Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife - Cover

Granddaughter, Daughter and Wife

Copyright© 2003 by Pornsmith

Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Those of you who are familiar with my material know that I am not writing erotica. Like my other stories, this one focuses on incest and covers all kinds of pretty kinky stuff EXCEPT violence humilation, and scat. It starts with a "rape" scene, continues with growing family involvement and concludes with a few holds barred orgy

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Voyeurism  

"I can get you the other half in a couple days. By the week end the latest."

Their eyes met and held, and Lynne had to force herself not to look away. Her palms were damp and she felt the familiar tingle down her spine. She didn't want to be here in the first place, and now it was pretty well time to leave.

"This is not what I want, you know that."

Roger's voice was quiet and the seriousness of his tone bothered her. He was usually lighthearted and easy going, and one of the things she loved about him was his ability to remain calm in almost any situation. She saw his jaw tighten, and realized that he wasn't calm now.

"I'm sorry. The Bank is raising my line of credit limit. I'll try to get the rest by tomorrow."

"That's not what I meant, and you know that too!"

"I DON"T know what you meant, and I don't know what you want. I owe you thirty five thousand dollars and just gave you a certified cheque for twenty. I'll have the other fifteen in a couple days. You know I am good for it, I'll not run or anything, so what is the problem? Why are you upset? What do you want from me?"

Halfway through the sentence she heard her voice getting louder and forced herself to lower the tone. In the end she was almost whispering, and when he just kept staring at her she wondered if he heard her at all. Then he leaned back and shook his head side to side. This time there was no anger in his expression, just disappointment.

"I am sorry. I thought you knew that asking to see you had nothing to do with money. I can't believe you think that I'd bankrupt you out of spite."

Lynne was just gaping at him. She had to swallow to cover her confusion.

"Actually, that entered my mind. We weren't exactly friendly when we split. What am I missing here?"

"Oh for Christ's sake. I just wanted to talk to you. Maybe clear up this mess. Asking to see you had nothing to do with the fucking money."

"Just fucking..."

The words just slipped out and Lynne didn't even realize that she spoke them until he stopped his tirade and slapped the dashboard in frustration. They were glaring at each other in the close confines of the car and she felt her palm go sweaty with tension. She had been avoiding him for weeks, because she didn't trust herself around him. He had been a large part of her life and she missed him and was very much afraid that the old spark was still there. She had told herself that this was just a casual meeting but she had dressed as if for a date. She tried to deny that she wanted to look beautiful for him, but knew perfectly well that it was a lie. She could feel the pressure of her nipples against the tiny bra, and tried not to pay attention to the ache in the pit of her stomach. Then the fingers of his right hand were brushing across her cheek, and his whisper was almost inaudible.

"Not just fucking. Don't make it sound cheap. You know that for me it was always more than just sex..."

Lynne was shaking her head and started to tell him that she knew no such thing, but his fingers were in her hair then and his mouth was stifling the words in her throat, and she let rational thought slip away. Their break-up had been sudden and painful, and she tried to convince herself that she was better off without him, but not so deep down she knew it was not true and wished that they could patch up things. Unthinking, she twisted into his lap, and as his hand slid down on one swollen breast she lifted her right leg onto the car seat. She was leaning into him and Roger bent to kiss her, and then her left arm was curling around his neck to pull him down. It was a nearly impossible clinch in the front seat of the car, but they didn't really care. His mouth was hot and hungry and she whimpered as he began to touch her. He started on her heavy tits, squeezing, mauling the bulging mounds through the flimsy top she was wearing, and she squirmed down on his hard on as he began to twist one fat nipple. He was rough but she wanted it that way, and wished that he would rip her bra off so she could feel his touch on her skin. Then his hand was moving lower, across her rib cage, down her belly, and she pulled her knee higher to give him even more room. She could feel the air on the insides of her bare thighs, and then finally became aware of their surroundings. His car was parked in a small cove, sheltered but not quite private, and she could hear people talking just a short distance away. She twisted her head aside.

"We better stop. This just proves my point."

"What point?"

"That with you it's all about fucking. Let me go."

Roger dropped his arms and was taking deep breaths to calm himself down, and after a while he sounded surprisingly calm.

"You are wrong you know, it's not ALL about fucking. I didn't have one prurient thought until I saw you in this outfit. The short skirt and the sandals brought back memories...

"My god. My God Rog. I never... It never entered my mind..."

"It did mine."

"So you brought me back here. Jesus!

"Well, why not? They are great memories, and it all started here."

"It happened a long time ago. I don't really remember much..."

That was a lie. She remembered. All of it.

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