Angie: The Ordeal - Cover

Angie: The Ordeal

Copyright© 2003 by Jaytee69

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The story of Angie, a middle aged woman who discovers a secret desire for domination and sex with a stranger when she is taken against her will. This is the first chapter and her first experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Oral Sex  

After what seemed like an eternity riding in the dark, hearing only the harsh, pounding sound of the car stereo and having no idea where they were... Angie felt the car start to slow and turn... after a short ride on a rather bumpy road, the car slowed again and made several tight turns and then stopped. Suddenly the stereo cut off and in the silence, Angie heard the sound of a garage door closing. After the door closed Angie felt the driver open his door and in a moment the back door opened and Angie felt cool air enter the car. As she laid shivering on the backseat, waiting anxiously, not knowing what to expect, she suddenly felt his hands on her again. She was pulled roughly from the seat and stood upright on the floor next to her car. Her feet were still bound and her hands were behind her and she wavered unsteadily on her feet, uncertain where he was. His voice, behind her, inches from her ear startled her.

"Welcome... , " he said. "You have done very well so far... keep it up and everything will be fine... "

His voice was clearer now, indicating that his face was uncovered. Angie wondered where she was when she felt his arms around her again and she was once more lifted off her feet. She felt herself being carried after a few steps she felt him start up some stairs. One, two, three... then level again, and a turn to the left and straight and another turn, then down; one, two, three, four, steps and he stopped and carefully set her down. She stood once again shaking on her feet, his hand on her shoulder steadying her. He knelt down at her side and she felt a cold blade on her ankle.

"Don't move... , " he said.

She felt him quickly cut the tape on her ankles and remove it. Relieved, she got her balance and started to regain her senses.

"We are in a very private and safe place, no one knows you are here and no one will ever look for you here, do you understand?", he asked.

When she failed to respond, he placed his hand on the back of her neck and asked again, a bit more powerfully now,

"Do you understand?"; he demanded. "Yes... , " she whispered.

"Good," he said.

"I want you to know that if you do exactly as I say in every respect, you will not be hurt, do you understand, if so answer me. "

"Yes", she said, her voice trembling a bit with fear.

"OK then", he replied, his voice a bit gentler now.

"First rule, no screaming or crying, there is no need and no one will hear you anyway, do you understand," he said more softly now into her ear.

"Yes, I do... " Angie responded, more clearly now.

She was starting to feel some relief. Now that he was talking to her, telling her she would not be hurt she began to gather herself and her mind began to slow and her thoughts became more clear. He walked around her several times, circling her. She felt his hand gently lift her chin, and run over her shoulder. As he passed behind her, she felt his hand slide around on her waist. It seemed to her almost like a very slow and formal dance as her passed around her three times. Finally he stopped in front of her and said;

"I am going to take off the hood, the room is a bit dark but you will be able to see".

He then stepped behind her and reached up to untie the cord at her neck then slowly and gently lifted the hood from her head. As he uncovered her face, she saw that she was in a dimly lit room. It was clean, nicely decorated. A couch was against the wall in front her and when she looked to her right she saw a small stairway leading up to a closed door. The voice behind her spoke in her ear,

"Remember the rules?,. "

She nodded her head.

"Good" he said. "Now,... turn around "

Angie heard his voice behind her;

"See, there is nothing to be afraid of, just a regular room in a very normal house, in a very nice, secluded neighborhood. "

She looked around her and saw a small alcove to her left shielded by a Japanese screen. A fire burned in the fireplace in the corner, and candles flickered on the mantle above.

"Now, you may turn around and face me," he said. Slowly Angie turned to finally see her captor.

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