Potion - Cover


by Krosis of the Collective

Copyright© 2024 by Krosis of the Collective

Fantasy Sex Story: Tony's magical assignment will change his life.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Fairy Tale   School   BDSM   Humiliation   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Small Breasts   Caution   Revenge   Transformation   .

Antonius, or Tony to his classmates, strode toward the entrance of the senior girls’ dormitory and waved at the young women to hold the door. They did, of course ... why wouldn’t they? He looked just like one of their fellow students, Purity ... something. She was a slim dishwater blonde with glasses, barely noticeable among the prettier and more outgoing female students at Stalwart’s School of Sorcerous Studies. He stepped inside the password-protected dorm and did his best not to look too closely at how the breasts of the 18-year-olds around him pushed out the tops of their school uniforms. He figured that little Purity was probably jealous of the more developed student body, er, bodies.

He’d left the plain girl in a closet, stunned and naked, so he knew he had to be quick. With a quick snip of her hair mixed into the Morpho potion he’d been given, he swallowed a gulp, donned her uniform as his male body transformed into hers, and rushed for the dorm. As he strolled through the plush common room, the susurrus of female chatter surrounding him, he spotted the occasional loose hair on the seats and couches and surreptitiously palmed them. Even samples from unknown girls would fetch a price from the black market Morpho potion makers. However, he could make big coin for the more popular girls. He headed to the stone tower stairway and mounted it, feeling dysphoric at the strange lack of anything between his thighs as Purity’s slim legs took him up, up, up.

Like in the boys’ dorms, each door was labeled. He’d noted which girls were in the common area as he went through, so stole into their rooms and quickly grabbed samples from hairbrushes before he said each girl’s name and slipped the prizes into his pouch. The magical container would keep each of them separate and labeled. Finally, once he’d gathered as many as he could, he headed back downstairs.

So focused was he on getting out of there before his swig of potion wore off, that he hadn’t noticed the silence, the complete lack of conversation as he approached the common room, so when he turned the last corner, he only had a moment before he saw Purity, wearing his oversized school uniform, her hands pointed at him.


When he woke, he was back in his own average-sized male body, naked, with rolled-up sheets binding his arms to the four posts. “Urghhghh!” His mouth was gagged as well.

Several female students were standing around the bed, watching him, including Purity, who was now back in her own uniform and glasses.

The most beautiful of them, Phantasma Belloc, stepped forward, a radiant vision with an hourglass figure and hair of spun gold, holding what Tony saw was his silver Morhpo potion bottle. “Do you know what those fuckers did the last time they got some of my hair? Porn, Tony, porn! Everyone in the school knows what I look like naked ... even some of my fucking teachers!”

Tony couldn’t help but flick his eyes down her nubile body. He’d seen it.

“Ew, he’s getting hard!” one of the others whined.

Phantasma handed the potion bottle to Purity. “We’re not calling the teachers on you, Tony ... the faculty would just brush this under the rug. However, we really need to send the black market a message, and Purity had a great idea. We’ll leave it to you, girl.” Then all the others left.


Purity swapped the potion bottle for a pair of scissors from the bedside table and got onto the bed with him.


Snip! She pulled back, a lock of his brown hair between her fingers.


“What, you thought I’d cut off your balls? No, this calls for something more subtle ... and ironic.” She placed his hair onto the bedside table and grabbed the bottle again. Then she quickly drove her elbow into his gut.


Purity yanked his gag out and dumped some of the Morpho potion into his mouth before she clamped her other hand over that and his nose. With the wind knocked out of him, he had no choice but to swallow or drown. Once it was obvious that he’d consumed it, she sat back to watch it work, nibbling her lower lip as her own naked body appeared before her, restrained on her bed. She stood back, waved her hands, and spoke the incantation, “Apolitho!”

As Tony watched, his borrowed arms and legs began turning to stone, the gray wave moving up his midsection. “HELLP!” he screamed, but didn’t get the chance to yell again before everything went dark.

“HLLPH!” he managed to get a second scream out as his awareness returned, but his mouth was gagged again. He watched as the stone effect retreated down his body, though it was still copying Purity’s. Once again, the slim dishwater blonde stood at the foot of the bed, her eyes devouring Tony’s borrowed body. Tony’s own eyes didn’t seem to be working as well as usual ... then he realized it was because he wasn’t wearing her glasses.

“Did you know that I like women?” she asked as she unbuttoned her school blouse.


She pulled off her top, revealing her flat tummy and a white bra covering her small, pale breasts, and shuffled off her skirt as well before picking up the potion bottle. No, Tony realized, it was a second bottle, visually different from the one he’d been given.

“We kept you petrified while we made our own Morpho potion ... took a few days, but...” She tilted the bottle up and took a small swig -- he figured probably enough for less than an hour -- then put it onto her chest of drawers and looked down at her body as it changed. She got taller and gasped as her small breasts retreated into her borrowed flesh, then unsnapped the titsling as Tony’s wider torso began to stretch it out. She pulled the front of her panties forward, her eyes twinkling as she beheld a manhood expanding from her previously-female crotch. “That is SO weird!” she spoke with Tony’s deeper voice. “Ooh!” She touched her throat with her other hand. “Hello! HELLLLOOO!” she drawled sonorously. “Ha!” She pulled her panties off to reveal Tony’s hard six-incher. “Not bad, Tony. Like I said, never had much interest in this side of the plumbing, but ... ohh...” She took his length into her hand and gave it a tentative stroke. “Okay ... I think I see why boys are so obsessed with these things ... wow...”

“Hhghh!” Tony pulled at his bonds, but they were firm.

Purity in Tony’s body put her glasses on her chest of drawers and moved alongside the bed to pick up a pencil and paper. “I’m gonna fuck you with your own dick, Tony, but whether it’s up your ass without lube depends on what you tell me right now. Who supplied you with the Morpho?” She pulled his gag out.

“HELLP-- AHH!” Tony reeled from a sudden backhanded slap ... that had hurt!

“Last chance ... names?”

Tony looked at his face looking back down at him. Had he ever looked so dangerous?

Purity sighed and put the paper down. “Okay, ass-raping it is...”

“No! Um...”

She picked the paper back up and waited.

Tony took only a few seconds to evaluate his situation: while he could speak now, magic spells required both voice and arm movements, so he was trapped. He began rattling off names and details.

Finally, Purity put the paper back down. “Very nice, Tony ... you’re cooperating, so I’m gonna make things easier for you. Luo! Deo!”

Tony’s bonds fell away from the four posts, but before he could do anything, the makeshift ropes were pulling his hands behind his back and his ankles together ... he was trussed up like a calf!


Suddenly, Tony’s thoughts became all muddled and his body relaxed. Why had he been so upset, he wondered? The bed beneath him was kinda comfy, and...”Ohh...” He heard a girl moan and realized it was him. Someone was rubbing him between his legs, but it felt strange to be touched where the root of his dick normally would’ve been ... not enough to offset the pleasure, though. “Mmm...”

“It’s weird seeing my body from this angle,” Purity said in Tony’s voice, “but if there’s anything I know well, it’s how to diddle myself.”

Tony lay back and opened his knees as wide as he could with his ankles tied together, giving Purity access to his borrowed pussy. “Umm ... ohh ... OHH!” he moaned as she brought her copy of his mouth forward to lick at him. “Uhh ... huhh ... nhh ... gods ... gods! GODS!” Then he was cumming on his own tongue, wielded by the girl whose body he had stolen.

Coming down from the overwhelming release, he didn’t even notice when Purity had clambered into the circle of his bound legs to slot the copy of his own hard cock between the copy of her very wet labia.

“By the way, I’m a virgin.”

“AAHH!” Tony screamed as Purity’s borrowed cock rammed right through Tony’s borrowed hymen. It hurt so much! He lay there as Purity took him, her seemingly lost in the novel sensations of fucking a woman with a penis. The effects of the Euphoria spell -- a forbidden incantation -- was still encroaching on his awareness, having been held at bay by the agony of losing Purity’s virginity. However, the initial pain was fading, and with it, he noticed a strange tickling feeling deep inside, in a place that he never had before drinking the potion. The tickling turned into a throbbing, matching Purity’s thrusts, and it was feeling better now. His breathing rate increased.

“Ohh, what is that?” Purity moaned as she thrust into him. “Is that...? Oh wow ... oh wow ... OHH WOWW!” She arched her back, her face (his face!) exultant as she thrust quickly into the copy of her own body.

Tony felt that throbbing suddenly grow warm and wet inside him, and realized that she was cumming. “Ohh...” he moaned, but didn’t orgasm again. Then he grunted as the bulk of his own body collapsed upon him. “Ugh ... get off...” he whined in Purity’s voice.

“Just a sec...” she moaned, but her voice tilted up as she spoke, and Tony felt her borrowed cock shrink inside him. “Oh, weird!” She commented as her higher voice returned and she lifted off of him to pull back as her own body reasserted itself. She shifted out from between his legs and grabbed the corner of her bedspread to furiously wipe at her crotch as the last nub of Tony’s cock shrank and then it went concave. “Phew! Just in time.” She grinned at her captive and rubbed at her little breasts as they popped out of her chest. “Feels much better to be me, but we’re definitely doing that again, my hot little twin!”

“Again? But...”


Tony woke to find himself tied to the bedposts again, gagged and still female. He could taste the residue of Morpho potion in his mouth ... they’d dosed him again while he’d been unconscious, but to what end? He’d been in Purity’s body for hours now, not counting the days he’d been petrified, and it seemed he’d be stuck like that for hours more, depending on how much of the potion they’d given him this time.

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