Angel's Delight - Cover

Angel's Delight

by Mina_x

Copyright© 2024 by Mina_x

Erotica Sex Story: Harriet delves further into the swingers website.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Swinging   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   .

The messages on Swing-UK soon settled down into something more manageable after Harriet had followed Angela’s advice. There was still a lot, but easier to sort and see the more interesting ones. Harriet had kept an ongoing dialogue with Angela, although they hadn’t met again since the day at her flat, as it felt good to have a confidante that wasn’t too close as her neighbour Anne was. Anne didn’t know about Swing-UK.

One repeated message that Harriet had seen a few times, had caught her attention. It usually turned up at around eleven o’clock in the morning and was from a user calling herself AngelWings.

AngelWings claimed to be female and 19. Her profile picture showed a very beautiful girl, with blonde hair and a fringe, looking upwards with a halo above her head. She was strikingly pale and Harriet couldn’t help imagining what she would have looked like with Witness.

Despite the obvious doubts that she was real, Angela had told her that many people on the site were “fakes”, AngelWings had a lot of verifications. A few men, but mostly women in their thirties and forties. Harriet, it seemed, fitted the profile.

The message was always the same, and always very short with no detail.

“Would you like to play with me while my boyfriend watches”. That was all. Always the same words.

Harriet once again thought about how she wanted to lick another woman, and AngelWings seemed more acceptable to her than Angela had. Despite all this she still had doubts about it all, so she messaged a woman who had given AngelWings a verification to find out more.

The eventual reply was even more intriguing.

“Do it. She’s incredible. You are very lucky to be asked. Say yes while you can She won’t keep asking forever”.

No detail or anything. It seemed to be something she’d have to find out for herself. Harriet wondered why she had been selected if it was such an honour.

So the next time the message appeared in her inbox, Harriet said yes. A reply followed swiftly.

“I’m glad. I liked your profile. What is your mobile number?”

Harriet didn’t want to give her phone number and messaged back saying so. After what seemed like an agonising wait she got a reply which was just an address and a time. 1pm. Followed by another message which just read “Dress nice”. And that was it.

Harriet didn’t know if “dress nice” meant sexy or smart, so she tried to merge the two with a knee length skirt and a blouse and jacket. It would do for a job interview where she was trying to seduce the employer, she thought. It hopefully fitted the bill.

The address was on a new build estate. Although it wasn’t exclusive like Manor Close, Harriet felt much more comfortable. This was her world, unlike where Angela lived. She drove alongside neat houses with smart front lawns until she came to the address.

It was a small house with just a narrow strip of grass in front of it, but that didn’t matter, she thought. She took a deep breath and rang the bell. She had never turned up blind to a house for sex before. She was nervous and looked around. No one else was about.

The door opened and stood before her was the girl in the profile picture. She was extraordinarily pretty with a strange awkwardness that only accentuated her beauty. Straight blonde hair fell to her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing the halo, but had some silver stars plaited into her hair in places. She had very dark brown eyes, when something told you that they should be the be the brightest of blue, and a small nose with some pale freckles dotted about. She was wearing a white basque corset, with a a net skirt and white ribbons. It held her figure perfectly and pushed up her small boobs that Harriet was looking down on. She was lost for words. She looked very much like an angel and could have easily be 19 as claimed.

She gestured she should come in, but she didn’t speak.

The front door led directly to her living room. There was no passage. Stairs ran up one wall, and a door on the other side led to a small kitchen. Harriet suddenly realised the luxury of the space she had at home.

The walls were white but covered in a lot of fantasy pictures. Unicorns and dragons were everywhere including little figurines on surfaces. One large picture showed a beautiful angel spreading her wings. Below it Angel sat cross-legged on a chair, indicating that Harriet should sit on the small sofa opposite next to a man who sat there quietly.

‘“Gemma, this is Chris”, she said as Angel finally spoke in a sing-song voice.

The man looked nervous as he said “Hi”. He was about thirty, thought Harriet. She sat next to him and said hello. It all felt very odd.

Angel looked at them for what seemed like an eternity and then suddenly let out a long “mmmmmmm” sound before standing and holding out her hand for Harriet to take. Harriet stood and allowed herself to be led upstairs followed by Chris. Angel moved like a dancer almost gliding across the floor and floating up the stairs. Upstairs there was one small bathroom and a bedroom. The bedroom was similarly decorated with fantasy pictures. It all felt slightly dreamy. If Angela’s house had felt drab and rundown, then this was the exact opposite. It was rarified, special and enticing.

Angel indicated that Chris should sit in a chair at the end of the bed, while she unfastened the net skirt and let it fall to the floor. She climbed onto the bed and knelt facing Harriet and beckoned her to come closer and then kissed her. She tasted of sweet cherries, and Harriet wobbled slightly and put a hand on the bed to steady herself.

“Gemma, undress”, said Angel to Harriet, and then to Chris, “Don’t touch!”.

Harriet removed her clothes, wondering why she bothered to put so much thought into what she was going to wear if they were going to come straight off. She looked at Chris who was watching her, it gave her a thrill that her body was still attractive to younger men. Angel stepped off the bed and moved close to Harriet tracing her hands lightly over her breasts and kissed her again. She then turned and instructed Harriet to unlace her.

As Harriet loosened Angel’s corset she noticed that she didn’t fill out, she still had a perfect slim figure, only her boobs diminished slightly in apparent size. She was utterly beautiful.

Angel climbed back on the bed and indicated that Harriet should join her. Harriet knelt opposite and they kissed again.

Angel had her hands in Harriet’s hair, massaging her head when Harriet realised that Angel was slightly pushing down indicating she should go lower. Angel pushed her chest forward towards Harriet’s face and Harriet needed no more encouragement as she took a breast fully in her mouth and teased her nipple with her tongue. Angel held Harriet’s head to her chest and let out a wonderful sounding gasp as Harriet licked and sucked. Harriet had forgotten about Chris who was still sat watching.

Gently Angel pushed Harriet’s face away and lay down on the bed. Harriet moved to lay next to her, moving her hands down over Angel’s body to caress her smooth pussy. Angel moaned softly and nodded pushing Harriet lower.

Harriet moved down. She couldn’t wait. She tentatively ran her tongue along Angel’s slit and then pushed it in. She didn’t use her fingers. Licking further she teased her way inside.

Strawberrys and cream and lemonade. Angel tasted amazing, it was almost like a drug as Harriet licked deeper, finally using her fingers alongside her tongue as she remembered Angela doing to herself to such great effect. She wondered how she could taste so wonderful and remembered Witness’s unique taste. She never did find out why.

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