Sandy, My Neighbor - Cover

Sandy, My Neighbor

Copyright© 2003 by JAD

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - I picked up Sandy during a rain storm, while she was walking to catch her bus. Little did I know she'd had her heart set on meeting me for some time. This is the story as to what took place after we met and got to know each other.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   White Couple   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Fisting   Bestiality   Cream Pie  

The day started out like most working days. When my alarm went off I lay there a few minutes and listened to the news. The weatherman said it was going to be rain. This is not that unusual, when you live in the Pacific Northwest. I got up, went into the bathroom, then to the bedroom to dress. My wife meanwhile had gotten up and gone to the kitchen to make my lunch. I've never gotten into the habit of eating breakfast during the week, so when I got to the kitchen, I helped her by getting whatever eating utensils I needed for my lunch and some munchies.

I kissed my wife goodbye and headed out the door, to my car. Tall fir trees surround our home, and remembering it was supposed to rain, which it wasn't doing at the time, I looked up through the canopy of trees at the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight. It was a beautiful morning.

About a half mile up the road, I started seeing raindrops on the windshield. I couldn't believe it! But looking up through my sunroof, the clouds were black and full of rain. As I continued up the road, it started to rain harder.

When I leave home to go to work, it's about the same time that the high school students are walking up to where their school bus picks them up. There is one girl that I always pass as she walks up the side of the road. A couple of years ago, I started waving to her, every time I drove by. She always waves back.

Today just as I got up to her, the rain started to come down hard. Usually, she has an umbrella but today, maybe because she didn't think it was going to rain before she got on her bus, she didn't bring one. As I pulled along side, I pushed the door open.

"Quick, get in before you get too wet."

She didn't hesitate a second, and got in.

"Thanks for stopping!" "Another minute and I would have been soaked." "Today we are getting our pictures taken for the school annual and I just got my hair done for the occasion."

"I'm glad I was here to help"

"Here a towel, it's clean, and you can dry your face and hair if you want." "Although I don't suppose you want to mess up your hair too much."

"Thanks." "My name is Sandy, by the way."

"It's been fun waving to you as you drive by." "It kind of makes my day."

"I remember one day about a month ago you didn't wave, and I felt low, all day."

"Really!" "Well I'm sorry I made you feel sad." "I enjoy waving to you, also."

"That's nice." She said. "I know a little bit about you, but not your name."

"I'm Jad."

"But, how is it that you know something about me?" "Have we ever met?" "If we had, I feel certain I wouldn't forget your face." "I have a heck of time remembering names, but remember faces, much better."

"Yah, I have the same problem." "But believe me, now that I know your name, I won't forget it."

"You're sure, are you?" "Why not?"

"Well to start with, last spring when I was moping around, mad at my dad, I walked through your woods." "Our neighbors said that you had told them and other neighbors that it was alright to walk there, as long as we didn't leave any gates open." "So I was trying to walk and convince myself that I was really mad."

"You see, my dad used to work for the government." "They used to move all of us, my mom, dad and me, every three years or so, to a new base."

"As it turns out, the schools that I had to go to didn't have as high a academic level as the school I go to now."

"I'm 18 years old but should have graduated last year." "Instead I'm a junior until Christmas break, because of low credits earned from other schools." "I could have gone to summer school this past summer, to make up for the few credits I needed to start my senior year in the fall instead of after the Christmas break."

"And I was intending to, until I found out my Dad was sick."

"What's wrong with you Dad?"

"He got sick and died a few months ago."

"Oh, Sandy, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thanks, it has been tough at times."

"I've had a lot of support from my friends and that has helped."

"Day dreaming about you hasn't hurt either."

"Me!" "What are you talking about?"

"Here let me explain."

"First of all, when I was walking in the woods, I thought I heard something, so I looked for and found a trail that looked like it would lead in that direction of the sound I heard." "You were washing your car and when I saw the license plate I knew it was you because I had memorized the letters on it when you passed me, each morning." "I stood there awhile, debating as to whether I should let you see me or just stay hidden." "I must have moved wrong because I stepped on a stick that cracked." "You looked around but didn't seem too concerned, so I guessed that you probably thought it was an animal." "And when you went back to washing your car, I knew that you hadn't seen me"

"But in the few seconds that you looked towards me, I saw your nipples." "You had your shirt off, and your nipples were long and soooo beautiful." "I knew in that instant that someday I was going to suck and play with them."

"I also noted how short your shorts were." "Nothing like what all the boys wear, today." "Their shorts are so baggy that they look sloppy, to me."

"But your shorts," "Mummmm, you looked sooooooooooo gooood!" "I knew, someday I just had to take them off you, and look at the rest of you."

"Sandy, do you realize what you just said?" "I'm old enough to be your father, maybe even your grandfather." "You don't want to be with me!" "I'm way to old for you."

"Oh you just think because I'm 18 yrs old that I don't know what I want." "But you're wrong!" "Mom knows how I feel and Dad did too."

"When I saw you washing your car that day, it dawned on me that I couldn't be mad at my Dad because it wasn't his fault the schools weren't as high academically as the high school I'm at now." "And I could hardly wait to get home and tell him so."

"When I got to the house I burst in shouting, Dad, Dad where are you?" "I found both Mom and Dad in the living room." "I could tell Mom had been crying and Dad didn't look to good either." "But, ignoring that, I went to Dad and told him I was sorry and that I really wasn't mad at him, because I knew it wasn't his fault that I couldn't be a senior."

"He looked at me, and then started to cry."

"Oh baby, I knew you weren't really mad at me." "I know it was a shock for you to find out you couldn't be a senior." "But you said yourself, that you can go to summer school and make up the credits so you could start next year as a senior."

"I stood there and for some reason I didn't tell him, I'd changed my mind that I wasn't going to school this summer."

Mom than said, "Baby we have something to tell you, and it isn't pleasant."

"What?" "What could possible be so unpleasant to sadden this moment?"

"Baby, I have cancer." "The doc says I have less than three months to live." "Now, don't shake you head in denial." "We've been to three different doctors and they all say the same thing." "There's no cure!" "The cancer is spread throughout my body."

"Your mother and I agree that I should spend as much time with you in the next few weeks as I can, and finish teaching you how to pleasure a man." "You've come a long way, so far." "I can tell you that you are the best cocksucker a man could want." "Why even your mother has a hard time sucking a cock, as well as you do."

"Oh Dad, I'll do anything you want." "And I won't go to summer school." "I want to be able to spend all my time with you."

"Baby, you have to go to summer school." "You've got your whole life ahead of you."

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