Taking Carmen - Cover

Taking Carmen

Copyright© 2003 by Pornsmith

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A kinky couple + a horny young girl = three-four chapters worth of graphic sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   First  

Carmen had been fourteen and could have said that they had taken advantage of her, but she never did. She was honest enough to admit that she had known what was going on almost from the beginning. In fact she had sensed what was happening before they did...

She was not overjoyed when her father told her that she had to act as their guide for the day, but her resentment didn't last long. They wanted to dive and she wanted to surf, and she knew just the place. She considered the cove her private domain, and was a little surprised at herself for taking them there. They were not young, maybe in their late thirties, and they were friendly and quite nice. They were OK divers but not fanatics, and after a couple hours they were ready to pack it in and just veg out on the boat. It was too early for Carmen to stop, and she was vain enough to put on a show. She primped a little when they complimented her, and said yes when they asked her if she would show them some of the basics. They were pretty useless, but they were friendly and did not take themselves too seriously, and when they told her that they wanted to stay put for the rest of the day she was not at all upset.

They watched her as she had made a couple good runs and then the woman asked her if she was ready for lunch and she said she was starved. They were from the East and were renting a cabin and the boat from Carmen's parents, and had only a couple of days left of their vacation. They were quite attractive even though the guy had a bit of a gut and his wife was a little overweight, and as the youngster munched on her second drumstick she understood where the extra pounds came from. They even offered her wine and it made her feel funny and knew she should say no to the second one but she didn't. There was something about them that made her feel strange, but not in a bad way. Then they began to fool around, and Carmen realized that they were all a little buzzed. It was past noon by then and she felt that it was time to leave but they wanted to stay and only moved the boat into better shelter, and even while she went along, she had the feeling that it was the wrong thing to do. To her they seemed old but they began to act like teenagers, and she made another feeble suggestion to leave, but she didn't really mean it. They were a little louder now, friendlier, and somehow more affectionate. Sexy. They talked sexy. She missed some of the words but then she realized that the woman was teasing him about the bulge in his trunks, and began to feel squirmy when they started to kiss each other. She was too tipsy to read the look in their eyes when they saw her watching. She was flushed and sweating a little and felt the usual ache in her pussy as they went on kissing, and even without looking she knew that her nipples were hard and sticking out like crazy, and that if they looked at her top they would know that she was turned on. But they didn't look because they were getting all carried away, and she stared in disbelief when she saw the man's hand slide up on his wife's torso and his thick fingers curl into a heavy breast through the skimpy bikini top.

The woman's name was Theresa, she was a nice looking redhead and her breasts were big and white, and there were freckles all across her upper chest and shoulders. She was giggling when her husband tugged at her top, but the laughter died when he dropped his mouth to one thick nipple and started to suck it through the thin material. She seemed to resist for a bit, but then slumped down and her eyes were cloudy as she looked over at the flushed young girl gaping at them in quiet shock.

Carmen was a very pretty girl, with short wavy dark hair, huge, expressive eyes and perky firm breasts that seemed a bit big for the tiny bikini top. She was only about 5'2" but still growing, and felt that her legs and bum were her best features. She envied some of her friends for their bigger boobs, but secretly thought that her pear-shaped, long tipped breasts were really quite nice. She knew that the man and woman had watched her surf and talked about her, but didn't know that she was the focal point of a lurid fantasy, in which she was the center piece of a wild threesome. They had done it once when on vacation in Mexico, but the woman involved was older and a prostitute, and nothing like the gorgeous teen that looked like a young Sandra Bullock. Still, it had been great, and watching Carmen on the board gave them ideas that normally would have remained nothing more than wishful thinking. Accept that they were away from home on a lovely boat in an exotic private paradise with a near naked youngster who was outgoing, beautiful, and slightly drunk. And so Theresa and Bill Freeman came to an unspoken understanding that reshaped their lives.

Theresa was just a couple years shy of forty, with two children in high school, and the escapade in Cancun had been only her second real experience with a woman. But not in her fantasies. At times when alone and horny, she would close her eyes and imagine that the hands on her breasts belonged to one of her daughter's girlfriends, or that the lips sucking on her tits belonged to her beautiful next door neighbor. Sometimes, when she was really turned on she tended to project, and almost managed to convince herself that the fantasies had substance, that they were attainable. And when Bill, her husband was horny, he seemed to feel the same way. They had a good marriage and they shared most things, including many of their fuck-dreams. He was the only one who knew about some of her urges, and he had admitted to her that the memory of that threesome was the highlight of his sex-life. He told her once that the idea of two women making out always turned him on, and that for him seeing her with that hooker was the most mind-blowing experience. Sometimes in the middle of a fuck he would ask her if she ever did it again with a woman, or if she ever wanted to, and her answer was always no to the first and yes to the second. And when she told him that sometimes she imagined making a pass at little Judy or that she was sure that Marsha was coming onto her Bill would go wild, and between the two of them they let their imagination run amok.

And then came this trip, and suddenly here they were in this isolated cove, just the two of them and this ripe little girl with the innocent face and glorious body and Theresa realized with a shock that it was possible. That the three of them making it together was possible. She wanted the girl, they both wanted her, and she was sure that Carmen sensed it. She looked apprehensive, but also curious, and Theresa wished that she was more experienced at this. This was reality and she just knew that the young beauty was there for the taking, but she wasn't sure how to go about seducing a female. Then Bill moved, sliding his hand under her straining top and she began to squirm away.

"Stop it hon... We are scaring her."

"No we aren't, are we Carmen?'

The man lifted his head to look at her, and Carmen felt her face go red under the tan. She was young but she was no baby, and the look in his eyes made her feel shivery. She wanted to run, she wanted to say yes they were scaring her, but she shook her head instead and moved closer.

"No. I am not scared."

They were both looking at her now and she stopped because she felt her voice crack and she didn't want them to think that she was just a kid. She felt her heart beat faster and her palm was moist with sweat and the low ache in her pussy was much sharper than before. Her mouth felt very dry and she knew that her nipples were like spikes pushing into her top, and she also realized what might happen if she stayed. She was not quite fourteen and her hormones were working overtime, and she knew a little bit, but not very much, and things were happening around her lately that disturbed and confused her. Standing there looking at the older couple she suddenly understood that they wanted to have sex with her, both of them. The woman too. That insight shocked her but not enough to scare her away. Her mouth felt dry and her palms were sweating, and she suddenly realized that she could do all the sex things she ever thought of and no one would ever know. They were going home in a couple days, and the whole thing would be nothing but a memory... She stared as the woman's hand began to stroke her husband through his trunks, and gulped as his bulge began to take shape. It was long and thick and she remembered the slim hardness of her boyfriend's cock in her hand, and she admitted to herself that she wanted to see this big, mature dick. She felt the woman looking at her, and found it hard to swallow.

"He is quite big when he gets like this... You want to see?"

"Noo... we should go..."

Carmen was whispering the words but they all knew that she didn't really mean them. She was standing above the couple just a few feet away and she didn't even realize that she was moving closer as if in a trance. They were kissing again and then Theresa's hand was sliding under the waistband, sliding lower, her fingers clutching her husband, squeezing him almost roughly, and as they broke the kiss, her eyes met the girl's again. The redhead didn't say anything, but her eyes never left the near naked youngster as her hand kept pumping the hot, stiffening rod. She heard Bill groan and felt his hips surge upward to increase contact, but most of her attention was focused on the gorgeous teenager standing beside them. The girl was very young, about her daughter's age, and had the most fantastic legs Theresa had ever seen. They were long and strong and finely toned with slim ankles and tapering calves and firm thighs that were parted a little almost as if to draw attention to her protruding mound. She knew that making a move on a girl so young was dangerous, but she just couldn't let this one slip away.

The girl was wearing a small bikini and the redhead could see the prominent bulge that indicated a thick bush, and she felt her palm grow damp. It was Bill who noticed it first as they watched her before. He had thought it was not unnatural for a young dark Latina not to shave, but for Theresa it was an added attraction. She herself trimmed only very lightly, and a a lot of hair turned her on. She was coppery red and the fuzz on her pussy was a few shades darker than her hair, creating the impression of thick abundance, and although she knew that it was no longer fashionable, she refused to get rid of her heavy growth. She loved to masturbate naked, stretched out on her bed, staring at her big, hair fringed cunt in the closet mirror. Until their trip to Mexico she didn't make much of it, but that night in Cancun changed things.

They had fantasized about a threesome sometimes, but Theresa never expected for it to really happen. Then they were on a holiday trip, away from the conventional restriction of home, and the restrains were off. They were slightly drunk that evening, and when Bill jokingly suggested that this was their opportunity, she decided to take him up on it. Bill had been a little surprised but couldn't back out, and he even told her to pick the guy. At least he expected it to be a guy, but his wife had different ideas. Bill knew about her fascination with lesbian sex, but never sensed the depth of it, and Theresa had been careful not to enlighten him too much. She knew that the idea of seeing her with a woman excited him, but she didn't think that he would really accept the depth of her urges. But that night, in that exotic paradise Bill was giving her a chance to indulge, and so she chose a woman. He was sure that his wife was doing it for him, but as far as he was concerned she was off the mark a little. His dream girl was Stephanie Powers or a very young Anne Margaret, but Theresa's selection was nothing like those Hollywood sex symbols. Consuelo was in her late twenties and with her broad face, strong, five foot nothing frame and very dark complexion she was typically Mexican. She had huge dark eyes and a shy smile and looked more like a pretty peasant girl than a pro, and Theresa admitted to herself that the innocent country look was one of her reasons for picking her. The other one was that Theresa just knew that she would have a big bush. Her hair fetish was one of her secrets, being a voyeur was another. She never told Bill about Yelena, and in reality she couldn't even remember her long ago roomies' face. What she could remember was that incredible pelt on her mound that started just below her bellybutton and curled into her ass crack, and how she loved to kneel on the end of the bed watching her friend playing with her hairy cunt. They would spend hours watching each other and masturbating, talking filthy, priming themselves until they couldn't stay away from each other any longer. And so it was Theresa who ordered Consuelo onto the middle of their hotel bed, and it was Theresa who told the girl to put on a show for them. She was aware of Bill beside her, stroking his cock, but she just couldn't take her eyes off the girl on the bed: the creamy thighs, the round belly, the soft, dark tipped breasts and especially the big broad mound with that thick, coarse black forest that covered much of her front and tapered into a V down into the deep dark crease of the fleshy ass. She came twice while she watched Bill fuck her, and once again when the woman started to eat her out. And she was coming the whole time while she pressed her own face into that slimy, hairy gash. It had been Bill who told them to do each other in a 69, and he thought that his wife went wild because she was being eaten by an expert, but Theresa knew different almost as soon as they started. Oh, she loved Consuelo's mouth on her pussy, but it was pressing her face into that thick dark bush, inhaling her raunchy aroma, sucking the girl's throbbing clit and tongue fucking that fat lipped, hairy cunt that made her lose control...

And now, kneeling on the boat deck beside her husband, squeezing his cock inside his trunks with little Carmen watching as if mesmerized, Theresa realized that the repetition of that wild night in Mexico was only a matter of patience and time. The girl was theirs' if they just did this right. The little angel was scared but she was also fascinated, and the redhead prayed that they would not do anything rash to frighten her away. She shifted a little to give the girl a better view, and sighed quietly when she felt Carmen move. They were staring into each other's eyes and Theresa motioned with her head and almost yelled in triumph when Carmen dropped onto her knees beside them. The youngster's face was flushed, her eyes bright, and Theresa saw that she was pressing her hand into her crotch and that her top was lose and the little cup was held up only by the hard, spike like nipples. The girl was blushing and seemed embarrassed and hot, and the woman decided that this was the time to press. With a quick shove she freed the throbbing shaft and heard the girl gasp as she squeezed down hard. She hoped she wasn't pressing too soon.

"I love doing this to him. It feels really hard..."

"... It's big. It looks so big..."

"Ever saw one before?"

"Not like this. Not so close..."

"But you have. Your boyfriend?"

"A man under the wharf once. He was... you know..."

"No I don't. He was what?"

Theresa was watching the girl's face as she kept stroking her husband's prick and stopped when there was no answer.

"He was what? Tell me."

"He was watching me surf and he was jerking off!"

"Oh my. Were you teasing him? Were you showing off?"

"NO! No... Maybe..."

The youngster was flushed and she couldn't take her eyes off the woman's pumping hand, and Theresa knew that they were nearly home. Just one more little shove...

"Oooh you little tease. That means yes. You were coming onto him!"

"I... nearly lost my top..."

"Yes. And your gorgeous little titties fell out. What else?"

"I watched him do it. I wanted to run but couldn't..."


Theresa felt her juices seeping down the insides of her thighs, and she wondered why it was so important for her to do this. To make this little darling talk? She was sure it had to do with those fuck sessions with Yelena, but the reason was really irrelevant. She was almost ready to cum.

"He told me that I looked very beautiful on the board and reminded him of a girlfriend and that he thought I had bigger titties but couldn't really tell and he wished he could see mine for real."

"Some line he had."

"Pretty lame hah? I was not even thirteen and still knew it was a crock."

"And you went for it. You showed him your tits?"

Theresa hoped she was not betraying her impatience. She was trying to speed things up without scaring the youngster, and it was incredibly difficult to contain her self. She wanted to grab the girl, to pull her close and kiss her, to feel that lovely young body grinding against hers', to suck those sharp nipples, to bury her face in that fresh teen pussy, but couldn't. Not yet.

"Did it make you hot, watching him? Showing him your lovely little boobs?"

"Yes... He was soo stiff. He was doing it really hard and started to talk real filthy and that got me scared but all excited too. He told me I had beautiful tits and said he'd bet I had a tight pussy and he loved the way I was playing with my nipples and he was ready to cum. I almost ran away when he said that but couldn't because I wanted to see him shoot..."


"He kept it up and got really dirty..."

"... and it got you hot!"

"Yes. And scared."

"Like now? Are you scared now?"

The two of them were so close that they almost touched and as their eyes met they felt the electric connection that shocked both of them. Carmen could hardly hear her own whisper.

"No! It's different with you here. You are nice."

That was almost too much for the older woman, but she held herself back. It was going to happen, the little angel was hers'. But later. No point being greedy and upsetting Bill. She speeded up her strokes and flicked her tongue across her lips.

"Was he bigger than this? Bigger than Bill?"

"Different. Not as big... oh... oh god."

"He is pretty thick. Want to see him shoot?"

"Yes. Yes. I saw you two watch me earlier. I knew you talked about me. I know what you

said. What you want."

"What. What do we want?"

"You want to do it to me. You want to fuck me!"

BINGO! Theresa almost shouted with joy. It was the girl who first used the magic word.

"And you?"

"I... I don't know... Yes. But I want to see it too!"

"See what?"

"Him doing it. Your husband jerking off his cock. Like that guy did!"

Carmen couldn't believe she said the words, and neither could Theresa. She had been all worried about rushing things, but there was no need. Little Carmen was not quite as innocent as she first looked. Ready to fuck and wanting to watch Bill jerk off his cock. 'Cherry my ass! No way... '

The girl was on her knees beside them and let her top fall as the horny redhead pushed her husband's trunks all the way down and threw it aside. Bill was a big man, a bit overweight with a barrel chest and big broad belly and his prick was like a stubby fire hydrant, not extremely long but thick, with a flaring mushroom like head that was almost purple from the pressure of Theresa's clutching, squeezing fingers. He kept his eyes closed, listening to his wife, letting her guide the action. Mexico had been a revelation for him too. Not the threesome part, because fucking two women at the same time had been an age long dream for him, but the rest of it. Theresa had always been a good screw and was willing to try most anything, but down there with the hooker she went wild. She didn't know that he knew! She thought he was asleep. Behind his closed eyelids he could still see the shadowy outline of the two women beside him on the big bed, in a tangle of arms and legs, writhing, twisting, clutching, making hoarse, breathless, animalistic sounds. It was the sounds that surprised him. The words. The words that Terry used. Oh, she got carried away some times and became noisy, but never like that. He could still see her climbing over the whore, holding the girl's hand above her head, rubbing herself against the smaller body, grinding her gaping cunt into the thick black bush, telling the woman that she was going to fuck her crazy, fuck her all night, fuck her until she couldn't walk, and the crazy thing was that the whore went wild too. He heard that hookers don't kiss, but this one did, and later he told himself that Consuelo was either very very good or a real amateur who couldn't control her own emotions. They had pretty well forgotten about him by then and never realized that he had his eyes open and watched as his wife rolled back on her shoulders, pulled her cheeks apart and told the girl to eat her out and fuck her ass. He still remembered the two women going at it beside him on the big hotel bed, Theresa grunting, moaning, swearing, urging the girl to do it, fuck her ass, shove her more fingers up there, bugger her, hurt her, make her cum... And Consuelo did it all, and more...

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