Flights of Consciousness Book II: Time Tripping
Copyright© 2003 by Paul Phenomenon
Chapter 14
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Now that David is a grown up, how will handle his new challenges. Will he be able to do good with his gift?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Consensual NonConsensual Rape Science Fiction Time Travel Incest Mother Son Snuff Caution Violence
"I love him, Pops, and he says he loves me," Nora said to answer her father's query. They were en route to Carol's house to have dinner with Carol and David. Pops was driving David's Escalade.
"Why do I sense you're not convinced?" Joe asked.
"Probably because I'm not."
"Lots of reasons. I don't really know David that well. I know him well enough to be in lust with him, but love is another issue. I'm not like you, Pops. I don't fall in love at first sight. Also, I've known men like David, discounting his weird ability, of course. Rich, handsome, spoiled, used to getting anything and everything they want - playboys, if you will. They don't stay with one woman very long, protestations of love to the contrary. I'm concerned he'll soon tire of me and dump me for another woman, one worldlier, more beautiful, so I've constructed some mental shields to protect myself." Sudden tears stung her eyes, and she was happy the dark interior of the vehicle hid her uncharacteristic and abrupt emotions.
"I had the same concerns about Carol," Joe said, "but they're goin' away. Bein' a hick from the sticks, I couldn't imagine why a gorgeous, wealthy, worldly woman like Carol would fall for me. Then it dawned on me. The worldly part was a façade, but Carol didn't project the façade. I saw what I expected to see. I did the projectin'. Wealthy? Yeah, she's rich, but Carol and David haven't been rich very long. They're new rich, peanut. Underneath all the trappings money gives them, they're plain and simple folks just like us." He snorted a laugh. "I can't deny she's gorgeous, though. Sexy, too. I get hard every time I see her."
"Oh, don't get prissy on me. When you see David, what happens to you?"
She laughed gaily. "Point taken. I won't hedge the lust the rascal brings out in me. I'm wet right now just thinkin' about him. But the reaction brings up another concern of mine. I'm four years older than David, Pops, and I've had more than my fair share of men, as you well know, but David's sexual expertise makes mine pale by comparison."
Joe exhaled a derisive snort. "Heck, peanut, with his ability to bounce invisible around the world, he's probably witnessed every sex act known to man - twice. I used Playboy magazine to study naked ladies when I was a teenager. David looked at real women, watched them in action, and probably touched a few of them to boot." Like his mother, Joe thought and was happy the dark interior of the SUV masked his growing erection.
"He did more than touch them, Pops," Nora said with a sigh. "Sex with David while he's out of his body is... well, amazing to put it lightly." She remembered the exhilarating experience when he'd joined her in a ladies room earlier that day, and the memory made her shiver with passion. "When he's a ghost, he's every woman's dream of a perfect sex toy. He can make himself any size a woman wants, and I'm not talking about his height. He can use his talented, invisible mouth at the same time, he jabs a woman with his invisible dick. His ghost is addictive, Pops. While in college, I tossed out all my sex toys because I was getting addicted to them. They made achieving a climax very easy, but retarded orgasms while with a mere man. Besides, as effective as they were, they made me feel lonely. Not so with David's ghost. He's a sex toy that talks to you, interacts, kisses you until you can't think straight. Criminy, Pops, I felt four mouths on me at the same time. I'll leave it to your imagination to guess what they were doing to me."
"Uh-huh." She asked herself if she should express her suspicions about how David gained his sexual expertise as a ghost? Besides her, only three women knew about his ability: his mother, his sister, and a woman named Denise, and Denise was a lesbian. That left his mother and sister, which meant...
Oh! Oh! Joe thought. Suspicions confirmed. No woman could resist such an onslaught, especially a woman as sexually oriented as Carol. If she let David's ghost finger her when he was a teenager, then...
Suddenly, Joe had no doubts that Carol had had sex with her son, or rather her son's ghost. The only open question was whether she'd also had sex with him while he was in his body. Well, not the only question. He wondered if Carol and her son were still sexually active, while David was out of his body or otherwise, and he also wondered if he should inform his daughter about his suspicions. No, not yet. He needed more answers first. He needed absolute proof before he opened his mouth and destroyed his daughter's budding relationship with David. If he were wrong, Nora might forgive him, but he'd have a hard time forgiving himself.
He stopped the Escalade in front of the gates to Carol and David's estate, pushed a button, and the gates began to open. He decided he'd be particularly vigilant tonight. He'd carefully watch how mother and son interacted with each other. What bothered him most was what he'd do with any answers he uncovered.
"Wine, beer or scotch?" David asked.
"Wine," Carol and Joe said simultaneously.
"Scotch," Nora replied, her response overlapping Carol and Joe's.
While David prepared the drinks, Nora glanced around the room. An inviting, sensual room, like its owner, she thought. She ran her hand over the silk fabric of a pillow next to her on the sofa. Luxurious, maroon velvet covered another pillow, and the warm colors and contrasting textures looked richer in the dancing candlelight. Some of the candles floated in water with flowers, and strategically placed mirrored surfaces reflected the flickering flames, enhancing and doubling the light.
Nora kicked off her shoes and enjoyed the feel of the thick carpet between her toes. Tactile, the room was sensually tactile, warm and inviting. Floating gardenias on a cherry wood coffee table scented the air. She could hear soft instrumental music in the background, and a fountain built into a wall bubbled water without being intrusive.
Nora appreciated the effort Carol had expended to make the room sensually rewarding in every way. She sipped the superior scotch David handed her, and taste joined the sensual mix.
David sat on the arm of the sofa next to Nora, and she leaned against him, a natural, intimate gesture. He toyed with her hair. "You're lovely this evening," he whispered, bending to her ear.
She smiled and felt her blood warm. Was she blushing?
David returned her smile and said, "I found an outside connection to the Maldonado Family, a congressman from Chicago named Kirk Tanneman. He's also a tax-and-spend liberal. If he's involved in the Boynton assassination, I suspect he's just one more intermediary in the conspiracy. Of course, he could be merely a crooked politician controlled by the mob. I'm watching him carefully."
Nora returned his smile and nodded.
"No shop talk, please," Carol stated. She took Joe's hand in hers and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "Tonight is for good food, good friends, and good conversation, but no shop talk, which means serial killers, assassins or boring discussions about investments are verboten, David."
"Do horses count as shop talk?" David asked.
"Yes," Joe said.
"No," Carol said at the same time.
David laughed. "I'm torn asunder with indecision. May I ask my question, or not?"
"Whatever Carol wants," Joe said graciously. "Ask away."
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Arabian Downs exceptional for its mares but a little shy in the stallion department?"
"You're not wrong," Joe said.
"I found a stallion I'm interested in. I might buy it, if you'll board it and advise me on the purchase, Joe."
"Yes, to both conditions. Tell me about the stallion, David."
"I printed some pages from the Internet that describes the magnificent beast better than I could." He stood and retrieved some papers from the bar and handed them to Joe. "Thee Brigand, from Falconcrest Bloodstock in Texarkana, Texas. I don't know anything about horses, but this one sounded better than any other Arabian stallion I discovered during my research. I've spoken with the owners. The stallion's available at the right price."
David waited while Joe read the brochure on the stallion. Joe looked up a couple of times while he read, and the excitement in his expression gave David the answer he needed.
"With this stallion and our mares, we'd have one of the best Arabian breeding farms in the country," Joe said, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Thee Brigand is the sum of several centuries of impeccable breeding. He has three U.S. National Reserve Champion Stallions, a National Top Ten Futurity Stallion, and two National Top Ten Stallions, and more, all in the first three generations of his pedigree. When can we go to Texarkana?"
"Whoa, cowboy," David said. "I'll need to talk to Steve and Darla first. I don't want to rain on their parade. Arabian's are their big-boy toys, and along with you, they own Arabian Downs, not me. If I purchase Thee Brigand, I'll be horning in on their playground, which I won't even consider unless everyone is completely comfortable with my involvement." Silently, David worried Steve would object. Since Steve found out about Darla's money, his resentment toward David had increased considerably.
Joe slumped with disappointment.
"I'll give them a call tomorrow and discuss everything with them," David said to take the sting off his statement. "I take it, you wouldn't be opposed, Joe?"
"Not at all. Why is Falconcrest selling the stallion?"
David grinned. "I think the stallion needs someone to whisper in his ears, Joe. The owners were candid with me. To their mind, he's more trouble than he's worth. Besides, the stables include another stallion with equal or better breeding. Still, I'm not the only one interested in Thee Brigand. The sale of the stallion has taken on an auction-like atmosphere, and Falconcrest will sell the animal to the highest bidder. We'll need to act soon. If Steve and Darla approve, we'll all fly to Texarkana this weekend. We'd go sooner, but some guests are descending on us day after tomorrow."
There, David thought, subject number one has been introduced.
Joe glanced at Carol with an inquisitive look.
"Denise and Colleen are flying in," Carol said, following David's lead. "Denise plans to take a position with the Psychology Department at A.S.U., and Colleen is a C.P.A., and has some job interviews with some accounting firms. If all goes well, they'll move to Phoenix. They'll be here for a couple of days."
"Denise?" Joe said. "Is she... ?" He slammed his mouth shut and blushed.
Carol chuckled when he didn't finish his sentence. "A lover from my past, I believe you started to say, Joe. Yes. Denise is an old and dear friend, not only of mine but also of David and Darla's." Carol turned to Nora. "Did your father happen to mention that I'm bisexual?"
Nora smiled. "No, but David mentioned it."
"I came to my bisexuality late in life," Carol stated unabashedly. "David and Darla were teenagers when I met Denise. She was my first female lover. She's a lesbian, by the way, although I understand Colleen, her current lover, is bisexual like me. I've never met Colleen. Of course, David has seen her when he visited Denise. Tell us about Colleen, David."
"She's as Irish as they come, a redhead with a fiery personality. I like her. She has pale, white skin and an exceptional body." He grinned. "Watching Denise and Colleen make love is exhilarating to say the least."
Joe's jaw gaped. Nora's eyes narrowed with sudden anger.
"You told me Denise is aware of your flights of consciousness, David," Nora said through tight lips. "Does Colleen know you invade her privacy, too?"
"No, unless Denise told her, which is unlikely."
"Why?" Nora asked, pressing him. "They're lovers, probably in a committed relationship if they plan to move to Phoenix together. Under the circumstances, I'd think it would be very likely that Denise would inform Colleen about you, rather than unlikely."
David shook his head. "Colleen wouldn't believe her even if Denise spilled the beans, not unless I put on a demonstration. Besides, Denise wants a favor from me, and she knows telling Colleen about my flights without my permission would piss me off. I haven't made a decision regarding her request, so I don't believe Denise would do something she'd know would upset me."
There, David thought. Subject number two is on the table.
"Denise wants a baby," Carol said. "More particularly, she wants David's baby. Denise's I.Q. is off the scale. She's hoping the child will reflect a combination of her intelligence and David's unique ability. She also believes having sex with David won't be as distasteful for her as it would be with another man." Carol hesitated, a theatrical pause that made David proud. "Frankly, I'm opposed to the idea, although for some reason, Denise believes otherwise. What do you think, Joe?"
Joe closed his gaping jaw and fixed his eyes on David's. "If you grant her favor, would you be a father for the child?"
"Yes," David said. "I told her I'd deny her request outright if all she wanted was a sperm donor. I also turned her down initially because she lived too far away for me to be involved with the child as a father. That's her primary reason for moving to Phoenix." He turned to Nora. "On a recent visit, I informed Denise I'd met someone - you, Nora - and told her not to make the move. I guess she decided to move anyway. I suspect the position with A.S.U. is a step up from her current position with the university in Las Cruces." He took a sip of his scotch and waited for Nora's response. He didn't wait long.
"So you've decided to refuse her request," Nora stated, looking a little relieved.
"No, it's still under consideration. Denise, as Mother said, is an old and dear friend. If there's anyway I can grant her request, I will, but I won't make the decision without your input, Nora."
"Well, I'm..."
David interrupted her. "Don't try to make the decision for me right now. Meet Denise first. Colleen, too. They'll be the baby's primary caregivers if Denise's so-called project ever moves forward. You have a wonderfully analytical mind, Nora. Please consider the pros and cons, discuss them with me, and we'll make the decision together. I see no need to rush the decision, either. As Mom said, it will be years before Denise's biological clock runs down. Okay?"
The anger in Nora's deep-green eyes softened, and a small smile curved her lips. "Okay. Right now all I see are cons, but I'm willing to listen and learn." She took David's hand in hers. "As you said, we'll make the decision together."
David placed his fingertips under her chin, lifted her face and brushed her lips with his. "Thank you."
"Dinner time," Carol announced. "David, please open the white wine Joe brought and fill the wine glasses on the dining table. Nora, you're a guest, but would you mind giving me a hand in the kitchen for a few minutes."
"Not at all," Nora said.
"Do you like lobster?" Carol asked as they entered the kitchen.
"Yes, very much."
"Good. Everything is prepared, but we'll need to broil the lobster tails, and warm a few things. The oven's ready. Would you please pop the lobster tails under the broiler?" She nodded her head toward a tray on the counter.
When Nora picked up the tray, Carol said, "You just made my son very happy, Nora."
"Yes. You didn't force the issue, tell him in no uncertain terms to turn down Denise's request without considering his feelings and all the other variables."
"Frankly, David's suggestion that we make the decision together pleased me. It made me feel... I don't know, like a partner, I guess."
"It's a major decision. David loves you. You should make major decisions together. Besides, sex is involved in this decision. What's your attitude about love and sex? I mean, do you equate the two?" Carol turned on the microwave to melt the cheese on the stuffed potatoes. "I did when I was your age. I'm not so sure anymore."
"Love is an emotion. Sex is a physical act. If you're asking if I'd be upset if David had sex with Denise, especially with the expressed purpose of creating a baby, I'd have to say you'd better believe it!"
"Can you envision a scenario where satisfying Denise's request would be acceptable?"
"Not right now. You're opposed, Carol. Why?"
"You weren't in the picture when the subject came up. I know my son. If he decided to grant Denise's favor, I knew he would've tried to be the best father he could be for the child. I also know David won't be truly happy until he finds the love of his life, marries her, and has children of his own. Denise doesn't fit the scenario. I figured if David proceeded with Denise's project, it would have a negative affect on his search for a wife. Grab the salad from the refrigerator. I'll bring the potatoes."
They moved into the dining room with the food. "Then you came along," Carol added with a wide smile. "David cared enough for you to tell you about his flights, which sent you into a tailspin - a normal reaction, I might add. Would you light the candles? There's a candle lighter in that drawer. Yes, that one." When the candlelight started to dance, Carol continued, "But in the end, you came around and accepted his freaky ability, and he fell head over heels for you, which pleased me immensely, Nora, and not just because I love your daddy. Boy, of boy, do I ever love your daddy! No, I'm pleased because I think you might be the one to help David find true happiness."
Carol gave the table a quick visual inspection. It looked perfect to Nora. Varying textures, warm colors, flowers, candlelight, fine china and silver gave the room a sensual ambiance.
"One more trip ought to do it," Carol said as she guided Nora back to the kitchen. "Believe it or not," Carol said, "I think you'll like Denise. She and David are close because most of her research involves the various aspects of consciousness. He meets with her to discuss the nature of consciousness in excruciating detail they both enjoy, but bores everyone else around them to tears." Carol chuckled. "Denise and I are close because she's a phenomenal lover, although with Joe and Colleen in the picture we won't be lovers any longer."
Carol grabbed potholders and pulled the lobster tails from the oven. "If you think it's none of my business, say so, but I'd like to know. Have you ever made love with a woman, Nora?"
She's been more than candid with me. I should be the same with her, Nora thought. "Yes. I went a little wild for a couple of years while in college."
"Did you enjoy it? Sex with a woman, I mean, not being wild."
Nora exhaled a self-deprecating sound. "Truth be told, I enjoyed being wild, but after a bad experience, I put my wild days behind me. And, yes, I enjoyed sex with women. I suppose that makes me bisexual, like you. I'm not comfortable with the label, though, probably because I prefer men. No, prefer is too timid a word. Sex with a woman is soft and sweet and nice, but it takes a man to really turn me on. Your son revs up my motor and shifts me into overdrive. He's so... male, intensely masculine, hard-muscled, heavy-browed, square-jawed, stubble on his cheeks in the morning, male scents, taller and stronger than me." She shivered. She also noted Carol flashed her a knowing smile. "Then again, a languorous afternoon in bed with a woman can be invigorating and satisfying in a whole different way." Nora decided to keep her participation in some group scenes to herself.
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