Teasing Pleasing Family - Cover

Teasing Pleasing Family


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - While on summer vacation the Conways have sex with every member of their family that they visit. It is a first for some and something that other family members have wanted to do for a long time! Incest with something for everyone.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Rough   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Do you think Denny and Elise are happy?" Helen Conway asked her husband when they were on the road again. "They seemed... I don't know... kind of distant from each other, I guess. Maybe it's because Elise is so pregnant and Denny's frustrated. You know how that can be. No..."

Helen quickly glanced over her shoulder, making sure her daughter was still asleep.

"... sex," she said.

Brad Conway promptly laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Helen defensively asked.

"You wouldn't worry about their sex life if you'd heard what I did last night." Brad explained his amusement. "Elise might be knocked up as big as a house, but Denny's still getting laid one way or another. If that wasn't him fucking her I was listening to, I don't know what else it could've been."

"Oh, Brad," Helen huffed. "Really. Your language..."

"Think they were screwing in the bathroom, too," Brad said, enjoying the way his wife squirmed. "Maybe Elise leans over the john so that big belly won't get in the way, and Denny balls her doggie-style."

"Will you please stop?" Helen hissed. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

Brad was on a roll, though, merrily adding, "Or maybe Elise takes after her mother-in-law. You always liked my cock up your ass when you were knocked up with our kids. So what do you mean, no sex? You always got your share of cock right up to the ninth month. Why should Elise be any different?"

Helen Conway's whole attitude abruptly changed with her husband's mention of back-door sex. She was a lot more interested in her own sex life than she was in her son and daughter-in-law's.

"Gee, it's been a long time since you did that to me." She sighed.

"Did what?" Brad asked with a smirk.

"You know."

"But maybe I want to hear you actually say it."

"You bastard."

"Say it."

"Give me one good reason."

"Maybe I'll make up for lost time if I hear out loud how much you want it again."

"Would you... really?"

"Try me."

So Helen Conway told her husband what he wanted to hear.

"Fuck me in the ass," she purred, rubbing against her husband in the front seat of the car.

"Tell me more," Brad coaxed.

"I want your big, hard cock ramming into me where I shit," Helen crooned in his ear, while stroking his bulging cock.



"Your brother's expecting us, though. We already called ahead."

"So," Helen seductively said, "Arnie'll take us to dinner, we'll drink a lot of wine on him, then wind up in bed at our motel with your big cock fucking straight up my horny ass. Sounds like a terrific evening to me."

"What about you know who?" Brad whispered, gesturing over his shoulder toward the back seat.

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her. We'll rent separate rooms. Have all the privacy we need for you to fuck the shit out of me like you used to do."

There was a convention in town. Getting any kind of room was a lucky break. All the Conways could find was the last overpriced vacancy at a hole-in-the-wall motel. Since their daughter would have to sleep on a cot beside their bed, it looked to a disappointed Brad and Helen Conway as if there'd be no ass-fucking for them that night. However, all was not lost, thanks to an unexpected source...

Christy knew everything, for she had only been pretending to be napping in the back seat of the car when her folks had started coming on to each other. What's more, she heartily approved.

"Mom and Dad deserve a break after having me around all the time," she said to herself. "After all, I've gotten fucked twice during this vacation, so if they're this hot to get it on tonight, I owe it to them to leave them alone."

But how? The unsatisfactory motel room had already been rented, and now they were on their way to see Christy's Uncle Arnie with time running out. All Christy could do was hope that she'd get an opportunity to somehow make things work out. And sure enough, luck was with her.

It developed, casually enough, when Arnie said during dinner at a local restaurant, "Hmmmm, I just thought of something. That damned convention's hit town. Hope you people found somewhere halfway decent to stay."

Brad Conway shrugged, trying to conceal his pained expression, though not too well.

Arnie understandingly extended his sympathy. "That crummy, huh? Wish I had more room so I could put the three of you up." It was exactly the opening Christy had been waiting for.

She spoke out, "You could handle just me couldn't you, Uncle Arnie? I could sleep on your couch, like I already did at Denny's. I'm used to it by now. It'd be a lot better than that cot at the motel."

"Christy!" Helen Conway snapped at her daughter. "Where are your manners? You don't invite yourself to spend the night with somebody."

"No, it's perfectly all right with me," Arnie said. "The couch is there, so at least one of you might as well use it. Christy's got a good idea there. Should've thought of it myself."

Helen glanced at her husband for his opinion. Brad tried to be casual, saying that he guessed it sounded all right to him.

"Well," Helen murmured, "if it's really okay with you, Arnie, I suppose Christy might as well stay at your place. It would be awfully cramped for the three of us in that motel..."

"Say no more!" Arnie ended the discussion. "Christy's my guest. Now let's eat, drink and be merry. Everybody'd better, as long as I'm paying for this dinner."

It turned out to be a grand evening. Arnie insisted that Christy have as much wine as the adults. She was tipsy when she said good night to her parents and her handsome bachelor uncle took her home with him.

"About that couch," Arnie said when they arrived at his place. "I'll sleep there and you take the bed. My treat."

"Well, okay," Christy said. Then she stumbled and admitted with a girlish giggle, "Gee, Uncle Arnie, think that wine went to my head. Like I'm a little smashed."

"Just lean on me, honey, and I'll get you into bed."

Christy let her uncle put his arm around her. He guided her into the bedroom, where she giggled some more.

"What's so funny?" her uncle asked.

"Just remembered," Christy said. "Since you're a bachelor, guess I won't be the first girl you've gotten drunk and put to bed."

"Now what would a nice girl like you know about that," Arnie cautiously teased.

"You might be surprised."


Just then the wine seemed to gallop up on Christy and overtake her. Suddenly she slipped from her uncle's grasp like a sandbag and fell back across the bed. When she landed, her bare legs dangled at the knees over the edge, her short skirt hiked far enough up her semi-parted thighs to expose the fact that she wore no panties.

"I'd, uh, better leave," Arnie nervously said.

Recovering her voice, Christy muttered, "At least help me get ready for bed, Uncle Arnie. To undress. That wine's got me so I can't get out of my own way."

"Gosh, honey, dunno if that's my place..."

"Then I'll fall asleep in my clothes," Christy answered, abruptly giggling again, "like some kinda old bag lady."

"Well, 'suppose it won't hurt if I give you a hand..."

Christy didn't make it any easier on her mother's brother. "Then take it off, Uncle Arnie. Take it all off."

Arnie took a deep breath and leaned over, groping for the zipper of his niece's skirt. It seemed to open on its own. Then Christy wriggled from the hips down, making Arnie strip her below the waist after she'd kicked off her shoes.

"D'you think I'm pretty?" she asked her uncle, the wine thickening her voice.

At this point Arnie was practically hypnotized by the sight of the naked teenaged cunt before him. With her skirt gone, Christy had raised her knees so her sleek thighs parted. Between them, her silken cunt-bush framed the pink slit of her parted cunt-lips.

"Well?" She prompted her tongue-tied uncle for an opinion.

"Y-you're beautiful. Only word I can think of," Arnie finally stammered. "But it's not good enough for a girl like you."

This was, of course, very much like what her cousin Jake had told Christy. It meant even more to her this time, though. Jake was just a cherry country boy who'd been bowled over because she was his first piece of ass. However, her mother's brother was a swinging bachelor, a man of the world who'd probably seen and done it all. If he sang her praises like this, it meant she'd arrived in the big leagues of grown-up sex.

"Know I'm not very old," she said. "But when I'm with you I feel a whole lot more like a real woman than just a schoolgirl. Like, mmmm, you really bring out the best in me." With that, Christy showed that she was capable of undressing herself after all, at least as far as her blouse was concerned. She slipped it over her head, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra. This meant she was stark naked as her uncovered tits joined her bare cunt on display.

"You're not as drunk as you've been acting, are you?" Arnie gulped, feasting his eyes on his niece's sexy charms.

"No," Christy admitted. "But that doesn't mean I've been faking about what really counts. 'Cause I'm sure as anything every bit as horny as I'm acting. As horny for you, Uncle Arnie, as you are for me."

"What makes you so sure about me?" Arnie said.

"This," Christy replied, reaching with her foot to playfully wiggle her toes against the telltale bulge at her uncle's crotch. "I've shown you mine, now you show me yours so I can see up front if it's really as big and hard as it looks in your pants."

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