Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife - Cover

Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife

Copyright© 2003 by Pornsmith

Chapter 9

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Those of you who are familiar with my material know that I am not writing erotica. Like my other stories, this one focuses on incest and covers all kinds of pretty kinky stuff EXCEPT violence humilation, and scat. It starts with a "rape" scene, continues with growing family involvement and concludes with a few holds barred orgy

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Voyeurism  

Kelly was half asleep, loving the gentle heat of the sun on her near naked body, and smiled a little as she felt the light brushing touch on the middle of her back. She forced herself not to move and the hand began to slide downward, and she held her breath, wondering where it would stop. There was a slight hesitation when the rounded nails reached the top edge of the bikini, but that lasted only for an instant, and then a slim finger was curling under the flimsy material right at the deep hollow that lead into her crease, and finally she turned her head.

"Just what exactly are you doing, you insane person?"

The hand stopped just for a heartbeat, but then the tugging began again, and she shivered as the moist lips flittered across her shoulder.

"Uhmmm... Just wanted to cop a feel... thought you were asleep..."

"I am. I was..."

She turned her head a little more to look into Maria's huge dark eyes, and felt the muscles in her lower body tighten with the familiar emotion. The fingers were gliding lower down her rear, this time on top of the material but pushing harder into the crease, and she arched her back without quite realizing it.

"I wish you'd get rid of this. I want to touch you..."

The wide lips were almost brushing hers, and Kelly had to force herself to shake her head 'no'. She felt her nipples beginning to harden, and had the urge to lift her head to close the tiny gap between them, but in the end she pulled back instead.

"You are crazy. Where is she?"

"Down at the caves with her camera. You didn't come over last night."

Then the half open mouth pressed down and the young redhead was temporarily lost. On her side now she felt her lips forced open by the darting tongue, and moaned as the fingers pressed deeper, until it felt as if the material was forced into her rear. She wanted to resist but the sudden heat in her belly was almost overwhelming, and as her knees began to move apart, she wondered if the previous night with her mom turned her into some kind of sex maniac. Her pussy was throbbing and then finally she had the strength to pull away and roll on her back, but didn't object when her Maria rolled with her, pinning her down on the hard rock face. She wanted to say something, to come up with a plausible lie, but in the end decided that the truth would be sufficient. Or half a truth... or may be ten percent...

"Stayed at home with mom. Had popcorn and watched a movie..."

"Hmm... and missed all the fun down at the marina..."

Maria was lying half on top of her, and Kelly was very conscious of the bigger girl's gorgeous hard breasts pressing into her own, but decided to play it safe and focus on the 'fun' that she had missed.

"Ok, so tell me. What did I miss?"

"You won't believe this; my little brother had a punch up with Billy."

She stopped there for effect, and grinned when she saw the disbelief on Kelly's face.

"You mean Rick? He fought Billy? You are right; I don't believe it."

"Believe it. And he didn't lose either. I think he broke Billy's nose."

"There is no way! What about?

They were sitting up now, close enough so their shoulders still touched, and Kelly found it difficult not to move even closer. She glanced at the taller girl and almost got lost in those big eyes.

"About you! I wasn't there, but from what I hear it was about you."

"That's crazy. Now I know you are making this up."

"I'm not! Amber and Kim were there and they saw the whole thing. Apparently the guys were doing the usual macho bragging bit and Billy started to tell them how he and Ricky scored on you on the beach..."

"He what? That lying bastard. He never did!"

"Well, it seems he was pretty graphic. He said that after a couple of drinks you turned into a real nympho slut. He said first you sucked them off and then kept begging them to fuck you and they did; Ricky got your pussy and he got your ass..."

"Shit shit shit! That fucking sleaze! He was lying..."

Kelly was furious and frustrated because she realized that fighting lies was difficult, and fighting half truths was nearly impossible. She felt totally helpless.

"Well, that's what Ricky said. As you know my brother has a major crush on you, and in the middle of the rant he told Billy he was a lying asshole and to shut the fuck up..."

"Ricky did? No way..."

"Oh yes way. And that's only part of it. It seems that Billy was too shocked to react right away, and then when he started to mouth off Ricky just punched his nose in."

"That's crazy. Your brother is not like that. Besides, Billy is a lot stronger..."

"That's debatable, but I couldn't believe it either. Anyway, Amber said that in the end a couple guys had to pull him off your boyfriend."

"Vow! That's wild! And don't call him my boyfriend. He is a fucking lowlife!"

Kelly sounded angry and confused, and the brunette looked sideways at her as if measuring her sincerity.

"Well, a lot of the guys are going to be glad to hear that, especially Ricky. By the way which one of them was telling the truth?"


"Never mind Mariaing me. One of them is lying, so which one? And don't give me that hurt look. I know that Billy is a jerk, but my brother is so crazy for you he'd say anything to defend your rep."

"Is that what the kids think? That Ricky is lying for me?"

"About 60-40. Most of them believe him because they know that Billy is full of shit half the time, on the other hand you two 'been making out hot and heavy."

"That's crap and you know it. I wouldn't let that prick close to it! Jesus..."

"Come on Kell... You 'been letting him close to it for weeks. You say you are saving it, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it some times..."

"Like when?"

"Come on chik! Like at Leah's party last week. I was there, remember? He was feeding on your bare tits and you almost strangled his prick through his pants. Come on. I thought he is going to do you right there. And don't tell me you were holding hands when you got upstairs. You were a mess when you got back and he had a shit eating grin on his face and half the guys were giving him high fives. And I think I was wrong about that 60-40 ratio. It's more like 40-60."

The two friends were staring at each other and the tension between them was electric, and in the end it was Kelly who broke the eye contact.

"We got pretty heavy but that's all. He got me going but wouldn't wear a rubber and I won't go bareback, and that was it. O.K, so I sucked him off, but that's all he got. We didn't do it there and it didn't happen this time either. It was half way between. It started out as the asshole said but the last part never happened. It was pretty close, but it never happened."

"Oh. Ok."

But Kelly was not at all sure that it was Ok, and she wanted Maria to believe her.

"You don't believe me, do you?'

"Oh yeah, I believe you. Ricky pretty well said the same thing."

"So why are you giving me a hard time?"

There was no answer at first, and then Maria's eyes seemed to go mellow.

"I am not giving you a hard time. I missed you. I was the odd girl out."

Her voice was a whisper and Kelly was looking at the slim hand moving up her thigh, and couldn't respond for a second. Suddenly her mouth felt dry and her tiny bikini top felt very tight. Then the soft touch moved even higher, the fingertips brushing over the soft inner skin just below the crotch band, and she had to swallow.

"You mean Amber and Kim wouldn't let you play?"

"I didn't say that..."

"So you played. You slut."

The fingers were pressing down on her pussy crease, and Kelly reached out to stop the hand from moving, but it was less then a half hearted effort. She was already wet and Maria could feel the humid heat under the thin cloth, and the fingers started to wiggle deeper into the moist groove.

"We played but I missed you..."

"Like hell. Which one?"

"Which one what?"

Their lips were practically touching but their focus was on the speeded up strokes between Kelly's thighs, and she gritted her teeth.

"You bitch. Which one fucked you?"

"Shhh... temper temper... "

"Which one? Tell me!"

"You are getting wet, slut. Both of them..."

"You are such a whore... you'd fuck a door knob."

"Look who is talking. I didn't rub myself off on Amber's funky nipple like someone I know. We had a three way but it was mostly Amber doing Kim..."

Kelly knew Maria was lying but she was too hot to care, and her grip tightened on the slim wrist pressing the fingers harder against her mound. They were staring into each others eyes, and then Maria's tongue flicked out to close the gap.

"... and I missed you like crazy!"

"With that cow Amy with the big tits there? I hardly think so... Oh... ohhh shit..."

The redhead was gasping as the flat of the four fingers began to rub across her pussy over the cloth, and she didn't have the strength to force the hand away.

"She is hot but I wanted YOU. I want you naked."

"Jesus... Are you crazy? My grandma is right here somewhere..."

"No she isn't. She is down at the inlet, taking pictures. You can see her from here."

Maria was shaking but she stopped, and her hand was trembling as she motioned toward the distant figure standing still on a boulder. The woman seemed to be pre-occupied, and Kelly had the feeling that the thing on the beach had something to do with it. Even Maria had picked up on the vibes.

"She is different. Seems to be upset..."

"She is. She and granddad had a fight..."

They were both silent as they watched the motionless figure, and Kelly sensed Maria's eyes on her.

"Was it about you? Did he make a move on you?"

The words were quiet, but as far as Kelly was concerned the question was a loud shout. She went still.

"What? Why do you think that?"

"Just straight logic. He was the one who broke up that scene on the beach, you didn't come over last night, and besides I know how you feel about him..."

"Your logic sucks. He is my granddad. He wouldn't try anything like that. It's crazy!"

Kelly sounded vehement, but Maria heard the tremor in her voice, and all of a sudden she knew that she was on the right track. She decided not to back down.

"Oh come on. The grandfather thing didn't bother you before. I mean you told me about that time in the woods when you watched him jerk off, you told me how he didn't stop and how horny you got."

"That was ages ago..."

"So what? You are a year older and ten years hornier..."

Maria kissed her again, not a gentle but a hard, demanding kiss, and the slim redhead whimpered as her friend's tongue drove deep into her mouth. They had started this months earlier, and much of it had been innocent and awkward groping at first, but the innocence passed a long time ago. She sucked in her breath as Maria pushed her top up and felt the sun on her bare boobs, and then gasped as her friend's fingers curled around one hard, cone shaped breast. Then the dark head started to move downward, and Kelly froze at the movement a couple hundred yards away.

"She is going to see... If we can see her she can see us..."

"Relax; she can't. She is below us. The angle is wrong..."

"This is crazy. You are so nuts... oh god..."

"But you like it! Your nipples are like spikes. You love it!"

"We can't... Oh shit... She is looking... coming back... Jesus Mari! You got to stop!"

Maria was too horny to pull back right away, and when she did, she couldn't make herself move too far. They were watching Inga move diagonally across the rocks, jumping form builder to builder, and the darker girl finally shook her head.

"She is going to the caves. I can't believe she is your grandma."

"Sometimes I can't either. I don't think she has a grey hair."

"I can't believe she is anybody's grandma. She moves like a teenager and she looks to be about forty... She really is one hot lady."

The tanned hand was moving again and Kelly was too mixed up to object. She was not at all sure that the angle cut into grandma's line of vision, but her fear was mixed with excitement. Her eyes were half closed as she dropped back on two elbows, and only sighed as Maria undid the snap of the flimsy top. She hunched her shoulders to allow the tiny strap fall, and shivered as she felt the breeze on her bare chest.

"She used to be an athlete. Still works out..."

"That may explain her ass and legs, but what about her tits? She has big tits and they look so firm I don't think she needs a bra."

"It must be good genes. Runs in the family..."

"Oh yeah? So what happened to you, runt? These are like tiny lemons..."

Maria was leaning over her, and Kelly had to swallow when she saw the special look in the big dark eyes. She was in love with Maria's wide sexy mouth and caught her breath as the soft lips engulfed almost all of one sweaty breast. Her tits were hard and sensitive and there was a direct connection between her nipples and her pussy and she knew her slit was oozing. She shifted to have Maria fully on top of her and her voice was raspy when she finally twisted her head aside.

"Billy seemed to like them. So did your brother..."

"Ok. Maybe not lemons; Grapefruits... uhmmm..."

Maria's lips were even harsher now and redhead felt the sucking pull deep in her chest. It hurt and her eyes were blurry as she looked over the dark head down toward the woods and almost missed the muffled question.

"How far did they really get? The truth!"

"Not all the way... "

Kelly was half naked and her breasts were almost blinding white except for the puffy aureoles and the rock hard tips, and she felt numb with indecision; on the one hand she was scared, on the other being in the open like this was a major turn on. She shivered as she remembered her granddad's bloated cock after he saw her naked, and her voice had a tremor in it as she finished the sentence.

"... Billy made me suck him off! I did both of them..."

She had to stop talking when Maria drew one tit deep into her hot mouth, and almost yelped as her friends' hand curled into her mound. It was a hard, demanding grope over the thin bikini material, and the mixed up redhead couldn't control her hip as she hunched upward. There were two digits pressing into her slit, rubbing against her button like clit, and she wished that she was completely naked so that the fingers could grip into the damp fuzz and make her scream.

"Make it dirty baby. Get me hot!"

"Oh shit. You are such a perv."

"You know it slut. Keep going..."

"... Billy kept feeling me up... my tits... my ass... Stood behind me in the surf... kept jamming his cock into my crack... had his hands all over me..."

"Like this? Did he play with your tight little cunt?"

The hot, liquid mouth was sucking on one swollen tit again and the fingers were moving under the soaked crotch band into the syrupy, loosening hole and Kelly rolled her stomach willing her friend to go deeper. Then she made a little strangling sound, and her ass couldn't stop grinding.

"Yes... oh fuck! He had my top off and turned me so I was facing Ricky, and then he started to use two hands on my pussy and made me play with my boobs, to show your brother what a horny slut I am..."

"He didn't make you... you wanted to."

"No Mari... He told me to... ohh..."

"But you wanted to. I know you! You love to show off your funky tits..."

"No... noo... Billy made me! Kept talking filthy, told me how they were going to fuck me real good. Told me Ricky got a nice cock on him and I'd like to suck it because I was a cock sucking little cunt...

"... and you are..."

"... Ricky got so hot... Just stood there and looked. Started to jack off... ohh... oh... that's good... don't stop... that's good..."

"Did you like it? Is he hung?"

"He is OK. He was really hard... Oh... oh shit... like that..."

Maria's eyes were flashing bright and she was flushed as two of her fingers twisted into the tight, sopping slit, and Kelly was making whimpering sounds as she pulled her knees wider. The soaked crotch piece of the ruined bikini bottom was twisted aside, and the gasping red head couldn't take her eyes off the obscene sight of the slim digits knifing into her hair fringed pussy. She wanted to cover up and wanted to spread open at the same time and Maria bent to lick into her half open mouth.

"Did you like it? Would you fuck him?"

"He is nice... Yes! Oh fuck... so hot! His cock was soo hot... "

"You liked it didn't you? Liked sucking my little brother's hard cock..."

"Long... not as thick as Billy... big balls..."

"And you called me perv. You are sopping just talking about it! Come on, lose this. You need to get fucked."

"You are crazy. Oh god... She'll see!"

"She won't. I told you..."

Kelly couldn't answer this time because her mouth was filled with Maria's probing tongue, and by then the slim redhead realized that she didn't have a will to fight. She felt Maria's hand tugging at her suit, pushing it downward and lifted her ass to free the garment, and made a loud hissing sound as she felt the flat of three fingers move back over her creaming slit.

"Oh Jesus. That's good. Do me!"

"Spread it babe. I want you wide open..."

Maria knelt back as she watched the younger girl stretch out front of her, and had to force herself not to curl her fingers into that gorgeous plump cunt. The lips were swollen and gaping, the hard dark clit was like a protruding little spike, and the trimmed fringe was like a russet frame around an obscene picture. Kelly was breathing through her mouth as her hands began to maul her own tits, and her ass started to grind against the hard rock surface. She felt Maria tugging at her bush and gasped at the pain.

"Oh yeah... Grab me! Make me feel it..."

"Make you feel what, you little whore? I thought you wanted me to stop. What if she sees?"

"I don't know! Oh Jesus. I don't know..."

"Yes you do! You are an exhibitionist little slut and you love to show off your fat cunt..."

"Don't... talk like... that."

"You like it! Gets you all hot and horny. Remember how you got with Roger? You were so ready..."

"Oh fuck..."

"He could make you so hot, just playing with his cock..."

"Stop it... don't..."

"Why not baby? Remember that time in the car? How he made you play? Stretched out in the back seat, not a stitch on, driving you nuts just talking to you? Telling you to hurt your tits... play with your clit."

"You did it too... oh shit... You were fucking yourself the whole time."

"You got so hot... Your fingers all over your ass... your gorgeous fat pussy..."

"Mari! "

"... wide open, wet pussy..."

"Don't... stop... oh god! Don't stop..."

"... your nasty hard clit..."

"... Oh... ohh Jesus..."

"... your beautiful funky little asshole."

This time there was no coherent response, and as Maria pressed her index finger into the hard humid valley between the firm dimpled ass cheeks, she knew that Kelly was close to the edge. The redhead was whimpering, moaning, her fingers pulling, twisting her nipples, and her pelvis was grinding in circles as Maria jiggled against the moist, loosening anus. Kelly was all around beautiful, but as far as Maria was concerned, her friend had the most fantastic ass in the world. And the most sensitive. She was watching Kelly's face as she pressed another fingertip into the crack, and suddenly made up her mind that she wasn't going to stop no matter what. She slipped her thumb into the open, slimy pussy slit and wondered at the ease the hard digit slipped all the way to the second knuckle. Her eyes strayed to the bruises on the silky inner thighs and her palm was sweating as she started a deep twirling motion. Then she pressed two fingertips against the clenching little ass hole, and gritted her teeth as the slim, boyish hips started to hunch upward to increase the friction.

"More? Less? Want me to stop?"

"NO!!! NO! Don't stop! Oh fuck, don't stop. More! I can take more!

"I know you can, you lying slut. Who was it? You got fucked last night. Who was it?

"Nobody.! Oh shit. Keep fucking me. Make me cum!"

Kelly was hissing the words, her ass grinding in tight circles and Maria felt her own nipples ready to pop as she scooted a little closer and leaned over her friend's flushed, lust distorted face.

"Ask me nice, bitch! The way I like it."

"Eat me... Please. Eat me out. Suck my pussy. My cunt. Love it when you suck my cunt. Your tongue... way up me... licking me... fucking me..."

"What else slut? What else would you like?"

"You know... You know what. Don't tease..."

"I don't tease. I got to hear it baby. What else?"

"Hurt me! Do my ass. Use something... do my ass..."

Her words were cut off as Maria stuck her tongue way into the back of her throat, and as the thumb in her pussy twisted ever deeper, Kelly realized that she was going to cum. The two rigid fingers of the same hand were pressing down on her bung hole, and she wanted them deeper. With her fingers digging into her friend's scalp she remembered her mom kissing her good morning and could almost feel the greasy, smooth head of the slim rubber cock pressing into her ass. She had been only half awake and nearly pulled away, but then her chute loosened and her clit came alive, and after that they couldn't stop...

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