Mother's Milk - Cover

Mother's Milk

by Trog

Copyright© 2003 by Trog

Incest Sex Story: A mother, her son and her milk. She nurses her baby daughter and her son watches eventually getting something to drink. Sort of predictable but the end might surprise you.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Masturbation   Lactation   .


I often times find myself looking at pictures in the family albums. Recently I found a box I've kept hidden for years. Inside rediscovered snap shots long forgotten. At the time I was in my mid-teens, actually fifteen, and it was of my mother and baby sister. So what you ask? How many of you can honestly say you have pictures of your mother nursing a baby I ask? What follows may sound odd or even not likely but I'll let you be the judges.

At the age of fifteen the hormones raged inside my man/boy child body. Hardly a day passed that I didn't take matters in hand. You guys, and I'm certain you gals as well, know just what I mean. Armed with pictures of naked women and alone behind the locked door of my bedroom I would fantasize and take care of the emotional and physical problem that seemed to plague my young mind and body.

OK I masturbated. There I would be alone behind the locked door of my bedroom with pictures of big breasted women while my fist was firmly clinched around my throbbing erection. I would start by lying on my back looking at the pictures as I stroked. When I felt my orgasm getting close I would quickly get on my knees, lay the picture on my bed and keep stroking myself. Finally, wishing it were real, I would explode and dump my load all over the glossy boobs before me. Afterwards I felt better but it was getting damned expensive having to replace all those magazines with the stuck together pages.

About this time my mother gave birth to my sister. Yeah, I know, it was rather late in her life and her pregnancy was an accident. Still I didn't mind. You see I'd always loved my mother, and what boy doesn't, but it was her chest I loved most. Yeah, Mom was pretty big in the breast department and I loved seeing them move and bounce. They even wiggled around when she was wearing her harness called a bra. The most exciting times were first thing in the morning. Mom would be in the kitchen fixing breakfast wearing her nightgown and robe. I knew she wasn't harnessed and her big boobs moved even more bringing me to dizzying heights of sexual arousal.

A couple of months before my sister was born I really noticed mom's breasts getting bigger. Now I ain't no dummy and what with sex education in school knew it was because she was making milk for nursing. That's when things really got exciting for me.

One senior at school had a magazine that showed women with milk. The pictures showed them squeezing their breasts and milk sprayed from the nipples. Talk about jerk off material this was it. I managed to talk him out of the magazine and took it home. Very carefully I kept it well hidden and often use it during my jerk off sessions.

A few weeks later my sister was born. After all the relatives had done their thing with cooing over her and visiting things finally began to settle down at home. Lots of times I would hold my new sister and even changed her diapers, but if you tell the guys I knock your teeth out.

I never really thought all that much about feeding, however. For some reason Mom taking my sister into her room and closing the door for an hour never seemed to bother me. It wasn't until the day the phone rang and it was for Mom that I found out.

Opening her bedroom door I poked my head inside telling her the phone was for her. There she was sitting on the bed with my sister's face to her chest. At first I didn't know what was going on but looking closer I saw Mom was naked to her waist. When I saw her unoccupied breast fully exposed I suddenly realized she was nursing my sister. Not only that but I saw drops of a whitish looking liquid seeping from her exposed nipple.

"Uh, Mom, phone for you," I gulped feeling the instant erection in my pants. My face burned as I felt the blushing of my skin. Expecting Mom to hurriedly cover herself I was surprised with her response.

"Thank you son. Would tell whoever is calling I'll call back in a few minutes? I want to let you sister finish first."

At that moment something happened between Mom and me. Instead of looking at my face I was sure she was looking several inches below my belt. There seemed to be a hint of a smile plying across her lips before she looked into my eyes. I could have died right then knowing she had seen my erection. Muttering something I backed out and closed her door.

All the rest of the day I expected Mom to say something to me about what had happened but she didn't say a word. I fussed and fumed for days and then came Friday night. Dad had gone another of his business trips, I really don't know how they found the time for Mom to become pregnant what with him gone most of the time, and it was just Mom and me and my sister. After supper Mom said she wanted to have a talk with me.

"Ed, about the other day when I was nursing your sister. You were embarrassed, right?"

"Uh, well, I guess. I don't know," I mumbled. We were in the family room watching TV.

"Was it because you saw me nursing your sister?"

"Yeah sort of."

"Or was it because you saw one of my naked breasts?"

"Aw come on Mom, do we really have to talk about this?" I was really blushing but at the same time aroused.

"Yes I really think we must. Look, son, you're fifteen and I know you think about girls and sex. I've seen your magazines, the ones you keep trying to hide?"

"Oh, them," I stammered.

"Seems to me from what I've looking at you have a 'thing' about women with large breasts."

"Uh, well yeah I guess." My goose was cooked and now Mom was gonna really give it to me.

"Believe me I understand. It's very natural for young boys to like looking at women with large breasts. I also saw that one magazine you have showing a woman with milk in hers. Do you like seeing a woman's breasts that are filling with milk?"

Now she had me trapped. I couldn't think of anything to say that would get me out of this one.

"Yeah, Mom, I really like that one."

"I couldn't help but notice the other day when you saw me nursing your sister how you kept looking at my exposed breast. You saw the milk seeping from my nipple?" All I could manage was a nod of my head. "And you like seeing your sister nursing me?"

Again I was trapped and could only agree. By this time I was sitting on the edge of my chair, feet entangled with my hands clasped firmly between my legs. I had my knees as close together as I could get with my hands between them desperately trying to hide the erection the conversation was causing. Suddenly my sister began to cry and I thought a reprieve had been sent from above.

"Why don't you wait here a few minutes while I get your sister and then we'll talk more?"

I instantly knew it wasn't a request and I simply nodded my head and waited. Mom didn't take long before she was back carrying my sister. She sat back down and without looking at me unbuttoned her blouse. I already knew she wasn't wearing a bra and saw her naked breast become exposed just seconds before my sister was placed to the waiting nipple. What really got me was Mom didn't attempt to cover her unused and very naked breast.

"I know you don't remember but I used to nurse you when you were a baby," she calmly stated looking into my eyes. "Have you learned much about mothers nursing their babies in sex education?"

"Oh yeah, we learned all about it. Like how the mother creates the milk and how it's supposed to be so good for the babies." Suddenly I was feeling better and bit grown up. I guess Mom talking to me on this level made me feel mature.

"From the pictures you have I would have to think you'd like to enjoy doing that again."

My mouth would have broken my toes if my jaw could have dropped that far. What, I wanted to know, was my mother saying? She smiled and patted the seat beside her. I stood on very shaky legs, moved across the small room and sat down. Mom put her arm around me while she easily cradled my baby sister and pulled me closer.

"Come and learn," she spoke softly to me. Her hand pressed at the back of my head drawing me closer to her other exposed breast that by now was leaking her milk. "Use your lips and put them around my nipple and suckle. Nurse your mother as you did as a baby and drink my milk from my full breast."

She pulled my head down until my lips touched the swollen nipple of her breast as the milk oozed from the tiny openings. I felt the firm warm of her skin as my lips touched her. My tongue slipped from between my lips gathering the first drops and then slid back inside my mouth. I tasted of her breast as the thin liquid touched my delicate taste buds. My lips gently closed and surrounded her nipple as my face pressed more firmly towards her breast. Instinct caused my mouth to suckle and pull as her milk quickly and freely flowed into my hungry mouth. Sweet oh so sweet was the taste as I became greedy and wanted more. Again and again I suckled filling my mouth before swallowing the nectar from the breast of my mother.

For what seemed hours couldn't have been more the ten minutes before her breast was empty. Still I couldn't keep from flicking my tongue over the turgid nipple in my mouth. Mom kept pressing my lips to her unyielding breast even as she must have known there was nothing left to give me. Even then my arousal, my passion, my lust was unabated as the erection within my pants throbbed and started to cause me pain. Finally I pulled back and reclined panting.

Mom had taken my sister away and lay her down in her crib. She came back and sat beside me, her arm around my shoulders holding me tightly. We didn't speak but our silence seemed to speak for us. Finally I was calmed enough and stood. I leaned down and lightly kissed her lips and said goodnight before going to my bedroom.

That night, that first night I must have masturbated six times before finally falling into and exhausted and very deep sleep. When the sun poked through the shades waking me in the morning all I could think of was the last night. My morning woody hurt and I quickly brought myself off before going to the bathroom and relieving my very full bladder.

I didn't know what to think or say as I entered the kitchen later. Mom was cooking my breakfast of bacon and eggs and hash browns. She knew it was my favorite and smile sweetly placing the plate before me. With her own plate Mom sat across from me and I slowly looked in her direction. The robe she was wearing was partly open exposing most of her breasts. I almost choked seeing her so openly displayed.

"There's no way your sister is going to be able to nurse enough. You may not know what I mean but because I make more milk than she can take my breasts become very full and hurt. I'm hoping after breakfast you will want to help me."

There was nothing in the entire world that would have made my day more than Mom saying that. I was so very certain that the night before was a one in a lifetime thing and now she was offering to me more of her milk. The look on my face must have told her because she laughed and I couldn't keep my eyes from watching her heavy milk filled breasts from wiggling. We finished eating and I helped clean the kitchen. Mom took my hand and led me to the family room.

"Why don't you just wait here and I'll tend to your sister. I need to bath her and put on a clean diaper then we'll join you. Oh, by the way, make yourself comfortable and take off your shorts. I saw how uncomfortable you were last night."

SHE KNEW, DAMN IT SHE KNEW! Mom knew I was erect and cramped. My face burned as she turned and walked away. I could have sworn there was a glint in her eye and a sway to her hips as she disappeared from the room. Well I shed my pajama bottoms, shorts as she called them, but kept them resting on my lap. I wasn't quite ready for Mom to see my still virgin organ throbbing and bouncing against my belly. Patiently I sat and waited knowing it would take half an hour before she came back. In the mean time my erection remained rock hard and moved in time with the rapid beating of my pounding heart.

By the clock on the wall it was twenty eight minutes and Mom casually entered the room with my sister. She sat beside me and slipped her robe off her shoulders. Now I was seeing both of Mom's large milk filled breasts as she brought my sister to one. My sister greedily clamped her lips around the dripping nipple and began to feed. Mom didn't say anything but just looked at me with expectation.

Keeping my crotch covered I shifted and leaned to her unused breast. Latching my lips around her swollen and leaking nipple I began to suckle. After only a few minutes I became bold and gently cupped the breast I was nursing. Sensing no opposition I lightly squeezed and heard a very soft moan from Mom. Becoming bolder I squeezed more firmly and loved the hardness of her breast. Mom, for her part only pressed her hand at the back of my head pressing my face closer. I was in heaven and the more I suckled and squeezed the more Mom moaned and pressed my head to her breast.

I was surprised when Mom pulled my head back from her milk giving nipple. She nodded her head towards my sister indicating she had taken her fill and was sleeping. I moved back and she got up motioning for me to remain seated. What was to come next I couldn't imagine but I was hoping for more from her still partly full breast. A few minutes later Mom came back and again sat beside me.

"I hated to stop you but your sister was finished. The breast you were milking still has milk and so does the other. I really need to have both of the empty so I don't feel so full and start hurting."

My lips quickly latched back on the nipple she had taken away and within minutes her breast was drained. Hardly missing a beat I switched to the other and began where my sister had left off. I was loving every second but the biggest surprise was only seconds away.

As I nursed I felt Mom's hand moving. Not paying attention I was shocked to feel fingers and then a hand touching and caressing my painful erection. I was suddenly torn between wanting to keep nursing and wanting to see what was going on between my legs. Finally my curious and very aroused mind forced me to release her milk filled breast. I looked and saw her fingers and hand manipulating my engorged erection. Other than by me hers was the only other hand to ever touch my organ when erect and it felt wonderful.

"You are so much like your father only thicker," she whispered. Her fingers were tightly wrapped around my pulsing shaft slowly moving up and down. "You're so long, so thick and so very hard."

"God, Mom that feels good." By this time I was panting and ready to explode.

"Would you like me to bring you off? Do you want me to make you cum?"

It was already to late. I felt myself swelling as my testicles pulled up tight and released the full load stored inside. Long thick streaks of my young virile seed erupted from my pulsing organ. The eruption was so hard the first two shots went all the way up to her breasts before my ejaculation slowed and only spurted and coated her stomach. Through it all Mom kept stroking me until there was nothing but a feeble dribbling of my seed oozing from the slit of my withering organ.

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