First time at Mardi Gras - Cover

First time at Mardi Gras

Copyright© 2002 by Catesby

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - College girl learns to love showing off her body but finds that men like to touch as well as look

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Cheating   Cuckold   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism  

I was spending the night at my boyfriend Joey's apartment for the first time since we began seeing each other. Our relationship had been physical for a couple of months now, but because I was living in a dorm room in college, and he shared his apartment with a bunch of other guys, we had never literally slept together before.

I had hoped that the first time we lay in each other's arms all night would be a spontaneous and romantic event, but the fact was that we were only going to do it tonight because we were heading south in the morning for the Mardi Gras festival. Joey was going to be driving his friends and I there, and wouldn't have had time to pick me up beforehand. None of us had ever been to the carnival before, and I was really looking forward to it, even though it meant I had to skip college for the day.

We passed the evening on the sofa, eating pizza, drinking beer and watching the TV. After a while we began making out and things were getting pretty hot and heavy when Joey's roommates suddenly burst through the door. When they saw me lying there, legs akimbo, Joey's hands groping my tits through my bra, they stopped by the door and stared.

"Hey guys," Joey said. "Ever think of knocking?"

For a moment I lay there, not moving, watching them look at me. There were three of them, Tony, Ray and Stefan, all in their early twenties, and all obviously drunk. When I had recovered from the shock, I quickly closed my legs and pulled down my skirt, hoping that they hadn't seen how wet my panties were. I sat up straight and Joey passed me my sweater. As I put it on I noticed the guys were looking at my tits, and more especially at one of my nipples, which was clearly visible as my left breast spilled slightly over the cup of my bra. Even now that I was dressed decently again I could still feel their eyes on me, causing me to blush.

"No point in being shy, Tina," Ray grinned at me. "You're gonna have to get your tits out tomorrow anyway if you wanna win some beads."

I looked at Joey, expecting him to say something, but he did nothing but give Ray a warning glance. I had noticed before that his friends made a habit of being disrespectful to women. I had told Joey that I didn't like their attitude but he never seemed able to stand up to them, even when they were making comments about me.

"He's right, Tina," said Tony, crashing on to the couch beside me. "You ain't never been down to Mardi Gras before now, have you? First time, you gotta bring back twenty beads at least. That means showing your tits twenty times, by my reckoning."

"Yep," Stefan joined in. "It being your first time and all, I'd say it'd be best if you got in some practice tonight. You don't want nobody refusing to give you no beads 'cause you ain't doing it right."

"If I wanted some beads so desperately I'd buy them myself, okay?" I said hotly, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment, as I crossed my legs and folded my arms in front of me.

"Aww, shit, Tina," Joey looked at me. "Don't be like that. They was just kidding around. You don't have to do nothing you don't want to do."

"Anyway," Ray chipped in. "It's only a bit of fun. All the girls at Mardi Gras do it."

"That doesn't mean I'm going to. Joey, can we go to bed now?"

"Sure, honey. I'll just clean up my room a little. Tony, you're okay with sleeping on the couch tonight, yeah?"

"No problem," he answered, watching my boyfriend walk into the bedroom they usually shared. "Of course, I'd rather be in there with you," he added in a whisper to me. "Especially after what I saw when I came in."

I opened my mouth, but couldn't think of anything to say, as his eyes devoured me, looking me up and down, expressing nothing but pure animal lust. I felt my breathing get heavier as I turned from his gaze, only to see Stefan and Ray's eyes fixed on me as well. I followed their eyes to my breasts, then to my legs, which were mostly bare beneath my short skirt. They had all looked at me this way at least once or twice since I had met them, but never all at the same time. For a moment I thought they were all going to jump on me at any second. There was a deep stirring in my loins, and I felt my panties moisten up once again, simply because I knew how much the three guys wanted me. None of them were my type really. They were sexist, immature, muscle-bound idiots. Nevertheless, I couldn't stop a mental image from entering my head of the three of them ripping off my clothes and taking turns fucking me.

"Okay, you ready?" Joey called from the hall.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I called back a few seconds later.

As I stood up I felt my knees weaken and had to reach out for Tony's knee to stop myself falling. He grabbed my hand to steady me, and his touch felt like an electric shock. I pulled my hand away and headed for Joey's bedroom, forcing myself not to look back at them.

When Joey had locked the door behind me, he handed me my overnight bag, and I ran into the adjoining bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see that my face was still flushed. I splashed myself with water, cleaned my teeth and dried myself off. Then I pulled up my skirt and tentatively placed my hand between my legs. My panties were soaking wet. I pulled them off and placed them in my bag. Then I took off the rest of my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. My nipples were fully erect, the hairs on my pussy glistening with moistness. I began to touch myself, softly at first, then with more firmness. Soon I was imagining Ray's hands touching me, then Tony's, then Stefan's. When my finger gently touched my clitoris I almost jumped, it was so sensitive.

"Tina. You okay?" I heard Joey's voice on the other side of the door. "You want me to come in and help you with anything?"

Before I had come here I had already told Joey not to expect sex this evening. I wasn't comfortable with the thought of doing it while his roommates were home. Now I didn't care. I was too horny to stop myself. I unlocked the bathroom door, still naked, and stood in the doorway, with my hands on my hips.

"Wow," was all he could say for a few moments. "God, you're beautiful. I've never seen you completely naked before."

Until now, we had only made love in the back seat of his car, or standing up in alleyways. I had always been careful to keep some of my clothes on, in case anyone had come across us. I don't think I had even taken off my bra in front of him before. He had certainly seen my breasts, scooping them out of my bra, as he leaned over to suck on them, but he had never seen them like this. I am proud of them, I must admit, mostly because their size and firmness was my own doing, following a four-year diet and fitness plan I'd adhered to religiously since I was fourteen years old. I was a late developer physically and rather overweight, and boys never really gave me a second glance until I began to work on my body. A couple of years before, Joey and his friends wouldn't have noticed me at all. Now, they all lusted after me, and I can't deny it gave me a great feeling of power.

"So you like what you see?" I asked, stepping over towards him seductively.

"God, yes. You're absolutely gorgeous."

"And you'd like me to show these off to all those guys at Mardi Gras tomorrow," I cupped my breasts in my hands, flicking at the nipples lightly with my fingers.

"No. No way. It was just a joke. I don't want anyone else to see your tits. They're mine."

"No," I said, pushing him down on to the nearest bed. "They're mine."

I looked down at him as I pulled his jeans and shorts down to his ankles. His cock was already hard as I sat astride him, my wet pussy hovering over his erection. I grabbed hold of his cock and eased myself down on it, gasping with pleasure as I felt it enter me all the way. I slowly began to rock back and forth, leaning over him, controlling the movement, as my clit rubbed against the base of his shaft.

"I thought you said you wouldn't let me do it to you tonight, with all the guys here," Joey said, as he pawed at my breasts.

"But you're not doing it to me. I'm doing it to you," I replied, but what he said reminded me that his friends were not more than twenty feet away. I raised my voice as I leant over him, resting my hands on the pillow. "Suck my tits. Go on. I know you love my big juicy tits. You love sucking them while you're fucking me, don't you? Mmmmm, that's it baby."

As he did as I commanded I began to rock my body faster against his. I could feel my pussy juice running down on to his balls as I built up a rhythm, moaning louder every second, wanting his friends to hear me, to hear what a slut I was.

"Ooooh, baby. Yes... I love your cock. Ooooh. I love feeling your big hard cock inside me... fucking me. Mmmm."

I could feel myself about to come, as I imagined Tony, Ray and Stefan listening to me, wanting to have me themselves, wanting to fuck me. Usually when I reach orgasm I slow down my breathing and stay silent, concentrating on the feelings inside, but now I began to moan and scream as loud as I could.

"Yes, Joey. Do it. Oooooh, yes. Come inside me... Go on... Yes... Fuck me. Mmmm... Oh God... I'm coming... yes... ohhhh... ohhhhh... yes, baby... fuck me... yes... ooooooohhh!"

I kept moaning loudly long after we had both come. I wanted his friends to get the full effect. I wanted them to dream about me tonight, to fantasise that they were screwing me, making me shriek in orgasm with their big hard cocks, as they pounded inside me.

"Damn, you sure were loud tonight, Tina. I hope none of the guys heard us," Joey said when I lay down beside him and snuggled up against his chest.

"Didn't you like it, then? All that noise."

"No honey. I did like it. That was the best I've ever had. You were real sexy. When you started talking about my cock I just about nearly came right there and then."

"Oh. Well, perhaps I'd better be careful what I say in future. Don't want you getting ahead of yourself."

"No, ma'am," Joey grinned at me, as he went into the bathroom.

While he was cleaning his teeth I went over to the door and listened out for the other guys. I could hear them talking, but not what they were saying. On impulse I grabbed the bed sheet and wrapped it round my body, so it just about covered my breasts and my ass. Then I opened the door and peeked my head round. I had the idea that I could go to the kitchen pretending that I wanted a glass of water. On the way I would have to pass Joey's friends. I desperately wanted to find out their reaction to my vocal display. I wondered what they'd say to me, what they'd do. Maybe while I was passing I could accidentally on purpose let the sheet fall from my body, so they could see me completely naked.

All of a sudden I lost my nerve. What was I thinking? I couldn't do that. Tonight was the first time I'd ever let any man see me fully nude, and now right away I wanted to repeat the experience with all his friends. It was ridiculous. I put the sheet back on the bed, and lay down under the covers. When Joey came in from the bathroom I pretended to be asleep. I didn't want to speak to him. I wanted to think. Within a few minutes he was snoring away, while I pondered what had happened this evening. The disgusting way Joey's friends had looked at me, the way I'd deliberately let them hear me acting so slutty during sex, the fact that I had wanted them to see me naked. Before I fell asleep I had come three times from fingering myself.

When I awoke the next morning, Joey was just coming out of the bathroom, drying his hair. I instantly panicked. I couldn't face going on this trip, not with all his friends coming too. I was ashamed about last night, about what they'd think of me. I may have had a couple of beers, but that was no excuse for acting the way I did.

"Tina," Joey called out softly, kissing me on the forehead. "You awake? Come on, honey. If you want to take a shower, you'd better do it now. We got a long ride ahead of us."

"I'm not coming," I said.

"Huh? Why not? What's the matter?"

I told him how I felt, how I was embarrassed about the other guys hearing me when we made love.

"Hey, don't worry about it. They probably never even heard you. You weren't that loud really. Louder than normal maybe, but I'm sure they never heard you anyway. Come on baby. Let's go."

"I don't know. Let me think about it."

"Okay, Tina. But think about it in the shower, okay? We're really got to move it. I'm going to make sure the other guys are ready," Joey said, walking out the door.

I went into the bathroom and stood underneath the hot shower, wondering what to do. Maybe he was right. Maybe it was all in my imagination and they hadn't really heard anything. To my surprise this idea disappointed me. I really did want them to hear me fucking. I felt myself getting wet again at the thought of it. If I could just see them, I would know one way or the other, so I resolved to decide whether to go or not as soon as I could gauge their reaction.

When I had dried myself and dressed I ventured out from Joey's bedroom. All four of the guys were sitting around the TV, waiting for me.

"You all set?" asked Stefan.

I looked at him, then at Ray and Tony. They looked hungover and bored, and paid little attention to me whatsoever. I was sure now that I had exaggerated everything in my mind.

"Yep," I said. "Let's go."

I sat in the front seat beside Joey, who was driving, while his friends all piled into the backseat. To my surprise the three guys in the back were pleasant company, singing songs and telling jokes. It was a four-hour journey so I was glad it wasn't too boring. By 11am we were halfway there and the guys pulled out some beers from the cooler they had with them. At first I didn't want to join them, not being used to drinking so early, but they soon persuaded me, and after a couple of beers I was singing louder than any of them.

By the time we reached our destination I was feeling no pain at all. In fact I was pretty drunk, so much so that Joey insisted that we have something to eat before we ventured through the crowds. We crowded into a small diner and had a couple of burgers each while Tony made a fool of himself. Normally I'd have been less than impressed with his clowning around, but the festival spirit had rally taken hold in me. Well, that or the beer.

As we were eating, a young couple came into the restaurant and approached our table. The guy looked like some Hell's Angels refugee, with his long hair, beard and leather jacket. The woman he was with was in her early twenties. She was very slim and seemed to be weighed down by the huge array of beads she wore around her neck.

"Hey, guys," the bearded man greeted us. "You wanna buy some beads? Knock down prices, man. Dollar each."

"No man," replied Joey. "It's alright."

"Come on. They're selling 'em for at least three bucks a pop all the way to Bourbon Street. You wanna have something to give to the girls don't you? Me and my old lady are leaving now and we don't need the extra weight. She got thirty-five beads from flashing her tits. May as well make some use of them. What do you say?"

"Hell. I'm game," said Ray. "Why the hell else we down here anyway for? Tell you what. I'll give you 10 bucks for a dozen."

"Hey man," the bearded guy spoke to Ray. "No deals. A dollar each. Take it or leave it."

"You got thirty-five you say?" asked Tony.

"Yep. We counted earlier."

"Okay then. Stefan, Ray, give me ten dollars each. Joey don't have to pay 'cause he drove us here. I'll put in the other fifteen. If it means we're gonna see thirty-five pairs of tits then I ain't complaining none."

While the three of them pooled their money together, the girl pulled the beads from around her neck and placed them on the table in front of us and Joey began counting them. As the biker dude pocketed the money Joey suddenly caught his arm.

"Hey man. There's only thirty-four here. You owe us a dollar."

"Take it easy, man. Shona, do your stuff," he responded looking at his companion.

Suddenly the girl pulled up her T-shirt, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra. Both nipples were pierced with two heavy rings. I couldn't believe that she was exposing herself like this in a restaurant, but the guys just hollered and cheered. Stefan picked up a set of beads and put it round the girl's neck as soon as she covered herself up again.

"That's it man. You get the idea," the bearded man said to Stefan, taking the beads from around the girl's neck and putting them back on the table. "That makes thirty-five, yeah? Come on Shona. Time to go."

Joey looked like he wanted to complain, but thankfully he just watched in silence as they walked out of the diner. Throughout this bizarre transaction I hadn't say a word. I was desperately trying to stop laughing. The whole thing was so serious, and so seriously weird. Well, I guess that's what the carnival's all about.

"Shit, did you see those scrawny little tits she had," said Tony. "I ain't giving no beads to no flat-chested broad like her."

"Yeah," agreed Ray, looking at me. "Looks like thirty guys did though. Imagine how many a girl with big tits could get."

Instantly all four of them directed their gaze to my chest. I could see what they were thinking.

"Oh no. Not me. I'm not doing that for beads, money, whatever."

"Hey," said Tony. "That's up to you. Anyway, what we hanging round here for? We're missing all the action. Let's go."

We went back to where the car was parked and took out the remaining beers.

"Damn," Joey exclaimed suddenly. "We should've tried to get some dope off that guy, man. He looked like a dealer. I don't wanna get too drunk on beer. I gotta drive us all home. Shit."

"Don't worry about it," said Ray. "Maybe we can score some later on."

Joey stopped complaining and we marched through the crowd, heading for the French Quarter. It was a long way and we made slow progress, but everyone we met was having fun, dancing and whistling, and after a couple more beers I was revelling with the best of them.

I watched with glee as Stefan and Ray asked countless girls if they wanted some beads. Some of them refused flat out. The rest of them said they would take the beads, but they weren't going to flash their tits for them. The guys were so put out that I couldn't help but laugh at them. They weren't the only guys getting turned down. In the last hour I had only seen three girls consent to lift their tops. I think most of the rest had over-protective boyfriends with them. No one had even asked me at all, which may have been because Joey kept close to me, his hand on my shoulder pressing me against his chest as we walked along.

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