The Kidnapping of Justin Timberlake - Cover

The Kidnapping of Justin Timberlake

by Jessy19

Copyright© 2003 by Jessy19

Erotica Sex Story: Three sexy sirens kidnap the teen hearthrob.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Celebrity   Humor   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   School   .

Chapter 1

This is one wild crazy story I've got for you. You see it all started when my two best friends, Christina and Priscilla, and me began to develop a silly little crush on Justin Timberlake the ex member of NSYNC.

We'd always sit around talking about how much we'd love to fuck him and how much we'd love to just do anything we could with him. We'd sit around at night just having this wild crazy fantasy about kidnapping him and gang banging him. Of course this was all fantasy until one of my bright ideas came along.

You see, Mr. Timberlake was now doing his solo career and was going to be touring all through the USA, and of course he'd be coming to our town! I just had to find out what hotel Justin would be staying at and then maybe our plan would go accordingly. I had already told Christina and Priscilla about my scheme but they kept doubting me.

"Jessica, how in the hell do you expect to even get to talk to Justin?" asked Christina as we waited outside for the concert.

"Don't you trust me?" I asked in a devious tone.

Priscilla just stayed quiet. She was the silent one of us three. I was what you'd call the "leader," Christina was the funny and crazy one, and Priscilla was the shy one. I don't want to sound conceited but we were all very nice looking gals.

Priscilla or "Prissy" as we called her, is 5'4" and 120lbs with long dark red/brown hair and green eyes. Christina also known as "Christy" is the tallest of all and she stood about 5'7" and 125lbs long blonde hair and gray eyes. And of course me, Jessica, also known as "Jessy" standing at 5'5" 120lbs and dark brown hair and smoldering dark brown eyes.

So now you get the picture of what we were all like. We never had problems getting dates or anything, just getting that one impossible date with Justin Timberlake.

To be honest I never liked Justin's music much, but his curly hair and gorgeous smile always gave me a funny feeling between my legs. It was so awful; I was so obsessed with Mr. Timberlake.

That Friday night, we stood outside for about an hour waiting to get in. We were mostly surrounded by little thirteen-year-old squealing little girls who probably had the same fantasies we did about Justin but who were too young to come up with a kidnapping scheme like we did.

The concert lasted almost about two hours. Mr. Timberlake?s performance was so sexy. I couldn't sing along to his songs of course because I never paid much attention to the lyrics. I just stared at him as he wore these sexy ass leather pants and white top slightly unbuttoned. I loved the way his sweet innocent looking face looked that night. I had to get his man in my house or I was going to lose my mind! Luckily that weekend my parents were going to be in Hawaii and I'd have the house to myself! It was just too perfect.

After the concert as we were walking out I saw a guy we'd gone to high school with named Tony. He was working as a roadie. I just had to ask him where Mr. Timberlake would be staying at. Luckily thanks to Tony, we discovered he'd be staying at a luxurious hotel downtown.

The three of us quickly got into my car and we drove to the hotel anxiously waiting to get a closer glimpse of Mr. Timberlake. In a way it felt like such a rush to be able to maybe kidnap such a babe, but then in other ways it felt a bit childish. I mean here we were three 21 year olds chasing a teen heartthrob.

We arrived at the hotel around midnight. We could see limos, fancy cars and of course the tour bus parked. We knew Justin was there. Now the plan was to know what room he was in and kidnap him! I opened the glove compartment and pulled out my gun. It was actually my fathers gun but he had no idea I'd "borrowed" it. We all walked in nervously pretending to check into a room. We came across a cute bellboy who had to be no older than eighteen. His shaggy blonde hair almost covered his eyes. I decided to let Christina take over this one.

"Now remember, go over and offer him anything." I ordered to Christina.

"Ok I got ya, so blowjob, fuck, or whatever right? Ah but no anal!" She hissed.

I nodded and Priscilla just laughed.

I watched Christina walk over to the cute bell boy. I could see her flirting with him like crazy. I began to discuss my further plans with Prissy and all of a sudden Christina was gone. I'm sure she was doing everything she could to get Mr. Timberlake?s room number.

It was almost an hour until Christina got back. She looked refreshed, not tired at all. She quickly walked back to us with her long blonde hair just bouncing behind her. I just kept hoping that she'd managed to get the room number.

"Ah, well that was some nice tasting cum." She said as she approached us.

"You actually went down on him?" Asked Priscilla shockingly.

"Yes! Tell me that he gave you the room number" I asked impatiently.

Christina just gave me that look. The look of accomplishment! I gave her a huge hug and we decided to take the elevator to Justin's room. He was staying way at the top, in the penthouse. We finally got up there and my heart was just pounding away! My knees felt weak and my mouth was dry. I had no idea what I'd say to Mr. Timberlake. I handed the gun to Priscilla and took a deep breath.

"Ok, I'm gonna knock on the door and you two stay back there. I'll give you the signal to come closer when the time is right." I told my friends as I got closer to the door.

Christina and Priscilla stood a few feet away and gave me a thumbs up. I knocked nervously on the door and was expecting to have a bodyguard or someone else open the door. I was in total shock when Justin Timberlake opened the door! He was wearing nothing but his cute flannel boxer shorts and a white T-shirt! I was speechless for a moment.

He began to give me that gorgeous smile I had been drooling about all these years. "Yes? Can I help you?" He asked in a sincere tone. I felt so dumb just standing there not saying a word. "Are you ok?" He asked trying to get at least one word out of me.

"I-I-I'm one of your biggest fans." I stammered.

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head in disbelief. "you know I get tons of girls who say that to me. Now what makes you so special baby?" He asked in a cocky tone. I couldn't believe my ears! What a jerk! After I had made the sacrifice and made one of my best friends sacrifice to get his stupid room number, this guy was being a dick to me. At that moment, I no longer felt flushed or shy. I quickly gave my best friends the signal to come help me.

His eyes widened as he saw my two best friends standing there behind me. His eyes quickly moved towards Priscilla who held the gun at him. I narrowed my eyes to him. "Ok Mr. Timberlake it's time for you go with us."

Christina grabbed his arm and pulled him out the room. Justin stumbled on to the floor. He looked up at us in anger. "You bitches aren't gonna get away with this!" We all laughed in unison. What a stupid guy to be talking to us like that.

"Prissy here, give me the gun and go in the room to get him some pants. We'll have to walk him out and he's gotta look a little decent." I said pointing the gun to Justin.

Justin just looked so shocked and mortified. He stood there in his boxers and T-shirt looking a bit stoned.

"Hey Christy, go check if Justin has any more weed in that room. We're kidnapping him so we're gonna celebrate with a bang!" I said excitedly.

Christina went in the room as well and I just stood out there holding the gun to Justin. I felt so wicked and so powerful at that moment. He couldn't take his hateful eyes off of me. I was loving every minute of it!

A few minutes later Priscilla came out holding a pair of blue jeans, white socks and a pair of black doc marten boots. I quickly ordered Justin to move towards the room and to get dressed quickly. We didn't have much more time before maybe someone he knew would discover he wasn't there.

He nervously stumbled, as he got dressed. His hands were shaking a bit the whole time. Christina then came out with a big bag of weed. She gave me an evil smile and waved the bag in my face.

"Ha! I knew he had to have some good stuff. This smells like that really expensive stuff Jessy." Christina said, as she smelled the weed.

I couldn't believe it. Justin looked so innocent and sweet but deep down he was wild. I never imagined him smoking weed. He probably did cocaine and acid and God knows what other drugs.

Finally Justin was all dressed. "Ok now move it. Don't make a worked cuz I'll shoot your brains out." I commanded as he slowly moved towards the door.

We closed his room door and we moved on to the elevator. I Kept my gun to his back as he stood in front of me. He was a lot taller than me and he smelled really nice. His cologne smell filled all inside the elevator. I kept watching nervously as we began to get to the lobby. I kept wishing Mr. Timberlake would make no sudden moves. I don't think I would have the heart to shoot him.

We got to the lobby and we all quickly tried to pass the lobby clerk. "Good night Mr. Timberlake." Called out the clerk as Justin passed by with all three of us surrounding him. Justin just waved at him and kept his gaze forward. The clerk probably thought Justin was taking us out for the night. Little did he know we were taking him out! We managed to get Justin all the way into the parking lot and into my car. Priscilla and Christina sat in the back with Justin. Christina was the was holding the gun and Priscilla went ahead and tied Mr. Timberlake?s hands with some rope. I drove home nervously thinking how I was going to keep Justin in my house without anyone finding out. I didn't know exactly what I wanted from Justin besides sex. I didn't care for having his money. I didn't want to become famous for this either. I just wanted him. His cock between my legs. We got to my house a little past 2:00 a.m. that morning. We walked Mr. Timberlake up to my bedroom and I went downstairs to get some more rope to tie him down. I couldn't find any rope so I just snuck out some of my mom's silk scarves.

I went back upstairs to find Christina with her hands all over Justin! I felt furious but I knew I had to calm down. Christina was one of my best friends and I had to accept the fact that we'd be sharing Mr. Timberlake this weekend.

I cleared my throat and Christina just jumped up startled. "I see your having a good time already." I said to Christina.

"Well, what do you expect? He's hot!"

Prissy just stood there holding the gun and smiling. I walked closer to Justin and ordered him to take off his shirt. He slowly peeled off his t-shirt showing me his sexy body. He still had that look of an innocent teenage boy.

"Mmmm," was all I could say. I looked him up and down. His face was turning a bit of a red color. Priscilla then ordered him to take off his shoes and socks. He looked at her and then at me with vengeful eyes. He sat on the bed taking off his shoes and socks. I knew that soon his pants would need to come off as well and I couldn't wait!

"Ok sweetheart, now take off them pants but leave your boxers on." I heard Christina command.

Justin sighed in frustration. "Come on now! This is humiliating enough. Please just tell me how much money you want from me."

I just rolled my eyes at him. "We don't want your money. What do you think we are just some money hungry ho's?"

Christina laughed and responded, "No We are just ho's!"

I couldn't help but laugh hysterically at her comment. Mr. Timberlake didn't understand that we wanted him for sex that's all. I couldn't wait to see what his cock looked like. I kept wondering if it was big, fat and juicy!

Justin continued to take off his jeans and threw them on the floor very livid. He layed on the bed with his flannel boxers and nothing else. I passed one scarf to Christina and I took the other one. We tied his hands to the headboard. Priscilla just watched in satisfaction as she kept holding the gun making sure Mr. Timberlake didn't make one sudden move.

Finally we had his hands tied up but now we need to tie his feet to the footboard. I pulled out two more scarves and Christina and I finished the job. There we had him. Mr. Justin Timberlake my bed all tied up so helpless! It was incredibly erotic.

"Ok, so who gets to fuck him first?" Asked Priscilla anxiously.

Christina disagreed. "How about we blow him first?"

Christina was always about blowjobs. She loved going down on hot guys. I didn't blame her for wanting to go down on Justin. Hell I've wanted to blow him since the first day I saw him.

"I'm with Christina on that one!" I said with glee.

Justin looked even more frightened than ever before. The three of us gathered around my big bed and surrounded Justin's cock. I sat between his legs and Christina was one his left and Priscilla on his right. I was the first to rub my hand on his cock over his boxers. He jolted a little as my hand gently smoothed over his cock. He felt so big and he was still soft.

I proceeded to pull his soft cock out and was amazed at his length. He had to be at least 5 inches soft! My mouth watered as I wondered how big he'd turn when he got hard. I pulled his boxers down to his thighs. He looked so hot! He'd shaved all his pubes off and his cock was such an enchanting color of pink.

I began to rub his cock slowly watching him begin to close his eyes. He was liking it! I began to put my mouth on his soft cock and little by little I was running my lips back and forth on Justin's cock.

I heard him sigh hard for a moment. I felt his cock begin to harden in my mouth. Small drops of precum tingled on my tongue. He tasted so sweet. It was just incredible sucking him. I looked up at my friends with pride showing them how I'd made Justin's cock so hard.

Priscilla's eyes widened. "Oh shit what a nice cock!"

Christina just chuckled a bit. "I had no idea you were so big Justin!"

I handed Christina Justin's cock like a toy and invited her to suck on it. Christina's big lips wrapped tightly around Justin's cock. I saw Justin begin to arch his back. He kept trying not to moan. He tried so hard to keep us from knowing how turned on he was.

Christina was sucking now harder letting all her saliva ooze down Justin's cock. Priscilla and I watched Justin's cock and how his balls were so swollen so full of cum!

"Ok it's my turn now!" Priscilla said grabbing Justin's cock out of Christina's mouth.

"Hey! I was just getting started!" Christina hissed.

"That's enough! We are going to share him so both of u just calm down. There is plenty of cock for all of us." I said trying to prevent my friends from fighting.

Christina went ahead and let Priscilla begin to suck off Justin. She licked his hard cock up and down first and sucked off the rest of his precum. Justin was now letting his moans be heard.

"Oooh you like that don't you?" Christina said gabbing Justin?s balls.

"Fuck you bitches. OH fuck you all." Justin was furious but loving three girls suck him off.

"Don't worry you bastard. We are going to fuck you. That will come later." I yelled at him.

Priscilla was now going crazy on Justin's prick. She suddenly stopped and offered me Justin's cock for the finish off. I stuck his cock all the way in my mouth savoring his precum. His veiny cock reached the back of my throat. Christina and Priscilla began to take turns sucking on his big balls.

I felt Justin begin to squirm around as he tried to prevent himself from cumming. I knew the fucker couldn't stop himself. I felt a hard shot of hot cum hit the back of my throat. I quickly pulled it out of my mouth as I began to jack him off.

"Hurry he's cumming!" I said to my friends.

Christina and Priscilla quickly put their faces next to Justin's cock. He began to squirt all his gooey cum on our faces and lips. We all stuck out our tongues trying to catch as much cum as we could.

"Uhhhh-fuck!" Justin yelped as he came.

It was all so sensual. I couldn?t believe I'd just swallowed Justin Timberlake?s cum! It was a fantasy now turning into reality.

"You cunts are going to pay for this!" Justin threatened.

All three of us just laughed at Justin with our faces covered with his cum. His cock was now softening again but still throbbing. I knew he wanted more. It was late that night I was tired and so were my friends. Priscilla put Justin's cock back in his boxers and lightly patted his cock. "Mmmm nice cock Mr. Timberlake." she told him playfully.

"Fuck you stupid bitch." Justin said to my friend.

I got up angrily and slapped him across his face. His cheek turned bright red. "Didn't your mother teach you to respect girls?" I said with a wicked laugh.

His eyes now filled with outrage. "Fuck all of you! I hope you all get what you deserve."

Christina grabbed his cock hard making him squeal like a little bitch. "Oh don't worry we will get what we want and what we deserve you stupid asshole."

The three of us couldn't stop laughing. It felt so powerful being able to control a man. We let Justin just lay there speechless. He looked so tired. We decided to dim the lights and We'd take turns at night watching him. It was time to head for bed and we left Christina to watch him first.

I couldn't really sleep. I just kept hoping we wouldn't get caught. I had to come up with a plan to blackmail Mr. Timberlake so he'd keep his mouth shut. Maybe video tape him fucking us? Nah, he'd probably enjoy showing everyone that tape. I had to come up with a plan and I knew my friends would help me.

Tomorrow would be another day and it would also be the day we fuck Justin. My heart raced just thinking of how his huge cock would feel inside me. I hated Justin now for being such a disrespectful asshole but fuck, he was hot! I saw how Priscilla kept tossing and turning. I'm sure she too had a plan.

Chapter 2

I felt Christina wake me up at the crack of dawn. I'd fallen asleep for about three hours now. It was almost 7 a.m. and yet I didn't feel tired. I woke up anxiously waiting to see Justin.

"OK it's your turn to watch him. I wanna crash for a bit." Christina said as her eyes looked tired.

I got up and let her sleep on the couch where I'd slept. I could see Priscilla still fast asleep in the other couch. I slowly crept into my bedroom where Justin was tied up. I walked in very quietly as I watched him sleep. He looked so sweet and innocent there just tied to my bed asleep so peacefully.

I wanted to see how his lips would feel like. I hadn't even had the chance to kiss him! I got closer to him and leaned down and planted my lips on his. He woke up quickly not responding to my kiss.

"Well, good morning Mr. Timberlake." I said sarcastically.

He looked outraged and scared. His eyes were so droopy from lack of sleep. Yet he still managed to turn me on.

"What's the matter? Don't you like me?" I teased.

"Look I'm in the middle of my tour. Please let me go and I won't tell anyone about this." He pleaded.

"Now where would the fun be in that?" I asked as I began to slide my hand down his boxers.

I felt him shudder a bit. "Oh come on now. Why are u doing this to me?"

I managed to grab his soft cock and began to stroke it. "Well, because your so fuckin' hot that's why. See, that's what you get when you go showing off for all of us horny girls."

I had his cock now in my hand now halfway erect. I saw his eyes close with hidden pleasure. He kept trying to fight from getting a hard on but It was impossible. I wanted to fuck him right then and there but I knew it wouldn't be fair to my friends.

With that thought I let go of Justin's half erect cock and tucked it back in his boxers. I leaned down again for a nice long wet kiss. I kissed him with open mouth first. He tightened his mouth trying to fight off my kiss.

"Listen, do you want me to shoot your brains out?" I asked calmly.

His eyes widened."N-n-no!" He said nervously.

"Well, then you better kiss me and kiss me right. Lots of tongue." I demanded.

Once again I leaned down and my kiss was welcomed this time. Justin slid his tongue in my mouth so smoothly. His kiss was so wet, so hot. I found my heart beating with excitement as I was here making out with Justin Timberlake. I began to suck on his lower lip just like I'd always fantasized. His breathing became heavier and I saw his cock begin to rise in his boxers.

"Hey!" I hear Christina yell out as she caught us kissing.

I quickly got up. "What?"

"I'm running up here to tell you that Justin is all over the news! And to top it off they interviewed that front desk clerk, and he described us!"

I felt my heart sink. Damn now we were going to jail for kidnapping for sure! I tired to calm down trying to think of a plan.

"OK we have to remain calm." I said begin to pace around the room.

I could see Justin's face brighten up. He looked relieved. No way was I going to let anyone catch us. I wanted to keep Mr. Timberlake in my possession for a lot longer.

"It's OK Jessy, we'll think of something. I'm gonna go home actually for a while. I gotta take a shower and change. I'll be back in about three or four hours OK?" Christina was already heading out the door.

I looked at Justin as he just laid their with a mischievous grin on his cute face. I knew he was going to be pleased when they authorities caught us and threw our asses in jail.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked Justin in an angry tone.

"I told you that you and your slut friends are going to get caught and then I'll make sure they put you in jail for a long long time!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No sweetheart, we're not getting caught, and if we do, we are going to make sure we have our fun with you first."

His eyes widen with fear. "Fuck you bitch!" That was all that he could say.

I didn't say anything, I just stormed out of the room pissed off. I ran downstairs and saw that Priscilla was watching the news.

"Jessy sounds like we are in deep shit!" Priscilla said nervously biting on her fingernails.

"Prissy calm down. They don't know who we are. Just cuz some desk clerk described us don't mean shit."

"Well, I hope your right. What is Justin doing anyway?"

"That asshole is just hoping that they catch us that's all. He's such a prick I swear!"

Priscilla stopped turned off the television and just glared at me.

"What?" I asked as I kept pacing the room again.

"You are in love with Justin aren't you?" Priscilla blurted out.

I felt my face blush. "W-what? N-n-no way!"

"Yeah right! I know you. We've been friends forever and I know when you got more than a crush on a guy."

"Whatever! Now you gotta help me here. There's gotta be some way to blackmail Justin in case we do get caught."

Priscilla was about to speak when we heard a loud ruckus upstairs. We looked at each other in panic and both rushed upstairs. I saw Justin trying to get our attention by trying to pound his hand on the headboard of the bed.

"Now what?" I asked in frustration.

Justin looked up at me. "Um I gotta go to the restroom."

Priscilla and I exchanged looks of disgust. "OK now how do you wanna handle this?" Priscilla whispered to me.

"Fuck! I don't know." I said quietly.

I looked around and saw that I had a pair of handcuffs under the bed. They'd been a gift from an old boyfriend a few years ago. I'd used them occasionally with other guys and now it was my turn to use them on Justin. I quickly reached down to get them and I finally had my solution to this tedious little problem.

"Oooh good idea!" Exclaimed Priscilla.

I smiled with satisfaction and both of us began to free Mr. Timberlake. I let one hand free and was about to put a handcuff on there but then I just looked at his hand. I started to place it on my chest. His eyes never left my chest. I got his hand and slid it all over my tits as my nipples hardened. His touch was just delicious.

"Ahem!" Priscilla said clearing her throat.

"Oh sorry!" I said giggling.

We managed to handcuff Justin and we walked him to the restroom. I looked around and saw there was the towel rack right by the toilet and we could probably handcuff one hand to that and let the other hand free so he could do his restroom thing.

"I'm gonna need a few minutes." Justin said shyly.

"Eww!" Priscilla and I shrieked in unison.

We closed the door and let him finish up. I knew he'd be hungry so I knew I'd have to make breakfast for us. Justin took a few minutes and then called for us to get him out. I handcuffed him once again. I washed his hands for him and was ready to get him back on the bed. We decided to handcuff him up to the bed instead of tying him up again. He laid in there once again so helpless.

"Are you hungry Mr. Timberlake?" I asked kindly.

"uh huh" He said nodding.

"Prissy, can you stay here and watch him while I go cook us some breakfast?"

"What? You? cooking? Now this I gotta see!" Priscilla said laughing.

I ignored her smart ass comment and heading downstairs. I managed to cook up some French toast, eggs and ham. I also whipped up a nice fruit salad. I made enough for the three of us since Christina wasn't there yet.

I fed Justin his meal as he devoured the food. He must have been starving especially from smoking all that weed last night. We finally finished our breakfast and Justin had to go to the restroom once again. Prissy and I did the same ritual as before.

We were going to tie Justin back to the bed but instead I figured he need a bath by now. I turned on the warm water in my shower. I wanted a bath so bad as well.

"OK so let's handcuff him to this railing here." Priscilla said pointing to the silver railing.

"Are you taking a bath too?" I asked Priscilla as she held on to the gun.

"No, why don't you two go first?" She said wickedly. "Besides, you need to wash him so might as well be showering with him."

I shrugged pretending not to care, but deep down I was filled with excitement. I could wait to feel Justin's wet body against mine. I couldn't wait to lather up his whole body with soap.

"I'll be right out here if you need me." Priscilla said as she walked out leaving the door open.

Justin stood there waiting for me to make my first move. He was handcuffed to the railing and I began to slide off his boxers and threw them on the floor. I quickly took off my T-shirt and shorts. Justin's eyes gazed down as I took off my panties to show him my bare pussy. He stayed quiet as his Justin's eyes took in every glimpse of my body.

I turned on the water to a higher level as it began to drench us. His curly hair was all so wet now and I began to lather up a washcloth for some good cleaning. Both of our bodies all wet all warm. I started to wash him up with lots of soap. I slowly moved the washcloth all over him. I saw his eyes close for a moment and watched his cock begin to grow. He was secretly loving all the attention I was giving him. He probably never got this special treatment from that cunt Britney Spears.

I moved closer to him as my breasts rubbed up against his back. I watched the soap suds cling on to my nipples as I began to rub Justin's cock from behind. "Mmmm," I heard him moan softly.

"Hey now this looks like fun!" I heard Priscilla say as I quickly let go of Justin's cock.

She was peeping in the bathroom and watching Justin and I shower together.

"It is fun! You should join in!" I said wickedly.

"I think I will! Whoo!" She called out as she began to take off her clothes. She gently put the gun down by the sink ready to join in.

I went back to bathing Justin, and a few seconds later Priscilla joined us. He snatched the wash cloth away from me and began to wash Justin. I just watched in a bit of jealousy.

"Wash yourself up while I finish him off." Priscilla whispered as I started to clean myself off.

I made sure to wash up my pussy really clean. I wanted to be all tidy for Mr. Timberlake. I grabbed my own washcloth and bean to rub it on my pussy cleaning it up. I rubbed as I watched Priscilla and Justin now making out. She slid her naked body all over his and I could see his cock now throbbing with excitement. I felt my pussy begin to juice. I rubbed harder on it and little by little I was coming closer to an orgasm. As soon as I saw Priscilla's hand reach down to touch Justin's cock, I felt my whole body tighten up as I was cumming so good and so hard.

They both turned to look at me as I came on my own. Priscilla raised her eyebrows, "Gee Mr. Timberlake, see how hot you get my friend!"

I felt myself turn bright red as Justin looked over at me in amazement. He had a really sweet glow to his face. God I wanted to fuck him!

Priscilla began to wash up as I rinsed myself and Justin off. We waited a few minutes after Priscilla finished and she went to dry off and get the gun. I began to remove the handcuffs from the railing and handcuffed Justin with his hands behind his back. Priscilla began to dry him off and I dried myself.

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