dragged along after the cavorting dogs.

Finally, due to the minimal impediment Alice placed on Oscar, Sue was able to guide Julie to the pool changing room and slam the door. Oscar smashed against the closing door and commenced to scratch and whine to get in.

"What has gotten into you, Mutt? You have been after Julie ever since we got her. Leave her alone."

Alice dropped into the sofa exhausted after her struggle with the Dane. "Sue, I want to go back up stairs. Do you?"

"Sure, but we better let the dogs out so they won't interrupt us again."

Sue went over to Oscar and squatted down in front of him. "You naughty boy. We were having a wonderful time and you spoiled everything."

"It won't take me long to find my place and some how I don't think it will take you much effort either, will it?"

"It sure won't, Alice, but even if it did, it would sure be fun trying to find it again," she laughed as she turned towards Alice. As she did her robe fell open revealing her lovely and lush body exposed. Since no one else was there she let it go.

As they continued their idle banter, Oscar, for the first time since the girls had rushed down stairs, allowed his attention to wander from the closed door. With no warning or foreplay he stuck his nose into Sue's crotch.

"Hey, what are you trying to do?" she exclaimed. She tried to close her parted thighs and stand up simultaneous, but only succeed in sprawling backwards. As she flung her hands back to catch her fall her legs flew out grotesquely. With a heavy "thud" she crashed painfully on the thick carpet.

"Nice move, Sue," Alice flashed as she laughed uproariously.

Sue didn't feel like laughing so she just lay where she fell as the shock coursed through her.

Oscar started by the rebuke and flailing limbs stood for an instant over Sue. He recovered first and stepped forward to, once again, bury his cold wet nose in Sue's cotton-clad genitals.

That brought an immediate reaction as Sue's still-present pain disappeared instantaneously. Sue scrambled to regain her feet, but again Oscar stepped forward and knocked her down. Alice was still laughing hysterically on the sofa.

"Dammit, Alice, help me. Get this mangy mutt off of me."

Alice opened her eyes to be greeted with another funny scene. Her sister was sprawled out practically naked on the floor flailing helplessly as their huge Dane hovered over her tongue hanging out, tail wagging furiously.

"What are you doing, Sue? You look like..." But before she could finish, something caught her eyes. Her hysteria left instantly. "Look, look at that!"

For an instant nothing moved, except the heaving tongue and thrashing tail. Sue looked to her sister to see what was the matter. Her eyes tried to follow Alice's, but the big dog was practically staring her in the face.

Alice quickly scrambled off the sofa and threw herself at Oscar. No other action would have altered the standoff. As Oscar tumbled heavily against the wall, Alice reached down to help Sue to her feet. The dog and girls were upright at the same instant. Only Alice's quick thinking got the pair safely into the changing room with Julie.

For a few moments only heavy breathing by two humans and the Dane could be heard. Then the door scratching began in earnest.

"Thanks, Alice. I don't know what has gotten into that dog. He has never done anything like that before."

"Do you know what he wanted to do, Sue? He wanted to fuck you."

"What! How do you know?"

"Because his penis was sticking out. You should have seen it. It must have been six inches long."

Alice turned around to look at Julie, happily dancing around the pool changing room. "Yah. She's in heat, Sue. That is what it was."

"Any port in a storm, right?" Sue quipped.

"Sort of, but you know, they say that women in passion lubricate their vagina, in preparation for you know what, and it is supposed to be like an aphrodisiac. It must work on dogs. You know, I sort of felt myself getting moist as we were fooling around up stairs."

"Well, this doggy sex symbol wants to take a refreshing dip in the pool and continue our homework up stairs. Want to, too."

"Sure. You know, I don't want to get my suit, why don't we go in like we are? Actually, maybe we should skinny dip. I have always wanted to do that," Alice said.

"You're on. Or should I say, you're a turn on."

In an instant they had stepped out of their briefs, innocently diverting their attention elsewhere in the process. The "mood" was gone, but not too far, and certainly not forgotten.

Sue was out the door first and ran for the pool. A cannonball acquainted Alice with the water an instant before she, too, dived in. Julie followed them, but disdained the pool for the sunny grass nearby.

The girls gleefully frolicked in the pool for about a quarter of an hour. They, unintentionally or not, seemed to avoid any major contact with each other. It was almost like they were saving themselves for later. First things first.

But once again their interlude was interrupted by a noise. This time it was a loud yelp. They turned to find the source and were surprise to see the Dane frantically trying to hump the pointer. Youthful exuberance was no substitute for experience when it come to lust, it seems.

The girls rushed as fast as they could to rescue Julie from the bestial grips of the dreaded male. But by the time they arrived, it was not clear that Julie wanted to be rescued. She was just standing there heaving under the weight of the brute, panting. She was making no effort to extricate herself, but neither was she falling all over herself helping the unseasoned Oscar. The girls stood dumb, dumb and nude. What should they do? Try to push Oscar off? Try to pull Julie away? Run into the house and hide? Or...



"What say we help the poor guy? Julie sure looks like she wants it. He sure does. And I would like to see him put that big thing in her and see what happens. What say?"

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