Ann's Tale - Cover

Ann's Tale

by Drifter

Copyright© 2002 by Drifter

Erotica Sex Story: He decides he wants his wife to explore sex with others, each chapter is a different story of Ann's adventures.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Swinging   .

Chapter 1: Our Guest

My husband and I were lying in bed tightly wrapped around each other's nude satisfied body. Rick had just screwed my head off and I was having trouble coming down off that high as I shivered through a number of mini-orgasms following the big one. It's not that I'm some sort of nympho but I do love sex. I adore everything about it... I think truthfully I may be somewhat oversexed, whatever that means. To me it means I am ready just about anytime. I never decline when my husband shows interest and that is just about daily. I really love it all and Rick literally taught me everything... so slowly, so patiently. He had been my only lover, through the college years, and the four years of our marriage after graduation.

Now as I lay there, catching my breath, I was thinking of what I was going to do to him next. He loves for me to give him head and I love to do it. Yeah that's what I'm going to do. I knew that after he filled my mouth and I drained the last drop of his essence, he would go down on me and my cum filled pussy until I couldn't stand another lick. Then he would make love to me again, slowly, before we slept...

Ohhh how I love this... I have loved it from the first time I let Rick get his hands in my panties. That night he played with my virgin pussy... and my clit until I had this incredible orgasm. He didn't even slow down then but pushed me over and buried his face in my pussy. Oh damn that was soooo good. I lost count of how many times he brought me to climax and when I realized he was pushing his hard cock into me I just pushed up to meet him without a second thought about losing my cherry. In fact I remember later asking him if we could do it again before he took me back to the dorm. And we did.

From that night on, most of our social life was devoted to sex. One form or the other... hell it still is... I dropped all my other dates and spent all my time with Rick. I got hit on a lot cause I was pretty sexy to look at but I wasn't interested. The other cheerleaders kept trying to get me to date guys from the football team too but I had my guy. Then and now. I simply adored my man.

But then Rick caused something to happen to broaden my horizons and that is my first story, of many, for you.

The phone rang in my office. I am now a lawyer with a large firm. It was Rick. As usual I dropped everything and flirted with my sexy husband over the phone. Then he broke the chain of sexual repartee and said,

"Bob Morris called me this morning."

Bob Morris was Rick's best friend from college days. We had double dated a number of times and a few times, Rick would make love to me in the front seat of his car while Bob did his date in the back. A few times after Bob dropped his date off, he would drive while Rick and I enjoyed more sex in the back seat. One night Bob parked and turned and blatantly watched us. I was enthusiastically giving Rick head like I love to do. When I opened my eyes and met Bob's. He grinned and after a second or two Rick asked,

"Honey, you don't mind if Bob watches do you?"

I raised my mouth off of his throbbing cock and stroked it slowly as Bob and Rick stared at my action and waited, then I said sort of out of breath

"I don't mind... it's pretty exciting... "

I returned my attention to Rick's waiting cock and just winked at Bob as I bobbed my head up and down Rick's hard manhood. Then I heard Bob say,

"Man... Rick you are one lucky son-of-a-bitch... I've never seen any girl enjoy sucking a cock like Ann seems to."

I was a little embarrassed but also quite proud. Rick grunted and in a husky voice was barely able to say,

"Yeah... she is so good at it... loves to suck cock... don't you Ann?"

I raised my mouth free briefly and replied.

"... hmmm I do love it..."

Shortly Rick came in my mouth and I sucked him dry as Bob's and my eyes stayed locked together. I realized that I loved him watching... After that night Bob watched us do just about everything and I enjoyed doing it more when he watched. I always was a bit of a show off.

Now Rick told me that Bob had asked if I was still the sexiest lady in the world. I was surprised and flattered but I just laughed and said what a tease Bob was. Rick then switched subjects and we talked about other stuff.

That night after we were sated in bed once more Rick smiled and said,

"Bob wanted to know if you were still as hot as you used to be. I told him even hotter... that it was all I could do to keep up with you."

I hit him playfully and said,

"You are going to make him think I am some sort of sexual wild woman."

Rick kissed me and said softly,

"You are and I love it... but if your appetite gets any bigger I'm not sure I can keep up with you."

Then he kissed me and we cuddled for sleep. As I drifted off to sleep his words haunted me a little. Was I wanting too much sex? Was Rick kidding about not being able to keep up with me?

It was the following week when Rick called me at my office again that I had gotten the nerve up to ask,

"Honey, am I too demanding... do I want sex more than you do?"

"Oh shit Sue, I shouldn't have said what I did. I love your appetite and I love satisfying it. Sometimes when I'm tired I wonder what would happen if I couldn't keep you happy sexually. I know how much you need it."

"Rick, I could always back off... I don't want you worrying."

"Then I would really worry if maybe you were having an affair... hell I don't guess I would blame you if I couldn't keep you satisfied. I'm not sure how I would deal with it if you did."

"RICK!!! what are you talking about? I would never do that."

"Calm down honey... I wasn't saying you would... just that you do love sex and if I couldn't keep you happy I would feel real bad. I don't know what would be better, knowing you were unsatisfied or knowing you were sleeping with someone else besides me."

I tried to assure him that that would never happen... I don't think I was successful when just before he hung up he said,

"Honey if a lover is what you need to be happy I guess I could learn to deal with it.".

The next day when he called he had just hung up with talking with Bob again. He mentioned he had told Bob about our conversation about my appetite. I really wasn't surprised when Rick related how Bob had jokingly volunteered to help me out anytime.

Rick and I both laughed a little nervously... then the subject was dropped. However I found myself wondering what Bob would be like in bed...

That night I was so horny I couldn't stand it. I pulled Rick down on the living room floor the minute I walked in. Later in bed I mounted my sexy husband again. When we finally lay spent he looked at me funny and said,

"Did you enjoy fucking Bob?"

I gasped surprised... I was caught... I had been thinking about Bob as my husband and I had been in the throws of passion. Then Rick said,

"When you came you kept moaning "Fuck me Bob"

I just looked at my sweet husband whom I adored and then started crying, saying how sorry I was.

He stopped me and kissed me tenderly as he said,

"Please don't apologize... it really is OK. I admit it surprised me but we all fantasize... Hell I've had some lulus"

"You've thought of other women while making love to me?"

"A few times"

Somehow that didn't bother me and made me feel better about what I had done. I lay there thinking about everything and then I asked,

"Would you really like to have some other woman in bed?"

"It's fun to think about, like you thinking about Bob."

Now the next week Rick was telling me on the phone me that Bob was coming to town and would be staying with us for several days instead of going to a hotel. The thought of him watching us have sex again flashed in my head and I was surprised to feel that old excitement.

Then Rick shook me out of my thoughts as he said,

"You have no idea how much Bob wanted to fuck you in college."

"Me... you're kidding"

"Remember how he used to watch us... well after those times... after I had dropped you at the dorm... he used to tell me how lucky I was and how much he would love to be in my place with you."

"I never dreamed he felt that way. He never did anything."

"You don't hit on your buddies girl..."

We chatted some more... then I had a meeting... I kissed Rick bye over the phone and told him I would screw him silly that night as I hung up... All through the meeting I kept think about what Rick had said... that Bob had wanted to fuck me... I liked the sound and the idea of it... another guy lusting after me. I knew I was well built and sexy but Rick had been my only partner. Now I found myself wondering again what Bob would be like. I had seen his good sized cock a few times as he crawled on top of one of his dates in the back seat. He was about the same size and shape as Rick... I wondered if they would feel different... taste different. Then I realized my panties were getting wet and I forced my attention back to the meeting.

That night after making good on my promise to screw my husband silly, I asked, "How come you never said anything about Bob wanting me before now?"

"I don't know... maybe I didn't want any competition"

"And now you do... is that why you told me? Are you suggesting something?"

We laughed at my joke and then Rick smiled and kissed me and said,

"If he turns you on my love... go for it..."

I hit him lightly and said, "Rick honey... I was just kidding. You know you are all I need or want."

And I kissed him goodnight and rolled over and tried to sleep but the truth is I couldn't get my mind off of Bob.

When I awoke the next morning I heard Rick in the shower. Glancing at the clock I knew I had to get ready for work but I stretched lazily in bed and then Bob popped back in my head. Damn, I thought, how was I going to get him out of my head? Just then Rick came back in the bedroom and started dressing. To my surprise he quipped, "Did you dream of Morris last night, you sure were restless?"

I just smiled at him and he laughed and said, "You did... did you enjoy fantasizing about another guy?"

I replied, "Rick... you are bad... I don't want anyone but you. I don't need anyone but you."

"How do you know? I'm the only guy you ever had... I at least had the chance to try a number of ladies before I met you so I know you are the best... but you have no idea."

I looked at him hard for a moment and then smiled, "Rick, you aren't suggesting I let Bob fuck me. It feels like you are trying to talk me into it."

"I'm not suggesting anything hon. I love you and am sure you love me. I'm just saying that if you ever wanted to find out I wouldn't mind. Just so you came home to me. Bob would be a safe one to try it with."

"Rick... I don't believe you... forget it..." but my head was flashing strange ideas to me as I rolled out of bed to get ready for work.

I had had little fantasies the day before about Bob. Today after Rick's surprising suggestion I couldn't seem to get my mind off of Bob... and me... together...

By the time I got home I was so horny I couldn't stand it so I told Rick to fuck me in our living room as soon as I walked in. Afterwards he smiled at me and kissed me tenderly saying, "Guess you been fantasizing about Bobby all day huh?"

I just gathered my clothes and headed for the shower without a word. After dinner we watched a movie. I have no idea what it was about as I had these flashes about Bob and me... and then Rick joined us...

Later, in bed we cuddled nude as usual and I wrapped my fingers around his limp cock and toyed with it as I asked, "Honey, is sex very different with different women?"... How transparent could I be?

He patted my bare ass and said, "Yeah... it is. It has all been great but it's like one is steak, another lobster... all good but all different."

"Hmmm do we taste different?"

"A little... I always loved that... "

"Yeah I know... I'm sure glad you do..."

Then after a pause I asked, "Have you ever wanted another woman since me?"

"Of course... I want almost every good looking women I see. Some of them really turn me on... women like you... you can tell some women really love sex, just like you do... those women really make it difficult for me to stay faithful."

"But you have? Stayed faithful I mean?"

"Yep, I made love with Cindy Johnson the night before we started dating... she was my last besides you."

"But you have wanted to do it with other women?"

"Of course silly, I am human... just like you have I'm sure."

Well I had thought about it with different guys but never seriously... until now.

"Rick... what you said about Bob and me being together... were you serious? Your talk has made me pretty... curious."

"I was very serious sweetheart. I think you would love trying another man or so... Haven't you ever wondered about being in a threesome?"

I had, in fact it was one of my favorite fantasies. I looked at Rick and smiled and he continued,

"Of course you have... now tell me honestly, the idea of being with Bob has you hot as a firecracker right?"

I think I blushed but I couldn't look at Rick as I nodded my head yes. He laughed and said, "Oh no kitten, I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you like the idea of letting Bob fuck you."

I looked up into these grinning eyes of the man I loved and said softly, "I do honey, I think I want Bob to fuck me. Please don't be mad..."

He looked at me and then leaned over and kissed me deeply. His cock in my hand was as hard as I had ever seen it. When he broke the kiss he said,

"Darlin I'm not mad... as you can tell I like the idea almost as much as you do. But you have to tell me all about it."

I was about to burst with excitement and I pushed him on his back and straddled his big cock. As it hit bottom in me I gasped and came. I started fucking my man like a crazy woman then and my man was fucking into me just as hard. When we collapsed much later we were exhausted. I rolled off of Rick and lay beside him quietly.

After a moment Rick said, "I will give you plenty of opportunities with Bob... I expect you to not waste them."

I responded automatically, "Are you sure?"

He kissed my lips softly and said, "Very sure."

The next day, the day Bob was arriving, when I got back to my office from a long meeting I had a voice mail from Rick. I heard his cheerful voice say,

"I have to go to Chicago on an emergency. I will be home tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure you wont mind picking Bob up at the airport... wear the red outfit I like so much and Ann darlin, don't you dare sleep alone tonight... though I doubt if Bob will let you sleep at all. I love you more than you will ever know... just have fun."

I erased the message only after listening to it several more times. Then I noticed the clock and headed home. A quick shower and I pulled Rick's favorite outfit out of the closet. Sheer red thong panties, a sheer red shelf bra that was just below my nipples, red hose that need nothing to hold them up, a red low cut, mini dress that came just a couple of inches below my ass and you know what else. It was cut low so that if I wanted to show my breasts and their rigid nipples all I had to do was lean forward just right. Rick loved for me to wear it when we went out and to tease him and other men around us. So did I.

I looked at the clock... time to go pick up Bob. I thought to myself, "Pick him up, bring him home and fuck him." and I felt my very warm pussy tingle. Then I noticed our phone machine had a message on it. I had been so intent on dressing for Bob I hadn't noticed.

It was a message from Rick and all he said was, "Don't wear panties to the airport sweetheart."

I almost cried I loved him so much but I shivered and reached up under my small skirt and caught the panties sliding them down and off. I shivered as I stood there and had one of my little orgasms...

His plane was late fortunately cause so was I. Just as I got to the gate I saw him. Then I watched as he finally laid eyes on me and I loved his reaction. A second look, a double take kind of thing, followed by the biggest most lecherous grin I have ever seen. We hugged and I worried with my arms up around his neck if my bare ass was showing.

He kissed me lightly and I responded lightly. I saw his eyes drop to my breasts openly revealed for him and he met my eyes and winked saying,

"God Ann you are hotter looking than ever."

I smiled at him and said softly, "I think you are right Bob."

We walked arm in arm to my car, he had his luggage with him. I explained to him about Rick being gone. His look was priceless as I could tell he was thinking, "Alone with Ann all night." I knew I wasn't going to sleep alone.

In the car I drove and we caught up. I enjoyed as he kept glancing at my breasts and my legs. I shivered and had another mini-orgasm...

At home I led him to the guest room and he dropped his bag. I stood there looking at him and he pulled me into his arms and hugged me saying,

"You look so good... Rick is crazy to leave you here alone with me."

I felt his semi-hard cock against me and I smiled up at him and said, "Rick is comfortable that he is the only man I love."

And I pressed my loins tightly against him. I almost laughed as he tried to understand the contradictory messages I was giving him.

I headed for the kitchen, poured wine and checked the dinner that was almost ready, but could be served later if need be. I led my confused Bob into the den, started some music and sat on the couch giving him a nice view of my long legs, almost to my bare love nest. I patted the couch beside me and Bob tentatively sat there. Then I said,

"Bob, you are even better looking than in college. It is so good to see you again, I remember all the crazy things we did... remember how you used to watch Rick and I."

"Oh yeah, you really made it hard for me... in all ways."

"I'm glad Bob, I loved for you to watch us... guess I am just a exhibitionist. When Rick said you were coming to visit I wondered if we would do that again?"

He swallowed hard and I knew my hard nipples were peeking out. He smiled and said,

"I couldn't take it. I used to watch you two and then go see a girl friend of mine that was always ready, just to get relief."

I laughed softly enjoying the idea. Then he went on, "Now I wouldn't have anywhere to go for relief."

I slid my hand up to his cheek and touched him lightly. After staring in each others eyes for a minute I heard my voice say huskily,

"Would I do?"

His eyes got wide and then he ran his eyes over my bare breasts peeking up at him, then to my legs, my skirt high enough that my bare muff looked up at him. Our eyes met again and he said,

"God Ann I have wanted you forever... but Rick is my best friend. I hate myself... but as much as I would love to make love to you I can't. God I am such a fool."

I laughed and smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek softly as I whispered,

"Rick knows."


"Rick suggested that I let you fuck me... I admit I love the idea. But if you aren't interested..."

He looked at me like a starving man. I pressed my parted lips to his and all question disappeared. As we kissed, his hands roamed over my full body with appropriate noises. We stripped each other slowly and soon I dropped to my knees and took his cock deep in my mouth. It was too late to think about stopping, I knew before morning I would fuck this man in every opening I had. And I did.

At one point as we rested briefly I told him about the conversations between Rick and I. I even played the recording of Rick saying to take off my panties. Bob loved that and that was when he asked if he could fuck me in the ass. He said he had never done that but always wanted to. I love it that way too and helped him give up his last cherry. Bob was good in bed, about as good as Rick. Rick ate my pussy better but then he had more experience on that instrument.

Sometime during the night we fell asleep. When I awoke the next morning I smiled as I remembered all we had done. I was surprised that I didn't feel the least bit guilty cheating on Rick. I lay there feeling Bob's leg between mine and I thought about how Bob had flown in on a Friday so we could visit before he had to attend to business. Now I realized how fortuitous that was. I slid down the bed and woke Bob up with a loving blow-job. He just moaned and sighed "Yesssss"

We had breakfast, back to bed to fuck some more, coffee and back to bed, lunch and back to bed. At one time as he slowly fucked his big cock deep inside my cunt, I asked him,

"Do you like fucking another man's wife?"

We both came hard after I said that. Forbidden stuff is better. We played, we talked, we fucked every way we knew of. Finally we showered, changed the sheets and got dressed to meet Rick at the airport. Usually on weekends I wear these sloppy sweats between sex with my husband. Now I slipped into a pair of these knowing Rick would get the message immediately.

Rick saw me, and then Bob, his eyes met mine and his were twinkling and I knew he had gotten the message. He greeted Bob warmly and said,

"I hope you enjoyed your night"

Bob said nothing just smiled. The three of us were arm in arm on the way to the car. I knew Bob was nervous and wondering how to break the ice and get what we all three knew out in the open... that Bob had fucked me. I had parked in a remote spot with no other cars around. As we got to the car Rick kissed me deeply and I responded instantly. He broke the kiss and asked loud enough for Bob to hear,

"Did you enjoy it?"

There is more of this story...

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