Angie: The Ordeal - Cover

Angie: The Ordeal

Copyright© 2003 by Jaytee69

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - The story of Angie, a middle aged woman who discovers a secret desire for domination and sex with a stranger when she is taken against her will. This is the first chapter and her first experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Oral Sex  

He rose from where he sat and crossed the room to the couch against the far wall. With quick motions he removed the cushions and opened the full sized sofa bed and placed the pillows against the headboard. He looked back across the room to where she stood and in that moment Angie knew that he would not stop until he had taken her completely. Her illusions of perhaps talking him out of raping her vanished and she fully understood his intentions.

Angie decided then and there that she would not cooperate any further. In spite of her earlier promises, whatever happened from this point on, she decided she would resist. She gazed back at him, met his gaze and said,

"No more, whatever you are thinking, that is all, I am leaving right now, you have had your sick fun, but now it is over". With a determined expression on her face she stepped across the room and reached to snatch her clothes back from the chair.

He rose and intercepted her and grabbed her wrists in his hands. "It looks like we are going to have to finish this the hard way, after all he said", with a hard edge to his voice. Pulling her roughly across the room he pushed her down onto the sofa bed. She landed hard and bounced, and before she could get rise he grabbed a restraint attached to the headboard and quickly snapped it onto her wrist. He then reached across her body and pulling her arm out firmly found another and retrained her other wrist. Angie bucked her body and kicked out catching him a glancing blow in the ribs. She heard him exhale sharply and felt him press his body harder down onto her.

For a moment she continued to thrash under him, but soon she tired and lay still.

"Now, just lay still and I wont have to hurt you", he said. He raised up and sat next to her, reached down and lifted two similar restraints from the bottom of the bed and, with velcro straps attached them one of them to each of her ankles. Angie was now tied spread eagle on her back on the bed. As she pulled and tested the cloth restraints she found that, although they did not cut into or hurt her wrists or ankles, she could not free herself. He stood over her and looked at her displayed there before him.

"You look very sexy like that Angie, very erotic indeed, he said. I would bet that you have never been in this position before have you"?

Angie looked back at him and her eyes blazed with anger and defiance. She would not give him the pleasure of any more answers. He waited a moment and then said,

"OK, you want to give me the silent treatment? We'll see what happens. " He then walked over to the table where her purse and shopping bag were.

He picked up her wallet and paged through the photos therein. "Hmmmmm, let's see here, nice family,... husband... he is a lot older than you isn't he?... and who is this?... your daughter?... yes I can see the resemblance... ahhhhh a grandchild!?!... . he said in surprise... "yes it must be, but you don't look old enough", he said as he looked over at Angie tied there on the bed. "No," he said, "you definitely are not the grandmother type are you Angie"?

Angie felt more exposed by his looking through her private family photos than she did by laying partially naked and spread lewdly out before him.

After a moment he replaced her wallet and picked up her shopping bag. Angie's heart began to beat wildy.

"Please, please, please DON"T let him look inside!!", she silently prayed. But with growing alarm she watched as he reached inside and withdrew a smaller pink plastic bag. She watched with dismay as he opened it and looked inside. She saw his eyes widen and then watched as he smiled at the contents. He looked back across to where she lay, and said,

"Angie! "I had no idea... what a sexy girl you are". Her heart sank when he reached inside and pulled out the items still partially wrapped in tissue paper. Her final shopping stop at the mall had been to the Fredericks store, where she had picked out a bra and panty set. They were nothing like the ones she wore that day, or on most days for that matter. She had purchased a pair of tiny see through bikini panties and a matching bra. Both barely large enough to contain and surely not enough to conceal her body.

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