Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife - Cover

Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife

Copyright© 2003 by Pornsmith

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Those of you who are familiar with my material know that I am not writing erotica. Like my other stories, this one focuses on incest and covers all kinds of pretty kinky stuff EXCEPT violence humilation, and scat. It starts with a "rape" scene, continues with growing family involvement and concludes with a few holds barred orgy

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Voyeurism  

It took a long time for the two to even begin to recover, but as Inga cuddled tight and pressed her mouth against his neck, Marcus realized that they she was far from finished. Grinning, he turned his head and pulled her soft body even closer.

"That was quite a session. If all reconciliations are like this, we should have more crises."

"Is that what we were having? A crisis?"

"A little one..."

She rolled on top of him and kissed his nose, and he slid one hand down her damp back toward the big, flaring cheeks. She moaned and rolled against him and her fingers curled around his dormant cock. There was laughter in her voice as she squeezed him.

"Speaking of a 'little one'..."

"It's all your fault. You are just too bloody greedy."

"Uhmm... right you are. I want him again..."

They both looked as she began to massage the soft, limp hose and deep in his balls Marcus felt a tiny spark of renewed excitement.

"Good luck, you nymphomaniac. You are mistaking me for Superman..."

"No mistake! A glass of wine, a little chat, plus your tiny blue friend and voila, you will be as good as new."

She was kissing the tip of his prick, and Marcus lifted his head to watch. The realization that she was right surprised him. He was silent as her lips curled around the crown, and their eyes met as she glanced up at him. His grip was suddenly more insistent on her ass."

"They say wine and Viagra don't go together..."

"Uhmm... will see... We won't know until we try..."

Then they were sitting up naked in the big, disheveled bed, sipping the chilled Riesling, and she smiled as her finger poked at his thickening cock.

"Ha. There is hope yet. There is some life in the old boy already..."

"Right. The operative word is 'some.' I guess that is one big advantage of a 'strap on.' It never goes limp."

"True. But it's cold..."

"Does she have one? Ashley I mean."

"I know who you mean. The answer is yes."

"What kind? Is it big?"

There was a tremor of excitement in his voice, and Inga grinned at him.

"You kinky pervert. Just the thought of it turns you on..."

"And how. Tell me!"

"She is a horny little slut. Went out and got a big one. I mean huge..."

"How huge?"

His voice was raspy. Inga indicated the size with two hands and he swallowed.

"Vow... Can you take it?"

"You know I can. And by now so can she."

They both had their legs wider now, and Marcus watched her lifting her knees. Her cunt opened up, the moist gash dark pink and wet looking between the puffy lips, and he felt his cock lurch.

"You enjoy fucking her?"

"Oh yes. It's fantastic. I think a lot of it is psychological. I learnt a lot about you men since she got that 'strap on.'

"Like what?"

"The unbelievable sense of power. The feeling of being in charge. Just having her bent over and all open and vulnerable is an incredible rush..."

"Yet you enjoy pain. That doesn't jive somehow."

"I love both. For the lucky few S&M works both ways. I was fucking her just before you called..."

She had her left hand between her thighs now and the fore and middle fingers were circling her clit. Her slit was moist and she dipped in to wet the tips and her breath became shallower as the circles speeded up.

"Tell me about her. What's she like."

"Like a little girl. A horny little girl..."

"... and pretty rough one at that..."

"I think she is more gay than straight... ohhh..."

She was pushing a couple of fingers up her hole, not too fast but deep, and Marcus couldn't take his eyes off the spectacle. It had been a long, wild day and it was not yet over. He tried to remember how many times he came, and was not sure if there was anything left. His cock was soft but his mind was still churning with sex, and the way Inga was going he knew he could push her any where. An idea began to germinate in his head and took a sip of his wine. If ever there was a chance for that, this was the time.

"How did you two start? Was it after that shower?"

"I seduced her but it started long before the shower. What did Lynne tell you?"

"Just about the 'time-outs' and the show you put on there. Is this what you were doing for them?"

Inga had her fingers coned in her cunt now and her face was flushed as she twisted the digits deeper into her gash. Almost idly Marcus reached out to palm one heavy breast and pinched the thick nipple. She sucked in her breath.

"Sort of... Don't remember it all... Had too much to drink."

"Lynne said it was quite a show. You were really flying..."

"So was she... ohhh... oh fuck baby... we all were. I knew she would tell you..."

"That's what I don't get. Why did you do it with Lynne there? I mean if you knew she would talk."

"A couple of reasons; For one thing I wanted to find out if you two were fucking again. Figured that she would not say anything if you didn't, and would tell you about it if you did."

"I guess you were right. She told me this morning. What was the other?"

"I wanted get things into the open. The way you two been acting I knew it was only a matter of time, and I had this thing with Ashley, and realized that you and I were in trouble..."

"... and bringing all of it into the open would fix things? Quite a plan. You think its working?"

This question was beyond banter. It was serious, and they both knew it. Their eyes held as Inga shrugged.

"I don't know. Does it? This last hour seems to indicate a yes. What do you think?"

She didn't look away. She wanted his reaction.

"It works for me too..." Then he glanced down at his half cocked prick and grinned.

"... maybe not as well as it works for you, but it will come. And I have another question."

"Questions questions. All right, ask away."

"This is in the name of openness. When did you start fucking Jerry?"

Inga's head snapped up in surprise and her eyes were wide as she stared at him. He didn't flinch.

"What? What are you talking about? Where did you get that?"

She sounded indignant, but there was a tiny tremor in her voice, and Marcus knew he guessed right.

"Come off it Inga. I may be slow, but not completely stupid. I had some time to think as I was driving up here this afternoon, and came to some conclusions. One, that Lynne was right; you were fucking Ashley, and two that there is no way that Jerry is not involved. And then I started to think back and remembered all the little things that looked innocent and cute at the time, and realized that you and Jerry probably went as far back as Lynne and I did."

He stopped, waiting for a response, and there was a long silence. When Inga finally spoke her voice was resigned, almost matter of fact.

"Not quite. About fifteen years ago. He was already at university."

Marcus just stared at her, and she pulled up the sheet to cover herself. It seemed to be a measure of self defense. He wanted to tell her that there was no need for it.

"Was it because of me and Lynne? Did you know?"

"No. I figured that one out after I started with Jerry."

She still seemed to be dazed and Marcus wanted to let her to know how he felt. That he didn't mind. That the thought of her fucking their son turned him on.

"After you fucked Jerry. Might as well call the spade a spade."

And without shifting his gaze, he reached down to grip his prick, and slowly, deliberately began to stroke the soft shaft. He saw Inga blink, then moisten her lips, and finally glance down at his pumping hand. When the sheet dropped to her waist, he knew she understood.

"All right. After I started fucking our son. Are you happy now?"

"I'm not sure about being 'happy.' Curious. I've been trying to figure out how something like that happens. I mean incest between mother and son..."

"Just the way it happens between father and daughter I imagine."

There was a sarcastic tinge to her answer, but Marcus chose not to notice.

"I don't think so. Men are more aggressive. Like predators. We want, we reach, we take. I don't think a young daughter has much of a chance against an aggressive, authoritarian father. I think it's different with you women. I can't really see a mother forcing or raping her son, but I don't see a young boy having the guts to go after his mother either. So how does it happen? I just like to know."

"You mean how it happened with me and Jerry? Who fucked who?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"Maybe you are right. I didn't force and I didn't push and I definitely didn't rape him. And the second part is right too. He was not brave enough to push."

"Now that really clarifies things. I guess it never happened then..." Marcus sounded frustrated.

"Oh, it definitely did. There is another possible scenario you know. If you combine latent desire with opportunity enhanced by circumstances you may have mother-son incest. I guess with Jerry and I there was the latent desire and then we got the opportunity and bam, we ended up fucking like two little minks."

Without realizing her hand moved down between her thighs, and she blushed as she noticed his stare.

"Latent desire plus enhanced opportunity... You want to try plain English?"

"Darling, I love it when you play the ignoramus. OK, the latent desire is probably a bit deep for you, but the enhanced opportunity is simple. It was a kind of accident. It started with Matthew. I don't know if you remember him. Mat Pearson."

"Of course I remember. Good looking kid. They were room mates at college."

"Then you remember his mom, Helen. A knock out brunette..."

"It's hard not to. She was really something. You two were really close for a while."

"That we were. You don't know just how close..."

Inga stopped and waited, and after a while Marcus realized that there was a message there. He refilled her glass and then his, and took a large gulp. He guessed what was coming.

"Don't tell me; you and Matthew..."

"No. Jerry and Helena. It started with Jerry and Helena..."

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