Young Pussy - Cover

Young Pussy


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - He wanted to make sure that he was her slave forever, so he married her. Now what could be more exciting than that? How about his wife's lesbian lover moving in and he becomes a slave to two women! Loads of sex in every combination that you can think of.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Sadistic   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Water Sports   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sandy was an excellent cook and she prepared a smorgasbord table. She had prepared Swedish meatballs, all kinds of fishes, salads and various other side dishes, such as macaroni salad, coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans and an assortment of cold cuts. Also she laid out, salad dressing, pickles, pickled pears, green olives, black olives, raw onion rings and sour cream. The final touches were added with the two main courses: a large stuffed Turkey at one end of the table and a cold huge fish covered with mayonnaise at the opposite end. It really looked nice and almost too pretty to touch. The lights from the hanging candelabra gave the room a very, very close and intimate feeling. Sandy's apartment had been set up for love. Her Hi-Fi sounded beautiful, especially since she had several stereo speakers in different parts of her apartment.

The lights were low and the music from the Hi-Fi was purring softly when the buzzer to Sandy's and Elton's apartment sounded. Sandy turned to the full length mirror and adjusted her baby blue see through mini shift dress. It would have left nothing to the imagination except that underneath its transparent lace frilliness there was a bikini type pair of very sheer powder pink lace stretch panties that showed every curve of Sandy's magnificent figure. Her large pink nippled breasts were held loosely in a very brief powder pink lace mini bra. Her golden hair fell to her bare shoulders and this accentuated her black braided leather headache band stretched across her forehead. Sandy's long shapely legs were covered from the instep to about one inch below the hem line of her leather boots. The boots left her toes exposed. When Sandy walked, you could see that her bikini panties were of a special design. As she strolled towards the door the crotch level hem raised slightly and the candle light played on her pink pussy lips that were exposed by a tailor made slot in the bikini panties crotch.

Sandy opened the door and there was the handsome face of her next door neighbor. "Hi Tom. I was just thinking of coming next door and inviting you to this little informal gathering. You know how I am with preparing food. Food is like sex. I must have a tremendous amount of it. You wouldn't believe it, but late this afternoon cooked all of this!" Sandy turned and with a flowing motion of her arm pointed to her opulent smorgasbord set up.

The candles flickered and Tom asked, "May I bring Bijou in also?"

"Our kind of party wouldn't be a party, without Bijou! Sure, bring him in. Maybe I'll let you teach Elton how to take care of Bijou so that when you go away on weekends Elton can feed, walk and generally take care of your dog just as you would, if you were at home."

Tom tugged on the leash that he had around his dog, Bijou's neck. Bijou was a large spotted Dalmatian. His coat was beautiful and he wore a lovely jewel studded collar around his neck. His dangling balls were super developed and his cock hung out of its sheath like a flaming red piece of meat. Tom's gold colored, three button breasted jacket set off his ruddy looking complexion. He had high cheekbones, full sensuous lips and a square chin. When Tom looked at you, it was as if he were questioning you with his eyes, that were boyishly innocent looking. His eyebrows appeared on his forehead. Tom was gay, but from the way he dressed and looked you could never guess it. His hands were those of a man who had at one time done heavy labor. His fingers were thickened and calloused. You could see the tendons move on the backside of his hand underneath the developed blue veins.

"Hi Elton! This looks like a real feast fit for the kings!" Tom ran his fingers over the back of his head smoothing down an imaginary strand of hair. His brown hair was parted on the left side. The right side was combed backward diagonally across his head in a straight sweep.

Tom was in show business. His barber styled his hair to accentuate his young little boy like look and demeanor.

"I'm glad to see you Tom and I wish that I could see more of you, but Sandy sends me home practically every night. It's sort of funny to have a bachelor's quarters and still be married, but I kind of like the idea. So you like the Sterling Silver Dinner Service that I have set out now? I wish that I could afford a set for my place, but Sandy says that I don't need any. What I don't understand is why I have to sleep on an army cot in the foyer, when I'm allowed to stay over."

"Elton, Elton... Elton. Why don't you shut your Goddamn mouth, because you haven't anything to say anyway really, and besides which, I don't want to here it. Now please, dear set the biscuits out. I just heard the bell in the oven signal they are ready."

Sandy had been looking at Elton and it was obvious that Elton enjoyed being married to Sandy. The outfit that Elton was wearing was preposterous. He was barefoot and had silver shackles encircling his ankles. His wrist bracelets were almost identical except that they had some Chinese or oriental art work engraved on their surfaces. Elton was wearing white silk bell bottom trousers.

Elton's shirt was a transparent aqua colored affair with ruffles running down the front and was covered by a thinly woven Cashmere vest. His peter was plainly outlined in his trouser leg and laid there limp looking. The only time that it had showed signs of life was when Sandy started to berate him. At that time, Tom thought he had noticed Elton's dong throb.

Elton came back into the living room with a tray laden with biscuits. Sandy and Tom were seated on the sofa sipping drinks. "Where's mine?" Elton whined, with a hurt look on his face.

"Oh, Elton, don't be such an arse. Answer the door Elton. Can't you hear the bell ringing? Man alive, are you stupid. Come on get your arse into gear and open the fucking door."

Elton trotted to the door obediently and called out, in a whining manner, "Whooooo's theeeere? Caaaannn you reppppeat that?"

"God damn bastard, just open the fucking door. I can hear Paul saying his name from here. Why in the hell do you have to make such a project out of something so simple. I guess it's just that you're simple. Now get that fucking door open!"

Paul stepped through the door smiling to Elton, "Damn Elton. I would have thought you learned something by now. Wow! What a spread! Hiya Sandy! You sure do look gorgeous." Paul was wearing a bold tattersall plaid sport coat which was perfectly matched to his light and lively looking blue slacks. The end of his trousers just barely touched the glossy black leather moccasins on his feet. Paul was an impeccable dresser.

"Paul, I'd like you to meet Tom."

"Tom, I'd like to introduce you to Paul--this is Bijou, Tom's dog."

Paul reached down and petted the dog and said, "Gee. He is a fine looking animal. Has he had any training?"

Tom's eyes flickered to a smile and he conceded that Bijou had been taught just a few tricks. "Maybe later, I can demonstrate some of them for you. Bijou just loves to perform, right Bijou?"

Bijou eyes perked up at the mention of his name. Bijou knew what Tom was talking about and he wiggled his arse playfully.

"Elton, get Paul a drink, please dear."

"What does he drink dear? Does he drink Champagne or maybe I'll mix up one of my highballs. Or would he like some wine? You know we have red wine and white wine and sweet wine... but most people prefer to have a Sparkling wine with this type of dinn..."

"Goddamn it. What is this nonsense? What in the hell are you talking about. This is not the time for a dissertation. Man, I said move your arse. Get him a drink, not drinks. Now Paul, sorry about this. What would you really like to have?"

Paul replied, "Whatever you are drinking."

"Elton, shake your arse. You heard the man."

Elton shuffled over the bar and made Paul a drink. As he padded back, he tripped over his own feet and poured the drink over Sandy's pink and blue shift. The cold drink with its ice cubes made Sandy jump to her feet from the shock. She screamed. "You Goddamn stupid son of-a-bitch. You are the clumsiest... you're the dopiest. Dumbo. Dumbo, now you've done it. You have finally done it!"

Sandy stood in front of Elton. She continued to shout, "I'm taking off my shift, my panties and my bra. Open your eyes stupid and look at me. Stop shaking. I want you to get on your knees. I'm going to make you suck my cunt." Sandy suddenly started to pummel Elton's shoulders as he stood in front of her.

Elton fell to his knees and he picked up Sandy's shift and tried to cover her exposed beautiful large titties with it.

Sandy wrapped him across the head with her open hand. "Kiss my toes! Aren't you glad I had these open toe boots made especially for you. Come on stupid, kiss them!"

Elton leaned forward and kissed Sandy's exposed toes. He licked them with relish until Sandy again commanded him, "Get my riding crop! I feel like riding. Come on stupid move your arse!" She turned and looked towards Paul and Tom on the sofa.

Paul and Tom were locked in a hot embrace. Tom's hands were stroking Paul's excited prong. The light from the candles threw long shadows across the bulge in Tom's crotch.

Paul slouched downward in his seat and spread his legs wide apart. His eyes were shut and he felt Tom unsnap the waist band of his powder blue form fitting slacks. His silk undershorts did little to hide his big black hard cock. It throbbed against its silken bonds. Paul spread his legs wider and he felt Tom tug at the elastic of his almost transparent undershorts. With half closed eyes he saw his beautiful rampant phallus throb. The head stretched itself into a wide brown knob.

"Go ahead Tom. Take a swat at it. Have you ever been sucked off by a man, Paul?"

Paul's head was lying back. He was breathing deeply. The aphrodisiac that she had put in the ice cube water evidently had taken effect. She knew that her cunt was on fire and Elton's attitude pleased her. He was docile.

Elton trotted back to Sandy's side. The riding crop was in his hand, "here is the riding crop, dear. You did want the riding crop didn't you. I didn't know which one to bring you. You have a black one and a white one and this brown one."

Sandy frowned and arched her eyebrows. She looked downward at Elton and said, "Why the hell did you bring the three of them. You know I like the white one." She took the white riding crop, stepped back and slashed at Elton's face. "Tell me why I like the white one, Elton? Does it work better or is it because of its color? Anyway take your God damn fucking clothes off. I want to be able to get at you good. I want you to be my personal pony. Besides, which, whoever heard of a fucking pony wearing clothes. And you are my pony and I am going to whip your arse!"

Elton was naked and folding his clothes, when he felt Sandy's riding crop cut across his arse. "Eiiiii Eiiiii eiiiii." Elton continued to fold his clothes.

He heard Sandy's voice thunder, "You dumb son-of-a-bitch. Get on your knees." Elton fell to his knees in front of Sandy and assumed an almost praying position. His head was turned upwards, hands were clasped in behind of his back and his eyes were shut. Elton's cock was in semi-hard condition and Sandy reached down and pushed it from side to side with the end of her riding crop. Her other hand reached over and picked up two of the aphrodisiac loaded ice cubes. Then she laid down on the gold and black leopard skinned rug.

Elton watched Sandy lie on her back and spread her legs. He saw her gaping trench, hot and wet in front of him. He was glad that Sandy had commanded him to open his eyes a few moments ago. He looked to the left and saw that Tom was on his knees and sucking Paul's rampant black prong. Tom's right hand was working up and down the red meat shaft that hung out of Bijou's sheath. Bijou just laid there oblivious to everything. Paul's hand was on top of Tom's bobbing brown head. He felt Tom's tongue move around his hot knob. Tom's hand kept moving up and down Bijou's cock and his tongue whipped around and around on Paul's inflamed cock head. Every once in a while Paul felt Tom's tongue dig and gouge, and try to plough up his piss hole.

Elton was happy. Tom and Paul were so involved with one another that they did not see his nakedness. Elton turned his head back again towards Sandy's hot red slot and he saw her shove two ice cubes up into it.

"This is the ice for your drink, Elton. Two ice cubes shoved up my cunt." Sandy rolled back, throwing her legs outstretched into the air. Her hands held her hips in a bicycle riding exercise position. "All right Dumbo, pour the wine over the Spanish Fly ice cubes in my cunt!"

Elton shuffled over on his knees to the table. He looked at the bottles of wine, trying to decide if he should have the white wine, the red wine or what kind he should have. He thought about different taste of each kind...

"You bastard. Where are you? Fucko! What are you doing? Get the white wine and get back over here. Your ice cubes are melting."

"But... but... I don't know which wine to bring. Shall I bring the red wine, or the white wine

"Dumbo! Jerk! Bastard! Get your arse moving and just bring any kind of wine. Don't you get it? Do I have to spell it all out for you. I want you to drink your wine with ice cubes from my cunt. Now get any wine and bring it over here. It doesn't matter which, because it will be cunt flavored wine, especially put out by Sandy, Inc. You dumb arse hole."

Elton grabbed the first bottle of wine his hands reached and shuffled back to Sandy's outstretched legs and arse, still on his knees. His hips swung back and forth and his wang began to grow from the sound's of his master's voice. "Here is the wine dear. I brought you the red wine, because it mixes well with your lovely tasting cunt juice." Elton poured a little of the wine into Sandy's cunt and leaned down between her outstretched legs to drink his drink.

"No, no stupid. Put enough wine in for a real drink. I want it to mix with the ice cubes if there are any left yet. In fact, you had better add a couple of more ice cubes."

Elton reached over and picked up another ice cube in his right hand. The thumb and index finger of his left hand pushed Sandy's cuntlips apart. He placed the ice cube right on top of the honey pot hole and with a quick shove he plopped it inside. He felt his wang start to stretch and grow and he savored the feeling. He put the mouth of the wine bottle to Sandy's gaping hole and poured wine on top of the ice cubes in Sandy's vagina.

"All right stupid. Drink your drink. You wanted it bad enough. You've been sulking every time someone puts a glass to their lips. Now suck. Drink your drink!"

Tom and Paul looked up and Paul said, "A toast to our lovely hostess. Well man, just don't look at me, drink! Let me see you suck your old lady's cunt!"

Tom patted Bijou and said, "Go get it Bijou. Go get it." Bijou stood up and his raw meat hung out. With a little urging from Tom, Bijou bounded over to Elton. He put his cold snout up against Elton's cock and his tongue flicked out against Elton's pendulous ball sac.

"Do you like Bijou's tongue on your cock, Elton? Come on stupid, take one second and answer me."

Elton lifted his mouth for a moment and blurted out, "It feels different dear. I've never had a dog suck or lick at my cock. It does feel different. It sort of feels good. It reminds me of the time..." and he heard Sandy interrupt.

"Bastard, I don't need one of your fucking spiels now. Just suck and drink your drink and shut up!"

Bijou's tongue flicked around and around Elton's crotch balls, arse and shaft. His twirling tongue had been in and out of Elton's arse hole and Elton had enjoyed the feeling. This is what he wished Sandy would do sometimes.

Tom and Paul got up from the couch and moved closer so they could watch Elton drinking from Sandy's upturned cunt and Bijou sucking at Elton. They enjoyed watching Bijou. Tom nudged Paul and pointed to the way Bijou was able to flick and jam his tongue practically all the way up into Elton's arse hole.

Tom commanded Bijou, "Bijou, fuck! Fuck! Come on boy. Up and at 'em. He helped Bijou put his front legs around Elton's waist. Then he deftly guided Bijou's cock so that its small very pointed head rested against Elton's saliva wet brown rimmed arse hole. Bijou knew what to do. He humped his hind quarters and his prod pushed and opened the tight sphincter muscle. Bijou's cock must have been about five inches long and he had it jammed up Elton's wiggling arse hole like a sword in its scabbard. He had it ploughed so deep into Elton's arse hole that Elton was forced to raise his head from Sandy's upturned hot cunt. He was still on his knees and Tom now stood in front of him. Tom was naked and his large circumcised cock bobbed up and down in front of Elton's eyes. It was fully eight inches long, and about an inch and one- half thick. It throbbed and was alive like a gigantic pink skinned snake. The urethra was swollen and purple veins were outlined under the thin soft skin covering Tom's large tower.

Sandy opened her eyes and lowered herself from the bicycle riding position. She got to her knees along side of Elton. "Watch what I do! Watch! Elton, just watch!" She turned her he and gently sucked in one of the balls that dangled beneath Tom's large prod. It was a large mouthful and she had difficulty sucking it all in, but she finally made it. She felt its hardness and the muscle attaching it to the crotch inside of the scrotum. The flat of her tongue felt the canal that carries the sperm upwards and pumps it through the urethra. Her finger reached up and touched the hole of Tom's cock. It was wet and slippery. "All right, Elton. This is what you do. Come on. Do like I showed you."

Elton stayed on his knees, but dropped forward onto his hands. He looked like a huge hairless dog, especially with Bijou pumping his red meat up Elton's inflamed arse hole. Elton felt Bijou's grip around his waist become stronger and harder. The dog's motions became more convulsive and Elton felt a knob grow on the end of Bijou's plowing red cock. The dog shuddered and Elton felt the spasm run through the dog's cock that was so deeply buried up his arse hole.

"Damn it Elton. What makes you so slow. I guess I have to ride you and break you. Do you remember? Your so fucking stupid, I'll show you again!"

Sandy threw one leg over Elton's buttocks. She held the white riding crop in her hands and said, "Giddyap Elton. Giddyap." Sandy brought the riding crop down smartly across Elton's bare rump once, twice and the red welts started to raise on his soft arse skin.

He felt Sandy's bare arse and hot cunt press against his back. Her open cunt felt hot and wet as it kissed his vertebra with its open mouth. He felt the cunt juice dribbling out. The wetness made Sandy's open mouthed cunt slide easily over one or two vertebra. Her spur cock felt like a hard wet muscle up against his back. It throbbed and Elton wished he could be sucking on it now. He started to move around the room with Sandy pulling on his hair and kicking her heels into his flanks. Her riding crop rose and fell harder and faster and Elton crawled more quickly around the room. His arse was smarting and red colored marks crisscrossed his arse cheeks.

Sandy kept whipping Elton's arse and pulling hard on his hair. Her milk white globes were thrust forward as she guided him back so that he faced Tom's towering semen dripping tool.

Sandy kept her grip on Elton's hair, pulling backward and whipping even harder on his arse. The white riding crop became red stained and the welts started to open and become bloody. The white riding crop was stained and she felt Elton's excitement mount and Sandy knew that the ice cube aphrodisiac had taken effect. She wrapped and pressed her legs around Elton's waist and hips harder. Both of her feet locked in front and over Elton's now throbbing cock. His hot juice dripped in beads on Sandy's clenched feet. Sandy pulled hard on Elton's hair, making his lips touch Tom's extended cock.

"Open your eyes, stupid. Look what I have for you Elton. I want you to suck Tom's tool." Sandy reached around and pulled downward on Elton's chin. She looked up and said, "Go Tom."

Tom pushed his cock head into Elton's mouth. He felt Elton convulsively wrap his lips around his blood swollen shaft.

Sandy climbed off of Elton's back and continued to swipe at his blood streaked buttocks.

Elton pulled his head backward off of Tom's hot cock. "Oh, I want to suck your cunt. I want to suck your cunt, Sandy. Fuck me in the arse, Paul?" Elton resumed his sucking, slurping and licking. He liked the taste of Tom's hot joy juice. His tongue continued to wrap itself around Tom's rampant engine of love. His flicking tongue touched the sensitive nerve endings around the glans head of Tom's swollen and very excited cock.

Elton heard Sandy command, "Swallow! Swallow! You Goddamn mother fucker. I'm going to make Paul fuck you in the arse. Come here Paul. Let me feel your big gorgeous cock."

Paul moved close to Sandy and said, "Here baby. Hold my hot meat in your loving hands. Do you feel how excited it is? Just look how big it is growing? It must be eight inches long and at least two inches around. Look Sandy, look at my love juice coming out of the hot hole."

"I want to suck it Paul," Sandy cried. "I want to taste your hot sperm. Come on Elton suck Tom's cock. Fuck. Don't stop. Elton when I tell you to open your mouth, you take your head from Tom's bursting cock and turn it upwards.

"I'm going to give you a taste of Paul's lovely hot sperm that is mixed with my saliva. Come on you dumb bastard, suck. Suck harder and keep your Goddamn fucking eyes open. I want you see the hard fat dripping cock that you are sucking. Let me hear the sounds also, Dumbo."

"Tom, why don't you pull on his ears. Maybe they'll stretch just like Dumbo so that I can really call him Dumbo and mean it."

Tom moaned, "Ohhhhh. Ahhhhhh. Suck it, you son-of-a-bitch."

Elton's head bobbed up and down. Up and down and he felt Sandy's hands pinching the raw bloody arse cheeks. It made his cock throb and dribble, but he wasn't allowed to touch himself He remembered Sandy's words, 'Keep your fucking hands off yourself, bastard. Do what you're supposed to be doing. Suck! If you take your hands off of me, it is just like cheating me.' He well remembered when Sandy had punished and put her foot on top of his cock and balls while she finger frigged herself, "Slurp... Slurp... Slurp..."

Sandy leaned down in a squatting position so that she could better suck Paul's lovely throbbing full blown cock. She admired its blackness and its apparent strength. It was nice to see a real cock. She was so used to seeing Elton's dangling wang that a lovely juicy hard stiff prong was right up her alley. She might even like it shoved up high into her cunt. Her cunt was already creaming and throbbing with hot desire. She was thinking about what she was going to do to Elton. She would take the hot semen, dripping that she had sucked from Paul's cock, roll it around her tongue and command Elton to open up his mouth. Then she would take the hot gob of sticky come and drop it in one big sticky piece into Elton's open mouth. She pictured Elton's mouth like a baby bird's with his mouth; wide open waiting to be fed by his mother. Sandy decided that now was the time to tie Elton up.

She took her lips from Paul's cock and kept the great big lump of dribblings in one piece. She held it at the base of her mouth and she bellowed. "All right stupid, take your mouth from Tom's cock as soon as he comes and don't you dare to swallow it."

Tom grasped and pulled hard on Elton's ears. He ground his arse back and forth. "Elton suck, damn you. Suck. Don't play. Take it all. I want you to suck me. I'm going to come in your mouth now and I'm going to hold your head down. Paul give me some help! Hold Elton down for me."

Elton sucked furiously licking and sucking at Tom's throbbing cock. He liked the taste of Tom's semen. He was afraid to tell this to Sandy as she might get angry with him. "Slurp... Slurp... Slurp."

Paul moved over near Tom and Elton saying, "Okay Tom. I love to watch Elton making you happy. I love to see his lips encircling your beautiful prong. Just imagine you're getting a virgin! Look Sandy. See how beautiful Tom's cock is moving." Paul grabbed Elton's head and firmly held it on Tom's cock. Elton was unable to do anything except suck and suck.

Sandy remarked, "Yes, that's right Paul! Elton has never sucked a man off, much less held the man's come in his mouth. I wish you would come Tom. Come baby, come. Now let me see you come."

Tom moaned, as he ground his hips in a tighter circle. His face was a beautiful contorted spasm. "Ohhhhh Ohhhhh. Ahhhhh. Lovely... Ahhhh. I'm coming. I'm really coming. Keep sucking. My cock is buried to the hilt. Yes suck." Tom came. He held Elton's ears and pumped Elton's head up and down over his spitting exciting coming cock. The juices sprang from Tom's hot excited cock hole and struck the roof of Elton's mouth.

As Tom stepped back, Sandy said, "All right, Elton open your mouth. Open your mouth! God damn son-of-a-bitch! I told you to keep your eyes open. You are a dirty mother fucker."

Elton turned his mouth away from Paul's cock and said, "Oh honey. Oh honey. I need to come. I need to come." Elton reached down to touch his half-hard dribbling dangling peter.

"Mother fucker, I told you time and time again, keep your hands off. Don't cheat on me. And damnit don't swallow Tom's hot beautiful white sticky sperm. Come on open your mouth. Open your mouth so that I can drop Paul's load in it and mix it with Tom's."

Elton tipped his head sideways and opened his mouth wide. He felt Sandy's pursed lips above his gaping wide, sperm filled mouth. He saw Sandy's lips get kissed shaped. Then with a quick motion he felt her drop her hot load into his mouth. "Ohhhh. Ohhhhh. It's so hot and sticky." Elton's eyes were closed.

"Open your eyes, you son-of-a-bitch. Close your mouth, bastard and swish and swirl the mixture around your mouth. Don't swallow it! Taste it! Taste it! Enjoy it."

"This is fantastic. This is wonderful." Tom murmured, "I've never seen anything like this. I've never really had a scene with a woman. It is fantastic. It is wonderful. It makes my cock want to get hard again."

"Elton stop jerking off. Quick Paul, grab him. Tom you also, please."

"Have you got the mixture up good yet? When it's good and mixed I wish your master would allow you to spit the whole conglomeration into your hand and jerk off with it." Paul backed up and waited for Elton to go through and perform his bidding.

Sandy commanded, "You heard him slave! He is my guest so do his bidding. No nonsense now. No shit. Just do what you're told to, when your told to and shut up. A slave would be seen and not heard."

Elton put his palm that was pulled from his cock in front of his drawn in puckered-up lips. His tongue pushed forward and picked up the hot white sticky mixture from the base of his mouth. "Ohhhh. It tastes so good. Can I keep it in my mouth a little while longer? Can I please keep it a little longer?" Elton begged and pleaded with Sandy.

Sandy resisted the urge to slap him and said, "Stupid, just spit it into your hand and obey orders. Maybe I'll let you jerk off."

Tom and Paul both had their hands firmly around Elton. They were eagerly watching his every move. They were waiting to see what Sandy wanted them to do with Elton. "Boy, this is great fun. Are you enjoying this Elton?" asked Paul.

"Well, I don't know. I never have done it before. Now I liked the softness and hardness of Tom's prick when I was sucking it. I think he is a little longer than me. At least that is the way it seems to me. I think maybe Paul's prick is longer. I don't know..."

"Dumbo, you stupid bastard! Don't give me any of your long involved explanations. Of course, both Tom's and Paul's pricks are longer than yours. Was there really any doubt about this? I have never even seen you with a 'prick'. I wonder if you ever had a prick. Now take that love juice and rub your penis with it. I want to see you masturbate yourself. Keep your fucking eyes open. If I told you once, I've told you a million times, watch what you're doing!"

Elton enjoyed hearing Sandy's voice telling him what to do. Now things were all right again, because his master had told him that he could play with himself. His wang rose slightly from the sound of Sandy's voice. His prong throbbed and he remembered Tom's cock as he had sucked on it. He reached down on his cock and started to rub it and play with it.

All three pairs of eyes were fastened on Elton. Even Bijou ambled over to see what was what. Bijou took one look at the scene and trotted over to Tom and began to lick Tom's arse. From the dog's actions everyone except Elton, could feel the softness of Elton's wang.

"Sandy, can I suck your cunt please? May I taste your sweet love juice? I want to put my lips tightly around your beautiful spur cock and feel it grow inside of my mouth."

"No, you may not suck my pussy. I want Paul to fuck me and I want you to watch. Just watch that nice black juicy cock fuck your wife. You cock sucker! You bastard! Tom and Paul, please take Elton over to that chair and tie him up with those rough strong ropes. Make certain that he has a good view of my rug over here. I want him to see our next scene so that maybe Dumbo can learn a few things. It's time we really showed him the ropes."

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