Angie: The Ordeal - Cover

Angie: The Ordeal

Copyright© 2003 by Jaytee69

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The story of Angie, a middle aged woman who discovers a secret desire for domination and sex with a stranger when she is taken against her will. This is the first chapter and her first experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Oral Sex  

When she turned, she saw a man standing before her. He was medium height, perhaps 5' 9 or 10", dressed in a black silk sweater, black slacks and shoes. He was wearing a black mask that covered his eyes and head, leaving his mouth and open to her. She saw that he was white and that he had a neatly trimmed moustache. As he smiled, Angie saw that he had white even teeth.

"Not quite the monster you expected, am I?" he asked.

He was well built but not massive, and Angie tried to guess his age. His voice was young and strong, but he had an air of cool confidence that made her think that he was older. She could see his eyes through the mask. They were a warm deep brown, and Angie thought she saw a twinkle when he smiled at her. He walked over to a chair in the middle of the room and sat facing her.

"Come over here," he said and motioned for her to approach him.

With her hands still cuffed behind her she walked over and stood a few feet from him. He watched her closely and was silent as she stood in from of him.

"Would you like for me to release your hands?" she asked.

Angie, swallowed hard and hoped that her voice would not betray her.

"Yes, please," she answered in what she hoped was a firm and confident voice.

He regarded he silently for a moment and then replied, "I see. So ask me nicely, then,".

Angie thought she heard a bit of amusement in his voice. Angie composed herself for a moment and then said, "Would you please release my hands, I promise I won't try to run away or hurt you," she said in what she hoped was a pleasant voice.

"Of course, my dear," he said as he stood up and approached her.

He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her back toward him. She felt his hands grip the cuffs and with a well-practiced move unlock and remove them. After the cuffs were off, his hands rubbed her wrists for a moment. They felt warm and strong, firm yet soft on her wrists. He then turned her back to face him. They now stood face to face. Angie was a petite woman, only 5' 1" tall and as they stood close to each other she had to lift her head a bit to look into his eyes. She did not want to show any fear, Angie somehow sensed that as long as she maintained her composure and did as she was told she would come through this ordeal safely. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently squeezed and massaged them.

"You are very tense," he said as he continued touching her. "Try and relax, I have not hurt you have I?", he asked in a soft voice.

His voice sounded young to Angie, but he seemed so confident and in control of himself. Angie tried to estimate his age and failed. She forced herself to relax and take a deep breath,

"No... " she replied softly, the feeling of his hands caressing her shoulders was causing her to relax more as the moments passed and when she looked up at his face again she could see that he was smiling down at her.

"Now, that's much better isn't it," he asked.

"Yes, yes it is, " Angie replied, and her voice was much softer and more relaxed that she thought possible under the circumstances. She felt her self control returning with each passing minute when he said;

"Good,... now... kiss me," he said in a firmer masculine voice.

For a moment Angie did not know what to do, but steeling herself she leaned closer to him and reached up and gently kissed his lips quickly. Before she could regain her composure though, he said;

"No, not like that... I am very sure you can do much, much better... try again."

Angie's heart began to beat more quickly, but before she could respond, he put his hands on her shoulders, leaned down and took her mouth in his. His lips were soft and covered hers fully. Angie tensed for a moment when she felt his mouth open slightly and his warm tongue enter her mouth. She tried for a moment not to respond, but his tongue slid deeper into her mouth and met hers, and she was forced to open wider to accept it. As his tongue moved in her mouth, probing and stroking at hers, Angie felt herself softening in his arms, her mouth relaxing. She felt his arms slide down around her and pull her closer to him. She felt herself lifted slightly by his embrace and almost by reflex she raised her hands to his chest. She could feel his muscles. He felt hard, firm and masculine. Like they had a mind of their own her hands moved across his chest to his shoulders and felt his strength. He smelled tasted good to her. He was wearing an expensive mens cologne and his mouth tasted like mint. As Angie felt his arms around her she began to have familiar, but unaccountable feelings. Waves of pleasure began to build in her and before she could stop herself Angie returned his kiss. His arms holding her, his lips on hers and his tongue in her mouth were making her light headed. Pressing her lips more tightly to his, her tongue reached for his and she felt him tighten his embrace.

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