Farm Wife's Pets - Cover

Farm Wife's Pets


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Story of a lonely farm wife who eventually gets it on with the farm dogs, pig's, the hired help and even a pony. He husband catches her and is so thrilled about it that her makes sure she gets taken by every animal on the farm. At night she sleeps with a male animal while he sleeps with a female animal and they lived happily-ever-after.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sissy was startled awake by the break of day. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she wondered where she was. Then she realized she was stark naked on the grass near the pond. She had fallen asleep.

She bolted to her feet and rushed up the slope to the house, hoping no one would see her. But someone did. Jonathan Sutter, the old man who owned the farm a few miles west, was already in his field working when he thought he saw a beautiful, naked girl prancing up the slope in the distance. He rubbed his eyes and took another look, squinting. Sure in hell, that was a nude girl darting into the Clanton house. His mouth fell open when he realized it had to be that young buck's woman, Sissy.

"Well, bless my soul," he said to himself as his cock erected in his overalls. "Now I wonder what that Cute little thing was doing out so early in the buff? Guess I'm gonna have to watch the Clanton place more closely from now on. I think I'm missin' something."

Sissy raced into the bedroom just in time to see Hollis yawning in bed, waking up.

"Mornin'," he murmured.

Sissy swallowed nervously and, though her heart was racing yet, she said softly, "Good morning, Hollis. I'll have breakfast ready in a few minutes."

She pulled on her tight dress and hurried into the kitchen. As she fixed breakfast, she chuckled softly to herself. Her thoughts dwelled on last night, on her first pig-fuck.

How different it was, she thought as Hollis came to sit down. I came a lot.

She glanced at her husband a few times as she prepared his meal for him, and a deliciously wicked thought occurred to her. Maybe Sundays to Fridays weren't going to be so bad after all from now on!

She sat down to eat with a smile on her lips. Maybe she couldn't have Hollis's cock anytime she needed, but his wasn't the only prick on the farm!

As she ate, she thought about Rex's stiff prick, so red and wet. She daydreamed about Lady's tongue lapping her cunt. She remembered how she had fingerfucked the bitch's tight little pussy and that made her giggle.

Hollis peered at her. "Whatcha laughin' about?"

"Oh, nothing," Sissy cooed. "Just feeling good this morning."

Hollis smiled at her and said, "I'm glad to see you in good spirits, honey. I've been a little concerned about you."

"You have?" Sissy chirped, surprised.

"Of course. Don't you think I've noticed how you've been down in the dumps? Figured you was goin' through a spell of something. Glad to see you comm' out of it, I'll tell ya."

"Why, how sweet!" Sissy bubbled, tickled that he even thought of her. She went to him and gave him a big hug and kissed him softly on the mouth.

Hollis held her at arms length. "My pa always told me it takes time for a girl to get used to marriage. Told me to be real patient with ya. He was right, I guess. You sure look pretty when you're smilin'. You've been lookin' kinda grim lately."

Sissy realized that he didn't want her to be pressing her tits all over him. She picked up the dishes and took them to the sink.

"Well, everything's fine now," she said. "Just fine."

"That's wonderful, Sissy," Hollis said, getting to his feet. "I want ya to enjoy yer home. That's why I work so hard to make it nice for ya. I gotta get goin' now, but you have fun today, ya hear? Yer Mrs. Clanton now and it's about time ya started appreciating everything I've been doin' fer ya."

"Yes, Hollis," she said~ dutifully. Her blue eyes twinkled as she gazed at him, and she flashed him the kind of pretty smile he liked on a country girl's face.

"Don't worry no more about me," she said. "I'm gonna have a marvelous time today. And I am grateful for all you're doing to make me happy, honey. This is a mighty fine farm. I'm gonna start getting a lot out of it."

"Good girl," Hollis said, and moved out of the kitchen. "See ya tonight."

Sissy did the dishes with enthusiasm, almost cheerfully, as she hummed a catchy tune.

She remained in a happy mood as she made the bed and completed her housework. In this frame of mind, the day looked beautiful, life was a joy, and Sissy felt at ease with herself.

Feeling gay and carefree, she stepped out onto the front porch to feel the warmth of the sun on her body. She pranced down the steps and saw Jed under the porch on his back.

"Hi, Jed," she greeted cheerfully. "How's it coming?"

"Uhh, just fine, Sissy, just fine," the old man replied. His eyes traveled up the length of her curvy young legs. He had a worm's-eye view of her smooth white thighs.

For the first time in a long time, Sissy paused to chat with him about the job he was doing on the wooden porch. It was quite a treat for Jed. Sissy usually treated hired hands like slaves, as if they weren't really human. But she was in a good mood today, so she was kinder.

She squatted down with her pert knees together to talk with Jed, and the old goat smiled to himself. Sissy was successful in keeping her thighs closed, but she was beautifully naive as far as Jed was concerned. Squatting before him, he could see under her thighs. He shifted his position on his back as Sissy prattled on about what a lovely day it was. Pretending to work on the porch above him, he peered under her thighs, beneath her dress, and ogled the smooth flesh of her delightful young ass.

"Well, I'll see you later," Sissy cooed, standing up. Jed peered up at her sharply thrusting tits: In the darkness under the porch his cock bulged to great length and thickness.

When Sissy walked away, he quickly twisted his head and watched her cute ass sway. He gripped his hard-on and nursed his prick as she wiggled away.

Goddam, he thought lewdly, what a nice fucking ass! Wonder if that young buck Hollis knows what he's got there? Damn fool boy spends the whole fucking day out in the fields. Lord, Lord, I'd like to shove my cock up her sweet little cunt!

Sissy ambled past the pig sty and giggled to herself, wondering which piglet she had fucked. Moving toward the barn, she spotted Cal in the corral, grooming a horse.

She waved to him and yelled, "Hello, Cal. Nice day, ain't it?"

The overgrown lad didn't answer. He stopped brushing the horse and stood tall but stooped at the shoulders, a hulking mass of male flesh. He stared at Sissy as she walked.

Sissy didn't expect the guy to reply to her greeting. Everybody knew Cal was slow in the head. He rarely spoke to anyone but his dad. It didn't bother her either that the oaf stared right at her tits and pussy. He was known to do that.

Poor guy, she thought. He'll never get married. Must he over twenty now. What girl would have him? No money, no farm, nothing to offer a girl. She glanced at his lower body and smiled to herself. Well, he's got something to offer, all right, but what girl could take it? I'll bet he's hung like that horse he's brushing!

Cal stared dumbly at the pretty girl, feeling a fire raging in his balls. His cock, like his father's, shot up immediately, and strange thoughts boggled his weak mind, pictures of bulls fucking cows and stallions fucking mares.

When Sissy disappeared into the barn, the deep-breathing lad stepped around the horse and whipped out his huge, dripping prick. Catching his thick tongue between his teeth he whacked it off violently, grunting like an animal. His big fist pumped up and down furiously on his enormous boner and he growled deep in his"chest as his prick shot big wads of thick cum all over the ground. Spurt after spurt of creamy cock-juice fired into the air and arced to the ground, splatting there.

Sissy stepped into the coolness of the barn and sighed. She loved barns and, she paused to breathe in the country smell of manure and warm cow's milk and hay. One cow was still in its yoke chewing cud. Chickens scooted away from her feet.

Sissy smiled brightly, watching baby chicks scurry after their mother hen. One little yellow fur ball darted in the wrong direction, scooted under a yoke rail into a stall.

Sissy laughed and ran after it. She reached down over the cow railings to catch the little creature.

"No, no, little one," she giggled, trying to catch the peeping chick to save it from itself. She reached down further and all of a sudden the cow yoke fell.

"Oh, darn it," she said. She tried to raise up, thinking the yoke would lift on her shoulders. But it didn't. It was locked tight, and Sissy was a captive, bent at the waist with her pretty head caught like a cow's.

That's how the dog Rex found her when he entered the barn. Sissy was struggling and grunting, trying to free herself.

Curious, Rex padded up behind her. When he was close, he smelled a familiar aroma. Without hesitation, he dipped his wet nose under her short dress between her creamy thighs. His snout felt like a big cock as it hit her naked little cunt.

"What!" she squealed.

She caught her breath and twisted the best she could to see through the railings.

"Rex!" she cried. "No, no! Don't do that here! No, Rex! Stop!"

But time and place meant nothing to an animal. Maybe girls needed the privacy of their homes and secrecy about fucking animals, but four-footed creatures went by instinct.

So Rex buried his nose between her thighs and licked his big tongue up around her juicy cunt. His tongue-tip lashed her cut and pussy-lips until Sissy thought she'd die. What if Cal or Jed saw this! Or - God forbid! - Hollis!

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