Magic Orb - Cover

Magic Orb

by JAX

Copyright© 2003 by JAX

Incest Sex Story: "Its power alone has sustained me for a number of years now," my Grandfather said, "but even that can't hold back my end. Now son, I have written some instructions, you'll find them in the box ok. Use its powers sparingly, don't attract any attention to yourself, ok, then the orb will reward you with a good life.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Rape   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   .

Chapter 1

The old man waited, knowing that his grandson would be here soon; just then his bedroom door opened and a naked blonde girl came in.

"He's here Master," she said.

"Ok Babs, show him up," he said, "and Babs, put some clothes on."

"Yes Master," she said and went to let the young man in.

I had just got in from work and there was a message on my answerphone to call around and visit my Grandfather. I knew where he lived, but I had never been there before. My Grandfather was the black sheep of the family, although always pleasant to me, but there were a few dark whispers about him too. Before I could knock the door, a staggeringly beautiful blonde girl opened it, wearing what seemed like just a T-shirt.

"Follow me sir," she smiled at me, and led the way upstairs; it was very pleasant walking behind her.

"Come in lad," my Grandfather said, "please sit, thanks Babs." I watched the blonde walk all the way out of the room.

"Nice, isn't she," he smiled.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Now son," he said suddenly serious, "my doctor tells me I haven't got much time left."

"Oh," I said, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, well no complaints," he smiled, "I've had a good life. Anyway before the locust descend on me and strip this place bare," he waved his hand about, "I want to give you something."

He pointed to a small wooden box on his bedside cabinet. It looked very old, banded in brass with a huge key sticking out of the escutcheon.

"Open it son," he said.

I turned the large key and the lid opened, inside was a small silver ball, the size of a tennis ball, perhaps a little smaller.

"Pick it up lad," he said.

As soon as my hand touched the silver orb, I could feel it's energy pulse through me.

"Good," he smiled, "the orb accepts you."

"What!" I said, still feeling the power running up my arm.

"Its power alone has sustained me for a number of years now," my Grandfather said, "but even that can't hold back my end. Now son, I have written some instructions, you'll find them in the box ok. Use its powers sparingly, don't attract any attention to yourself, ok, then the orb will reward you with a good life. Now please go and tell Babs to come up."

I drove home in somewhat of a daze, my body still tingling from the orbs touch. At the bottom of the old box was a small notebook, inside, hand written, were a few pages of instructions. It was impossible, things like this didn't exist in our world, but what if they did?

Next day, being Saturday, my sister Cathy came over as usual to do my housework.

"Morning sis," I said looking at her slim but shapely body. Last night I had a few incestral thoughts about her, she was a safe but rewarding place to try out the orb's powers. Holding the orb in my hand, I placed my other hand on my sister's bare arm, skin to skin the instructions had said.

"Oh, that tingles," she said, her eyes going wide.

In Grandfathers notes he had instructed me to say the words 'Attend Me', so I did, her eyes dropped and she nodded her acceptance to my control over her.

"What would you like me to do for you?" she whispered.

"I think to protect your clothes you should do my housework without them on," I said holding my breath.

"Yes, you're right," she said, "why hadn't I thought of that, they always end up dusty."

Quickly and non-sexily, she stripped off all her clothes, and then carried on with my cleaning. I sat down dumbstruck, watching her naked body as moved about. What to do now, my hard cock wanted to fuck her, but she was my sister, oh fuck it, I thought.

"Sis, come here and get my cock out," I said.

She knelt in front of me and un-zipped me then pulled my hard cock out.

"Yeah that's good," I said, "use you mouth."

My hardness disappears inside her hot mouth.

"Yeah, that's good, now make me come," I cooed.

Soon I splattered deep within her throat.

"Are you on the pill sis?" I asked.

She nodded her head, "good, ok, get me hard again and then we'll fuck." She engulfed me between her good-sized boobs.

"Right get on my lap and stick it in," I said coarsely.

Her gyrating body brought me off again in no time.

This can't be happening; I fucked my sweet sexy sister without a murmur of protest from her.

"Do you want to do that again?" she asked sweetly.

"No, that's alright sis," I replied, "you better get on with the housework."

I laid there for awhile shattered, then after a short pause I got up and had a shower. Later when the housework was complete, my sister dressed ready to be off.

"Now sis, we must keep all this between us, ok," I said.

"Ok, sure if you say so," she said, "well if you don't want to fuck me again, I'll go."

For the rest of the weekend I sat mostly in a daze, wondering how I could use the orb to my best advantage. Come Monday morning, I had come to a few decisions. Firstly I need lots of money, I didn't want to work anymore, and secondly I want one or two at the most, young sex slaves; I don't think I could handle more than two. I gave my notice in to my boss and clear my desk and departed forever, if they wanted me to work out my notice, tough shit.

I had already decided on my next victim, a young lady called Louise, the only daughter of the Proctor's fortune. At thirty-six, she was bit old, but she's was still in good nick, money can do that for you. We had met briefly last year at a function, our total conversation lasted all of five minutes and it left a nasty taste in my mouth. Now it was pay back time.

"Attend me," I said in her ear.

She had just arrived at an expensive restaurant, her eyes lowered in submission and she turned to follow me back to my car. Standing in my lounge she looked as good as I remember, dressed in an outfit that would have cost me a couple of month's pay.

"Strip," I commanded.

I watched almost holding my breath as each piece her clothing was removed.

"Very nice," I commented, "turn for me," she does, oh my, she's really lovely.

Following my instructions she laid down on the carpet and spread her long legs. I move between them and I slipped into her wet pussy, right up to the hilt.

"Make me come," I instructed.

Her hips move against me, meeting my every thrust. I wasn't going to last long and I don't try.

"Tell me about your money," I asked.

We had finished and now she sat on my lap.

"The total Estate is worth about £100 million at last count," she intoned, "but it's held in trust. I can only withdraw up to a maximum of 5% of the capital in any one year, depending on the trustees."

"Ok, when is the next time you can withdraw any funds?" I asked.

"I always make my withdrawal on the first day of April," she said.

Oh shit, I thought today was the 4th of October.

"Ok, how much have you got in your current account?" I asked.

"I don't know exactly, but about £2 million I think," she said. £2 million pounds, wow, not a bad little sum.

"Ok, I want you to write me out a cheques for, lets say £100k, that should do for a start." I said.

All the time she sat there, I played with her firm tits; this and the thought of £100k had got me hard again.

"Time to fuck again," I said, feeding my hardness back into her pussy.

I looked about my small flat, I will need something better.

"Louise," I said, "tomorrow I want you to instruct your agents to look for a small house for my use, ok," she nodded. "Good, a small beach front house will do nicely and I want it put in my name, ok."

She dressed and left me then, I think with her and my sister that should do for the moment. I got my grandfather notes out again and re-read them. The one thing of importance I had missed on the first reading was the dismissal words. Skin to skin and say the words 'dismissed' will free my slave from the orb's power. I had just put the notes away when the front door bell rang. I opened the door to the blonde girl from my grandfather's house.

"Yes?" I inquired.

"My master is gone," she said, "before he died, he instructed me to attend you."

"Oh" I said, "please come in." this was unexpected and quite sad, seeing that my grandfather was now dead.

"Please use the orb on me," she said.

"Do I need to," I inquired, "you seem quite happy to be here."

"I think it would be better," she smiled at me, "that way I must obey you and you would have complete confidence in me."

"You don't have to be here, a pretty girl like you can make it anywhere," I said encouragingly, "wouldn't you like to be free?"

"Please use the orb on me," she said, her tears now gushing freely, "I need to belong."

"Ok," I said, "if you're sure."

She just nodded.

"Attend me," I said with the orb in my hand.

"Yes master," she said with her head bowed, "and thank you, my name is Barbara or Babs."

"Ok, Babs show me what you have," I said.

"Yes Master," she replied. Her clothes were soon piled up on the floor, even though I had come twice in the last couple of hours, I was instantly hard again.

"Very nice Babs," I said, "come here."

For the next twenty minutes I was lost in her beauty.

"Have you got anything you need to bring over?" I asked.

"Yes Master," she said, "I have a few things I would like to keep, clothes and gifts my old master gave me."

"Ok, tomorrow you must go and get them," I said.

Now I had three sex slaves, more than I can really handle, I must release one and it had to be Cathy, much as I like to fuck her, she is my sister after all. When she came over in the morning to do my housework I said the release words to her. I don't know what I expected, but she just nodded her acceptance and carried on cleaning. Then out of the blue, after she had finished the cleaning.

"Do you want to fuck now?" she asked.

"What?" I stuttered.

"Come on brother," she said, "I'll like to be paid for my work."

She quickly stripped off her few clothes. Her pussy was very wet and her hips thrust back at me hard.

"Come on you bastard," she shouted, "fuck me harder." We lost sync and we both came.

"Wow sis," I said breathlessly, "that was good, but why did you want to fuck me?"

"Well what's wrong with us fucking," she said with a smile, "we did it last week and we both enjoyed it, didn't we?"

"Well yes," I agreed.

"So if we want to do it again, what's to stop us," she said.

"Ok sis," I smiled down at my pretty sister, "but I hope you wont get jealous of my other girlfriends."

"What girlfriends?" she asked sitting up, her large tits bounced delightfully.

"Well if you promise to be good, I'll introduce you later," I offered.

"Oh yeah," she smiled, "tell me who she is?"

"You promise to behave," I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, now tell me," she said.

"Well she'll be back soon," I said, "she's just picking up a few of her belongings and she's moving in."

"Moving in," she said with a gasp, "how long have you known her then?"

"Well I first met her some weeks ago," I said with a shy smile.

"Oh," she said.

"If you promise to be nice," I said, "I'll let you play with her."

Before she could answer, the door opened, I had given Babs a spare key, and in she walked with a small bag over her shoulder.

"Babs, come here please," I said, "Babs this is my sister Cathy," I introduced them.

"Hello," Babs said.

"Hi," said Cathy, franticly trying to cover her nakedness with her discarded clothes.

"Babs," I said, "I want you to attend to Cathy needs as well as mine, ok. Now put your things in the spare room and then come back here." She just nodded and left.

"What's this attend to me, it sounds familiar somehow?" Cathy asked, looking puzzled, searching around for her knickers

"Stop that sis," I demand.

"What, please I should get dressed," Cathy said.

"No leave it, oh good, here comes Babs, Babs please see to Cathy's needs," I said.

"What, no, I can't please," Cathy said, "I never, with a women before."

"Well about time you did," I said.

Babs was now naked and manoeuvring between Cathy's legs.

"Please brother, I can't, oh that's so nice," she said when Babs tongue found the right place.

My cock became painfully hard as I watch the sight before me. These two beautiful and naked girls, enjoying each other's bodies.

"Is it alright master?" My rich bitch Louise asked, and indeed it is, a three story beachfront property.

We stood looking at the house beside her Merc.

"Yes very nice too," I replied, "how much is it?" I inquired.

"Just under a half a million master," she said, "shall I instruct my agent to buy it."

"Yes please my little one," I beamed at her.

"Are you pleased with me master?" she looked down at her feet.

"Yes very," I said, "let's go back to the old place and celebrate."

Under my instructions Louise was not wearing a lot these days, today for example a pair of thong knickers under a simple dress. I say simple; it probably cost a month's wages. As soon as the front door closed behind us the dress and knickers were off, exposing her well-tanned body to my gaze. Louise was the elder of my two orb slaves, but she kept her body firm with regular workouts. She laid down on the sofa and spread her killer legs wide.

"Please master," she begged, desperate now for her master's hard cock.

My hardness is almost sucked into her slick pussy and immediately her hips pushed back at me.

"Please master, harder," she begged.

I banged into her with hard thrusts, my hands squeezing her near perfect tits.

"Oh yes, yes," she screamed and came hard, I pumped my load deep inside her.

I lifted off her naked body and zipped up.

"Right," I said, "get yourself dressed and sort out that house, ok."

"Yes master," she said, picking up her discarded clothes.

"Hi brother," called out Cathy, "where's everybody?"

"Hi sis," I replied kissing her on her offered cheek. "Louise is out buying our new house and Babs is doing the shopping."

"Oh so we're all alone for awhile then," she smiled sexily.

"Yeah, but you're too late," I laughed, "Louise has just sucked me dry."

"I'm sure if I put my mind to it, I could find a little left for me," her smile was lovely to see.

"Yeah probably, but wait until Babs get home," I said, "I'm sure she see to your needs."

"I keep telling you I'm straight," she giggled, "but that girl does have a magic tongue."

The move took place only a few weeks later, money speeding up the process. I keep thinking about releasing Louise, for she was too old, well she is thirty six, but she's not hard to look at and her money does come in useful. Babs my other orb slave is only eighteen and used to belong to my late grandfather; She is so sexy that she could even get his old wrinkly cock hard once a day. My sister, Cathy was my very first orb slave, but I now have released her, but that doesn't stop her coming around demanding sex from me. Not that I'm complaining, it just I have only so much to give, and three sex slaves is too much. Luckily Cathy has taken a liking to Babs and although she insists she's straight the two of them always sleep together. In pride of place is the locked, banded box my late grandfather gave me, containing the orb itself. It's power keeps my slaves bound to me and they will do anything, and I do mean anything I say. Every month Louise hands me a cheque for 100k, so every month I put off releasing her from the orb. Not only don't I release her, she is my constant bed partner. I keep planning to let her go, but she is so beautiful and I enjoy her body immensely.

It's no good, she is too important for me to keep too long, her lawyers are making noises, so reluctantly after six months I say the words and let her go. It puzzling, you think once released, her anger would be vented on me for using her as my slave, but no, the orb brings a sense of peace and harmony to their lives that they don't want to give up. My sister has been released and she still happily lives with me, as does Babs. Once my grandfather died she was automatically released, but she came to me and begged to be reunited with the orb. Although now released Louise still comes around offering money and her body to me, I take both with thanks.

It nice, just for a while, to sleep alone, Cathy and Babs are happy in one bed while I sleep in another. Louise joins me at least one night a week and that's enough; for the moment, but I know that soon I'll need a new orb slave. Where to look, that's the problem, in the end it's Babs that helps out.

"Master leave it to me, ok," she said, "there can be problems if you choose the wrong one."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well take Louise, ok," she said, "although she an orphan, even she has people who look after her interest."

"Yeah I see," I said nodding, "so what I need is someone, nobody would miss."

"Well something like that master," she said, "do you have any preferences?"

"No not really," I said.

"Right master," she smiled at me, "I'll see what I can find."

After two days, I started to worry, as did Cathy.

"She'll be ok brother, won't she?" she asked.

"Yeah I sure, but I can't help but worry," I said, "she's my responsibility now."

"Come to bed and we'll have a cuddle," she offered, well Cathy's idea of a cuddles is with her on her back with her legs open wide; not that I'm complaining. On the fourth morning Babs reappeared along with a slim dark elfin looking girl.

"This is Petra master," she said.

Petra's big eyes stared back at me. Oh my, my shorts were suddenly tight.

"Petra has run away from home master," Babs carried on, "but she'll be a lot safer here with us than on the outside."

"Yes thank you Babs, I sure you're right," I praised, "please bring the orb."

"Come along with me Petra," I said taking her hand, she looked so young.

"Here you are master," said Babs, opening the banded box. I removed the orb, feeling its power in my hand. "Attend me," I said still holding Petra's hand.

"Yes master," she said, and for the first time a big grin came onto her face.

I lead her upstairs to my bed. Without any instructions she stripped off her few clothes and lay down.

"Please master," she looks up at me, "I've not done this much."

Her slim teenage body felt good under my hands and I slipped in easily into her hot pussy.

"Oh master that feels so nice," she whispered.

Soon her body is bucking under me as her first orgasm hit her. She held me so tight as if somehow I might now reject her, this girl is carrying a lot of baggage that I need to strip away.

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