Young Pussy - Cover

Young Pussy


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - He wanted to make sure that he was her slave forever, so he married her. Now what could be more exciting than that? How about his wife's lesbian lover moving in and he becomes a slave to two women! Loads of sex in every combination that you can think of.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Water Sports   Novel-Pocketbook  

Elton folded the wrinkled brown paper sack into four quarters. In amongst one of the quarters was a twelve inch square piece of heavy plastic wrapping material and a twelve inch piece of much used wrinkled tin foil. He sighed a sigh of almost exhaustion and the exhalation made his shoulders droop forward. His spectacles hung from one ear and rested on his shoulder. His eyes were green blue, watery and tired. Elton licked his dry lips that were not red. They had a purplish look to them; like the lips of a cardiac patient. He sucked his cheeks inward and the vacuum pulled his dental plates firmly up against his bare gums. The sucking sound let him know that they were now seated properly. His tongue moved in his dry feeling mouth and guided the small bits and particles of the food he had just eaten towards his gullet. He mused to himself. 'Gee. I wonder why Sandy hasn't called me. After all, we are married. I can't understand why she calls me an old maid or an old lady. I know I label everything and I'm very particular about my purchases. I buy the best and I don't throw my money away. I can't understand why she won't let me fuck her. I know I could get hard, but every time something starts to happen she screams at me. It's funny, but it makes me hard and then for some reason it starts to die. I can't understand it. Oh, why doesn't she phone me?' Elton continued to suck at his dentures. There was no place that he could really pace back and forth so he kept brushing a strand of his hair back into place. His eyes dragged on the floor and he felt his shoes scuff against the pavement. His hands were in his pockets and he walked forward with dejected resolution. 'God, it sure costs money. It's all right, I love her.'

As he walked into the large office he remarked to his secretary, "It sure is a beautiful day, today. I hope it doesn't rain, because if it rains, I'll get wet. I left my umbrella home the other day when it rained and I forgot to bring the spare one back here again."

"Oh, Mr. Silver, you're always spoofing me," as she turned and gritted her teeth. She muttered under her breath, 'He is the dumbest, most impossible son-of-a-bitch and the biggest pain in the neck that I have ever met. He deserves to eat shit. How I had the rotten luck to be his secretary, I'll never know.'

The five o'clock quitting bell jangled at Elton's thoughts. He realized that the afternoon had flown. 'I must have daydreamed the entire afternoon away. I wonder if I dare to call Sandy. She only lives a few blocks from here. No, I'd better not, if I did she would only get very angry and I love her. I love her and that is why I do everything she says I should do."

Elton looked out the window and saw that it was not raining. He clocked out and walked towards the subway, still dragging his feet. The ride would be hot and he tugged at his tightly drawn up tie and loosened it on his collar. The beads of perspiration formed on his brow as he went down into the subway hole. He was unaware of the dankness of the air. His thoughts flashed always to Sandy... her lovely gaping pussy. 'Oh, if she'd only let me suck her pussy. I wish she would phone me.'

He allowed himself to be jousted into one of the steaming crowded subway cars and four stops later, when the train ground to a halt, the crowd ejected him onto the subway platform. He climbed the steps, with the paper under his arm and hoped fervently that his wife Sandy would call him tonight.

He picked up the same kind of TV dinner that he always bought. The supermarket was the same. Nothing changed. Elton walked, looked downwards and thought.

For some reason or other it seem like the TV dinner cooked very quickly. Elton gulped it down, licked his fingers, sucked at his teeth and laid down to rest.

Elton's floating dream of Sandy was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. Elton got up, looked at his watch and remarked out loud, "Gosh it's two o'clock in the morning." His heart began to beat faster and his breathing was heavy with anticipation. Sometimes, Sandy called him at odd hours.

Elton picked up the phone and said, "Hello."


Elton's heart leaped. It was his wife. It was his love... "Yes dear."

"You God damn son-of-a-bitch. You bastard. What took you so long?"

"But dear..."

"Oh, Elton shut up and listen to me. Dumbo, are you listening to me?"

Elton felt his peter rise as Sandy berated him.

"Elton, are you listening Dumbo?"

"Yes, dear."

"Now listen, Elton. Put your clothes on. Get down and get a taxi and come over to Susan's house. You have the address on your memo pad. Get your arse into gear. Elton! Are you listening to me?

"Yes dear. I was listening to you, but this taxi..."

"Dumbo, do you or don't you want to see me? Now get the lead out of your pants and move. I expect you here in less than an hour. Do you understand Dumbo? You remember don't you dear, what happens when you are late or don't listen to me?"

"Okay dear. I'm coming right now. Goodbye."

Sandy banged down the receiver and turned to her girl friend and lovemate Susan. "When the Dumbo gets over here we'll throw this flour sack over his head and tie him to the bed post. Then we'll strip his clothes off of him and poke at him lightly. I want him to watch how beautifully I suck you off. Do you suppose that Jim and Pete could come down later and fuck my pussy, make me scream and fill me up with their hot wet sperm. You know the two black studs. I think they are groovy. They have such fierce cocks. Susan, do you remember when you were kissing me while Peter had his cock in my cunt and Jim ripped my arse hole?"

"Let me call them now and set it up for later." Susan wore long mid-thigh length red fisherman net stockings. Her flat shoes were severe in cut and design. She sat almost nude on a brown maple colored stool. Her nude buttocks and milk white flesh made the black garter belt that she wore stand out. She hiked her left leg up and hooked her heel on the edge of her seat exposing her almost hairless pink tinted slot.

Susan's breasts were full and hard. Her pink aureoles made her firm large boobs seem larger than they really were. She had a way of smiling a question. Susan dialed a number, sat back and listened to the phone ring at the other end.

Sandy could not resist the pink trench that Susan without words had asked her to suck. Sandy fell to her knees and licked her lips. She pointed her tongue and placed her lips inside of Susan's inviting hot trench.

"Hello, Pete. Is Jim around?" Susan felt her cunt being sucked.

"Oh, he is. Wonderful." Susan continued to push her cunt against Sandy's nibbling, chewing lips.

"Would you boys like to do me a favor tonight. My girl friend, Sandy is here..."

"Yes, yes. That's right. The one you both fucked last week. Anyway, come on down in about an hour. Walk big and tall. Fuck her good, fill her up and then we'll make her husband suck your drippings from her cunt while he is chained or tied to a bedpost."

"Good, I'm glad it appeals to you. I'll see you both in about an hour. Bye."

Susan pushed Sandy's head away from her glistening pussy and said, "Later, baby later. Tell me about your new husband Elton. What's he like, etc."

Sandy started at the very beginning and by the time she got through with how she had met Elton, the doorman called up and said that a Mr. Silver was downstairs and calling.

There was a gentle wrapping at Susan's door and Sandy got the flour sack ready to throw over Elton's head.

Susan opened the door and Elton stepped in. Before he could say a word, Sandy threw the flour sack over his head. Susan tripped and threw Elton to the floor at the same moment. Before Elton knew what was happening he was blindfolded and his hands were tied in back of him to a hard object.

Susan quickly closed the door and said, "Gee, Sandy, it worked just as you had planned. Now let's get his clothes off. I want to see what this mother fucker looks like."

"But... why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Oh, Sandy, I love you. I love you... I..."

"Shut up Elton! I see you still haven't learned, Dumbo! When will you ever learn to shut your fucking mouth? Come on Susan, get his pants off and I'll remove the flour sack. He knows what will happen if he moves or resists me. Besides I want him to watch us loving each other. I want him to see me when I get fucked or when I get on my knees and suck your delicious hot cunt. Where are your dildos, Susan? Please, would you mind getting them?"

"Oh Sandy, I missed you. Why didn't you call me. I really miss..."

"Dry up Elton. Don't bother me or interrupt me while I'm getting undressed. It is nice to see you, but you don't have to yaki-yak about it. Now if you want to stay, shut up!"

Elton looked fondly at Sandy and felt his wang growing at the sound of her commanding voice. "Yes Sandy, I want to watch you. Can I please suck your cunt later?"

"Elton, if you obey me and watch everything with your eyes wide open dumbo, then maybe I'll let you suck my cunt. Until then, shut up."

Susan returned to the living room with the dildos. She carried three large rubber helpers lovingly in her hands and some good strong rough lengths of ropes. "Sandy, I brought this rope too. Is this what you wanted, honey?"

Sandy took the ropes and started tying Elton to the bed post. She reversed his position by taking his hands in front of him. She drew the rough rope across his back, directly under his armpits and across his chest. "Susan, notice how I've left his back exposed. We'll be able to lash him with this extra length of rope. Oh, I see you brought three dildos. I know; naughty you. I know what you want to do with the third dildo and I quite agree that Elton's arse hole is just about the right size."

"Oh, Sandy, could we really? I'd love to make that scene with you my darling beloved. Oh Sandy, my cunt is so hot. I want your sweet lips to touch me. I want you to eat me. My juice is dripping now from when you were sucking me while I was talking on the phone with Pete. Let's love a little before they arrive."

Elton looked at both beautiful ladies and then at the dildos. His wang was growing with anticipation. He recognized the look on Sandy's face and hope he had read her thoughts right. His arse hole began to itch with desire, as he thought. 'Maybe Sandy would let him have a fat juicy dildo up inside of me.' This would be the first time Sandy had ever played with him. The first time he had been allowed to join in. How much he loved her. The ropes were tight and he tried to reach down and touch his growing wang. He was almost able to reach it. He could see the liquid begin to ooze out of his urine hole. He was burning with fire and desire. "Sandy, I love you. Sandy, I love you. I love..."

"God damn bastard! Shut up! We've just begun to make our scene and we don't want no shit, or any interruptions from you dodo. Do you understand?" To emphasize her speech Sandy took the rope in her right hand and lashed out at Elton's back. She caught him across the buttocks. She raised the rope again and again until the blood began to show in the red welts on his arse.

"Aooooooo. Ohhhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhh. All right Sandy, I promise I'll shut up."

Susan had been watching with much excitement as Sandy beat Elton. Her cunt was itching, creaming and squeezing with the thought of Sandy's flicking her tongue back and forth over her little man in the boat. "Sandy come here darling. Suck me darling. Eat my cunt. Let me feel your globes. Let me suck your titties and bite them gently."

Sandy sank to the floor beside her female lover drinking in the beautiful sight of her stretched out on the floor. Susan's legs were invitingly wide spread. Susan's cunt was pink lipped, covered with black down and her pussy lips parted slightly in invitation. "Susan my love, let me put a dildo in your cunt and suck your beautiful clit." Sandy spit a gob of spit onto her hand and rubbed it onto the end of the dildo. She began to push the large skin colored dildo back and forth in Susan's creamy hot cunt. She leaned over Susan, dog fashion and began to lick Susan's pubic hair as her hand moved the dildo in and out of the flaming hot trench.

"Ohhhhhhhh Sandy. Your arse hole looks so good to me," moaned Elton.

Elton had been watching the two girls. He had never seen Sandy make it with another girl and he really dug watching them together. His eyes were wide open, staring at them both. He wished it was him shoving the dildo back and forth and sucking his wife's cunt. He knew when he should not speak. He was beginning to learn. He could feel the marks smarting where Sandy had whipped him with the rough ropes. He was beginning to really learn. He would be very quiet and just watch.

Susan could feel Sandy's hot lips nipping and sucking at her clitoris. She pulled Sandy's cunt down to her lips and felt her spur cock. She loved this spur cock. Many times Sandy would rub this spur cock up against her own clitoris and she would melt with ecstasy. The thought of this made Susan's pussy cream and drip down her arse cheeks. She thought, 'If only Sandy hadn't married fucko!' She took the dildo in her hand and fiercely shoved it high up into Sandy's cunt. "You bitch, Sandy. You really are a bitch. Can you feel the dildo, darling? I hope you feel it good. If you only hadn't married fucko. Didn't I treat you good? Wasn't I good for you? No, you had to go and marry a no good bastard."

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