The Sandbar - Cover

The Sandbar

by TheJoker33

Copyright© 2024 by TheJoker33

Romance Sex Story: Relationship change after a year apart.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   .

Thank you all for reading another one of my stories. I appreciate all the support I have received. Please kindly rate my story and leave me comments, I would like to hear what you all have to say. Also feel free to send me Private Feedback if you wish to have a more in depth conversation about any of my stories.

This is a fantasy and I choose to have no STI’s in this world. All participants engaged in sex acts are 18 years old or older and similarities in names or descriptions of the characters are purely coincidental and are not based on any real person living or dead.

Thank you to WittyUserName for editing and giving me feedback an advice on this story.

Thank you, ~Joker

~Stan~ Wednesday June 5th.

I can see the sunlight through my eyelids, as it pierces through my blinds of my bedroom window. I should rethink the setup of my bedroom, having my bed situated in line with the eastern facing window is not conducive to sleeping in on sunny days. Not that it matters much, I was already awake.

That’s how it’s been for the past nine months. I have been getting up early for college since the end of August. I spent everyday getting up early at the University of Maine in Orono. Landing a full baseball scholarship ment that I had to not only exceed expectations academically but also physically for baseball.

Every morning I was up before dawn, so I could get in a workout before classes. After classes it was more working out until practices started. Getting up early continued for the past month after school was out for the summer. I secured a month long internship at the local T.V. Station in Portland. The local sports broadcaster offered me the chance this winter after one of my baseball games.

While being interviewed by him, I mentioned that I was going to school for a Masters in Communication and I hoped to be a sports broadcaster. He offered me a one month internship as he would offer the same to a few other players over the course of the summer. I couldn’t refuse. So the last month I was commuting back and forth to Portland everyday.

Today was my first official day off of summer. Tomorrow I would start my summer job. I rolled out of bed and put my feet down on the cool wood floor and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. It was then I realized and uncomfortable feeling, I had to adjust my morning wood in my boxer briefs to a more comfortable position.

I slipped on my moccasins, walked over to my dresser and pulled out a new pair of boxer briefs and a pair of gym shorts. no shirt, it was just too damn hot already this morning. Luckily for me the linen closet was right next to my bedroom door, so I quickly snatched a towel to hold in front of me hiding my erection. I walked down the hall to the bathroom I shared with my younger sister. Her bedroom door was still closed, so the bathroom was all mine for now.

Once in the bathroom I made sure that the door was properly closed and locked. I always made sure to test the handle for the past six years or so. My sister had suddenly started barging in with no regards to my privacy. I laid my underwear and shorts on the “changing table,” that was its designation since my mom put it in the bathroom.

I hung up my towel on the towel rod, then I reached into the shower to turn the water on. While letting the water heat up, I slipped off my boxer briefs freeing my now painfully hard penis. After tossing my underwear into my designated clothes hamper, I stepped into the shower.

There is nothing like a nice warm shower first thing in the morning. Feeling the warmth of the water cascading down my body put me ease and now I could concentrate on taking care of some much needed relief. I placed my left hand on the shower wall next to the shower head, propping myself up while I took my seven and a half inch cock in my right barely able to wrap it around my girth.

I closed my eyes and slowly began to stroke my shaft, while imaging Jennifer Lawrence walking out of the water fully nude from her latest movie. She was looking fine her tits bouncing as she walked. Continuing to stroke my cock, my only wish that Jennifer Lawrence wasn’t rocking a full bush. Instead I focus on her fabulous breasts.

After a few minutes of my morning daydream masturbation routine, I can feel that I am close to cumming. I quicken my strokes as I jerk my cock. My balls tighten as little sparks of electricity begin to grow along my shaft. I open my eyes, looking down at the blur of my hand on my dick. I let out a fairly load moan as I watch the first rope of cum launch from my cock and splatter on the wall.

My hand slows to a steady pumping motion as more cum blasts forth, painting the shower wall. With my balls nearly empty, the cum has reduced to a trickle from my cock and now covers my hand and glans in sperm. Feeling completely relaxed, my cock begins to soften my right hand. I let go and just stand there with the water falling down on me as I watch the race unfold, which rope of cum will be the first to reach the drain.

I was in a state of bliss from the dopamine high of jacking off when I was snapped to from a pounding on the bathroom door. My little sister was yelling at me to hurry up, she had to use the bathroom. I yelled back telling her to use the bathroom downstairs if she had to go so bad. The pounding stopped, so I pulled the shower head out off it holder and sprayed down the cum covered wall until it was all gone and down the drain.

A few minutes later I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I tossed the towel into the hamper and then slipped on my clean boxer briefs and gym shorts before going over to the sink. I grabbed my tooth brush and put some toothpaste on it and then began to brush my teeth while looking at myself in the mirror.

My blue eyes stared back at myself. My well muscular six foot two inch, 205 pound frame took up most of the mirror thanks to my wide shoulders. I contemplated shaving off my slightly reddish well trimmed beard, as it looked kind of odd against my blonde head of hair. I decided against it. Finished with brushing, spit out the toothpaste into the sink and then rinse.

Choosing to use mouth wash after I have breakfast, I unlock the door and step out to see my recently turned eighteen year old little sister bouncing pack and forth holding her hands between her legs. I reach out and pat her on the head. “Bathroom is all yours squirt!”

She rushes past me slamming the door behind her. Always the procrastinator. She chose to hold it in instead of going down stairs to use the bathroom. I bounded down the stairs a couple steps at a time until I reached the bottom and made a left hand turn into the kitchen. My Mom was at the stove cooking.

“Is scrambled eggs and toast fine for breakfast this morning?” She asked.

“Yeah, that’d be great Mom.” I said as I made my way to the refrigerator. “You know, you don’t have to make breakfast right.”

“I know. But since your sister is lazy and I have to make hers, I can at least make yours as well before heading to work.” My Mom told me as she continued to cook.

I took a gallon of milk out of the refrigerator and then grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and sat down at the breakfast bar on the other side of the kitchen island. I poured a glass of milk and began to drink. I love cold milk, I’d drink it all day if it weren’t for the chance of getting kidney stones from drinking too much of it.

“Any plans for your first day off of the summer honey?” My Mom asked.

“Not really, just thought I’d pack a lunch and head over to Murphy’s Pond and swim out to the sandbar and lounge around.” I answered.

“Sounds like a nice way to spend the day off.” My Mom said as she placed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of me and one for my sister next to me. “Just be careful swimming Stan okay? And don’t do anything to your sister’s breakfast!”

“Yes, Mom.” I added. “I’ll be careful too! And thank you for making me breakfast.”

“You’re welcome” Mom replied and then yelled, “Tiffany! Your breakfast is ready!”

A faint okay came down from upstairs.

“Can you try take your sister with you?” Mom asked. “She needs to get out of the house.”

“I’ll ask her if she wants to come along, but I doubt she will.” I replied, “She’ll probably stay home and sleep most of the day or chat on her phone with her friends. She really needs to get her driver’s license.”

“You’re probably right and she does need to get her license. Thank you for asking her anyways.” Mom offered.

“No problem, Mom.” I returned.

I dug into my breakfast as Mom cleaned up and put the pan and utensils in the dishwasher. Then I felt my sister slap the back of my head as she settled onto the stool beside me.

“What the hell Tiffany!” I exclaimed.

“That was for almost making me pee myself Ass!” My sister Tiffany said to me with a smirk on her face.

“You could have used the bathroom down here Sloth!” I countered with the nickname I gave her years ago.

“ASS!” She shouted.

“SLOTH!” I yelled back.

“Enough you two!” My Mom interjected. “It’s much too early for me to have a headache. Tiffany watch your language and Stan stop calling your sister a Sloth.”

“I will when she stops calling me an ass.” I answer.

“Ass.” Tiffany mumbles.

“Sloth” I retorted.

“Please try to act civil with each other just for the summer, then you wont have to see each other for awhile.” Mom says as she shakes her head. “Tiffany, be sure to start the dish washer once you put your dishes away.”

“Okay, Mom.” Replied Tiffany with a mouthful of food.

“Alright, I’m heading off to work. Be good you two.” Mom then gave me and my sister a kiss on the check and headed out the door.

I finished my breakfast, grabbed my dishes and gave them a rinse before loading them into the dishwasher. Then I put the milk away and then stood there looking at my sister for a moment.

“I’m going to Murphy’s Pond to go swimming, you can come if you want to.” I offered.

“Gross! No way am I swimming in a pond.” Rejected Tiffany. “I’m staying here in the air-conditioning and going back to bed.”

“Suit yourself.” I replied.



I bounded back up the stairs heading towards my room, grabbing a beach towel from the closet on my way. I laid down the towel on my bed and then rummaged in my dresser for a pair of swim trunks. After finding a pair of red and black trunks I slipped of my shorts and underwear and pulled on the trunks, while tucking my balls and cock into the mesh lined pouch.

I tied up the drawstrings and slipped on a black A-shirt or the commonly called “wife beater” tank top. I opened up my closet door and pulled out the box that contained my 35 litre Swim Bouy dry bag. I shoved the towel in the dry bag along with my shorts and underwear in case I wanted to change after swimming. Then I snatched my phone off of my night stand, my wallet and keys to my truck, tossing them in the dry bag as well.

I headed back down the hall again, stopping in the bathroom to relieve myself and use some mouthwash before heading out. I went down the stairs again this time heading right, through the living room to the utility closet. I looked at the shelves until I found the small soft vinyl cooler I used to take my lunches to high school in. Then I found a can of spray on sunscreen and tossed it in my dry bag.

Closing the closet door I headed into the kitchen. Tiffany must have gone back to her room as she wasn’t there. I grabbed a couple of plastic sandwich bags, one large plastic zip-lock bag, a small zip-lock and one of those disposable plastic bags from Wal-Mart out of our baggie drawer. It’s weird to keep those Wal-Mart bags but they come in useful sometimes.

I then proceeded to make myself a couple of turkey and swiss cheese sandwiches for lunch later. I also grabbed an apple and an orange totake with me. After grabbing an ice pack from the freezer I packed the cooler. I went to the pantry and snagged a couple bottles of water. With every thing laid out on the table, I began to pack my dry bag.

I slid the cooler inside first, followed by the bottles of water. I then put the beach towel in the Wal-Mart bag and tied it up and placed on top of the water bottles. I tossed the can of sunscreen in, then I put the small zip-lock bag inside the large zip-lock bag and stuffed it inside for use later. I sealed the bright orange Swim Bouy dry bag.

I stuffed my pockets with my wallet, keys and phone and headed for the foyer that leads to the side porch that we all used to enter and exit the house. Once in the foyer I sat my bag down on the bench and grabbed my sandals from the shoe cubby. I sat down and removed my moccasins and then strapped on my sandals. I got up, grabbed my moccasins and put them into the cubby then took my bag and went out onto the porch locking the door behind me.

The porch was more like an open breezeway to the garage. The air was thick and hot in the shade of the porch roof. I quickly bounded down the five steps onto the walkway and lightly jogged to my red 2004 Dodge Ram pick-up that I had parked on the side of the garage in the shade of the Maple trees. I opened my door and tossed the dry bag onto the passenger seat and climbed up into the stuffy cab.

I quickly turned on the truck and turned the dial up on the air-conditioning. As I waited for the air to cool I opened my center console and pulled out my CD case. It’s old school but my truck only has an AM/FM radio with a CD Player. I began to flip through the sleeves of CD’s looking for something upbeat but easy on the ears with a bit of a summer vibe.

Found it. Billy Joel’s Innocent Man album. My patents love Billy Joel and passed that appreciation onto me along with their CD’s after I digitized them for them. I slipped the disc into the player and adjusted the sound as “Tell Her About it” began to play. The radio display switched back to showing the time 8:03 a.m. still pretty early. I have plenty of time to head over to Wal-Mart for an oil change before the morning gets too late. Plus the water in the pond will have warmed up a little as well.

Almost two hours later I’m pulling up at the public access to Murphy’s Pond. There are no other cars, but there is a bike chained to a small tree. I pull off to the side and put my truck in park and then engage the parking brake. I open my center console to get the hard case for my sunglasses. I take my sunglasses off, putting them in the case. Then I open the dry bag and toss it inside.

Climbing out of my truck I look out towards the bend in the pond at the my destination, the sandbar. Someone is out there already with what appears to be a paddle board. It’s hard to tell from about 300 yards away. But that might explain the back rack and front basket on the bike.

I peel off my shirt and toss it on my seat next to my dry bag. I pulled the empty zip-lock bags out my bag. The smaller one I took out of the larger, putting my wallet and phone in the large zip-lock. I set that back in the dry bag and then set it down on the ground. Taking off my sandals, I place them on the floor in front of my seat. With the small zip-lock in hand with my keys, I close the door and hit the lock button on my key fob.

Placing my keys in the zip-lock, I seal it and put it into the larger zip-lock and seal it as well. I close up the dry bag after putting the bag with my phone, wallet and keys in it but not before removing the tow strap and sling. I attached the strap to the dry bag and then wrapped the sling around my waist cinching it tight. I opened the nozzle and began to inflate the buoyancy pocket so it would float better.

Holding the bag in my hand I walked down to the waters edge and stepped in. It was still cold. The only thing to do is to dive right in. I toss the dry bag in front of me and off to my right as I dive in. The cold water forces the air from my lungs and I surface quickly to breathe and gain my bearings. I use the breaststroke to swim out to the sandbar, it uses less energy for longer distances.

I set a leisurely pace for myself keeping my eye on the sandbar as I swam. It probably took me about ten minutes to cross the open water to reach the sandbar. As I got into shallow water I put my feet down and stood up to wade the rest of the way. I first took notice of the inflatable paddle board pegged into sand so it wouldn’t blow away if the wind blew.

On top of the paddle board was its mesh carrying bag. I could see the pump and the broken down paddle inside. Also on top of the board was a dry bag and cooler under the stretchy cord holder that are attached to the board. But what really caught my attention was the sexy looking girl in a blue one piece with long blonde hair with pink highlights sitting in a low beach chair.

I couldn’t see her face as it was buried in a book. She must be engrossed in the book as she hasn’t heard me moving in the water. Her legs were slightly parted and with a slight hint of some camel toe, she had nice hips that transitioned into a slim waist and then flared out to a nice plentiful handful of breasts. I felt a bit of a tingling sensation in dick. I could see some slight muscle definition all over her body, but it was quite prominent in her legs.

I was now knee deep in the water climbing up onto the sandbar when I decided to make my presence known. “Hi there. Beautiful day isn’t it?”

She jumped, clearly startled and quickly closed her legs. She brought her book down to ther stomach and looked at me.

“Julia? Julia Turner!” I blurted out as I realized who she was. Not believing what I was seeing, my eyes quickly roamed her body once again and the blood rushed to my cock.

“Stan!” She gasped. Then her eyes zeroed in on the tent in the front of my clingy water soaked swim trunks. “Oh my God!” She quickly turned her head away.

“Uhm ... Wow ... uhm...” I stumbled. Not having any control over myself at all in that instance.

Time seemed like it stood still. Before me was Julia Turner. She was a year behind me in school. In high school we often sat next to each other in shared classes we had because of our last names being close to each other alphabetically. We would talk all the time in class. But this was not the Julia I remembered. The Julia I knew wore baggy clothes all the time since middle school, plain Jane nondescript clothes. The cute little pigtailed girl I protected from bullies in elementary school. But this Julia that I see know is a God Damn smoke show!

A perfect body and those hazel eyes that were more green than brown, I had seen them hundreds of times. But now they were the sexiest eyes I had ever seen. All the discussions during lunch and study halls. Fuck! The shy, smart and sassy Julia I knew was gorgeous! If only back in school she had seemed even remotely interested in me, I would have professed my love for her like I always wanted too.

Julia looked back at me her face was beet red, but she did have a slight smirk on her face. “So ... ahh, finally back from college?” She asked.

I could tell she was trying to divert our attention from the awkwardness that we were having. She was less than successful as she could not remove her eyes from my cloth covered erection.

“Wow! Julia, you look amazing!” I didn’t know what to say or do. So I said the first thing that came to me.

“Really?” Julia asked as her face became even redder. She quickly looked away again.

“Yes! You’re gorgeous!” I replied, unable to filter myself.

“Th-thanks.” Julia said rather sheepishly as her gazed returned to me and my midsection. “Ya-you look great, ta-ta-too!”

“Thanks.” I said as I looked down sheepishly at myself. Seeing the outline of my hard cock in my swim trunks, I quickly became embarrassed and as equally as fast grabbed my dry bag out of the water and held it in front of my crotch. Julia smiled.

“Why don’t you pull up some sand instead of just standing there.” Julia offered, pointing to the open area of sand next to her.

Her face was a lighter shade of crimson now, as she was doing her best to ease the awkwardness of our current situation.

“Uh ... yeah. Sure.” I stammered. I quickly moved next to her, making sure that my back was to her to hide both my erection and my subsequent embarassment.

I knelt down, placing my dry bag on the san in front of me. I removed the sling from my waist and then deflated the buoyancy pocket so I could open the bag. I moved aside the zip-lock bags with my keys, wallet and phone and dug out the Wal-Mart bag with my beach towel. Holding the towel under my right arm, I put the sling and tow strap in the bag and tied it shut.

I put that in the back in the bag and then unfurled the beach towel, snapped it out and laid it down on the sand. I grabbed my dry bag holding it in front of my crotch again and made my way to the water’s edge. I took out the two bottles of water and submerged them into the shallow water in the sand to keep them in place and to keep them cool.

Then I rinsed the sand off the bottom of the dry bag before heading back to my beach towel, covering my erection as I did before. I sat down cross legged on my towel next to Julia, placing my bag in my lap to hide my still raging hard on. We both kind sat there looking at each other out of the corners of our eyes. I think we were both afraid to talk.

“Uhm, earlier I asked if you were finally back from college.” She stated, breaking the silence. “But I think you were a bit distracted.”

“Uh ... yeah I was.” I answered.

She giggled.

“So ... you finally back from college?” She asked again.

“Kind of. Our last day was May 3rd. But I spent the last month at an internship at WZME.” I replied.

“Oh! That’s channel 7 right?” Julia queried.


“So what was that like?” She asked.

“Well it was enlightening that’s for sure.” I said then added, “It has me questioning my communications degree though.”

“How so?”

“Well, I interned under Dan Stone the sports guy.” I stated, “He had me working with him twelve hours a day every day for a whole month!”

“Sounds brutal.” Julia commented.

“Yeah. It wasn’t what I was expecting it to be. But Dan eats, sleeps, drinks and flat out lives sports.” I added. “He isn’t married or anything so I guess he just lives for sports and his job.”

“Was it a paid internship?”

“Yes it was, thankfully.” I answered her. “Dan was nice enough to cover my expenses for the month out of his own pocket. I was happy with him just offering me the internship, but covering expenses saved me a lot of money.”

“Sounds like even though it was a pain for a month, you got some good benefits as well as experience.” Julia offered.

“Yeah.” I agreed. “Overall it was a good experience and put a good amount of money in the bank.”

Silence fell over us once again. We were both stealing quick glances at each other. I wonder if she feels just as awkward as I do? That might not be possible, after all I’m the one holding a bag in my lap hiding an erection. God, why won’t it go down?

Because she is gorgeous and sitting right next to you dumbass! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I have to do something about this. What the fuck can I do? It’s not like I can whip it out and jerk off. Should make like I’m going for swim and then jerk off in the water? No that would be too damn obvious!

Shit! Why does she have to be so damn hot! The sun beating down on me isn’t helping me think either. Damn! Sunscreen. I forgot to put any on. Great I’m going to have to get up and expose the tent in my trunks again. I opened my bag, and after a quick search found the spray can of sunscreen. Reluctantly I stood up, trying to twist my pelvis away from Julia.

“I ah, forgot to put on sunscreen.” I told her while catching a glimpse of her checking me out.

“You don’t want to get a burn.” Julia replied.

She must think that I’m a perv sporting a hard on in front of her. I took a few steps away from her so that she wouldn’t get any overspray on her. I wonder what she’s thinking. She was definitely checking me out right? She had to be she was glaring right at it. I wonder if she liked what she saw? Does she want to see more?

Dumbass! This isn’t helping your erection at all! I turn my head to the side and see that Julia is definitely checking out my ass. Fuck! What do I do now? I’m done putting on sunscreen. Oh God, my dick hurts so bad right now. Man up! You’ve worked through pain before. You just have to do it again.

With no other choice, I quickly turned and sat down again moving the bag back into my lap. From the corner of my eye I can see that not only is Julia smiling but her face is deep crimson again. I can feel my face burning in embarassment as well. We sat on silence, staring straight ahead but still sneaking peeks at each other when we thought the other wasn’t looking.

“So, when’s graduation?” I asked.


“Only a couple more days of technically being a high schooler!” I stated as I turned my head to look at her. She was stunningly beautiful.

“Yeah, it’s almost over.” Julia affirmed.

“Did you have senior banquet yet?”

“It was last night at the VFW hall.” She answered.

“Did you bring a date?” I questioned, fishing to see if she had a boyfriend.

“I went with Sarah.”

I looked at her quizzically.

“My friend Sara.” She then waited looking for recognition on my face, then added. “ You know, No Slopes Sarah!”

It hit me like a brick wall.

“Ohhh. No Slopes Sarah.” I exclaimed. “Is everyone still calling her that?”

“Oh yeah!” Julia replied. “She’ll probably be called that the rest of her life. Not even a little growth.”

“Poor girl!” I said shaking my head.

Sarah Donovan, was flat as a board. Almost everyone made fun of that fact. She is a beautiful girl, but she is severely lacking in breast department. Unfortunately most guys are into boobs and not technically having any, Sarah faced the reality of not garnering the attention that she wanted.

No Slopes Sarah and her lack of attention. That got me thinking. Maybe that was the reason why Julia wore baggy clothes in school. Maybe she didn’t want the attention. Shit! She has seen my full attention for her. I hope she’s not upset with me.

My mind wanders as I contemplated today’s events so far. I zone for a while, deep in thought. A fish jumps making a splash and it snaps me out of my trance so to speak. I realize that my erection has faded away finally. Turning my head towards Julia, I see that she is reading her book again. I decide to lay down on my towel and soak in the sun, finally able to remove my bag from hiding my crotch.

At some point after I laid down, I must have dozed off. I was hot, which is probably why I woke up. Opening my eyes I see that Julia is still sitting beside me reading her book. I sit up and stretch my arms forward, crossing them to work the stiffness out of my back while lightly groaning.

“Back from dreamland I see.” Julia mentions.

‘Uh, yeah.” I mumbled. “ I didn’t talk in my sleep or anything, did I?”

‘I’ll never tell.” She replied with a smirk.

Great. I must have said something in my sleep. Damn it! Just then my stomach grumbled.

“Sounds like your stomach is talking though.”

“It must be lunch time. Do you know what time it is?” I asked.

“It’s a little before 1:00 p.m.” Julia answered.

“Definitely lunch time.” I stated. “But I’m going to go for a swim and cool off first.”

“That sounds nice. Mind if I join you?” Julia asked.

“Not at all.”

We got up and waded out into the water. It was cool and refreshing after sitting in the sun for a few hours. Probably time to reapply my sunscreen too. I’ll be sure to do that after I eat. Julia and I swam around in front of the sandbar for fifteen or twenty minutes. We did a bunch of laps back and forth, chatting a bit here and there.

Eventually we got a little chilly after being in the cold water for a while. As we waded back onto the sandbar I couldn’t help but notice that Julia’s nipples were standing at attention and wete clearly defined through her swimsuit. Thankfully the cold water had the opposite effect on me between my legs.

I quickly diverted my attention to what was in front of me, but Julia had caught me looking and gasped. I turned and see was looking down at her chest and blushing. Not saying anything I walked over to where my water bottles were stashed at the water’s edge and grabbed one.

Neither of us said anything as we sat down and ate our lunches. Feeling awkward again I decided to break the silence as I didn’t want to continue thinking about her nipples and chance getting another erection.

“Have you figured out where you’re going to college yet?” I inquired.

“Yeah, I got a partial scholarship to UMaine for Cross Country.” Julia answered. “It’s cheaper for me to go to college in State.”

“It sure is.” I replied. “We’ll probably bump into each other from time to time.”

“That’s right. You got a baseball scholarship didn’t you?”

“I did.”

“How did you and the team do this year?” She asked.

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