Tess - Cover


Copyright© 2002 by Darkendeed

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A Victorian Love story. A young Lord with a sizeable problem and his new wife who helps him overcome it. Some of the people they meet and influence along the way.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Historical   DomSub   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Water Sports   Scatology   Size  

Dismissing Jane so she could leave Roseanne looked around for something to use to scrub her back while she bathed. She found a long handled brush that when wet had soft bristles. Using that she scrubbed her back and then with a sponge the rest of her body. It felt nearly as good as when Marie had done it to her. Finished in the tub she pulled the plug as she had seen Marie do and climbed out and into her robe. Back in her room she put on clean clothing and checked again on Miss Tess. As there was no change she informed Will that she was going to her home to get her few things to move here. Where would she be staying? After getting directions to the Head Servant's room in the Servant's Quarters she left.

At home she related what had happened to Miss Tess, about her new job and so on to her sister while she packed the few things she had that she felt like taking with her. Many of the things in the house had been left to the both of them as had the house itself but she wouldn't be needed them now. Later if she and Brian were to wed then some of them she wanted. She explained all that to her sister also.

Back at the Manor she found the room that Sir Will had informed her was the Head Mistress' room and was hanging up her few clothes when one of the other servants stuck him head inside. It was the butler who felt he was above Roseanne who was a mere stable hand and always treated her as such.

"You do know that this is reserved for the Head Servant don't you?" he demanded. "I expect this to be MY room shortly."

"No, it's mine. I am the new Head Mistress of this Manor and you might as well know it now. I just took the job from Sir Will himself and am moving in. You are still the butler until further notice."

"What do you mean, until further notice?" he said, again demanding.

"I mean Jack, that if you cause me any problems I'll toss you out on your ass and you'll be looking for work elsewhere. Is that clear enough for you? I run this Manor now with directions from Sir Will and Miss Tess. YOU do as I tell you to do. Is that clear also?"

The butler mumbles something and Roseanne called him on it. "I didn't hear you. I asked you two questions and haven't heard an answer yet."

"Yes, Head Mistress, I understand. YOU run the Manor and I follow orders."

"Just so we understand that simple little thing we will ALL get along very well together. I will be checking on everyone later however you might pass the word that I have taken the position and intend to do what is necessary to make this the best run Manor in England!"

Upon relieving Will he went next door to sleep, this night he didn't sleep with Tess. In the night she got restless again so Roseanne installed the butt plug.

After Tess had quieted down a bit, Roseanne sat on the bed stroking her lovely body and talking with her. "Miss Tess you need to get well and come back to us. We all miss you, how can I joke with you and make you laugh if you're sleeping all the time. Will misses his wife and needs her back. He needs her sweet pussy to taste, to fuck and he needs all her support and encouragement to help him run this farm." Midway through her talk she had moved over and was rubbing, caressing and massaging Tess' left breast. Talking with her all the time she kept stimulating her. Covering her back up she moved over to the table again and read some more.

Several hours before dawn she hurried to the privy to relieve herself and then rushed back to see that Tess hadn't needed her while she was gone. Checking her upon returning she found that she did need her diaper changed so she cleaned her up and then changed it.

Will rose early and after bathing and dressing came to check on Tess. When he began to tell Roseanne what he had planned for the day she stopped him. "Will, tell Tess what you have planned and I'll just listen. Rub and stroke her body while you tell her so she'll be sure it is HER you are talking to, not someone else."

Following her advice Will talked to Tess. He told her all about the day and what he needed to do, what areas he was expecting problems with and which ones he thought would be fun. Stroking her all the while like Roseanne earlier he began to stroke her breast, she smiled and caught his hand at one point, pulling it harder against her breast. When Will was through talking and removed his hand from under the covers he had tears in his eyes.

"It seemed to work, she responded to me. How did you know."

"One time when I was younger I got sick. I remembered things that I overheard while I was sick that I shouldn't have been able to know because I was unconscious. I thought it might work with her. I think she can hear what's going on around her even if she can't acknowledge it. She calmed down when you told her the horse was not seriously injured, remember? So from now on in the evening you need to tell her about your day and again in the morning tell her what you have planned. At different times while you are sitting with her, just stroke and talk to her. She'll then know what's happening, maybe it will make her mind work if she tries to settle some of the problems. The stimulation might help her to wake up. By stroking on her while you talk she knows you are speaking to her and you have her attention more."

Will kissed her forehead before stepping back, "You are a very wise young woman, Roseanne. I'll do it, if it might help at all I'll do it. Thank you."

Jane entered as he was leaving for the day. Inquiring about Miss Tess she began to check her as well. The diaper was dry and clean so that didn't need attention, she had been fed so there was nothing that needed to be done in the usual caring for her. She had brought the books with her and gave them to Roseanne along with a small dictionary she had. It wasn't as large as some she had seen but was all that she could afford for right now.

Looking at Roseanne with almost a hunger in her eyes, Roseanne just nodded and locked the door. Jane opened the diaper and with a deep sigh moved between Tess' legs and began to lick and tongue her pussy. Again Tess grabbed her head and worked her ass to meet each lick while she was doing it. When she came she didn't yell out as they thought she might but she did sigh as she settled down again. This time Roseanne had shoved the dildo up Jane's ass. It was a tight fit as she had never had anything there before but it soon loosened up and Roseanne worked her to a finish while she was licking Tess. Leaving it there she seated herself and waited for Jane to finish with Tess.

Looking around when she had finished Jane saw where Roseanne was and crawled across the floor to put her head between her legs and lick her out as well. Licking and tonguing, laving and poking she brought Roseanne off as well.

As she licked up all the juices that had just been spent Roseanne asked her, "Are you thirsty? Don't spill any because I don't want my dress wet." Pulling Jane firmly against her pussy she again relaxed her muscles and released her flow into Jane's mouth. Ramming her tongue deep in the flowing pussy so she could stop the flow and swallow all that was coming out, Jane got it all. When the flow stopped she sucked to get any that might still be there. Again she attacked the damp pussy to lave and lick but Roseanne stopped her.

"Lick out my ass instead Jane, it feels good also. You just found out how good it feels."

Leaning back more and spreading her legs to give Jane more access Roseanne pulled her in as she licked and tongues her asshole this time. After enjoying that for a while Jane was moved back to her pussy where she ate, tongued and licked until again Roseanne climaxed in her mouth. When she was done licking out the juicy hole and had all the just spent juices Jane leaned across and kissed each of her dangling feet.

"Oh, Mistress, you're so good to me. Please don't stop being good to me."

"You have work to do Jane. Care for Miss Tess and make my dresses. I want one by tomorrow evening."

Leaving then Roseanne made a tour of the house. She introduced herself to each of the servants and learned their names, where they worked and what they did. After spotting several items that needed attention she called them all together in the Servant's Quarters.

"I don't know if Sir Will had informed you or not but I am the new Head Mistress of this Manor. Under the direction of Sir Will and Lady Tess I run this place and the sooner you understand that the better it will be for all of us. Some of you have been slacking off due to Miss Tess being injured, that will NOT do. This household will continue to run the way it should, the way you are being paid to make it run. If any of you can't live with that please let me know or let Sir Will know as you will need positions elsewhere. One thing I want is a large slate attached to the wall there. On it I will place assignments of things I see that need to be done. When you have done them place a check mark beside them but do NOT erase them. I will erase them after I have checked the work and am satisfied with it. Now let's go about our business and get this Manor running as it SHOULD be run."

Going into her room she changed into her jodhpurs and blouse and went to the harness shop. With the door closed she worked several hours on something she wanted and had completed it by the time she left to go to sleep.

Waking her up several hours later Jane informed her that Mr. Breemen was there to see Lady Tess. Going into the bedroom Roseanne saw a still young man of medium height, tan complexion and average build. His eyes were his most notable feature, they sparkled with aliveness and intelligence. The questions he asked confirmed this intelligence when they had informed him of the events leading up to the injury, what steps they had taken, the response that Lady Tess had made and so on. He seemed pleased with the method they had worked out to keep her fed. He also agreed with Roseanne about talking to her while touching her.

After checking over her he changed the bandages, checked on the progress of the wounds and then left. As Sir Will escorted him out Roseanne checked on anything Tess might have done while she had been sleeping but Jane could report nothing.

Jane was gone by the time that Roseanne awoke that evening. After checking on Tess she took a bath and visited with Brian again. Coming in to relieve Will a bit early they talked about his day, what needed to be done and Roseanne requested that he also inform the staff that Roseanne was now in charge. It would sound better having his conformation. They gave Tess a bath, changed and fed her before he left. There was something about sleeping in bed with his wife with another person present that bothered him.

The night passed without event however again Roseanne stroked her body and breasts while telling her of the days events and when Will checked on her the next morning Roseanne shocked him. "Will, would you fuck her? She needs your loving. Her movements have shown that she has a full range of motion, she's just asleep. Will, I know what you look like, remember. I'll look the other way or even leave the room if that would make you feel better but she needs your sexual attention also. You and she had an active life in bed and she needs to be reminded of that."

Shaking his head he removed his robe while Roseanne locked the door to keep any of the other servants out. While he strapped on the harness Roseanne removed Tess' diaper and Will climbed into bed with her. Roseanne pulled the curtains to give them as much privacy as she could and returned to her reading.

Will began to stroke her body all over as he normally did. Sliding his big cock between her legs he teased her pussy lips and played with her breasts. She was already working her ass back against him and muttering. Moving between her legs he slowly entered her sweet pussy that he had been missing so much only to have her legs go around him and pull him in deeper. With a great sigh she also wrapped her arms around him and began to hunch herself up to him. Kissing him and running her tongue deep into his mouth she worked with him, meeting each stroke, wiggling her ass, trying to make the coupling more intense for both of them.

"Dearest one, I've missed you. Where have you been?" she asked him faintly.

"I can't be where you are Beloved, come back to me. Come back, please," he sobbed.

Finally they both spent and she seemed much happier for it. Working himself out of the bed and putting on his robe he said, "That doesn't bother you?"

"It makes me jealous, I know what a fine cock you have also and it makes my pussy wet but No, it doesn't bother me. You should be sleeping with her at night and loving her ass when you can. It might help. I know she feels better afterwards and so do you."

"We are developing lots of secrets, Roseanne. Things we dare not tell others about. It bothered me that you might think I was taking unfair advantage of her state."

"Will, she needs you in that way just as much as your talks and treatment of her injuries."

"Now, go clean up, come back and tell her about the day you have planned. She needs to know."

He had done all that, spoken with Tess and was gone by the time Jane appeared. Checking her again her diaper was still dry and she didn't need any cleaning. Locking the door Roseanne indicated Jane should go ahead.

"It will be even tastier this morning, it's full of nice rich cum for you to lap up."

Jane licked and tongued her to another climax and looked around for Roseanne. She was still standing by the door and when Jane crawled over to her she pushed her away.

"You were a naughty girl, you were gone when I got up yesterday. No more pussy for you now. If I'm still asleep you wake me before you leave each evening. During the day you are to stroke Miss Tess and talk to her. Tell her all about what is going on, who you are making clothes for and so on. You are NOT to stroke her pussy or tits but on her body, back and arms. Always above the waist, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress, I understand."

"If you're naughty again you will not be allowed to eat Miss Tess."

Leaving she went next door and to bed. Waking her for the doctor, Roseanne came in and watched what he did. As there had been no change in her condition he couldn't do much more than change the dressings. The one on her arm he didn't replace.

Waking her that evening Jane informed her that Sir Will was back and had taken over the watching duties. Putting on a robe Roseanne went in to check Miss Tess herself and then to check with Will as to anything he might need. As there wasn't she went to the bathes to clean up, followed by Jane.

"Mistress, I was good today. I didn't touch Miss Tess' sweet pussy or rub her nice tits while I talked to her just like you said. Can I eat you now? I'll eat out your ass as well and stick my tongue up it to make you feel good, please Mistress?"

Opening her robe Roseanne pulled Jane over to lick and suck her tits after she made her undress. As she licked and sucked on them Roseanne played with her small breasts and tweaked her nipples. Tweaking them harder and harder she had Jane panting before she let her move lower and lick her pussy. Squatting over her face Jane attacked first her pussy and then her asshole as Roseanne continued to tweak her nipples and reach down from time to time and fingered her pussy. When she finally came Jane licked it out before Roseanne turned around on her face.

"Don't spill any and I have a surprise for you. Spill and no surprise." With that she began to flow. Jamming her tongue in to stop the flow from time to time Jane drank down all the flow and then sucked more on her pussy to get any that was left. When she checked there were two small drops that had escaped so Roseanne wouldn't give her the surprise she had in store for her. She also wouldn't finger Jane to a climax or allow Jane to finger herself then. She told her she could do it later when she was at home. She made Jane scrub her back while she soaked and bathed in the tub.

"Mistress, I have one of your dresses finished and two aprons. Do you want another dress first or some blouses?"

Telling her which sewing to do next Roseanne got out of the tub and put on her robe. Returning to her room she dressed and visited with Brian after first having dinner with the staff. They discussed the days events, what needed to be done and what problem had arisen. With Brian too she discussed the days events but this time it dealt with horses and things she knew more about. They talked about the training schedule, what was needed with the younger horses and what she could do to help him. They didn't go to bed that time but they did cuddle in front of the fire and kiss.

Returning to Miss Tess she helped Will give her a bath before they fed her and he went to sleep with her. Roseanne was restless that night and couldn't sit still. She was sorry now that she and Brian hadn't gone to bed but it was too late for that now. Quartering an apple she slowly ate it while once again reading over one of her lesson books. Hearing movement in the bed she checked to make sure she wasn't needed and seeing what it was slowly removed herself from the scene. Will was stroking back and forth into Tess' ass.

Again hearing movement in the bed Roseanne checked and it was Tess being restless. Taking her hand Roseanne spoke to her softly so as not to disturb Will. Again she told her of the days events, the new doctor, her new job and so on. Again before it was done she was caressing and fondling Tess' sweet tits.

When dawn finally arrived Will put on his robe and cleaned up. Returning to bed he stroked and caressed Tess while he told her about the day he had planned. Strapping on his harness he rolled Tess over onto a couple of pillows and entered her from the rear. Stroking slowly into her she answered each stroke. As he speeded up so did she. Stroke for stroke she met him.

"Oh, Dearest one, this is a great way to wake up in the morning. It feels so good," she sighed. "Don't stop, Will, don't stop."

"It feels good to me Beloved, come back to me."

Turning her head to look at him she asked, "Why would I ever leave you, Dearest one? I love you, I don't want to leave."

"TESS, you're awake! You've been asleep for nearly a week now. You had an accident on your horse and wouldn't wake up," he shouted between sobs.

"Will, you stopped, I'm nearly ready to spend, please don't stop." Working her ass up to meet him even with him stationary she kept up the strokes. Sobbing and crying the whole time Will returned to stroking into his conscious wife until they both spent. Rolling over off the pillows he hugged her to him and steadily stroking her he cried more.

Pulling the covers up over them Roseanne checked to see that she was really awake. Seeing her Tess blushed. "Were you here all the time?"

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