Farm Wife's Pets - Cover

Farm Wife's Pets


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Story of a lonely farm wife who eventually gets it on with the farm dogs, pig's, the hired help and even a pony. He husband catches her and is so thrilled about it that her makes sure she gets taken by every animal on the farm. At night she sleeps with a male animal while he sleeps with a female animal and they lived happily-ever-after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sissy's problem returned to plague her. She was preoccupied by it all through supper that evening. She hardly heard Hollis talking about the work he had to do around the farm. She had to think of something to do about Jed.

When she and Hollis were in the living room watching TV, she wondered if it would help if she were friendlier with the old man. She had to admit that she hadn't been very nice to him. After all, he was old enough to be her grandfather - even if he did have eyes that seemed to see right through her dress!

Maybe I'll bring him a cup of coffee tomorrow, she thought. Yes, that would be nice. He works hard out there and, God knows, Hollis doesn't pay him much. Maybe if I'm nice to him, we can just forget the whole thing.

Sissy got into a more comfortable position on the sofa. As she did so, she felt her nipples press hard against the fabric of her dress. The pressure felt nice.

She knew that old Jed was always thinking of her body. That was why she usually avoided going near him. He was always staring at her tits and ass! It was quite obvious to her that he wanted to fuck her.

Now he had! She blushed to remember how she must have looked in the barn, bent over like that, trapped in the yoke.

No wonder he took advantage of me, she thought. She couldn't help smiling just a little. She must have looked mighty tempting to the old geezer. How could he resist fucking her? Heck, she was a captive! She couldn't see! What man wouldn't take advantage of a pretty girl in that position?

But that doesn't excuse him, she went on thinking. What a nasty thing to do to a girl! And a married girl at that! He ought to be shot for fucking me that way!

She glanced at her husband and entertained the thought of telling him. Would he get jealous and start fucking her more often? Maybe it would get him fired up and then she'd get more of his cock.

Her eyes darkened then. What if he really did shoot Jed, though? How horrible! She glanced at the shotgun over the fireplace and shuddered.

No, the best thing to do was to be nice to Jed. That way Hollis would know nothing of the matter, Jed would feel safe, and the whole thing could be forgiven and forgotten.

Satisfied at last with her decision Sissy crawled into bed with Hollis feeling secure. Hollis rolled over and started snoring. Sissy gave him a few minutes, then she stole out of bed and padded naked into the kitchen.

She cracked the back door and let Rex inside. Whispering hotly, she led the dog into her bedroom. She lay down beside her husband and let one leg fall off the side of the bed. She let Rex lick her cunt until she came and came. When his big tongue was tired, she crawled out of bed and helped the reluctant dog out the window. Then she curled up next to Hollis and went to sleep. Rex had made her cum twelve times!

She awoke early the next morning feeling creamy-dreamy. All that pussy-licking was good for her, and she knew it. A girl like her needed lots of cumming. She got out of bed smiling, happy that she had finally discovered her animals. Why shouldn't she have some fun with them? After all, it wasn't like she was cheating on Hollis. Only bad wives did things like that.

Cheating made her think of old Jed again. Today she would simply have to get this matter over with. A man just couldn't go around fucking her like that!

The minute she heard Hollis's tractor start up in the field, she stepped out onto the front porch. The bright sun lit up her soft hair and made it look more golden than it was. As she stepped down into the front yard, she felt the rays of the sun warm against her body.

Jed heard her coming and saw her the minute she appeared in the yard. His cock erected as his gaze ran over her curvy young body, so luscious in her tight little dress.

"Mornin', Sissy," he greeted.

Sissy eyed him curiously. A sudden anger made her tits lift up "How can you even talk to me after what you did?" she blurted. "Don't you have any shame?"

The old man's mouth opened, but he held his tongue. He was a wise old bastard and knew from past experience that it was best to keep quiet at times like this. Besides, whatever the girl was talking about, she sure was pretty to look at. Her strange behavior only made her prettier. She was emotional about something.

Sissy's face reddened. She hadn't wanted to get angry. She couldn't afford to rile the man.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I guess I shouldn't have snapped at you."

Jed was mightily puzzled. Maybe she's having her period, he thought. Wonder what's bothering her? God, I'd sure like to get a piece of that!

"Maybe we'd better talk about it," Sissy said then.

"Uhhh, yeah," Jed muttered, wondering what in hell the kid was talking about.

"Come inside for a minute, will you?" she asked.

That dazed Jed. In this part of the country, a man just wasn't invited into another man's house this way.

"Sure," he said, and scooted from under the porch. He dusted himself off and followed Sissy's cute, swaying ass into the house.

"Sit down, I'll get some coffee," she said, hurrying into the kitchen.

"I'll be damned," Jed muttered to himself. He sat down and frowned with deepening curiosity.

Sissy returned with a cup of coffee and sat down on the sofa next to him as she handed the cup to him. He took a long pull of the black liquid and set the cup down.

Sissy made a few false starts to talk. She fidgeted. She wrung her hands in her lap while her jutting young tits rose and fell delightfully before Jed's pleased eyes. Then she finally braced herself.

"Please let me talk," she said, a little breathlessly. This wasn't easy for her. "We have to talk about it sooner or later."

Jed curbed his amazement. He settled back on the sofa and took his time eyeing her beauties. Opportunity was knocking. Then, too, if he let her do the talking, he might find Out what in hell this was all about.

"I know how I look to you, Jed," Sissy said, searching his eyes with her own. "But you shouldn't have done that to me in the barn." She heaved a sigh and went on, "But it's done now. I just don't want you to go around talking about it. I know I'm pretty, and when you saw me bent over that way, you probably couldn't help yourself. But you just can't go talking about it. It wasn't like I wanted you to do it to me. Right?"

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