Spectre - Cover


by Anonymous

Copyright© 2002 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Ghost + virgin + mommy?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   First   Oral Sex   .

When my daughter first revealed these strange symptoms, I thought that she was just trying to cover for some pubescent urges and self administered touching that probably got carried away.

I counselled her about becoming addicted to these new feelings because they would make her a slave to her urges, and thus become an easy mark for boys to exploit.

This made Bethany suddenly become withdrawn, as if she could no longer confide in me. Yet, I could plainly hear her in her room often, down the hall, almost screaming, and it sounded like she had a boy between her legs, pounding her into a very monstrous orgasm. This happened at random times, day or night!

Something had to be done, so I had a camera installed while she was at school on one crisp autumn morning.

When I asked her if she still was a virgin, Bethany yelled, "Mom!"

The way she challenged even the question itself lent credence to her aura of innocence. I would have said the same thing if I were her and still virginal.

What made me really begin to worry was when Bethany 'suddenly' didn't have any episodes right after the camera was peeking.

I was about to confront her with the "non-evidence" the very next day when suddenly I heard her! She sounded like she was being raped - like someone had a hand over her mouth and she could only grunt while she was being ravished.

This time, I rushed to my baby's aid and I was confronted with a scene right out of a Linda Blair movie!

Some form of gravity was repeatedly forcing Bethany down into the bed, her budding breasts moving under the pressure of unseen hands and a wet spot showing on her panties!

I could plainly tell this was not of her own doing, not some inertia caused by sexual hip gyrations.

If my baby's look wasn't one of such pure wanton abandon, I mght have rushed to her side and tried to shake her loose from whatever was attacking her, but she was clearly being treated by this unseen force to an explosive orgasm, the likes of which I had never imagined!

I stood there in rapt fascination until Bethany's eyes stopped rolling back, until the bed stopped shaking, until my daughter finally scanned the room and saw only me and cried, "Mommy! Did you see? Was he visible?"

"Was WHO visible?" I asked back.

"Why, Grandpa!" Bethany revealed.

Grandpa is... was... my late father Ed. He used to babysit for my husband and me when we needed. He was a widower quite early in life, my mother having died way before her time. He never dated again after mom passed and we thought he babysat just for the company.

Now, I became alarmed that dad went off some deep end and indulged himself with Bethany when he was alive.

I scooped up my daughter and took her to the bathroom. We removed her soaking panty and I examined her. It wasn't an accusation, but since I witnessed this latest experience, it afforded me the opportunity to find out if Bethany had been penetrated by dad, or by anyone!

But Bethany is sharp enough to fathom what I did, even as a by product of treating her; but treating her for what?

There were no marks on her. There was only redness where you would expect a post orgasmic body to have redness!

"Mom!" Bethany cried as I discovered her weblike membrane, gooey but whole, still standing guard like some sleeping night watchman, oblivious to the spectre that had invaded her inner body.

If I hadn't seen the spectacle with my naked eyes, I would never have believed my daughter. We'd probably be seeing some shrink who naturally would claim that Bethany was ill. Y'know, leave it to doctors to always err on the side of 'ka-ching', especially if they know you're insured!

At least, that bastard (Robert, my ex) hadn't touched her there. He screwed every other female in the neighborhood. I'm glad his daughter didn't catch his eye, too.

But now that we have only each other, it is paramount that we face this problem together, except I don't think Bethany considers it a problem. She's quite self assured and well adjusted. She knows that this phenomenon does not constitute actual sex by any standards, so she is probably enjoying the best of both worlds, as it were.

Ed had been dead for maybe eight months now and, since he was close to Bethany, I figured she grew attached to him and just wouldn't let go, not so abnormal at all, but I saw what I saw. I asked my daughter to describe exactly what went on in this latest episode.

My thirteen year old daughter slowly put her thoughts into words for me, saying, "He always announces his arrival with a gentle breeze. My nipples get hard, my p... p... forgive me, pussy gets damp or even wet and I feel Grandpa's hands as they caress my little titties and then move down to my p... pussy. Sometimes, he pokes a finger inside me, but mostly I feel his tongue when he begins to lick me down there."

What Bethany described could be anyone, so I asked how she could be so certain that it was (my father) Ed.

She said, "Remember how Grandpa always used to bite my earlobe?"

Remember it? My word! He always did that with me too, as a child.

He said it was so I'd know it was him, even in the dark, as he kissed me off to sleep.

I mouthed the words along with Bethany as she repeated them.

I'm no shrink, but it STILL could simply be Bethany's own manifestation, so I gave her a logical challenge.

I said, "Can you tell me why grandpa is touching you sexually? I mean, even if he loved you, which we know he did, he also loved ME, and he's not doing this to me. Also, he knows that incest is wrong. Are you really sure about this, baby?"

Bethany was clearly stuck for an answer, as expected, but instead of confronting her inner self, she lashed back at me, "I can't speak for Grandpa, but I once begged him to make me a woman. Even as he shook his head no, I felt his thing get firm. Perhaps because you were married and had a man of your own when this first happened, he turned to me."

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