Railroad Man - Cover

Railroad Man

by E J Sheeran

Copyright© 2003 by E J Sheeran

Erotica Sex Story: Casey Jones, a railroad man, is frustrated everywhere he turns. He just can't seem to get a woman or do anything else right. No sex, only hints and situations!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Humor   .

Copyright © 09-04-2002 and 02-15-2003 by E. J. Sheeran. All rights reserved. This work, in part, or whole, is not to be distributed, reproduced, transmitted or posted, in any manner, without the express written permission of the author.

Casey was angry. The fastidious little man in the three-piece suit and horn-rimmed glasses across from him was fussing with the papers spread all over Casey desk. He couldn't hide his agitation when he growled, "Come on Mr. Timmons, I have been back here in the station for over three hours. I was supposed to get off over an hour ago at 8:00, and I have a date.

Wilfred Timmons was cleaning his glasses when he said, "Don't be inpatient Mr. Jones. All of the paperwork has to be in order, fuel consumption logs, meal vouchers and expense reports. We are almost finished here. Everything seems to be pretty much in order except this one expense report and I cannot approve that."

"Which one is that?"

"This one from ëClio's Cat Houseí in Cleveland. It has to be itemized. 'For services rendered' is not acceptable. It must say what service you received, such as a hand job, anal sex or whatever."

"It was a blowjob."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter now, I can't accept it. Besides, the blowjob was $30 and you tipped her $30. We do not allow tipping of more than 15 or 20 percent. The most I could approve would be $36. I'll have to disallow this item. Anyway, all you have to do is finish up the rest of your paperwork. You can be out of here in an hour or so."

An hour and a half later, Casey stormed out of the engineerís office in the train station, resigned that he was out the $60. He finally found his car and set off to see what he could salvage of his date.

He was almost to his destination when the red flashing light appeared behind him. He pulled over to the curb and waited while the big policeman got out of the cruiser. He watched in his rear view mirror as a burly cop walked up to his window with mincing little steps. In a very squeaky, yet somehow sexy, voice the cop said, "Gee, fellow, you sure were going way too fast back there. What's the matter big boy, is your pee-pee on fire? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Never having encountered a policeman such as this before, Casey was taken aback. He decided he better be truthful. "I am on my way to Hannah's whorehouse. I had an 8:00 appointment and I am very late.

"Ooo, I'd like to help you out but I don't get off until midnight. I can't ignore your speeding but I will ease up a bit on the ticket. I will only site you for 40 miles an hour in a 20 mile zone rather than the 60 you were actually doing."

Casey was gloomy as he accepted the ticket. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it, you handsome devil." The cop reached in the window with his left hand, put it under Casey's chin, turned his face towards the window, leaned in and gave him a big kiss, right on the lips. "Ta-Ta, big boy."

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