Loving Family - Cover

Loving Family

Copyright© 2002 by Wyden Long

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Cold wife, hot daughter. What is a man to do?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism  

Women are such incredible creatures. After being married to one for twenty years, you might get the impression that you know what to expect them to do under most circumstances. After years and years of assorted attempts to improve the variety and spontaneity of our sex lives, with very little success, I had sort of given up. We had sex from time to time, and I'm not saying it wasn't good, but it was never exciting as it had been in our earlier years.

After years of being trained to regard "not tonight" as a small victory over "NO!", I despaired at ever getting my still beautiful, sexy wife with the hot body to relax and allow me to guide her into fields we had never explored. There were times when she would go so far as to complain that sex was boring, without seeming to realize that sex the same way every time, under the same conditions, with the same person might be the reason she found it boring.

Living with the Queen of Denial kept me in a constant state of horny. Hell, I'm only 43 and so is she. We have some of the best possible years of our life left to enjoy together and she won't relax enough to allow us to enjoy life to its fullest.

As our daughter had grown up and matured, my constant erection status kept me very aware of her budding sexuality. Of course this awareness increased the erection status considerably, and so on, if you know what I mean. Brief glimpses of a bit of skin, here and there. An encounter in the hallway as she came back from the bathroom at the end of the hall. An inadvertent peek through a partially open door into her room as she was dressing. These were the things that kept me constantly aroused and able to maintain my ability to perform with my wife under her lust-killing restrictions.

I grew bolder, allowing my robe sometimes to be less than fully closed when Kelly and I would meet in the hallway. By unspoken agreement, we became bolder and bolder in our hallway meetings. Brenda would normally be in the kitchen during these times, while Kelly and I were getting ready for work and school.

Kelly had to walk down the hallway after her bath, but there was no reason she had to make the trip in a towel. I had no reason to be in the hall at that time, other than to get a glimpse of skin. I always pretended that I was on my way somewhere, but she probably saw through me.

When we would meet, she would smile at me then look down. For a long time, I thought she was merely being modest, but then I realized that she was staring at my crotch, which was usually tented out from the hard-on that was desperately yearning for release, somewhere, somehow, in something--anything!--hot and wet.

I was on my way home from work when it dawned on me that she was trying to see my dick! The possibility that this was the truth caused me to have an instant erection. My fat dick was straining for release. Some of my pubic hairs had been caught between my foreskin and what must be a purplish head by now and was being pulled out by the roots. I had no choice but to unzip and pull Old Glory out to relieve the pain. Really! No choice.

Oh, well. As long as it was out, I might as well relieve the pressure a little by stroking it. However, the excitement of driving down Elm Street with my dick in my hand while thinking about the possibilities of my nearly naked daughter wanting to see what I had under my robe, was too much.

I managed to keep my eyes open, but I wasn't aware of very much around me when the blast hit me. My orgasms for the last many years had been so totally predictable. I knew that first you put it in, then you wiggle it around and push in and out, then your wife asks if you're going to be much longer, so you speed up and pretty soon you feel a pressure building up that will eventually be relieved and life will go back to hum-drum. After, of course, you jump up and clean all traces of the nasty stuff from your body. Couldn't have a drop of that nasty stuff contaminating the sheets, now could we? Why, that would be Disgusting, wouldn't it, dear?

Given this background, you can imagine my surprise when I blew a wad of that nasty stuff through the steering wheel and onto the windshield, where it dripped back onto the dashboard and ran down into the inaccessible places where they all joined. Horrible thoughts of trying to get that shit cleaned up well enough to be missed by Brenda were pushed aside by even more horrible thoughts of the gooey shit that my entire crotch was now swamped in. My hand had continued pumping the gusher while my mind was occupied with possible repercussions.

What the fuck was I going to do? I couldn't go home like this. I couldn't go home until the car and myself were both restored to pristine condition. Wiping my hand on my pants leg well enough to keep from sliming up my cell phone, I called Brenda.

"Hi honey. Sorry to be late, but I picked up a nail or something and a tire has gone flat on me. I'm going to drop by Wal-Mart and get it fixed. Is there anything else I can pick up for you while I'm there?" I knew very well to bolster my lie with enough supportable fact to prevent easy discovery.

"Oh, hi darling. Thanks for calling. I'll put dinner on the back of the stove, then. Do you think you'll be very long?"

"Shouldn't take more than 30-45 minutes. Want me to pick up something?" I needed a reason to be seen going through the register when I bought the new pants.

She gave me a list of a couple of things she could use and I headed toward Wal-Mart.

When I arrived, I pulled into an open bay and asked them to rotate the tires while I ran into the store for some purchases. I managed to pick up a shopping bag to hide my crotch until I could get to the mens' clothing area.

After picking out a clean pair of pants and the stuff for Brenda, I retrieved the car and drove to a car wash to clean the cum off the dashboard and windshield. The guy at Wal-Mart had given me a thumbs up signal when he saw the cum tracks. I couldn't help grinning a little. Not a bad shot for an old man, huh?

I used my sticky pants to clean up all traces of cum that were still visible and tried to vacuum out any that might be in the cracks of the dash board. At the last minute, it occurred to me to look at the seat and floor. Oh shit! There was a huge puddle on the floor and a wet stain on the seat. I must have cum a gallon.

Thinking back, I couldn't help grinning to myself. Under Brenda's tight restrictions, my ejaculations had dwindled to the point that there wasn't that much to clean up after our infrequent sex sessions. I had watched the decline with dismay, thinking that it signaled the start of old age and that my sex life would be completely over before too long.

The immensity of shit I had delivered with the right inspiration restored my confidence to an unbelievable degree. Hey! I'm not dead after all! There is life after forty! All it took to restore me to my boyhood potency, or more, had been the thoughts that my sexy daughter might be trying to catch a glimpse of her father's noble prick.

My reaction should tell you how much I worry about the old incest taboo. My only concern was the mental health and well-being of my daughter, plus my relationship with my wife. I wanted to be extremely careful not to push the envelope with Kelly in any way that she would regard now or later as a negative experience. On the other hand, I convinced myself that if she had a need to know what a prick looked like, then I had a duty as her father to teach her what she wanted to know. The brain is a wonderful thing. It can find a way to justify whatever the hell your body needs, and boy, did my body need something! My assumption that my dick would be limber for the next week or so after that blast was proven false almost immediately. While I was still cleaning my cum from the car, the smell of sex and remembrance of the reasons for the smell had me hard as a rock.

I finished the cleanup as best I could using my pants before dumping them in a trash can. There was no way Brenda would miss those stains. Better to lose a pair of pants than a wife.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Oh, hi dear. Just drop that stuff anywhere. I'll get dinner on the table right away. Kelly has already eaten and gone to her room to study. What happened to your pants, dear? Those aren't the ones you wore to work. They look cheap."

"I'm afraid that those pants were too badly ruined by the stains from the tires. I threw them away on the way home."

"Oh, how could you, dear? Those were very expensive dress pants."

"Yes, dear. What's for dinner?" It was better to never attempt to reason with Brenda. Her initial statement contained the facts. Any further discussion would serve merely to try to explain the facts to you and to reiterate the difficulty you always seemed to have in recognizing the facts.

Brenda must have sublimated her sexual urges into her cooking. She was a wonderful cook. If she had divided half her sensuality into cooking and the other half into her lovemaking, I wouldn't have walked around so horny all the time. American society has never recovered from the fucking Puritans. They have probably been responsible for more human suffering than any other group in history of comparable size.

The concept that there is something inherently evil in the most basic of human needs is such a ludicrous idea that it is difficult to accept the reality that it has persisted throughout the growth and development of the most successful, prosperous and educated society that has ever existed on earth. We may be able to see sexual acts on cable TV, but we still think it's "dirty".

Ok. End of sermon. Back to the good stuff. It just always seemed to me to be such a terrible waste of potential to be married to a wonderful woman, whom I loved dearly, regardless of her inability to join me in a higher level of sexual enjoyment. I can't help commenting on it from time to time.

As I ate, I was aware of my dick swelling again, with thoughts of Kelly in her room directly over my head, doing her homework. What would she be wearing, I wondered. She would probably be wearing her long cotton nightshirt with a pair of white cotton panties underneath. Brenda would have a fit if she suspected that Kelly might sleep with a naked ass. Would she be wearing a bra underneath the nightshirt? Brenda had put her into "training bras" the moment her chest started budding. What the fuck a "training bra" is has always eluded me. What the fuck are they training them for? Would they not be able to wear bras later on without suitable training? Was it like drivers' ed? If you don't learn proper bra technique, your tit might fall out in class when you're older?

I reached the conclusion that girls want to wear them because it makes them feel older and more mature. Moms buy them for their daughters to keep men from being able to enjoy the visible signs of budding sexuality.

With an effort, I jerked my mind back from my negative thoughts and back to the pleasures of Brenda's cooking and images of my perhaps less-than-fully-clothed daughter. My cock rose again to the occasion and begged for another release like the one in the car. Hell! It had only been a couple of hours and I was as horny as I usually am a day or so after a session with Brenda. If I weren't careful, I would begin obsessing over Kelly.

Hah! Begin obsessing? I realized that I had been locked on her for a long time, but had forced the idea to the back of my mind, like a good father has to do. Now that she was legally old enough to fuck, my mental barriers must have relaxed on their own. I could scarcely think of anything else other than the incredible delights I might find between her thighs.

After dinner, my body carried my mind with it down the hall and tapped on Kelly's door.

"Come in! Oh, hi Daddy. What's up?"

Yesss! She was wearing her cotton nightshirt with the little bunnies playing on it. I could see a panty line, but couldn't tell about a bra.

"I just came in to say hello. Missed you at dinner and you know how important it is to me to see all of us together at least once a day."

"Oh, Daddy. You saw me at breakfast... and in the hallway this morning", she added after a pause. Was there a twinkle in her eye when she mentioned the hallway? Why would she make a point of what had to be a very minor part of her day? Did she really see this time every morning as an event worth mentioning? Did she feel the same sort of attraction that I did? Did she know what she was feeling or was it merely a heightened state of well-being?

Men seem to know when they are horny. I have had occasion to wonder if women can separate the good feelings coming from their pussy and those coming from their heart. Maybe not. Maybe that's why they say that men give love to get sex and women give sex to get love.

I needed so desperately to be near her for a while. "What are you working on?" I moved closer to her computer, which she immediately ran to and clicked the screen to another display, but not before I saw that she had been working in her e-mail program.

"Oh, just the usual stuff. You know."

"Well, actually I don't. I just realized today that I know very little about you as a person. For so many years, you were simply my baby. Sure, you had a personality, but my relationship with you was always based on assuring your security in every way. Now, the only thing you need from me is money and soon you won't need that any more. It's a hard realization that our life together is drawing to a close and I don't know you at all as an adult. When you finish college, you may well find work in another part of the world and we won't be able to see each other very often.

"Oh, poor Daddy. You sit here and I'll sit in your lap for a while. You can hold me like you did when I was little and you can ask me anything you want. I promise to answer truthfully no matter what question you ask. Ok? Will that help you get to know me?"

Would it! Hell yes! Would there be room on my lap for her and my raging prick? Who knows? But I'm willing to find out. I sat down and tried my best to arrange my almost painful erection down the length of my pants leg so she wouldn't feel it when she sat down. Kelly must have known or sensed that I needed time to arrange myself in private because she busied herself on the other side of the room while I made myself as comfortable as possible.

When I was as ready as I was going to get until they cut my nuts off, Kelly came back and crawled into my lap. At eighteen, she is still small enough to cuddle nicely in my lap. Maybe a hundred pounds, I don't know. Just over five feet, I would guess. Had no idea about her tits, but I thought I detected some delightful swaying as I watched her walk toward me. No bra! Ah!

"Now, Daddykins. What would you like to know about me?' She put her arms around me and leaned against my chest with her nose nuzzled into my neck. Her soft breath on my skin sent shivers through my whole body and caused my prick to jerk against the bottom of her leg. Could she feel it?

"Well, for example, what subjects are you studying in school?"

"I thought you were going to ask me some real questions, Daddy." She gently kissed me on the chin.

Same reaction. Same question as before. Did she know what she was doing to me or was she unwittingly playing with fire?

"Ok. You asked for it. Are you a virgin?"


"Well, you did ask for it and you promised to answer me truthfully, no matter what."

"You just surprised me. I always thought you were so straight. You caught me off guard."

"I have always been straight with you--or at least tried to be. I love you very much and want to do everything I can to make you happy."

"Everything?" She raised her head to look me directly in the eye. "Everything? Really?"

"Anything you want, you just ask me. If it's information, you've got it. If it's money or something you want me to do, it's yours. All you have to do is to let me know."

I nearly fouled another pair of pants that day when she opened a button on my shirt and slid a hand inside.

While squeezing my nipple lightly and tickling it with her nail, she asked again. "Everything?"

"Absolutely everything!" It came out with a gasp.

"Then do this to me."

"Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely, Daddy." Kelly raised the hem of her nightshirt, revealing a neatly trimmed bush and a mouthwatering set of jugs, topped by a set of very ripe strawberries, swollen with lust. Her trip to the other side of the room must have been to remove her panties!

Kelly took my sweaty hand and placed it on her bursting breast. "Play with me, Daddy. Please! I want to know what it feels like to be made love to. To answer your question, the answer is no. I'm not a virgin, but I don't have much experience. I keep hearing about these fantastic stories of women swooning with lust and men that are supposedly great lovers, but sex for me has never been like that. The guy gets between your legs, pumps a few times and gets off. Isn't there supposed to be more? I get a lot more excited when I do myself."

"Oh, Kelly, baby. Yes, there is supposed to be more. Much, much more." My long denied fingers were unconsciously playing a tune on her nipples as my mind raced to take in all the ramifications of her short speech.

"How often do you play with yourself?"

Kelly had her eyes closed and was leaning back against my arm, luxuriating in the sensations my fingers were bringing to her breasts. Not wishing to break the spell of the moment, she answered me by simply parting the lips of her already wet pussy and sliding a finger inside.

Her naked ass on my dick, separated only by her thin nightshirt and my pants, was hot enough to cook an egg. If there had been enough loose skin left over for it to grow bigger, it would have jumped another inch or two, I'm sure. As it was, there wasn't enough loose skin available on my body to even close my eyes. (Ok, it's an old joke, but I've always wanted to use it somewhere.)

She began to rock her ass against my dick.

One of the most painful experiences of my life was telling her she must stop. I was actually woozy from trying to rid my body of the lust she had aroused. "Honey, what you are doing is the answer to more prayers than you can imagine, but this is not the time or the place. I've already ruined one pair of pants today by cumming all over them through thoughts of you. If you don't stop right now, there will be another pair ruined, with no way to conceal the fact from your Mom. Unless you want to stop everything right now, you must sit very still. Ok?"

"Ok, Daddy. I'll sit still, but you have to tell me what you meant about your other pants." She continued to frig herself as I bent to take one of her strawberries in my mouth.

"Sit very, very still, then, and I'll tell you." Our voices were both husky with desire.

I recounted what had happened, starting with seeing her in the hallway and wondering whether she was trying to see my erection, up through the wonderful explosion that coursed through my aching body as thoughts of her emptied my balls with such force. As I talked, she moaned her arousal at hearing the effect she had produced on me and brought her slippery finger from her twat to trace along my lips. Her light touch tickled so much it caused me to sneeze, forcing my prick to lurch against her leg once more.

It was touch and go for a minute or so. The only way I kept from greasing her seat was to think about problems at the office--really hard. The build-up seemed to quit increasing, but never went away, so I went on trying to come up with the most non-sexy thoughts possible. I thought of counting sheep, but my mind immediately brought up the fact that some men enjoy fucking them.

That didn't work, so I started trying to remember all the cars I had owned over the years. but that quickly led to memories of all the pussy I used to get in some of those early years of car ownership. Maybe if I think of the places I've lived, but then that made me remember my next door neighbor Pam's tawny thighs when I was sixteen.

I had to stop. As much as my body begged to be released in such a desirable manner, the price for continuing was more than I was prepared to pay.

"Kelly, baby, love, dear. Please get up. There is no way I can keep from cumming with you sitting on my lap. I want to continue more than you can imagine, but the consequences are too great under these circumstances. If I thought there would never be another chance and they were going to hang me if I did it, then they could start looking for a rope. I'm hoping that you feel as deeply as I about this and that we will have many more pleasurable times together under circumstances where nobody has to get hurt. Ok?"

I desperately wanted it to be ok with her. I meant every word I had said to her. If there was never to be another chance, I would suffer anything to keep from missing such an unbelievable opportunity.

"No, it's not ok, Daddy, but I understand." Kelly reluctantly slid off my lap, but couldn't resist giving my dick a squeeze as she moved away.

Whoops! That did it! I could feel it coming! There was a roaring in my ears and a lightness in my head that prevented rational thought. I was going to shoot a load unlike anything before in my entire life. The long buildup and extreme stimulation had created a flood that would herniate me if I tried to hold it back by pinching the head or squeezing it in any way.

There was only one way. I ripped the zipper down, praying that there was no loose meat to be caught in the sharp teeth and whipped out the pulsating monster. My hand on the back of Kelly's head forced her mouth over the tip of my prick just in time.

I have no idea if she had ever given a blow job before, but she was sure as hell giving one now! How she managed to swallow everything I was giving her was beyond my imagination. Perhaps the quantity was all in my mind or perhaps she had blown every jock on the football team. For whatever reason, she was able to take it all.

I stood in the middle of my daughter's bedroom and poured seemingly endless quantities of cum down her greedy throat while my wife was working in the kitchen right below us.

My wife! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

"Kelly, baby. Get up. We have to get straightened up. Your mom will be coming upstairs in a minute and we can't let her catch us like this. It would kill her."

"Ok, Daddy. That was delicious! I never gave a blow job before. Did I do ok?"

"Believe me. You did ok. I have to run now. Love you."

"Love you, too, Daddy." She raised up on tiptoe to kiss me. Not a daughter's kiss, but a lover's kiss, full of lust and promise, and incidentally still full of my cum.

Kelly went back to her schoolwork and I slid out the door to the back stairs as I heard Brenda coming up from the kitchen.

"Where is everyone?", I heard her call.

"I'm in my room, Mom. I think I heard Daddy go out to the garage."

"Ok. Do you need anything? Would you like some warm milk and cookies while you study?"

"Later, Mom. I'll come down and get some after I finish my homework."

"Ok, dear. I'll go see if your father needs anything."

Brenda was a great girl. She was loyal, affectionate, dependable and intelligent. All the things any man could want in a wife, in addition to the great physical assets I mentioned before. If she could ever get past the stupid shit about sex that had been drilled into her head as a child, she could be the perfect wife in every way. Maybe I wouldn't need to get blowjobs from our daughter and go sneaking around behind my wife's back if she were more willing to indulge my needs.

Yeah, sure! Remembering the actual buzzing in my ears and in my balls as Kelly's sweet mouth closed around my cum blast was enough to tell me that I would do it again and again, whenever the opportunity presented itself, regardless of any other consideration.

Brenda found me washing the car. I needed some reason for the clean dash. Might as well do it right.

"Did you find out what caused the flat?"

"No, I just left it with the guys in the shop while I went into the store."

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