Pygmalion Project
Week 11: Late July
Erotica Sex Story: Week 11: Late July - A desperate former addict commits to a a radical plan to try to turn her life around. Her plan ends up impacting her entire family.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Consensual Romantic Oral Sex Exhibitionism Voyeurism
Kathy slowly became aware of her nakedness. She started to panic, but there were hands all over her and soothing voices. They told her they loved her and wanted her to stay in the family. They told her Ted loved her and wanted her to be a real wife to him forever. But he couldn't love her and make her do this. It was so wrong, so indecent. She couldn't be here naked. Why had she taken off her clothes? She could not remember doing that. She only remembered Ted. And divorce. And Shannon. And Julia. And Caroline. Caroline!? She couldn't be naked! Caroline was a wonderful, modest, proper woman. She would never show her body to anyone. But... but it WAS Caroline. And she was naked. And she had no hair there, like Shannon. And like Julia. Why were they all naked? Why were they all bare down there? She could never show her privates without her hair. She was regaining full awareness now, and she was panicky about her circumstances.
"Where are my clothes. How did you get my clothes off. Please give me my clothes. I want to put them on."
"Here are your clothes, Kathy." Caroline handed her her neatly folded garments. On top was a single sheet of paper with a list of names and phone numbers.
"What is this paper?," she asked as she set it aside and reached for her panties.
"That is a list of divorce lawyers, Dear. If you put those panties on, you will have to call one of those lawyers to help with your divorce. Ted already has the best divorce lawyer in town, but these are very good."
"I don't want a divorce lawyer! I don't want a divorce! I want to get dressed and go to my family! Please!"
Julia took over from Caroline. "If you leave here, Kathy, your family will never exist anymore. If you leave here, you will have destroyed it."
Tears were now cascading freely. The others felt tremendously sorry for her, but realized they must remain firm. "I didn't destroy my family! I love my family! I love my children! I love Ted! Why doesn't he love me anymore?" She broke into sobs.
"Kathy, you took yourself away from Ted. You took your body away from him. He loves you and wants you, but he won't stay married to you if he can't have your body, too."
Ted and the family and Greg had left about four in the afternoon. Ted had delivered his ultimatum, and Greg had told Kathy she must obey Shannon for a few days while he was gone. Far into the evening, the crying and the pleading continued. Shannon and Caroline were badly shaken by the pathetic scenes. Julia had to keep bolstering their resolve. They got Kathy into the pool and made her swim, threatening practically every stroke. They did not try for a work out or massage that night. Kathy drank some water, but ate nothing. By hot tub time, she had quieted considerably, but the whimpering never stopped. Caroline got into Kathy's bed in hopes of helping her get some sleep. Kathy kept insisting she could not sleep without some clothes on, but Caroline remained firm. She stroked Kathy's hair and back for what seemed like hours. Eventually, Kathy simply collapsed from exhaustion and despair.
When she finally regained consciousness in the morning, Kathy was bleary-eyed and subdued. Shannon had returned from her run, and Julia had left for her office. Alex had met Shannon at the end of Greg's drive, and both were frustrated to have to part there. They had all agreed on three full days before Greg returned, and Kathy was not to see Alex until the next week.
Kathy did eat breakfast, again under constant threats. Shannon took her to the gym and started her working out. It was obvious she had never done any kind of exercise. The objections were constant until Shannon decided it was time to enforce order. She sat right in Kathy's face and used all the force of her personality.
"Kathy, this is the end. From now on, I am going to say only one word - 'divorce.' That means if you don't stop disobeying immediately, Caroline is going to take you straight home so you can all a divorce lawyer. Do you understand?" Kathy started to argue, but Shannon snapped out the word with such a crack in her voice, Kathy recoiled as if slapped. She stared at Shannon with a scolded child look. The two were motionless for many long seconds.
Shannon's face suddenly contorted and she began to cry. She took both of Kathy's hands in her own and spoke jerkily through her tears. "Kathy, please don't make me do this any more! I don't want to be your jailer! I don't want to punish you! I want to be your friend! Kathy, I've been through this. I know I can help you. Let's get through this together, OK?"
It was a breakthrough moment. Shannon's tears were real, and they had a dramatic effect. Shannon and Caroline were astonished when Kathy pulled Shannon's head to her shoulder and stroked Shannon's hair, speaking words of comfort. Caroline recalled all the times Ted had mentioned Kathy's caring nature as one of the things he loved about her. Apparently, this instinct was extremely strong.
The relationship between the two younger women had definitely changed. Kathy was still embarrassed and frightened whenever something new happened, but for the rest of the day, Shannon never had to say the word. When Kathy would freeze up, Shannon had only to say her name and she would regain control.
Given a full week's lead time, Julia had been able to arrange for a woman doctor to come to the house, accompanied by a nurse and a good deal of equipment. Kathy was, of course, terrified at the prospect of the exam. Shannon and Caroline made sure one of them was always in contact with her, usually holding hands, but sometimes just resting a hand on a knee or shoulder. It had been a long time since Kathy's last exam, and Greg had told Julia to order everything that could be done at his house, regardless of cost. The nurse took several vials of blood for different panels of tests. They were able to set up an EKG over the phone. The gynecological and breast exams left Kathy in tears, but the others gentled her through them. They could not stop the doctor from a stern lecture on the necessity for frequent visits. Julia had briefed her colleague on the situation in general and on the nutrition and exercise that were planned for Kathy. The exam ended with clearance to begin exercising.
The gym was strange and frightening to Kathy. It represented a world she wanted nothing to do with. Shannon almost had to use the 'D' word, but Caroline started doing every exercise first, and this did the trick. Kathy's admiration for her mother-in-law was huge. Even Caroline's nudity did not detract from it. She started at an even lower level than had Shannon, and was clearly exhausted when she finished.
Because of her phobia, Kathy reacted to the massage table as if it was a torture bed. She flinched and cried at every touch for several minutes. Both Shannon and Caroline worked on her, reassuring her constantly. She did finally emit some soft moans when Shannon worked the muscles along her spine. When they told her to turn over, she pled with them, "You aren't going to touch my b... b... breasts, are you? You can't? I can't stand it!" She survived, of course, but she was badly shaken. They spent only enough time on them to work in the oil, and purposely avoid stimulating her. Kathy's rich dark bush was rampant and they avoided her crotch for this first time. That challenge could wait for another day.
Kathy was clearly exhausted, so they told her to nap after showering off the oil. While she slept, Julia returned. As Julia went through her exercises, mother and daughter recounted the day's events and their impressions. She was excited about the episode when Shannon cried, and thought that could be important in the treatment. She instructed them to always portray Ted as heartbroken over the loss of his wife's love.
When Yvonne stopped in, Kathy suffered another attack of embarrassment, but Yvonne did a marvelous job of acting completely natural with her. Yvonne, of course, knew the situation. Caroline and Yvonne had never met, so the two spent some time getting acquainted. Yvonne did not even ask about Caroline's nudity and her shaven pubis. By now, she recognized both as symbols of support for Shannon. She did, however, ask where Greg was, and seemed genuinely surprised to hear he had left just to allow Kathy time to adjust. Caroline watched the younger woman very closely, trying to read her interest in Greg.
Kathy ate willingly, although she complained of being full. Julia explained to her that she was underweight, and needed to add some muscle mass. Kathy objected that she did not want to get fat or look like a body builder, and they assured her there was no risk of either. Julia left and Kathy had her first session on the treadmill. She actually walked quite effortlessly and was able to attain a decent speed. The four relaxed and chatted for the rest of the evening. Kathy entered in very little, but did respond when addressed directly, and did not complain at all. The traditional bedtime hot tub session just continued the conversation. Caroline slept in Kathy's bed again, but this time it took very little to get her to sleep.
It had been decide that Kathy's big shock for the day would be a pussy trim. The family had agreed that a bare crotch significantly increased the feeling of openness and vulnerability. However, they also agreed to let Kathy retain some hair above her mound if she chose. Caroline broke the news to Kathy, and asked her if she wanted to do it herself, or let them do it for her. Kathy was at first too horrified to even speak, much less decide. "But I'll be so exposed! I'll be even more naked! Everyone will see everything! That's not right! Please don't make me do this! Let me keep my hair!"
"Kathy, dear, you have so much hair it's almost like wearing panties. Look at all of us! We're completely bare, and we're fine. You can do this, too." They let the tears and objections roll on for a while longer before Shannon simply spoke Kathy's name in a stern voice. Kathy knew the 'D' word would be next, and subsided.
"Caroline, would you do it for me?"
"Of course, dear. Would you like it completely bare like ours, or would you rather leave a little hair above?"
"Oh, could you leave some, please?"
"I think your dark hair against your pale skin will look very attractive. Good choice."
Of course, this was a completely new assignment for Caroline, but she was determined to make the most of it. A key part of Julia's sensual immersion approach was to maximize attention to Kathy's body, both verbally and tactilely. They were to overwhelm her with so much touching that she could no longer even react. The hope was that fear would turn to acceptance and finally to enjoyment. The principle had been used effectively in other areas, but this was new territory. Caroline gave Shannon a quick grin as she started, Shannon assisting by reassuring Kathy and holding her legs as needed. With Kathy's legs spread wide, Caroline took her time wetting, then lathering the whole area, back beyond Kathy's anus. As she cautiously began shaving off the hair, she purposely pulled, squeezed and stroked the labia as much as she thought she dared. At times, she rested a knuckle against the clit and let it move back and forth with the shaving motions. After several minutes of this attention, Kathy began to react. She shivered several times, and her breathing quickened and became unsteady.
Caroline rinsed off the area shaved bare, and went to work on the hair above the mound. In a short time, she had a neatly trimmed and shortened trapezoid. Kathy had calmed down considerably, but when Caroline rinsed and dried her whole crotch, then applied soothing lotion, she became agitated again. Both Caroline and Shannon could smell her arousal. This was very good news for there had been some fear Kathy had a physical problem preventing arousal. Caroline gave Shannon a brief questioning look, but Shannon shook her head.
Caroline helped Kathy to her feet and lead her to the nearest full-length mirror. With a loud gasp, Kathy plunged her hands to her crotch and held them there. A stern 'Kathy' from Shannon got her to remove her hands but she still looked shaken. "Ooooh! I'm so exposed! I can't stand this!"
"Hey, look at us! We survived! Besides, there's no one here but us girls. At least until tomorrow."
"Wh... what do you mean about tomorrow?"
"Greg's coming home tomorrrow night. This is his house, you know."
"But... but... but he can't! He'll see me, and I'll just die! I can't stay here! He shouldn't see me! it's wrong!..." Shannon let her talk for a while, then worked to calm her down. "I can't let a man see my body. I don't even let Ted..." Upon saying that, she clapped her hand over her mouth in shock.
"We know you don't let Ted see you, dear. That is why you are here. Poor Ted is just heartbroken that he can't look at his lovely wife like a normal husband does. He wishes he could be here to see you, but you don't want him to. He is afraid you don't love him anymore." Caroline laid it on heavily, following Julia's instructions. She then continued, talking openly about Kathy's body parts, also following Julia's direction. "And don't worry about Greg, dear. He will just love looking at your body. You have such a pretty pussy, now that it is all shaved and trimmed, and you can see your slit so clearly, and..."
Kathy collapsed in a heap on the floor, and huddled there, shaking slightly and sniffling. Caroline sat down beside her and stroked her hair lightly. "Please, don't let Greg see me! I can't stand it, please! Why can't Ted come and see me instead? I will let him! I promise?"
"Kathy, Dear, if Ted saw you, would you be afraid?" Kathy looked down, wrung her hands, and nodded. "Well, how would that make Ted feel? It would make him even more sad, wouldn't it. A wife is supposed to be happy for her husband to look at her. It should make her excited."
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