Wrapped Attention - Cover

Wrapped Attention

Copyright© 2003 by Uther Pendragon

Part Two: Tuesday

Erotica Sex Story: Part Two: Tuesday - Tabitha decides to spend Christmas with Alex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   First  

Alex was in the middle of a wonderful dream of holding Tabitha in his arms when the damned alarm ripped him out of it. He swore, hit the snooze button on his second flail, and rolled over to try to recapture a little of the feeling. He rolled into Tabitha's warm back.

"Are you real?" he asked.

"I think so. What's wrong?"

"The damned alarm clock. It's hard to explain. Let me kiss you like this. My beard is too scratchy for the front of your head."

"I'm not really awake yet."

"That's fair. Cuddle here and get some more sleep."

"I'm going to cook you breakfast." She was determined to emphasize her new status with the man she loved.

"That's fine." Scores of diners had people who were ready to cook him breakfast. None of them were this cuddly.

She felt his penis jutting between her legs. It felt awfully hot to her. "Do you want me to push back like yesterday."

He hadn't thought about the morning. It sounded like a great idea. He added a little lubricant and moved to the right position. "Now," he said. She moved back a little. Either she was a little looser in her sleepy state or he was a little smaller. More of him fitted inside. "Push back once more when the alarm buzzes again." The comfort of her warm back and sweet smelling hair overcame the discomfort in his bladder. He kissed her hair lightly until the clock buzzed again. He could feel her pressure, but no progress. After a minute, the buzzing got on his nerves. His motion to shut it off separated them. He patted her rump. "I have to go, sweetheart. Take care."

When he came out -- shaved, showered, and in his underwear -- he found her in the kitchen, with a hot skillet and a carton of eggs. "How do you like your eggs?" she asked.

"Sunnyside. Two. Across from you." He got what he asked for. On his way out, he arranged that any packages for him would be held in the room behind the desk until he asked for them.

He dictated the Actuarial Department position on pricing associational groups the first thing that morning. The draft would go to his boss and be signed by his boss's boss, the company actuary. His secretary got his keys duplicated on an extension of her lunch hour. His was spent shopping for more personal items. He bought the warm robe and the sexiest peignoir he could find in white. They would gift-wrap and deliver. Unsophisticated in so many charming ways, Tabitha was much more sophisticated than he was about art. Dover print books, he thought, rather than something designed for a coffee table. He found four that he guessed might to fit her tastes. The book store sold wrapping paper as well. He wrapped each one separately after he got back from his lunch hour. That's what private offices are for, after all.

Alex was not gone more than ten minutes before she ran water into his enormous tub. The dorm showers couldn't compare with this luxury. She washed between her legs and then touched the place he was stretching. For all her words about a gift for him, she had planned the vacation. Reality was going much slower than her plan. She inserted a finger and pulled back. Remembering his wisdom, she stopped just before it brought pain. It seemed to stretch a little in the hot water. Thoughts of his insertion excited her. She soon had to abandon her stretching to move the finger to a higher point. Her climax brought delight inside and a tidal wave in the water around her.

She climbed from the cooling water to plan their first dinner at home. When all preparation for cooking was done, she had an hour to spare. She took a break to clean herself up and to stretch her entrance once more.

He came home with that evening's restaurant chosen to find Tabitha ready to serve dinner. The kiss more than made up for the change in plans.

Over dinner, he asked about the Christmas decorations. "Do you want multi-colored bulbs or only blue? A tree of blue bulbs looks both spectral and special, but it doesn't look so traditional." They decided on blue bulbs but multi-colored tree decorations.

He ceremoniously gave Tabitha her own set of keys before they went out. They bought any decorations that she thought they might need. They found a lovely blue spruce in a lot which hadn't been picked over much because the prices were on the high side. They got it up in the freight elevator and installed in its new holder. He turned himself into her assistant, and she decided the location of every ball.

Kissing in the room lit only by the blinking lights from the tree was fun. But, then, they enjoyed kissing in most situations. Soon, however, kissing wasn't enough. They hurried into the bedroom.

He hung up his suit coat and tie after the dress, but she unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed her face. He repeated the ritual of her bra, and continued kissing her breasts until she ducked into the bed. Before he could fear that he had frightened her, she tossed her panties in the general direction of the chair. He'd spent too long half-dressed, however. "Brrr!" she complained as he hugged her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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