His Sister's Eyes - Cover

His Sister's Eyes

Copyright© 2003 by davedax

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A girl. blinded in a road accident, relies on her brother

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Incest   Brother   Sister   Spanking   Swinging   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Food   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

It's all a bit blurred now, as I said we were both quite drunk, but I do remember us getting into bed and me pulling the black lacy panties down over her hips, I also remember that she was hot, pushing her hips up to my face even as I pulled the panties off over her ankles.

I vaguely remember her telling me to turn round and the feel of her lips as they surrounded my penis, the aroma of her cunt assailing my nostrils, the way she clung to me as I turned round and slid into her wet, clinging channel, but most clearly of all I can remember her falling asleep on my chest, her tears wetting me as my seed oozed out of her body onto my thighs!

The shrill ringing of the telephone woke us up in the morning, Angie reached across for it as I stirred and felt the softness of her breast brushing across my face.

"It's the doctor" she mouthed at me as I sat up and took the receiver from her, I listened to the doctor's words, nodding as if he was there with me and finally said, "Thank-you doctor, we'll be down later on"

"Tell me please Dave, it's bad isn't it?"

I nodded and said softly,

"A complete nervous breakdown, she had to be sedated in the night, heavily sedated"

"Oh Dave"

We sat in silence for a good few minutes, each of us lost in our own thoughts, then the phone rang again, it was Jeff, my mate on the force,

"Can I come and see you Dave, I've got something to tell you?"

"Yeah, gimme some good news mate, I fucking need it"

"You got it, I'm just pulling up outside now, put the kettle on"

Angie had heard him, she stepped into a clean pair of panties and jeans as I hurriedly dressed and ran downstairs to let him in, still pulling on a tee shirt as she went.

His news was mixed, good as far as I was concerned but it could have been better, the city of Leeds police were poised to arrest him that very morning on a variety of charges ranging from running an illegal gaming club, through prostitution to blackmail and extortion!

"Dave the bad news is, he's transferred all of what he calls his bad debts over to a collection agency, you got to pay them mate, it's shit but it's legal shit"

"Who owns the collection agency Jeff?"

He looked uncomfortable as he told me that Peter owned it through a variety of off shore companies,

"But the end result mate, is that you'll have to pay, I suggest you ring them up and make an offer to settle, they'll usually accept something in the region of half the current debt"

I told him about Mickey and he looked genuinely shocked.

"Aw fucking hell Dave, oh shit"

"Yeah well, we're not giving up on her are we babes?"

Angie squeezed my hand,

"We'll never do that, never"

"Can I make a suggestion mate?"

"Get on with it Jeff" I growled, "We go back too fucking far for that sort of shit"

"Pay the debt and tell her it's paid, it might just help her"

"It's one thing less on her mind Dave" Angie put in and I had to agree, contrary to popular opinion, nervous breakdowns are hardly ever caused by one specific worry, or one particular thing, usually a combination of stress, boredom even or just general depression can bring on a breakdown.

(Author's note: before the usual one or two smart asses write with their opinions, I'm right, believe me I know I'm right and that's all I'm saying)

He gave me the number of the agency and I rang them whilst he was there, it took a lot of self control to talk rationally to the piece of crap on the other end, but I just thought of my sister not knowing what the hell was going on around her and I managed to finally get a settlement figure out of him.

"Have they agreed to stop the interest from this minute Dave?"

"Yeah, but it's still going to cost me ten fucking grand"

I felt Angie stiffen and gripped her hand tightly as I added hurriedly, they're coming down tomorrow morning and I might actually manage a smile when I pay it over Jeff"

"Best I could do mate" he shrugged, "Sorry, but they agreed to wait for you to do this before they move in, just to see if the scumbag in the agency had to ring him first for permission to settle"

At that very moment his mobile rang, he listened for a minute and his face lit up,

"I'll tell him"

He turned to us excitedly,

"The so-called owner of the agency was speaking to our man as he was supposedly working out a settlement figure, our colleagues in Leeds have bugged his blower, he actually said on tape that he'd got a lovely little piece of blackmail over Angie there and Mickey, but that he'd got a bit fed up of all the aggro and he told him to settle for ten grand"

None of it meant much to me and I said so,

"Blackmail Dave, demanding money with menaces, pay the debt tomorrow by cheque, only cheque mind and I can almost guarantee that it won't ever get cashed"


"Better than fuck all Dave" he looked at Angie and apologised,

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