Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife - Cover

Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife

Copyright© 2003 by Pornsmith

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Those of you who are familiar with my material know that I am not writing erotica. Like my other stories, this one focuses on incest and covers all kinds of pretty kinky stuff EXCEPT violence humilation, and scat. It starts with a "rape" scene, continues with growing family involvement and concludes with a few holds barred orgy

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Voyeurism  

BEWARE OF DOG. Some of you might want to skip the italicized text.

They watched the three figures move down the beach, the tallest one in the middle and some time passed before Lynne broke the silence.

"I guess things didn't go as well as you hoped..."

"No... things didn't go well at all. The truth is that I really messed up."

Marcus was still following the hikers with his eyes, and tried to measure the extent of his screw up.

"... I can tell mom is upset, but she is ok with Kelly and me, so why is she mad at you? What's going on?"

"I am not sure. I guess I tried to play the super stud and went too far. I think I fucked up big time."

He was standing tall and rigid beside her and Lynne sensed that he was deliberately careful not to make body contact, and so she reached out for his hand.

"You going to tell me? Does she know about us?"

"Yeah, she knows. She has known for years. That's not the problem."

"Oh Christ. What is? Is it Kelly? She thinks you and Kelly?..."

"That's part of it..."

"What's the other part? What happened?"

They were facing each other and Marcus couldn't maintain the eye contact.

"The other part is Alex. Alex happened."

Lynne just stared at him, uncomprehending.

"Who the hell is Alex? What are you... oh my god!"

The shock in her voice was palpable, and Marcus didn't know what to say. He and Lynne were soul mates, and if she was shocked then he had definitely gone beyond the pale. His mouth was like parchment and he found it hard to speak.

"Yeah. Oh my god is right..."

"Jesus Dad. Alex! Did he and mom? Oh shit. Holy shit."

Lynne didn't really know what to say. The impact was so great that she felt numb. The developments packed into the previous couple of days were overwhelming, but this was way beyond anything she expected. She started to walk back to the chalet and Marcus followed her. Still in a daze she opened the fridge.

"You want a beer?


They sat across from each other behind the bar counter and her voice was still shaky when she opened the bottle.

"What happened? I mean how?"

Marcus took a deep pull to gain time, but finally relented; Lynne had the right to know.

"Things were going great. Too great I guess. I went by Jerry's place and heard Ashley and your mom. They were fucking in the baby's room. I mean your mom was fucking Ashley. I was listening and got all turned on but after a while felt really stupid so got out of there, drove home and got on the phone. I talked to her, told her where I was and told her we had to talk. I didn't even have to say anything, she knew I knew, and she came home."

"The meeting must have been interesting..."

"It wasn't bad. We got things cleared up pretty quickly. I mean about you and I and her and Ashley. I told her about Kelly and those two guys on the beach and there was no real reaction. Then the longer we talked the hornier we got and at one point I asked her how long she's been fucking Jerry..."

"Vow. I didn't think you knew."

"I didn't until then. Anyway, she told me it's been years and years and that it started with Matthew Pearson when the two boys were at University."

"God. You really had a talk. She told you about him?"

"Yeah. You knew? You never said anything. About either of them..."

"No. People like us shouldn't talk too much..."

"People like us..."

"Yes dad. People that are different. Like you and I; father and daughter screwing each other. Or mom: screwing both her son and daughter-in-law. I mean the less we say the better it is. Safer! So yes, I knew about mom and Matthew and Jerry, but I am not a tattler. Besides, what would be the point telling you?"

"I don't know. No point arguing over it now. Anyway, she started to tell me about how it all started and how it turned into an orgy and we got all turned on and really got into it..."

"That sounds true to form; you two are such perverts. So you started a little orgy of your own."

Lynne was still sipping her beer, and there was a subtle difference in her expression. Marcus stopped to look at her.

"Exactly. It was nothing heavy, just some ropes and oil and stuff..."

"... and beads and whips and blindfolds; the usual paraphernalia used by your every day suburban couple. God but you are a kinky bastard."

"Takes one to know one. By the way, it seems that you and Kelly had a real positive filial experience last night."

"And this morning. And yes, it was an incredibly positive experience..."

"You are going to tell me about it? Kelly is absolutely glowing. And so do you."

He touched her cheek with his fingertips and Lynne pressed her flushed face into his palm.

"Thanks dad. Let's just say that you won't have any entry difficulties when the time comes..."

They were staring at each other, and Marcus had to stop his hand from dropping lower over her breasts that were pushing against the flimsy T-shirt.

"If it ever comes. The downside is that if I picked up on the two of you, your mother definitely did, and since she is already on the warpath she might not look kindly on any overt family togetherness."

"So what went wrong? What set her off?

"As I said, things were fine except halfway into it I decided to drive her nuts by using some things on her and refusing to finish up. She couldn't move and I kept holding back."

"You can be a real sleaze..."

"Not at all. I just needed time... and help."

He stopped there and Lynne's eyes went wide.

"... and so enters Alex. My god! Mom was tied down and you... you..."

"No! Not exactly. It wasn't that simple. She had a safe word and she had choices..."

"... and she chose Alex?!"

"Not at first. Not right away."

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