Copyright© 2002 by Darkendeed
Chapter 4
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A Victorian Love story. A young Lord with a sizeable problem and his new wife who helps him overcome it. Some of the people they meet and influence along the way.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult BiSexual Historical DomSub FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Group Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Bestiality Water Sports Scatology Size
"Will Sexton, you're having me on! You did no such thing!"
Will roared with laughter as she had fallen for it for a while. "Beloved, that is one of the favorite stories around any farm that raises lots of horses. There is always a little pony that the stable hands fuck. You ask them and they'll tell you about a friend's brother's first cousin's neighbor or some such who HAD such an animal. There are sniffer horses but they're all male horses, most that were gelded late in life. They think they're still studs and are looking for a piece."
"So what did you do?"
"Like most horny men I guess, I took the problem in hand and worked out a solution. I like the way I do it now much better!"
In the night he was again awakened by her bewitching ass however she was awake and had turned the tables on him. Moving her ass back and forth she had stimulated him to his climax before he awoke. He was aroused just as he spent a second time that night deep in her ass.
"Now who's fucking who," he whispered into her ear as he pulled her up to him again.
Like a schoolgirl she giggled on being able to bring him off while he slept. Both of them sighed contentedly as they went back to sleep. This was Sunday and they had many appointments to keep.
Arising and going through their routine of bathing and dressing this time however they attired themselves in much nicer clothing. They had completed their breakfast and were just stepping out the door when the chaise arrived for them. Taking the reins Will drove them. This morning they had to go to church. While both believed in God, neither of them cared much for religion. Too many rules made by man instead of the rules made by God.
This however was more of a chance for his many tenants to meet his new bride. Not many other than a few tradesmen or a few townsmen had seen or met her so for most of them it was a first. Nodding to the few that she recognized she was carried on Will's arm inside the church to the family section. The Vicar seemed pleased to have them there and knowing Sir Will's appreciation for short sermons kept his much shorter than he had originally planned. At the close of the service he welcomed her to their community and tried to start a conversation when Will spotted someone he needed to see and took them away.
On the ride back towards the Manor he explained that the Vicar was noted for him long winded conversations where he said nothing really. Knowing she cared little for inane chatter either he had used that excuse to allow them to escape.
The day was spent visiting several other horse breeders, talking about studs and checking stock. By the close of the day they had made a deal to purchase one stud and swap their stud for a second. Taking with them a chart of the bloodlines of each animal they could compare and plan later.
The trip back now revolved around other things, things more personal and intimate. From time to time the driver heard giggles, chuckles and laughter as again they were in the Vis-a-vis and being driven instead of driving themselves. It was a good day as well as a productive day for them. Knowing they would be back late Tess had planned a late supper for them and afterwards had a bottle and glasses taken to their bedroom. After a leisurely soak in the tub with much intimate touching but no sex the two sat before the fire and sipped wine while simply enjoying each others company.
In bed she pulled him to her where she whispered, "My husband, ride me slowly, easily, take me over all the jumps, obstacles, barriers and gates at a leisurely pace. Let us continue the relaxing companionship we have enjoyed this day."
With the cushion in place he propped up her ass with a pillow and slowly, gently entered her Palace of Pleasure. It was hot, wet and inviting, calling to him to make himself at home, be comfortable and stay a while. They continued to chat, talk and amuse themselves with other things as they slowly made love to each other. Stopping for a while to simple hold on to each other they stroked, kissed, laughed and giggled. When finally the rising feelings could no longer be denied they moved together as a team only as fast as was needed to clear the next hurdle, to span the next hazard as they moved closer and closer to the finish line, this jockey and his most willing mount. With a deep sigh, a shudder and a loud moan Tess spent, covering his harnessed cock and the entire front of the now hairy cushion with her spend.
The next five days passed quickly as Tess rode and tested each of the young hunters. Working with the other jockeys to exercise the horses she was looking for a mount to call her own. She also tested each of the saddles, looking for one that fit her bottom. Not a side saddle as females were 'supposed' to ride but a saddle to ride astride. She began to recognize more of the hands that worked there and began to know them. Some she liked while others she tolerated. Each day Roseanne worked with Marie to better her education. She was already reading simple lines and sentences. Her writing was improving to the point it no longer looked like chicken scratches but actual words.
When Tess walked in on them that Friday Roseanne looked up and greeted her. "Good afternoon, Lady Tess, how are you this fine day?" she asked, her enunciation perfect. "I be learnin, Miss Tess!"
"You ARE learninG, Roseanne," replied Tess, stressing the correct words and letters. "I need you two to come with me."
Leading them upstairs Marie was already beaming as she knew what to expect. Going into her bedroom she closed the door after they had entered.
"Roseanne, have you been bathing and keeping yourself clean? It not only improves the smell but it keeps you healthier as you remove a lot of things that can make you sick. I see you have been washing your hair more often. You've kept the style we showed you."
Replying slowly to use the proper words Roseanne replied. "Miss Tess, I haven't been able to take a full tub bath like I did here but I have been heating water and bathing myself at home. It feels good to be clean and not smelly."
"Good, now undress. I have something for you."
With Marie's help she was bare in no time. Putting on the small clothes that were put out for her she then put on the socks that were there. These were the first socks she had ever worn. When she was handed the heavy cotton jodhpurs to put on she was shocked but pulled them on. Next came the blouse that was made for them and finally the boots. Standing in front of the mirror she couldn't believe how they made her look.
The blouse ballooned out over her breasts but then was tight to her body from there down so it would fit into her jodhpurs without bunching. The jodhpurs were long waisted as was she. They showed off her figure without flaunting it. There was plenty of room in the hips due to the flare of the pants for her to sit comfortably and at the same time not get in the way of her work as her dresses sometimes did. With a few simple touches to her hair she looked very attractive, almost like a new person. Marie and Tess had been helping her don her new clothes.
Now they had her remove them and put on the dress. The dress was of a simple style, cut to accent not hide her figure and was quite becoming. It was a solid color which set off her complexion, brought out the color of her eyes and looked very nice. The second dress when they put it on looked just as nice and was of a different color only. The same simple style, same cut.
"The dresses you will wear to and from work. At work you will change into the pants and blouse as they are better suited for working conditions than your dresses are. Keep yourself clean, keep your clothes clean and they will improve your appearance."
"Miss Tess, wat'll da hands think of me wearing pants?" she asked.
"Do you really care? You will be able to do your job better, you will be more comfortable and to hell with them if they don't like it. You aren't after them anyway!" Marie answered for her while Tess nodded her head.
With a nervous giggle Roseanne took off the dress and began to dress herself in the jodhpurs and blouse. "I like the way I look," she said slowly. "If you can wear pants Miss Tess, I can wear pants! Peters' eyes will bug out when he sees me."
"You'll simply show him what he's been missing. About time he woke up and saw the lovely woman that's been near him all this while," said Marie again getting into the conversation.
Stomping her feet to settle the new boots she had tears in her eyes as she looked up. "You two have helped me so much. I feel like a different person. To say Thank You doesn't seem enough some how. I will hold you in my heart and treasure your kindness' forever."
"One thing you better do Roseanne is make sure there's a latch on the inside of your door and use it when you change clothes. Knowing those hands one of them will 'accidently' walk in on you while you are changing," warned Marie.
Laughing at the comment Roseanne said, "Well, if it was the right one I might not mind! Have to give him a little encouragement."
"Just go back to work dressed like that will be encouragement enough, wait and see. I'll bet you won't be back in the shop a half hour before Peters is in there for something. Something he doesn't really need but wants to look you over," said Tess.
As they opened the door to go Jane was standing there. "Did they fit properly? Do they look the way you wanted, Miss Tess?"
Stepping aside so she could see how her handiwork fit she showed off Roseanne. Jane looked at her carefully. Checked a few places and then nodded. "Next time if I can fit you before I finish I can improve on that. You look very nice Roseanne."
"Oh, Jane, they fit FINE and they feel so good. I've never had clothes that someone else made just for me before. Thank you," Roseanne said giving her a hug.
Marie and Roseanne left to return to work while Jane lagged behind. Noticing this Tess called her into the room and closed the door.
"Did you want to see me about something, Jane?" she asked.
"Miss Tess, did you know I was studying to be a teacher before I had to stop to take care of my Mother? By the time she passed away it was too later for me to go back to it so I stayed a seamstress and got on here, but I know how to teach. Could I help teach Roseanne also?"
"Miss Tess, I know what you're doing for that girl and she's worth all the trouble it takes. Her Pa works hard but doesn't care much for book learning. They're good people and she could be much better with a hand up like you've been giving her. I'd like to help also. It isn't much but I'd like to try."
"Never mind what I thought you were doing when I saw her last week. I've seen what you and the Master have been doing for her since and would like to help. She's worth it."
Tears in her eyes Tess hugged her also. "Thank you. You have my blessings to help all you can. YES, I agree, she's worth the trouble and will be grateful for any assistance you can give her, as will I."
Two hours later Tess walked down to the barn and after a bit into the harness shop. She tripped over several hands who had one excuse after the other to come in and look at the new Roseanne. Shooing them away she closed the door and checking saw that there was a latch on the inside.
"You would have lost your bet, Miss Tess," Roseanne giggled indicating a sand glass. "It took him nearly 40 minutes to come in looking for some rawhide lashings."
"How long did he stay after you gave him the lashings?"
"He stayed until the Master called him for something. We talked about lots of things, none of them what he wanted to say or what I wanted to hear but we talked. I think he's interested."
"Why shouldn't he be? He's still a young man, you are a very attractive woman, single again, no male friends to compete with and now he's aware of it. You have many things in common, both of you have lost a spouse, your work, your love of horses and so on. I think he will be coming around more often now."
"These pests you need to shoo away like the flies they are, or should we call them bees, buzzing around some new flower? Roseanne, simply tell them you are not interested in being their new plaything, you are busy working. They weren't interested before and YOU are not interested now. You need to draw the line and let them know not to cross it. Playful banter between fellow workers is one thing, when it's a man trying to get a woman interested it's another. Especially if you aren't interested."
"Yes Ma'am. I've already decided on that myself."
Winking at her Tess opened the door and walked out. In the office she found Will and Peters discussing the new Studs which had arrived and which mares there were going to assign them to cover. Watching and listening for a bit she chuckled.
"Peters, are you distracted by something? Your mind isn't on what is being discussed. Do you realize you just had a mare covering another mare? Even as new to the farm as I am I KNOW that won't work. Could it be that you mind is on something else right now, like our young Harness Maker, Mrs. Fowler?"
When Will looked up with a question on his face she continued, "The new clothes I had made for her were finally finished. They show off her figure much nicer than those baggy things she has been wearing. You could do a LOT worse for yourself than chase after her, Peters."
"Peters, I probably shouldn't say this but I saw her last week, fresh from a bath and dressed in some of Lady Tess' clothing that highlighted and accented her looks. She is a VERY attractive woman. I wouldn't let her get away if I was the least bit interested," said Sir Will.
"She did catch my eye. I never realized what was under those baggy rags she's been wearing. I always thought she was a pleasant, charming person with a pretty face but I never thought she had a body to match the face. Nearly bugged my eyes out. You don't think it's too soon after my misses being gone?"
"She lost her husband also remember. I think you would be good for each other. Next time just tell her you came to talk to her, not after some more lashings that you don't need," smiled Tess.
"It were that plain?"
"Yes, that obvious."
Will called one of the hands and when he stuck his head into the office assigned him to let Mrs. Fowler know that Sir Will was in the office and wanted to see her. When she arrived Will had her close the door.
"You look quite fetching in that, Mrs. Fowler. I agree with Lady Tess, those should be much better for working around horses than the dresses you've been wearing. Now about the new team you've been working with..."
The entire conversation could have taken five minutes to cover what was needed however it wasn't really needed and took much longer. Peters now had an excuse to be watching her as she explained the state of their training, the harness parts that were still needed and so on. They discussed several other matters that were of no great import simply so Will could display her better vocabulary, enunciation and grammar. He knew the hard work she had been putting in to improve herself and wanted to help her show it off to Peters. After more than an hour Will thanked her for her time and let her get back to what she was doing.
Looking at Tess but speaking for Peters Will said, "I'm glad I kept her on. She's a very bright person and knows the harness shop and the training necessary for our horses as well. I could have done a lot worse."
"Now Peters, let's get back to the studs. I don't think we can have mares covering mares so we need to decide who will cover them."
Blushing slightly at being caught in such an error Peters turned his attention to the task at hand. His mind already made up about what had been bothering him. Winking at Will Tess left the office as well and returned to the house.
That night in bed Tess jammed Will in the ribs with her elbow and began laughing. "I nearly broke up at what you were telling Peters, you 'saw her in some of my clothing that highlighted and accented her looks', ha. Good thing he doesn't know what you saw her wearing! Next you'll be telling him how wet her pussy was!"
"No, I think he'll be finding that out for himself before long. You should have seen him stare when she came out of the shop to go home. She had changed into one of those dresses you had made and looked very lovely. You've done well by her Beloved."
"She needs some proper shoes for her dresses. She has boots for work, now she needs shoes for her dresses."
"And speaking of wet pussy, why don't you probe around in mine with your tongue and see just how wet it is?"
"I thought you would never ask," laughed Will pulling her down in the bed.
Moving down to her hot box he found that it was wet so he worked to make it wetter as she moved under him and took his long horse cock in her mouth. They both worked to make the other one enjoy him/herself as much as they could. Giving and receiving pleasure they both spent happily into the mouth of the other. Not moving until all the juices were swallowed they cuddled and stroked each other. Hugging him to her Tess was happy. Stroking her back and hips Will sighed in his contentment also.
"You really think they will get together, Will?" she asked finally.
"We've done our part, now we have to sit back and wait. If we do too much we'll end up scaring one or the other away and that's not what we're after. The waiting's the hard part."
Turning away and spooning up to him she said, "Fill me so I can go to sleep."
Soft as it was it was difficult but Will finally got his cock shoved into her ass so she could sleep. Spooning up closer they held each other and nodded off.
There was no hunt planned for that Saturday so they spent their time around the barns as normal. Tess was dissatisfied with the saddles and went to Roseanne.
"Do you make or can you make saddles as well as harness? I want a saddle and none of the ones we have fit me like I want. They're all too big."
"I've never made a saddle, I'm repaired a lot of them, adapted many to something different but I've never made a saddle from scratch. I probably could but the saddle maker in town would be the best bet. Knowing what you want it for I would just buy a saddle for a teen-aged boy and let me adapt it for you. That way the whole world wouldn't know what you were doing until you did it."
"Better yet, YOU buy the saddle, charge it to our account and then adapt it to me."
With that taken care of Tess took the best of the saddles she had found and began to exercise some of the mounts she hadn't ridden yet. As she found one she liked she took note of its name and continued to work. By the time she had ridden all the hunters that they had she had found five that she liked. This had taken the full week to ride all their mounts but now she could narrow the field down more.
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