Flights of Consciousness Book II: Time Tripping - Cover

Flights of Consciousness Book II: Time Tripping

Copyright© 2003 by Paul Phenomenon

Chapter 11

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Now that David is a grown up, how will handle his new challenges. Will he be able to do good with his gift?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Science Fiction   Time Travel   Incest   Mother   Son   Snuff   Caution   Violence  

Colors were brighter, but they didn't glow with neon-like clarity - not yet. Sounds were crisp and clear, but their volume wasn't much above normal. The urge had not yet flipped the volume knob to the right, intensifying the sounds so they reverberated off his eardrums as if he were standing front-row-center at a rock concert. Soon his skin would become super-sensitive, so sensitive even his loosest clothing brushing against it would make him want to scream.

He knew the signs. The urge was trying to gain control. Soon, he'd need to start the hunt.

Too soon!

It was the fantasy, he knew, that pushed the urge closer to the surface with each passing day. He'd tried to avoid the fantasy, but still it frequently rushed from a dark place in his mind until it shined as if on a stage in full color under a spotlight. The acoustics of the theater in his mind enhanced even a whisper or a whimper. Whimpers were the favorite sounds the fantasy offered, followed closely by terrified screams. Screams gave him an erection. Whimpers took him to a peak. Curiously, the whimpers contained both passion and fear.

Each time he relived the fantasy, he perfected it. Some changes required no preparation, but the fantasy included a bath now. He needed a large tub because he would bathe with The One. A bubble bath. Fragrant shampoo. A soapy body pouf. Slick, silky, youthful skin.

A tub with clawed feet, he suddenly realized. Just like the one he shared with Terry.

Where could he find such a tub? The hunt for The One became delayed while he hunted for an old, porcelain tub with clawed feet.

David hovered over her sleeping form. He'd broken his promise, but then he knew he would when he made it. He'd broken the same promise with his mother and sister. Nora had called it a solemn promise, but he'd agreed only to make her feel more comfortable about her privacy. Like his mother and sister, Nora would soon accept his ghostly presence as if it were normal, even desirable. In the interim, he'd play along with her fantasy of restored privacy.

Fantasies. Had Nora dreamed of psychic sex while she slept? Sex with his ghostly apparition had certainly been on her mind last night, and conscious fantasies often remained and intruded during sleep, moving the consciousness at rest with the body from a Delta state to Beta. Fantasies and their accompanying arousal frequently took Beta to Alpha. If that happened, Nora's eyes would flutter open, and she'd touch herself.

If she kicked away the sheet, pulled her feet up to her tush and let her knees drop to open herself to her touch, would he be able to resist her? Resist touching her? Resist tasting her arousal? Resist feeling the membranes inside her excited cunt grasp and flutter around his ghostly shaft?

No, he admitted. The temptation would be too great. Oh, she'd accept his presence, even embrace it as he took her to a crashing orgasm, maybe more than one, but later, she'd realize his solemn promise wasn't solemn at all, wasn't even a promise, and she'd become angry and fearful again.

So, when Nora started to rouse, he connected with his mother. She, too, was asleep. Would she accept his ghostly embrace as she'd accepted it for so many years? Or had her relationship with Joe reached a point where she'd reject him? He hadn't tested her resolve or attitude, and he wouldn't test it this morning, not out of his body. The test would happen when the flesh around his uncircumcised penis could be retracted by his mother's labia as he entered her. The fantasy gave his apparition a hard-on.

When he shuttled back to New Orleans, Nora was sitting on the john. He left her to her morning absolutions, and connected with Denise. A head graced with long, red hair nestled between Denise's shapely thighs, and David's arousal intensified. Colleen's glorious tush stuck up like a stinkbug's. He wanted to enter her from the rear. Would Denise give him permission?

"May I fuck her?" David whispered in Denise's ear, using his feminine voice.

"No!" Denise whimpered.

David suspected her negative answer would have been a shout, not a whimper, if Denise weren't so close to an orgasm.

"She's magnificent. May I taste her?"

"Uh-uh." Denise's hips were starting the dance David had witnessed before, the undulating, rhythmic dance that preceded a climax.

Colleen raised her face from Denise's sodden pussy. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Don't stop! Please! I'm so close!"

Moments later Denise's lissome body stiffened as she cried out with pleasure. When Denise's muscles relaxed, Colleen raised her juice-covered face and smiled wickedly as she inserted two dainty fingers into Denise's wet glove. From the expression on Denise's face, David knew the precise moment Colleen found Denise's G-spot. He watched the muscles on the redhead's wrist flex as she tapped the stimulating, textured area.

"Yes!" Denise shouted as Colleen dipped her head again and licked around Denise's swollen clitoris.

He swooped behind Colleen and studied her fingers flashing back and forth over her own clitoris. He couldn't resist, and an elongated tongue wriggled around the pulsating hole gaping wide because of Colleen's arousal and bent-over position. The redhead gasped, and her fingers reached back to locate the source of what felt like a tongue pushing into her cunt. She touched nothing, of course.

Enough. He'd tasted her. He'd achieved his purpose, and he didn't want her to make more out of what happened than a fleeting sensation of a tongue inside her. With only the one taste, she'd blame what she'd felt on her arousal and imagination. He didn't want to deceive Denise, though, so he pressed his lips against her ear and whispered, "Sorry, I couldn't resist a quick taste. Sweet. Heavy. See ya later."

When he returned to Nora, he was still excited, but with extreme effort he dampened his aroused state. He had to, or he'd have jumped her bones. She had showered while he was elsewhere, but she hadn't dressed yet. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, she brushed her golden mane. As she dragged the brush through her shiny, blonde hair, her heavy breasts waved alluringly. When she placed the brush on the counter and, using both hands, pulled her hair up at the back, he wanted to press his lips to her proud breasts, give her nipples tiny, little licks and watch them grow longer, stiffer. Instead, he moved to a vacant suite on the top floor of the hotel and dialed Nora's room number.

"Hello," she said.

"Good morning. May I visit you?" Would she make him wait until she dressed? Or was her statement about being comfortable with her body a lie?

"I'm naked. Would you rather wait until I'm dressed?" Her teasing laugh trilled in his ear.

He hung up, and as the dial tone sang its one-note song, he watched her pull the phone from her ear and gaze at it as if confounded.

"I assumed your question answered my question with a yes," David said.

She dropped the phone to its receiver, smiled and struck a sexy pose, with a hand on a cocked hip as her other hand moved through her hair.

"Yes, I like what I see," he said. "And yes, I'm aroused."

"Good. I'd be disappointed if you were otherwise. Wanna fuck or talk?"

"Fuck, but we should talk." She was teasing him, and he guessed she'd purposefully delayed dressing until he arrived for their pre-planned conference.

"Good answer. I'd also be disappointed if you'd changed your mind about making love with me the first time while in your body. Should I dress, or can we talk while I'm naked?"

"You're distracting, I admit, but I'll try to control my baser instincts." His fingers tweaked both of her nipples. "But can you?"

She shivered. "I'll dress."

He watched as she pulled lacy panties up her long legs, settling them over her hips. "Watching you dress is sexier than watching you get undressed."

"Oh? Why?" She pulled a bra from a drawer and draped the straps over her shoulders.

"I'm at a loss to explain. May I kiss your neck?" He didn't wait for an answer and pressed his lips at the side of her long, graceful neck. She shivered again when he nibbled a little. The shiver increased when he kissed her ear. "I love your ears. They're perfect, translucent in places, and the whirls are so intricately rendered I want to trace each twist and turn with my tongue."

She breathed deeply. Her lust had turned liquid. If he didn't stop his ghostly assault, she'd need to change panties before she left the room to meet with the N.O.P.D. again before her return flight to Phoenix. On the other hand, if he actually left her alone, she'd be more than disappointed.

"I can smell your arousal," he said. "It's my favorite perfume - Nora's pheromones. Are you getting wet?"


Ghostly fingers pressed against the gusset of her panties. She pressed back against them and groaned with frustration. "Not fair," she muttered.

"Would a quick, psychic suck help?"

His question prompted flashing images, an image so real she could almost feel an invisible tongue rasping over her vulva.

"A quick, psychic suck isn't making love," he whispered in her ear as his fingers pushed her panties to the side.

When what felt like a long, thick finger slipped inside her, without a moment's hesitation, Nora pushed the panties off her hips and kicked them away. The bra fell from her breasts to the floor just before she crawled onto the bed. After rolling to her back, she raised her knees and splayed her legs. "Lick me!" she ordered, and then softened the demand when she added, "Please."

"Take; don't try to give," she whispered aloud, remembering Carol's advice. When she felt a huge mouth cover her entire vulva, she glanced down and saw - nothing. She took a quick look at the alarm clock on the nightstand, and then closed her eyes when what felt like a tongue pressed against her outer labia, forcing the lips apart. The tip of the invisible digit started low at her perineum and moved slowly up through her crease. Heavenly! It rolled around her engorged clit, avoiding the button - just like she preferred at first. Soon, she'd want the mouth to suck on it hard. Would he need to be told, or would he sense her need?

She couldn't resist reaching for the head between her legs. Nothing. Her frustration disappeared moments later when she became so hot nothing didn't matter. He sucked her clit into his mouth with just the right pressure and flicked the button with his tongue. Invisible hands grasped both breasts gently. Fingers moved inside her. How could that be? Then the incongruity of three hands touching her at the same time didn't matter, either. What they did to her mattered, though. A second mouth sucked a nipple while the mouth on her cunt sucked and licked her throbbing clitoris. Yet another mouth assaulted her other breast. How could that be?

Figure it out later. Feel! Just feel.

A bunch of Davids pleasured her. "Better than my first threesome," she muttered out loud without realizing she'd voiced her thought. The tongue active on her nubbin, and another stabbing her, pushing inside her, the longest, thickest tongue that had ever invaded her pussy, distracted her. She loved it!

The mouth sucked hard. Perfect! His timing was perfect. A tongue lashed her swollen button. A tongue stabbed her. A tongue rasped over a nipple. Another did the same to her other breast. And finally she felt lips press against her lips.

Again she reached to pull David's head closer to hers, to mash her lips to his. Her effort failed, but the frustration melted when her orgasm started to gather. The climax came at her from every side. Every erogenous zone on her body vibrated with need for relief, pushing the orgasm to an edge. She tried to hold the edge. The sensations were too exquisite to let them explode so they'd eventually fritter away, but try as she might, she couldn't stop the explosion, which turned out to be one of the most powerful she'd ever experienced.

The orgasm took her away. Was she time tripping? No climax had removed her from the here and now, not like this one. She floated in a void of pure bliss as rapturous sensations pulsated at her center and rippled outward like tidal waves. They didn't grip her body. They controlled her consciousness, and for the first time she started to understand David's flights.

Suddenly, she was falling, falling from wherever she'd gone, falling back into her here and now. When she arrived she was screaming through clenched teeth, voicing her pleasure with unintelligible sounds. Screams soon gave way to whimpers as powerful spasms jerked her spine and legs. She suddenly felt drained of all her strength, and with one final whimper she slumped limp like a drowsing cat.



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