Loving Family - Cover

Loving Family

Copyright© 2002 by Wyden Long

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Cold wife, hot daughter. What is a man to do?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism  

The next morning, I couldn't wait to see which Brenda would wake up. Would it be the old Brenda, full of remorse and self-loathing or a new, free Brenda, ready to go out and conquer the world?

She was already up when I went downstairs.

"Well, look who's finally up! You look like somebody fucked you to your knees."

Must be the new Brenda. The old one didn't even know the words to that song.

I rushed over and gave her a great big hug.

She reached into my robe and gave my dick a great big squeeze.

"Well, good morning, Glory. How's sunshine?" (With apologies to Betty for stealing her line)

"Sunshine is fine. Just fine."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a well-fucked woman who has been shown that there are more ways to live life than the way she was taught." She grew serious for a moment. "We didn't hurt anybody, did we?"


"There was no clap of thunder and no lightning to force us from the garden?"


"Then why the fuck have I been afraid to let myself go all these years?"

"It's the way your parents were taught, and theirs before them. There may have been a period in time when it was necessary for whatever reason, but it's hard to understand why we should pay any attention to those stupid rules now, as long as we honestly respect the other person's right to stop when they have enough."

"Ok, then, lover. What say you call in a vacation day today and we can start getting caught up a bit as soon as Kelly leaves for school."

Speaking of Kelly, she rounded the corner into the kitchen as Brenda was saying this and saw her mother still squeezing my cock. Her eyebrows arched high in the sky. "What was that about Kelly leaving for school?"

Brenda unhurriedly dropped my cock and busied herself at the stove.

As she turned away, I waved my erection at Kelly before sitting down. She chose a chair that allowed me to see that she still wasn't wearing panties and her cunt was still shaved.

"Kelly, dear. I've been thinking about your request to get a place of your own. At first I was reluctant, but I've had second thoughts. Your father has given me a new outlook on life since yesterday and I realize that you need your space to grow up without having us to supervise every move you make."

"Oh, Mom! Really?"

"Yes, really, dear. We can begin looking for a suitable apartment after you get home today and you can move as soon as it is ready."

"Wow, Mom! You've really changed!"

"For the better, I hope."

"Oh, Mom, we've always loved you, but you have seemed to be a bit uptight. Right, Dad?"

"My two girls are the love of my life. Now that you are old enough to be on your own, it's good for your mom and I to be able to have a bit more freedom, too."

"Yeah, I saw you cuddling a bit when I came in."

Brenda showed absolutely no sign that she was bothered by the fact that Kelly had seen her squeezing my prick or that Kelly had seen my prick. Either concept would have been grounds for a screaming hissy twenty-four hours ago.

Kelly was signing to me that she couldn't imagine what was going on with Brenda, but I just smiled and motioned for her to wait. She responded by pulling her pussy lips open for me while we waited for Brenda to have our breakfast ready.

After we finished eating, Brenda started her kitchen cleaning while Kelly and I went upstairs to get ready as usual.

Kelly rushed through her shower and came running into the hall completely naked, without bothering with the pretense of a towel. I was lounging against the wall, waiting for her and idly stroking my pride and joy.

Kelly immediately went down on it. All the way, head, balls and hair Everything that stuck out the front of my body was hidden inside my daughter's mouth. She pulled off long enough to tell me, "Ok, Dad. Start talking if you want me to finish. Tell me absolutely everything that went on while I was gone and I'll swallow your cum again, just like yesterday."

I didn't bother telling her that I was no longer in such terrible need as yesterday. Her mouth felt too good to ask her to stop and she was a vision of perfection as she knelt before me naked in the hallway and sucked my cock for all she was worth.

Between groans, I managed to convey the gist of what had happened about the time I conveyed the jism.

Kelly digested my cum as she digested the information I had given her. "So Mom has turned into a cum slut?"

"No, nothing that drastic, but she seems to have completely dropped her discomfort about sexual matters. You may have noticed that she allowed you to watch her getting finger-fucked last night and she didn't jump away when you caught her squeezing my cock this morning."

"Yeah, I noticed. That's why I was wondering what happened."

"Your mom is going through a total re-evaluation of her values right now, so let's be very respectful of her. You can take advantage of her new outlook to get your own place like you've been wanting and I can get my rocks off without all the hassle."

"Does that mean you won't be wanting me to do this many more?"

"No, baby. You can suck my dick any time, any where. Now come on and get ready for school. We don't know yet if your mom's newfound outlook will accept seeing you naked on your knees in front of me."

"Ok, Daddy." She gave my cock one more pat on the head and disappeared into her room to get ready just as Brenda appeared at the head of the stairs.

"Is Kelly almost ready to leave?"

"I think so."

"Good, because I'm ready to start." She pinned me to the wall and searched out my dick again as she had in the kitchen.

When Kelly emerged from her room on the way to school, it was to the sight of her mother on her knees where she had been a few minutes earlier, doing the same thing to me that she had done. Kelly stood bug-eyed for a moment, then brushed past us. "Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. Have a nice day. It looks like you have a 'head' start!"

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